Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 58 - Foresight Of Impending Chaos

Doing what the King said, we boarded the ship and began to travel. When I turned around and looked back, the soldiers had already arrived where the King was, so I was a little relieved.

After a short time, the first Kingdom disappeared from sight, and now we were completely at sea. Babu and Lezlie gazed excitedly at the sea, on the other hand, Hiroshi sat at the corner of the ship, while taking care of his weapons.

The captain of the ship approached me and said,

"I am honored to see the King's friends off our ship. If there are any problems and anything else, you can contact me at any time."

"And if anything happens I'll let you know. Thanks, Captain."

The captain made his way to the helm, so I went to the ship's cabin to take a nap. As I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, everything was dark, there was no one around, it was just dark. I was pinching myself, trying to figure out if it was real, and I knew I was still dreaming because I didn't feel anything.

I didn't know what to do, I had no choice but to wait for something to happen. But then, at that moment, I heard a voice through the darkness. As if someone was breathing.

Because there was nothing else I could do, I started to move towards the sound.

Before me was a throne and someone sitting on it. The man who was sitting on the throne didn't talk or move. And his face wasn't visible in the dark, but I could see the color and length of his hair. He had pretty long, white hair. When I approached him, he said in a thick voice:

"For the first time in all these years, someone has ended the rule of one of the epics. And it's you who did it."

"How do you know I've fought the first epic? Who are you?"

"I'm just someone looking for power, I'm just someone who wants to see this world burn. Just like that old man told you."

"You are the one the King told us about. The only person everyone's afraid of who can't do anything about."

"According to some, I am, but there is more than it looks. And I can feel it in you. Compared to others, you're strong, you're determined. But you got the wrong ideas."

"I'm not a person who kills people for fun. I'm behind my word, even if I die."

"Death is not something to be underestimated. A fearless person is not only afraid of death. And fearlessness is yours when you have nothing to lose. Now tell me if you have anything to lose."

"Every one of us has something to lose in this world. And sometimes you can't bring them back. There is nothing you can do about that. But that is why I am here. I am trying to stop this from happening millions of times more. Even my friends know this. They know that If we can't stop you, Everything will come to an end. And even though I will lose my sanity at some points, I have to do this."

The fifth epic suddenly turned his hand into a fist and put me on my knees. He made me sit on my knees without even touching me. So this was his power.

"You remind me of someone I knew, someone strong, someone like you, who thought more of others than of himself, but it caused his death."

He then shouted,

"Don't underestimate me, child, or I will end all kingdoms with you!"

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