Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 93 - Another Ally

After running continuously in the forest for two hours, we had reached the meeting point as we had previously talked to Babu and Lezlie.

This meeting point was an abandoned small house located a short distance from where we were. We were sure that no one would have suspected it since it was surrounded by trees and was very hard to find. I also doubted that anyone would look here in the middle of a war.

When we reached the house, we quickly opened the door and went inside. But since the door's chipboard was old, there was no lock on the door, meaning anyone could have come in before or after us.

It was pretty dark inside. There was an uncomfortably peculiar smell, everything was rotten or broken and it was very obvious that it was a house that had not been taken care of. It appeared to be neither light entered, nor was it cleaned for a very long time.

And at that time, two people caught my eye. One of them was sitting on a stool, quickly taking care of something. And the other was lying unconscious on the bed. They had lit only two candles to illuminate the area and not to attract attention.

For a couple of seconds, my eyes tried to get used to the dark and I tried to see their face. But then I finally realized.

These were Babu and Lezlie.

I was going to approach them happily, However, Babu seemed to be waiting for us with a very nervous expression. On the other hand, he was putting cream on Lezlie's arm.

And Lezlie's arms were in a wound. She had blood in her mouth and slight swelling in her eye. She seemed to be injured heavily. But that wasn't all. I realized it too late, but Babu was the same way. Although he wasn't as badly damaged as Lezlie, he still had quite a lot of injuries.

At that moment, Hiroshi quickly approached them quickly and said,

"What has happened to you two? How did you both get into this situation?"

Babu replied while still being nervous and still quickly helping Lezlie,

"We got caught in a trap. Either we made a very big mistake or we were unlucky. But both ways it was the same."

He then looked at Hiroshi and added,

"We ran into something like an ambush again. They came out from all over the forest and started attacking us. At first, I thought that we could break down their defense and move forward, but as time went on, their number also increased. And after a while, we began to be unable to defend ourselves. I thought I could take it, but they attacked us in the most ruthless way I could see. So now, here we are."

The wounds found on their bodies looked pretty bad. I didn't know how serious their situation was, but if the war continued like this, we would have many such wounded people, crying and dying on the battlefield.

I even risked my friends' lives for a while, trying to save other people's lives. So I had to take responsibility for this situation as well.

I slowly approached Lezlie, squatted down next to her, and asked, looking into Babu's eyes,

"Babu, who did this to you? Can you remember what the people who ambushed you looked like?"

"They were soldiers The Epic. But it was not such an ordinary army. There were dozens, hundreds of soldiers, and dozens of giants. It seemed to be an invincible army and I've never felt so deeply that we were going to die before.

It also had developed very quickly. We weren't their target, but we were standing in front of them. We were interfering with their purpose, So that's why they wanted to eliminate us and achieve their goals quickly."

He then once more looked at Lezlie and said,

"We were going to die, if it wasn't for him...."

*Him? Did somebody save them?*

Hiroshi looked confused, so he said,

"What are you talking about Babu? Who is "Him"?"

Babu didn't say anything.

It was only after he had finished speaking, he turned his head to the right and pointed something out to us towards the wall. He was trying to point out something, in the corner of the room. It was like he was showing us someone or something.

It was confusing and I thought there was nothing but darkness, but at that moment I realized that I was wrong. Immediately after our conversation, someone appeared there. It appeared there, without me or Hiroshi even realizing it, like a ghost. And it had some kind of power that I'd never felt in anyone before. It was quite different.

Then after a couple of seconds, from the spot where the person was standing, a red light appeared.

It was coming from its eyes and looked like a crystal. But how was that even possible?

Not being able to stand against it anymore, Hiroshi quickly took the candle in his hand and held it towards the section where there was darkness. At first, we didn't see anything, but as Hiroshi got closer the dark part lit up, and we saw him.

A tall young man, who seemed to be wearing some type of metal armor. He was surrounded by a metal armor from head to toe, including his face.

His eye parts and a few places were glowing red and the rest of the armor was completely white.

As white as a snowflake.

He was sitting on a stool in front of us, seemed to be watching us the whole time. And in his hand, he had a sword. It was the kind of long sword that samurais usually used. But this one was different from the rest.

The sharp part of the sword was well sharpened, and looked more detailed on the little parts. And the imprecise part was painted red. It made it charming as a sword, half black, and half red.

Just as I was examining the man's armor thoroughly, Hiroshi started to approach the man. He was walking towards him as he got suspicious about him.

"So someone just snuck up on us? This has become even more annoying than I thought."

After that, the man slightly raised his sword and calmly waited, as if telling Hiroshi not to get closer. But Hiroshi did the same and acted to his gun and he put his hand above his hilt.

I knew why he was doing such a thing, it was because we were being searched outside, and Hiroshi on the other hand, thought it might be a trap just like me. So I thought It was better to let him go in order to be more careful.

We couldn't just trust a man who just got closer to us by just saving us.

Hiroshi had no intention of retreating. And so was the other guy.

However, when Babu understood the situation, he called out to Hiroshi and warned him in a shouting manner,

"Hiroshi, don't!"

Hiroshi lost no time in throwing his hand towards the gun at that time, but when he took out his gun, the sword was already resting on his throat. Despite the fact that there was a distance of almost a meter between them, the man standing in front of us had decisively won even against our eyesight.

He entered this room at a speed we couldn't see, and he did the same when he was attacking.

But Hiroshi didn't surprise us too.

Once again, even though his enemy was fast, he had his gun on the man's stomach. Although the man had faster reflexes, Hiroshi's prediction and quick behavior equalized the situation.

There had been a brief silence, So I was thinking about what I could do to reverse the situation. But just then Babu looked at me in a confused way, and said,

"Ryuu, your map is glowing again!"

*My map?" I looked at Babu just as confused as him.

It didn't make sense to look at the map in such a situation, besides, I had to do something about the situation in front of me.

But then it came to my mind. I began to think about it more efficiently. "What if it's glowing for this guy?", Or "If this is a person we are looking for?". 

Then Babu was right.

I took my map from my pocket and quickly looked at the map. And surprisingly enough, the map showed that the person in front of me was one of the chosen ones. It was glowing right beside us and the little point wasn't disappearing at all.

"So you were right, this guy is really innocent."

Hiroshi slightly turned his head towards me and said with an angry tone,

"If you two have something to say, say it now. Or else we are going to decide this between us with a more realistic way."

I showed the map to Hiroshi too and said,

"This person is one of the chosen ones, Hiroshi. He's not our enemy. On the contrary, he is our comrade."

Hiroshi had thoroughly heard what I said, and there was a slightly surprised expression on his face. While he still thought it was dangerous, he still trusted me. So he put his gun in the hilt and said,

"Apart from the things we do, even the people we have with us are of great importance to us. Even just a few seconds of confidence can make your head fly off. Remember that, Kid."

Hiroshi then held out his hand, and added,

"I guess we'll both have to give up something for a while, right? I'm Hiroshi. These are Ryuu, Babu, and Lezlie."

The man put his sword on the hilt on his back, squeezed Hiroshi's outstretched hand, and said,

"I'm Shou.. Shou Takuya."

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