Working Prophet

Chapter 228

In order to get familiar with the new play as quickly as possible and meet the minimum performance requirements, Timothy issued a stay-at-home order for all the actors in the theater troupe, and simply sealed the door of the hotel.

Therefore, except for a few people who know the truth, people outside have no idea about the reality of "Death of the Dragon", and most people are full of expectations for this new drama.

Even some vendors with more flexible minds got excited about it, and a carpenter rushed out a batch of toys, including the black dragon and the wood carving of Ilea.

This is before the main drama is released, and the peripheral products are on sale first.

In addition, some taverns and hotels took the opportunity to launch gimmick dishes such as dragon-slaying baked pie and baked dragon eggs, while other tailor shops did not lag behind and sold handkerchiefs and clothing embroidered with dragon heads.

In short, the atmosphere has been completely heated up, and everyone seems to be celebrating the festival.

On the day of the performance, the stage was even more crowded. When Timothy opened the window, he found that the queue had already reached another street, and he didn't know what those people behind him could see.

In addition, many surrounding buildings were packed with people, and some even climbed to the roof to watch the show.

Timothy only glanced at it, quickly closed the window, and came downstairs of the hotel with somewhat frivolous steps. All he could see were tired faces.

There are also people who are chanting words into the air, as if they have been possessed by an evil spirit.

Although Timothy has decided to adopt the plan proposed by Li Yu and use a teleprompter to help the actors memorize lyrics, there are actors like the class leader.

These people in Love and Mead were basically trained by Timothy, or were like-minded companions with him. Naturally, these people have implemented his aesthetic standards and have very strict requirements for the works they participate in. Give yourself permission to not remember your lines.

Usually a new play needs to be polished for at least two or three months before it can be performed publicly, but this time their preparation time was only three days.

Therefore, more than one person has come to Timothy during the rehearsal, saying that he can't act, because he can't produce qualified works in such a short time.

The result is that Timothy not only has to write scripts, watch rehearsals, and coordinate the work of all parties, but he also has to give psychological massage to his actors, give them chicken soup, and persuade them to continue to persevere.

For three days, for three whole days, Timothy did not close his eyes once, and his eye sockets were already covered with bloodshot eyes. This is why he was floating when he walked.

The troupe leader feels that he may return to the embrace of the god of art at any time.

And the actors under him were not much better than him. Until the moment before the show started, there were still some people who couldn't find their props, and the whole backstage was full of chaos.

But Timothy couldn't care so much anymore, because the audience outside was almost staring at the scene. On the contrary, David, who was sitting in the front row, looked calm and collected, and didn't seem to be in any hurry.

However, Timothy did not dare to let the agent of the Figuerola family really wait too long.

Soon he had the first actor appear.

It was a human girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, with a body shape similar to Ilea, wearing a pair of fake long ears on her head, and wearing a suit of clothes from the Arias family, with a rabbit on her chest. Heraldry, so that everyone can recognize who she is playing at a glance.

Speaking of the actor who was playing Miss Rabbit on the stage at this time, Miss Rabbit was no stranger to her. It was the young actress who was taught by the troupe leader to practice her voice when she first met Timothy.

With her appearance, backstage Timothy's heart also raised his throat.

You must know that Ilea is the well-deserved heroine of this drama. He originally preferred a few more experienced actresses. As for age, it is not really a problem and can be concealed through makeup.

However, those few people were reluctant to act because they were worried that they would smash their own signs.

In the end, the troupe leader had no choice but to hand over the role to the newcomer. Fortunately, the latter's opening performance was quite satisfactory. In the eyes of a professional like Timothy, it felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement, but it was difficult to fool the audience below. There is no problem.

In fact, most people come to the theater just for fun, as long as the performance reaches the pass line, the difference will not be able to tell the difference.

The actress who played Ilea first gave a monologue to introduce herself, and then expressed her concern for her father who was away from home. She also said that she would bake a pie to welcome her father when he came back.

Miss Rabbit in the audience blushed a little while watching this plot. She didn't know anything about cooking. No matter whether she was studying at Teacup Castle or later going to the temple, she was a pure cook who only knew how to cook with big mouthfuls.

But art, it is inevitable that there are elements of processing, which come from life and are higher than life.

The girl continued to watch, and saw that the actor who played herself had returned to the backstage, and then came another scene, the scene of Ruska Roman's sword fight.

Among them, when Russ appeared on stage, everyone's reaction was good. When Carloman also came on stage, there was no reaction from the common people, but there was an uproar on the noble side.

Because the person playing Carloman is the long-lost Carloman himself.

Reconnecting to Haikou, which Ilea boasted before, saying that Li Yu could find Carloman through the oracle, many people did not believe it at the time, but now the facts speak louder than all the eloquence.

But then some caring people began to feel something was wrong.

As a nobleman, Carloman should not act in a theater troupe. No matter how much he likes theater, there is nothing wrong with acting behind closed doors, but it is inappropriate to go out and show off. An embarrassment to the Weir family.

However, Carloman seemed to be completely unaware of this and was still performing solemnly on the stage. In other words, he was not performing, but just reenacting what happened before.

Including how he arranged for his attendants to secretly exchange real swords, and then used the real sword to kill Russ, which caused the audience to scream in surprise.

Ilea turned her head and glanced at David who was not far away. The latter still looked unhurried and unhurried, as if what was being performed on the stage had nothing to do with him.

However, Miss Rabbit didn't believe that he could remain so calm if this scene continued.

Soon, we reached a small climax in the second act. After accidentally "accidentally killing" Ruth, Carloman cried loudly while holding the body of his friend, and explained his difficulties in killing his friend in a monologue.

This part of the content was discussed between Ilea and Carloman.

Carloman knew that he was bound to die, so he did this to make up for his debt to Ruth, make him feel better, and secondly, to absolve himself of some of his guilt.

The head of the Weir family mustered up a lot of courage to stand here.

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