Working Prophet

Chapter 246 Anxious Silvermoon Church

This winter in the West is colder than ever.

The branches of many trees in the forest were broken by the weight of the snow and fell to the ground. Occasionally, they would hit the carriages passing below, but most of the time, there were no pedestrians on the road.

Even the most spacious and lively Triumph Avenue outside Yanxue City has now become deserted. There are only a group of cursing mercenaries and three or two taciturn travelers passing by.

Without exception, they all wrapped their bodies tightly with thick cloaks, but even so, the deadly cold wind would still get into their cuffs, necklines and trouser legs, making them shiver with cold.

And those people who stayed indoors were also tortured by this damn weather.

The nobles were a little better. Although their stone fortresses were surprisingly cold in winter, they still had warm fireplaces to keep them warm.

But for farmers and small craftsmen, the situation is much more serious.

The longhouse they lived in was drafty, and many of them could not afford firewood to keep warm, so they could only wear as thick as possible, and the family and livestock snuggled together.

Luye has welcomed many new residents during this period, which has also brought great challenges to the resettlement work.

Fortunately, the female lord now had enough money on hand to recruit a group of craftsmen from Black Rock City to assist the newcomers in building their residences.

As for those who had no time to build a house, the girl allowed them to stay in her castle this winter despite Alfred's objection.

Ilea even listened to Li Yu's preaching with these people.

After returning from Rock Snow City, the new head of the Arias family kept his promise, and not long after, he announced to the outside world that he had given up the family's centuries-old belief in Pithia and converted to Saturday.

As soon as the news came out, it was no surprise that it was opposed by the Silver Moon Church. In addition, many nobles and even the girl's own subordinates advised her to think twice.

The common language teacher, Anton, even blocked the door of the girl's room where the government affairs were handled, tearfully persuading the female lord not to be bewitched by the alien gods, and to return to the embrace of the goddess. Seeing how he looked at that time, he was inferior to Miss Rabbit. He knelt down on the spot.

But this time, Ilea's attitude was extremely determined, and she never compromised or gave in.

And it was decided to hold the initiation ceremony in half a month.

If she is allowed to successfully join the Shuangxiu Church, it will undoubtedly be another very serious blow to the reputation of the Silver Moon Church.

This is the first time in the thousands of years in the Western Territory that a lord has abandoned Pithea and switched to the arms of other gods, not to mention that the Arias family is still in the limelight and is no longer the small role it used to be.

The Silver Moon Church obviously does not want to see such a scene happen.

In the past, when encountering this kind of situation, they would first send priests to contact the target lord and try to persuade him.

However, the Silver Moon Church has sent Ilea's friends and the teacher who taught her when she was studying in the temple to persuade her.

As a result, the former ended up in ruins, while the latter tried his best and made heavy promises, but still could not make the female lord change her mind.

Since the soft one is not enough, the only option is the hard one.

Although the Silver Moon Church has no armed forces, they have many political allies. After thousands of years of operation, they have long been inextricably linked with the major families in the western region.

It was easy to put pressure on the Arias family through other nobles, but this time the situation was a little different.

There are quite a few people who are willing to spread the word for the Silver Moon Church, and most of the lords have expressed varying degrees of support for this matter, and some people have personally visited Ilea, hoping that the latter will change their minds, but their attitudes are very tactful .

There was no threat, not even a hint, as the Silver Moon Church had hoped.

Of course, the church also understands why. The female lord is now relying on the power of slaying the dragon, and not long ago she was fighting against the heir of the Figuerola family in Yanxue City, and sent the latter to the prison as she wished.

Naturally, the nobles in the Western Region didn't want to offend her at this time.

And if the upper-level route fails, then the Silver Moon Church will only have one option left: mobilizing the people at the bottom.

It's just that the last time they did it, it didn't work that well.

That tragic lesson is still fresh in the minds of many people.

But doing nothing doesn't work either.

The believers of Pithia are still the majority in the green field, but with a series of recent incidents, many people have been shaken just like the female lord.

According to the news received by the Silvermoon Church, as early as when Ilea lifted the ban on the two-day church, the prophet named Merlin sent the first batch of priests called "Hughes" to start in Green The wild area attracts believers.

Today, the activities of these monks are becoming more and more frequent.

And they seem no longer content to spread the faith of Saturday only in the domains of the Arias family, occasionally sneaking onto the domains of nearby lords.

If we don't come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible, the number of believers in Silver Moon Church will definitely become more and more serious in the long run.

The seven high priests were obviously aware of the seriousness of the problem, so they put down what they were doing and met at Alberto's Great Temple to discuss a solution.

Among them, High Priest Reeves, the second oldest among the seven, was the last to arrive.

However, he did not go to the back hall like other high priests. Instead, he stood in the front hall, staring intently at the large lead coffin in front of him. After a while, the high priest seemed to remember something sad and actually howled. burst into tears.

The other six high priests in the apse couldn't sit still when they heard the cry.

When he got up and walked out, he saw High Priest Reeves throwing himself on the holy coffin, looking grief-stricken.

"High Priest Reeves, are you..." High Priest Hesiod, the most outspoken among the seven, asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...We lost the holy coffin of High Priest Caokas, and let the holy coffin fall into the hands of that hateful foreigner. Moreover, we also had a fake holy coffin built overnight and placed here. This is also Forget it, we all still say that what is false is true and what is true is false without conscience.

"In this way, one day in the future, even if we receive the real holy coffin, we will not be able to put it here again. This is a great disrespect to the high priest Caokas and the goddess."

The more High Priest Reeves talked, the more sad he became. He looked as if he was about to faint. He had to rely on others to help him from collapsing completely to the ground, but his wrinkled face was already full of wrinkles. I burst into tears.

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