Working Prophet

Chapter 160 The First Civilization Cup

On the bumpy land, a lizard man was striding towards the wooden frame in front, with a basketball in his right hand.

However, soon, a defender emerged from the diagonal stab!

Neither of them slowed down, and the next moment their bodies collided firmly with each other, muscles touching each other, making a muffled sound!

The attacking lizard man took two steps back, and the basketball in his hand was knocked off.

Although the interceptor was also knocked out, he only took one step back, and he started faster, picking up the dropped basketball in one stride.

The crowd burst into cheers!

After the ball changed hands, the interceptor became an attacker, and the original attacker began to try his best to block it. He chased up from behind, and he was unambiguous, and he rushed up with an acceleration.

The lizard man holding the ball did not dodge, but noticed that the opponent behind him simply stood still, stood still, and tensed up his body! Get defensive!

The lizard man behind him lowered his shoulders and accelerated! Speed ​​up! ! !

Until the two of them collide passionately again!

Bone against bone, muscle against muscle! Together they perform a symphony of the human body.

Under the huge impact, both of them lost control of their expressions. One stuck out his tongue, the other rolled his eyes, and every piece of skin on his face was twitching.

In the end, they both fell to the ground, but after lying on the ground for less than half a second, they got up again.

But this time they didn't grab the ball. Instead, they rushed towards each other immediately!


Snapped! Snapped!

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

The Lizards sweated on the court and enjoyed the cheers of the spectators.

Among them, the little maid Clara screamed the most happily, and kept shouting, "Harder, harder! Hey, this chokehold! Beautiful!"

The players present seemed to be inspired by the cheers, and they fought harder, and soon they used both hands and feet, all movements were aimed at people, and none of them rushed the ball.

Towards the end of the game, all the athletes were fully engaged and even forgot that there was a basketball on the court.

The only person in the crowd who fell silent was Li Yu.

He is also the referee of this game, but the whistle in his mouth has never sounded once.

It's not that Li Yu doesn't want to play according to normal competition standards.

In fact, he had tried to popularize the rules of basketball before. In order to make use of the strengths of the lizard people, he also deliberately chose the rules of FIBA, rather than the whistle blowing of the nba.

However, after the implementation, both the athletes themselves and the audience around them responded mediocrely.

So Li Yu followed suit and changed it to the current rules that encourage physical contact. The effect was unexpectedly good. Not only did more people want to play, but the number of people watching the game also increased dramatically. Every game The stadium can be surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

The first batch of people like Clara who came into contact with basketball have also become senior fans, and they know all kinds of offensive and defensive skills of basketball.

Right now, basketball is still in its infancy on the continent of Bratis, and Li Yu hasn't set up a coach or assistant. Otherwise, the little maid's knowledge of basketball is probably enough for her to coach a team.

In short, the old basketball picked up by [Environmental Frog] is now being used by Li Yu as a waste, adding another unique religious entertainment to the weekend religion.

Just as the believers on Saturday were cheering for the first Civilization Cup basketball game, a figure also stumbled out of the Gaigou Great Swamp.

As soon as he appeared, he was spotted by the nearby lizardman who was in charge of security. A female lizardman who could speak Common Language stepped forward to confirm the identity of the visitor, and soon he was brought in front of Li Yu.

"You are... Pablo's squire Juan?"

It took Li Yu a while to recognize the person, with a look of surprise on his face.

Juan was a member of the first dragon-seeking team, led by the Golden Snake Knight, and the armed force composed of elite fighters from the Arias family disappeared after entering the swamp for the second time.

It has been more than a month now, and everyone has accepted the fact that the team has been wiped out.

Especially Juan, whose saber was discovered by the sharp-eyed lizardman and brought back to Teacup Castle.

Just a few days ago, his family had just held a funeral for him, and most of the big shots in the green field were present.

Ilea even posthumously granted him a knighthood.

No one expected that he was still alive now.

However, compared with when he first entered the swamp, the retinue knight has undergone many changes. Not only has his hair grown longer and his beard is unshaven, but he also looks extremely weak. His body is half thinner than before, and one arm is full of burns. The wound had suppurated and exuded a foul odor.

Li Yu fed him a few anti-inflammatory drugs, and then asked two lizardmen to take him to bandage the wound rationally.

But Hu An grabbed Li Yu's arm, " there another person?"


"There is another person, the internal response named Jude who was hiding in the castle before. He was caught by you and Miss Ilea and locked in the dungeon. I don't know how he escaped, and he even escaped here. In a swamp, but I caught him when I met him."

Juan started panting heavily after saying a few words, took the cider handed by a lizardman, drank a few sips before recovering some strength, and continued.

"But when I saw him, he was a little strange. He was out of his mind, like a walking dead. No matter what I asked him, he didn't say a word, but without his guidance, we probably would never be able to Get out of that swamp.

"And to be honest, I'm actually not his opponent. In addition, I hurt one hand. When I first met him, I thought I was dead. But instead of attacking me, he didn't attack me when I grabbed him. He was very cooperative and didn't resist, which is quite strange." The knight said.

"Where is he now?" Li Yu asked.

"When I was about to get out of the swamp, I was worried that he would run away, so I knocked him out in the dark and put him on a tree. I made marks along the way, and it was easy to find him as long as we followed the marks."

Hearing this, Li Yu called a group of lizardmen and asked them to find the ugly-faced man. Then he turned to Huan and said, "Have you seen anyone else besides him?"

"No, what's wrong? Are there people chasing him in the swamp?" Juan looked a little confused.

But Li Yu quickly revealed the answer for him, "That guy named Jude, like you, entered the swamp to find the dragon."

"Is he alone?" The knight knight was very surprised, but then he thought of something again, and his expression darkened. "I understand. It seems that his team has also encountered the same nightmare that we have experienced."

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