Working Prophet

Chapter 264 Public Opinion War

Looking back at the history of the Middle Ages, religious wars have always existed throughout it.

The most famous one is undoubtedly the Crusades, which lasted for nearly 200 years and killed millions of people. There were nine Crusades in total, followed by the Thirty Years' War that swept across European countries.

As for the religious wars in the Arab world, they were even more frequent, starting in the seventh century and continuing into modern times.

When conflicts between different religions, or different sects of the same religion, are so great that they cannot be reconciled, one party may often seek to completely purify the other party physically.

With so many lessons learned from the past, Li Yu was not unprepared for the war that the Silver Moon Church was about to launch.

Otherwise, he would not keep letting Miss Rabbit go. Even when the latter was hesitant to change her faith to Saturday, he even persuaded her to hold on a little longer.

Even if you only stay with the Silver Moon Church in name only, you can gain some valuable development time for the Shuangxiu Church.

However, after slaying the dragon, the reputation of Li Yu and Shuangxiujiao experienced another surge. The Silver Moon Church should have further felt the crisis. Later, stimulated by Ilea's announcement of converting to Saturday, they finally made up their mind to go to war with Shuangxiujiao. .

Li Yu did not intend to let the female lord sway back to continue to buy time. Firstly, this would affect the reputation of Shuangxiujiao, and secondly, it would not be of much use.

The Silver Moon Church is not a fool. It already knows which side Ilea is on. The reason why they chose to go to war is ultimately because the Shuangxiu Church has developed too fast.

Starting the war now is also the best time for Li Yu and Shuang Xiujiao.

The Silver Moon Church has ruled the Western Territory for so many years. If there is any weakness, it is that they have never had an armed force of their own.

Of course, this was also their own choice. In order not to make the major families in the West feel threatened, this decision allowed them to maintain good relations with the rulers of this land for thousands of years.

Moreover, the Silver Moon Church has been actively recruiting young talents from major families. As time goes by, the connection between the two parties becomes closer and closer. The Silver Moon Church can even influence the political and military decisions of major families to a certain extent.

This also gave them the illusion that they seemed to have thousands of troops under their control.

However, it turns out that influence is always just influence, and it is different from actually having an army.

For example, now, Shuangxiujiao and the Arias family have a moral advantage. In addition, the two parties have once brought down an evil dragon together. The big guy and the female lord fought against David in Yanxue City. Most of them None of the nobles were willing to offend the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao at this time, let alone fight against each other.

Li Yu infers that the Silver Moon Church may still have some thugs who specialize in dirty work in private, such as the black armored cavalry he met last time, but the number should not be too many.

In addition, there may be some small noble families that are completely controlled by the Silver Moon Church, but they also do not have many soldiers and horses.

In other words, the Silver Moon Church cannot directly encircle and suppress the Shuangxiu Church by mobilizing the army. It can only mobilize the power of civilians, which is to directly incite believers.

Therefore, in the early stages of the war, the two sides were actually competing for the position of public opinion.

This explains why the Silver Moon Church first made a fuss about the two Hughes of the Shuangxiu Sect. First of all, it was naturally to establish the impression that the Shuangxiu Sect's Hughes are bad people in the hearts of the nearby villagers. Can create a sense of panic among other soldiers.

After all, two people have been killed, and the remaining people will definitely be beating their drums in their hearts when they go out, and they may even be reluctant to preach anymore because they are worried about their safety.

But Li Yu already has corresponding countermeasures.

The next morning he returned to Bratis again. When the dizziness subsided a little, Li Yu saw Miss Rabbit opposite.

The latter was biting his nails, looking a little anxious, and as soon as he appeared, the girl jumped up from the chair, and rushed to him in a few steps. After touching it all over and confirming that Li Yu was not missing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you're okay, I was shocked when I first heard the news that you guys were attacked."

"How are the others?" Li Yu asked.

"Two Black Dog Guard soldiers died, one was disabled, and another was seriously injured. He is still suffering from a high fever and is delirious. Most of the remaining people are not seriously injured."

Li Yu nodded. The result was much better than he had imagined. It seemed that the new equipment and weapons had played a role. After a pause, Li Yu asked again, "Has the seriously injured man been given medicine?"

"Well, I asked the pharmacist in the territory to treat him. As for the magic medicine of Shuangxiu Sect, Hera did not agree to take it out."

"Why?" Li Yu was a little surprised.

"Because the person who was seriously injured was not the person who took a break from teaching."

A name flashed in Li Yu's mind and he raised his eyebrows, "Anton?"

"That's right."

"When I left, I remembered to tell Jerry to take care of him."

"Jerry is also in Teacup Castle now. He is very worried about your safety. I told him that you will come back tonight, so he stayed. I'll have someone call him over. You can ask him directly."

When Tom saw Li Yu, he rubbed his eyes at first, and then almost wanted to take action.

The main reason was that he watched those black armored cavalry charge towards Li Yu with his own eyes. Although Li Yu used the creek down the hillside to throw some distance away from the pursuers, two legs could not run with four legs after all.

In addition, those black-armored cavalry suddenly withdrew their troops midway and no longer came to trouble them. It was obvious that they had gained a lot.

But now Li Yu stood in front of him intact, and combined with Li Yu's explanation to him before leaving, the fifty fathoms faith column jumped up twice.

It took Tom a while to digest the shock that Li Yu brought to him. Then he thought of something and quickly handed over a cowhide bag he was holding.

Li Yu found his mobile phone and some other miscellaneous items inside, and then listened to Tom describe in detail what happened after he left.

Only then did I know that Anton ran to the other side and gave away someone's head.

But after thinking about it for a while, he still said, "Tell Hera to bring the anti-inflammatory medicine. Anyway, I will bring the person there."

Tom nodded, and then a look of worry appeared on his face, "The incident about those black-armored cavalry has spread now, and the monks are generally very worried. When they went to preach recently, they could clearly feel it. The villagers are hostile towards them.

"But we don't have enough manpower to provide protection for every monk. Based on the strength shown by those black-armored cavalry, we have to send at least two teams to compete with them.

"Well, I just happen to be planning to try a new way of preaching. The previous one was too slow." Li Yu said calmly.

Well, there is only one update today. Everyone goes to bed early.

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