Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 53 - Lezlie's Past: Part 2

When I opened my eyes, I was in the tent where women gave birth, my pains were gone, but I couldn't give birth. Our healer of our village was there too, he saw me awake and approached me,

"The pains you went through were labor pains, but don't worry. You and your baby are fine. I can't say for sure, but you'll probably have the baby by next week. Get as much rest as you can for now. Also, your husband's out there waiting for you."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem for me."

When I came out of the tent, my husband saw me and came running up to me,

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, he said I could give birth by next week."

"I can understand what you're saying. But there's something I need to tell you."

"What happened, Seinch?"

"I'll tell you when we get to your father. He has something to talk to about too."

"Okay, let's-"

"Pelena, watch out!"

Seinch grabbed me by the arm and pulled me. He saved my life. A big piece of rock almost crushed me. When I looked at where the piece of rock came from, I saw some similar faces that I had seen before.

The Caparros Lineage was attacking again.

As our warriors fought them, innocent and hard-pressed people were fleeing.

Seinch looked at me and said,

"It's safe here. You stay here. I have to go help people."

"You can't wait for me to sit here and watch you fight and risk your lives!"

"Pelena enough means enough. You're pregnant. As long as you're pregnant, you can't do this kind of work."

Even though I hated to admit it, I shook my head approvingly. I grabbed his arm as he was about to left , and looked into his eyes,

"Don't do anything dangerous."

"Just trust me, I'll be back."

He quickly made his way. So I did what he said, and I started hiding in the infirmary tent.

Soon after, I heard a little girl scream. At first, I was hesitant to go out, there was no way I could go out like this. But she screamed a few more times, and I couldn't resist, so I left the tent. I started walking towards the sound.

There was a girl lying unconscious on the floor.

There was nobody around. No one can help her out.

I was scared but I felt like I had to help her. Of course, I was also unprotected, but she was unprotected too. I couldn't leave her in such a place. I ran right up to her and tried to bring him to his senses. She didn't respond. I placed her to my knees. I tried to wake her up few more times. I thought about bringing her back to my tent, but It was so hard to move. My stomach hurt and I didn't want to hurt the baby.

And then I heard a voice coming towards me, right behind me.

The sound was slowly approaching me. I turned around in the excitement of the moment. And, of course, a descendant of Caparros was approaching me. It was a real pain in the ȧss to face one right here. And how did he get here exactly? I didn't have the time to think that.

I tried to get up quickly, but I didn't have the strength to lift the girl. I panicked a lot and became unthinkable. I didn't even had the power to use my spells. I didn't realize he got too close to me. He appeared next to me, and as soon as he approached, he tried to attack me, I closed my eyes and waited for something, something to happen. I heard a couple of sounds, But nothing happened.

And next to him was a man in a black cape. He was so big and muscular. And had a big sword on his back. I said to the man,

"You saved my life. I really appreciate it."

The man took the cape off his head and turned to me,

"It's all right. But isn't it a little dangerous for you to wander here?"

As I tried to get up I said,

"I was actually hiding in my tent, but I heard a girl scream a few times. And when I came here, she was lying unconscious on the floor. And I couldn't protect myself because of the baby."

"I need to get you somewhere safe. Please hold my hand."

"One second-"

He grabbed my hand and put me on his back. he also held the other girl in his arms and began to move, jumping.

"Can you tell me where is your tent?"

"It's down there."

I never saw this man before, but I was grateful that he saved me. He slowly put us on the ground and said,

As he was about to leave, he saw that all of them followed him,

"Get in the tent, and don't get out."

I quickly got in the tent. I was out of breath. I put the child in a safe place and let her sleep. There were no wounds on her body, she just fainted from fear. I was sure a couple of hours later she was going to woke up.

I was wondering that if he was alright too. I need to rest but because of my curiosity, I opened one of the curtains and looked out.

He was surrounded by Caparosses. It was an intense moment, but he wasn't scared, not at all.

All the Caparros started running towards him at the same time. But the man waited calmly, without leaving his position.

They all tried to attack at the same time. The man took a deep breath.

He was so quick and powerful. I have never seen a person like him before.

Then most of the Caparros in our village turned to the man. He appeared behind them one by one and knocked them all down. But how did he do it? He was so fast, it was really hard to track his movements. I couldn't see him running or jumping, I could just see enemies appear behind him. He was taking them down one by one. He almost didn't seem to use any force. I didn't really understand a man like this wasn't popular at all.

After the man defeated all the Caparros, applause and screams suddenly rose from the houses.

"He beat the Caparros! He's our hero!"

As the public supported him, I held the girl in my arms and took her to the infirmary just in case, after taking care of the girl, I left the infirmary. And my husband appeared next to me,

"Hey what are you doing here? Why aren't you in the tent?"

"A girl's life was in danger, I had to help her. But don't worry, that guy saved our lives."

My husband went through the public and went to the man, so I followed him.

This time, he had another person with him. He was older and different. but they were like relatives. My husband raised his hand and silenced the public and started talking.

"I can't thank you enough for saving my wife, my child, and our people."

"You don't have to thank me, I just did what needed to be done."

"Today the chef will have a feast, please be our guest today and accept the feast."

The older man said,

"Well, actually, it would be nice if we had a snack or two."

*sigh* "I guess we can stop for some food."

"Well, may I know your name?"

"My name is Jiro Okami, but people usually call me Alpha Prime."

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