Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 60 - Welcome To The Second Kingdom: Keontis

I've been drifting in the sea for days on a piece of wood. I lost Hiroshi after the explosion. I was alone in the Big Sea, in the middle of it. After some time I began to tremble with hunger and cold.

It was getting dark again and getting colder. The stars looked great under the sea, but I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I took a deep breath and eventually closed my eyes involuntarily.

When I woke up I was on a beach.

I was so happy to land again, but I couldn't move. After a little walk, I saw a small town in front of me and started slowly moving there.

It was as if the town was more crowded than the towns of the first Kingdom, and there were more houses. I had to find the others, but I had to eat something before that. I was starving. I looked around and started looking for a place to rest and eat.

I had no money to buy food, but I couldn't wait to starve. At that moment, I saw a big restaurant in front of me. I got in quickly. I sat at a table and waited for the waiter to come. The waiter came up to me and said,

"Sir, are you alright?"

"Whatever you suggest, it won't be a problem for me."

I was starving, but I was wondering what the others were doing either. I managed to get to land, but I haven't seen them since I did.

I took a look around, and the restaurant was pretty fancy. I've never seen a restaurant like this in the first Kingdom. It was certain I wasn't in the first Kingdom, but I didn't know which one I was in.

Soon after, the waiter came to my table with the food, I turned my head to him, and I said,

"Excuse me, where exactly is this place?"

"Boby's place is known as one of the most beloved places in the second Kingdom."

It was good for me to reach the second Kingdom. I knew it was close to our course, but I was still surprised.

"I understand, thank you."

I had a lot of good food in front of me. I quickly tried to eat it all. As I was about to finish them, a group of men came in.

They looked like bullies and didn't care about other people. One of the men called the waiter,

"Is our table ready, waiter guy?"

The waiter nervously said, "Ready, sir, you can sit there."

As the men walked towards their tables, I noticed something in the waist of the man in their center, a gun, but this gun was Hiroshi's own gun. I wasn't going to mess with them, but when I saw the gun, I got up and went to their table. I touched one of them's shoulder,

"I'm sorry, but where did you get that gun?"

"It's none of your business, go ahead, ȧsshole."

"I need to know where you got that gun."

"Get out of here before I break your bones."

I put an uppercut in his face and threw him at the wall, making a big crack on the wall.

"I asked gently though."

The other guys stood up and said,

"Hey, ȧsshole! What do you think you're doing?", "You'll pay for this!"

"Come along then."

One of them got in front of me, and the other got behind me.

As the person behind me was going to stab me with a knife, I slipped to the right and survived the stabbing. I grabbed the guy's arm and pressed it against my shoulder and broke his arm.

Then I grabbed the knife on the floor and threw it at the man in front of me. Just like I planned, I didn't hit him but it caused him to stick to the wall. Because I successfully hit his cloth. Then I grabbed the man behind me from his arm and threw him against the guy on the wall.

Then the other two guys slowly walked from my right to left. They were planning to run towards me at the same time. But just when they started running towards me, I jumped, hold their heads, and hit them together. After I landed, I kicked the one behind me knocking him down And knocked the man in front of me by throwing two punches, one on his stomach, one on his face.

"I think now you guys can lead me where got you got the gun."

And then a few customers, including the waiter, started applauding me. I didn't know what it was until the waiter came to me,

"Thank you, sir, thanks to you, we no longer have to fear bullies. Please tell me if there's anything you want."

"Well, ehhhh, Actually, if the food could come for free, I'd appreciate it. and I need a long rope."

"Consider it done, Sir."

By tying the men I beat to a rope, I forced them to take the gun to where they found it. I was holding the rope at the end when the rope was tied to them. After walking for about half an hour, one of the guys looked at me and said,

"Here we found the gun from the body of a man lying on the beach over there."

When I turned my head, Hiroshi was lying unconscious on the beach. Taking back Hiroshi's gun from the man, I untied their ropes.

"Looks like you learned that bravado is a bad thing."

Then I looked right into their eyes and said,

"Get lost!"

After I let the men go, I ran to Hiroshi. To control him, I turned his body towards me. When I looked at his mouth and checked his pulse. He was breathing.

I took a deep breath because he was alive.

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