Working Prophet

Chapter 153 Also, don’t forget to rest

As soon as [Environmental Frog] opened, they brought Li Yu a massage chair and a basketball.

The former was abandoned probably because the artificial leather on the surface fell off a lot, while the latter was slightly deformed and had a small bulge.

These two things in Li Yu's universe are indeed veritable garbage. At least most people would not have the idea of ​​taking them home if they saw them on the side of the road.

But in Bratis, they look much more pleasing to the eye.

After all, no matter how broken the massage chair is, it is much more comfortable to sit on than the gem-studded stools in the nobles' homes, and this chair also has its own massage function.

Although it needs to be powered on, it can be run as long as Li Yu brings a high-power battery.

As for charging, you can use the solar panels sold by the storage battery merchants.

Or we can go a step further in the future, find a small stream and build a simple power station by ourselves.

The guide tube and the impeller use PVC tubes (because they are lighter and easier to carry than metal tubes). The core generator and the circuit board for voltage stabilization and filtering cannot be produced, but the weight itself is not heavy. It can be brought here, and finally a battery can be connected to collect the electricity generated by the generator.

In the same way, wind power or steam can also be used to generate electricity.

If it wasn't for the dragon in the swamp, Li Yu's original plan would have been to build a mill.

In Bratis Continent, generally only the lords built mills in noble territories, and most mills relied on manpower or animal power to shell and peel grains and grind them into flour.

Serfs or free farmers on the territory need to pay a sum of money when using the mill, or exchange for the right to use by working for the lord.

However, this way of making flour is obviously a little backward. It is obvious that adding a windmill can solve the problem, but it requires a lot of manpower.

With a windmill, it can also be used to generate electricity when not grinding flour, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

Li Yu was thinking about this, when the lower right corner of the sunglasses on his face suddenly started to flicker, Li Yu found an exclamation mark there, and turned his gaze away.

Then a small window pops up - a new task has been detected.

[Submission 7] Build a windmill to further deepen believers' worship of Saturday. The task rewards 200 beliefs. Do you want to accept it? whether.


Seeing this, Li Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this pair of [Game Sunglasses] is really dedicated to gamifying everything.

It's just different from the protagonist Long Aotian in web novels with their own system, Li Yu's task reward is not given to him by the system for free.

Because according to Li Yu's own estimate, after the mill is built, it will indeed help the Shuangxiu religion to further absorb believers and collect beliefs. As for the increased number of beliefs, I don't know.

Li Yu estimated that either this number was an approximate value estimated by the built-in system of [Game Sunglasses], just like the levels and health bars, or it was simply made by it blindly.

Anyway, they didn’t say when the rewards would be distributed. Once the [Fifty Fathoms] in Li’s hand increases to 200 faith points, [Game Sunglasses] can say with a shameless face that the rewards have been distributed.

In short, all the task rewards are Li Yu whoring himself in the end. This system does not remove a hair at all, and it is just a matter of mouth.

Although it is self-deception, but the mission system cannot be said to be useless.

At least help Li Yu list all the to-do items in the form of tasks, such as the [main task] on his current task panel to investigate the dragon in the swamp.

This is the most important thing for Li Yu during this period. In addition, he also has several ongoing side tasks, such as [Side Task 2] Building a new house, and the progress is thoughtfully marked later (29/300)

This means that 29 brick houses have been built on Shuangxiujiao's land, and there is still a gap of 271 houses between the final target of 300 brick houses.

Or Li Yu has almost completed [Side Mission 3] to build a dry toilet (25/30).

The importance of dry toilets precedes the new residence, and it is also a construction project that Li Yu has been promoting with all his strength.

There is no way, there is no brick house to live in, the lizard people can still sleep in the trees, but the dry toilet has not been built for a day, the lizard people can only defecate everywhere, not only the smell is bad, but also precious fertilizer is wasted.

Therefore, Li Yu immediately started building dry toilets after the red bricks were baked.

A dry latrine has eight pits, four men and four women. After completion, there will be a total of 240 pits, with an average of 4-5 people per pit, which is barely enough at this stage.

For things like this with real numbers, the system no longer talks nonsense, and the numbers are updated in real time, allowing Li Yu to keep track of the progress of various tasks.

So this pair of [gaming sunglasses], which seems to have no use other than being cool, actually provides a lot of convenience for Li Yu's work.

Therefore, even though he knew that the rewards were all empty, Li Yu still chose to accept [Side Mission 7].

After that, he dragged the massage chair into the house. Not to mention that it was quite heavy. Even though Li Yu had recently started working out, he was still sweating while moving it.

The little maid's eyes were a little confused, and while giving Li Yu a hand, she said, "So are we going to have a dungeon?"

"Why do you think of the dungeon? This chair is for us to sit on. Well, when you are free, weave a cover for it. Cover it so that the peeling leather will not be visible."

"Is this for us to sit in? I thought it was used to interrogate prisoners."

"How can you use a massage chair to interrogate prisoners?"

After Li set up the massage chair by the wall, Clara curiously sat in it, but was soon overcome by the soft touch under her buttocks, and let out a comfortable moan.

"Oh my God, this is so nice to sit on! I feel like I never want to get off this chair again in my life."

"Not only that, it also has more comfortable functions, but it can't be turned on right now." Li Yu said.

"I'm so looking forward to it, ah! It would be great if I could also go to the Kingdom of God!" the little maid said with a longing look on her face, "When you're hungry, go to that 24-hour convenience store to have a good meal, and when you're tired, just sit on the massage chair, by the way. , and I can try the Coke you mentioned."

However, this time after she finished speaking, Li Yu on the side did not answer.

This was the first time Clara saw such a complicated expression on Li Yu’s face.

After a moment, the spokesperson of Saturday in the world spoke again, "Instead of envying other worlds, it is better to work hard to build your own world into what you want it to be."

"I know, I know, it is the mission of every Shuangxiu believer to build the Kingdom of God on land with our Lord Saturday. The prophet has said it many times. Of course I will work hard and listen to your words and study hard."

"Also, never forget to rest on time." Li Yu reminded, "Efficiency is not everything. All your efforts should be to enjoy life better."

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