Wolf Bloodline

Chapter 37 - An Uninvited Guest

We managed to fly all the way to the castle balcony when Ryuu hit the seesaw. When I looked at Panda and The girl, they didn't have any injuries. A short time later, we heard the sound of the house being demolished. The Plan was working as we thought. The soldiers became alarmed and began to make their way there.

What the boy did catch the attention of quite a lot of soldiers.

"That Kid, I hope he makes it."

The girl turned to me and said,

"Are we going to wait for Ryuu-San to catch up with us?"

"We don't have time, let's go inside, I know that kid will catch up with us."

Then we headed for the door. The girl slowly leaned over the door and using her magic, she managed to quietly break the lock.

After that, we entered the castle without losing any more time.

It was incredibly large and had multiple rooms. Babu got surprised by what he saw and said,

"Hiroshi-san, how do we find out where the King is?"

"The king is probably in his own room. He is probably working on some plans, after all, it's his safe place."

Lezlie said, "Oh! I just remembered. As we entered the kingdom, I heard two soldiers talking about today's speech. The King was preparing to make a public speech in the throne room."

Babu said, "I hope this has nothing to do with the leader's declaration of war. Otherwise, we won't have much luck."

"Maybe, but the important thing is that we convince the king if we take the king against us. It'll be over before the war starts."

After walking for a while, I saw five portraits on the wall of a hallway we entered. Under the portraits I saw were the names of each of them and who they were.

The people in the portrait were the Kings who ruled the kingdoms. But the fifth portrait was scrawled, with no name or any information. At the time, the girl looked at the portraits and said,

"This portrait of the five brothers is a portrait made when the Kings established their own kingdom."

"So, why is the fifth scribbled?"

"I think it was Yores who should have been there."

"The man who started the war?"

"Yeah, that's him. But he was rejected by his brothers because of his betrayal to his father, his deal with the destruction lineage and also because of the war he had caused."

"So who rules the fifth Kingdom now?

"No one knows, only the only known thing is that he no longer had any kinship with the Kings and ruled the most powerful kingdom, The Fifth Kingdom. That's all."

"Hey guys, the throne room is this way."

When we approached him, he showed us a big door and three guards standing in front of us. I distracted the guards with a little whistle.

As the guards approached me, Babu suddenly appeared behind them, knocking all three out with one kick. Before I opened the door, I looked around,

I said, "There's something strange here."

Babu said, "What do you mean, Hiroshi-san?"

"Only three keepers in the entire kingdom? This is absolutely ridiculous."

"Maybe everyone is preparing for war. After all, war has already been declared."

"I don't know. But we must be prepared for any situation. Don't let your guard down for a second."

We were about to open the door, but there was something wrong. After a brief thought,

"Let's open that door and see what happens."

Babu and I opened the big door and entered slowly. It was a pretty big room. And right in front of us stood a throne.

There was a person sitting on the throne, but we couldn't see his face because of the shadows.

He said,

"Who are you, why did you come here?"

Babu said,

"My king, we apologize for the inconvenience, but I need to talk to you about something important."

"Help? what kind of help are you asking me for at a time like this?"

"There's a war coming soon. And unfortunately, we are a part of this war. We want you to join the war and support us."

"And who will you fight this war against?"

"Against The First Epic."

"Do you know who the First Epic is?"

"I know, but we've already made up our decisions."

"And do you know what he can do?"

"I know, that's why we came here to ask for your help!"

The king suddenly laughed madly,

"Let me tell you something important about him, the First Epic is indestructible."

What he said made us all nervous. I knew something was wrong here.

The person between the shadows showed his head,

"So you think you can beat me, how pathetic!"


After Lezlie said that, I immediately pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. The first epic looked at me through the shadows and kept laughing. And then he got up and started approaching us.

"So you came here to ask the king for help. I have sad news for you. The king is already on my side."

Babu said,

"This... This can't be..."

"Right, you're right, it shouldn't be happening, but with powerful spells, you can make anyone do what you want."

After the words of Epic, the door to the room opened slowly, and someone entered.

It was the king himself who came in.

The King's eyes were empty, like a dead man, his skin was discolored and white, he could bȧrėly breathe, almost resembling a dead man.

Lezlie looked at me,

"This is one of black magic. Only powerful sorcerers can use it. With this black magic, you can easily control a person's mind and body."

"Do you know how to break his control?"

She turned to me with a serious expression,

"The spell cannot be broken until you kill the person who cast the spell."

On the other hand The First Epic, he continued to laugh,

"Do you want to know who made this controlling spell? It was Jixus, the one who attacked your village. And, of course, if I'm not mistaken, he took your precious mother away from you. I was the one who gave him that order. Even if he didn't do a very good job, he helped me a lot."

When I looked back at Lezlie, her eyes became very horrifying. Tears fell slowly from her eyes and she squeezed her hands with anger. Even if she had a beautiful and gentle face, just looking at her scary gaze would fill anyone's heart with fear. She was filled with anger. The First Epic was just looking at her and grinning,

"I can feel the anger in you, you want to kill me, don't you? Go ahead, try it, come and attack me."

I've had enough of these stupid words. and I pulled the trigger and fired. Lezlie and Babu looked at me surprised. I've hit that jackass right in the eye.

"Hey, ȧsshole! Sooner or later, you'll be punished for what you did. You can't pin your tail forever and run away. Someone will defy you one day. And fortunately for you, that day came across us."

Because of my bullet, his head was slightly tilted back. But the wound healed within seconds, and his hideous smile was back to its former state. He looked at me,

"Human beings, they are always the same."

In a second, he came up to me, squeezed my throat, lifted me up in the air,

"The only reason I didn't kill you is that I needed you to find out where your friend is. But you're pushing my patience too hard."

He threw me against the hard walls of the castle with just using a little force.

Then he slowly wiped the blood around his eye and said,

"This kingdom is mine, only mine!"

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