Wizards of the North

Chapter 648: Abnormal

Listening to the annoyance in her ears, Charlotte remained unmoved. The experience of this period of time let her know that she can no longer make trouble, once that will only be endless.

There seemed to be some commotion in the hall, so he focused slightly, and vaguely heard "It's fighting..."


"Stay here!" Charlotte ordered, got up and walked into the hall.


Yes, there is a fight.

The people in Qiming's camp were suddenly nervous, and looked at the dragon in the corner guardedly. Nita lay calmly, the young dragons sitting or standing beside him did not show the slightest color.

These young dragons do not come from the sacred mountain, but the Black Dragon Cliff. They couldn't bear their loneliness and followed Irene here, and when they saw it, they subconsciously entangled around.

In this regard, Nita was a little bit sigh, I don't know how long this situation can last.

Different beliefs have split the dragon group, but the peaceful environment conceals this fact. Now that the dispute is gradually rising, the boundaries will become more and more obvious.

Some things, Nita is also very vague-according to beliefs, which party does it belong to? It's not that I don't want to be neutral, but I know I don't have this qualification.

Many thoughts have changed since seeing Bran showing his power. It feels that in the face of this kind of power, even a giant tree must consider its position.

Looking back at that day when the dust had settled, Maya came back and began to talk excitedly about what she had seen and heard. There was a sentence that touched Nita deeply, "Looking from the side of the great wizard, this is just a small projectile."

I also wanted to get a parable through prayer, but I didn't get any response.

Since the dream becomes chaotic, when faced with choices, you will feel at a loss, even if many things are so obvious. Just because Nita knows that the development of things often has nothing to do with these obvious things.

According to the news, the dead in the white robe killed a priest. This cannot withstand scrutiny, just because all actions are directed at the local indigenous people, how can they suddenly attack each other?

What a clumsy method! Just think about it for a moment and you will notice the strangeness. It really doesn't make sense, but the identity of the dead cannot be faked, at least in front of the sacrifice.

The dark night party's attitude was weird, and he was uncharacteristically aggressive when facing inquiries. This can't help but make people wonder, are they still the group of tolerant, retreating dark night believers?

For more than ten years, all parties have become accustomed to the patience of Dark Night. The sudden change made many people very uncomfortable, and the feeling of being offended was particularly strong, and the anger was immediately ignited.

Although the gods of Guangming were very tough, they no longer sent additional manpower here. Is this forcing all parties to use local indigenous people to fight?

If so, the gods of light really don't have much chance of winning.

Considering the tens of thousands of dead souls in Qingfeng City, Nita couldn't think of any countermeasures. Even if he was a weak child before his death, he would become a terrible killer after death. The dark night party only paid a little bit of magic.

Nita believes that many people can see all this, but God's metaphor cannot be violated. Perhaps this is why many priests in the camp suddenly became irritable. But they can do nothing, it is too late to say anything.

Even if the priests deliberately avoided these problems when praying, they would not be able to silence the mouths of the larger general public.

Someone started to beat the ideas of these people, hoping that they could do it. Can't these silly children see? The deity doesn't want them to appear for the time being.

Nita sighed, let's talk about the future...

The tentative retaliation dragged on, and unexpected progress was made. But in the eyes of people like Nita, it can also be said that there is no progress. The dead souls of Qinghan were all transformed by the local natives, and the necromancers hiding behind them did not see them.

Just when most of the believers cheered, they saw real revenge.

In the evening, countless souls swept out of Qingfeng City before the last ray of sunlight dissipated. Before everyone could react, everything was overwhelmed.

Very few survived, most of them were outsiders like them, but there were also a few local aborigines. After the investigation, it was discovered that those indigenous people believed in God and believed in God's omnipotence.

Is it a pious belief? Nita felt that he had seen part of the truth.


Irene never passed by the fake Nita and walked towards the corner of the camp. There, there was a person who was affectionately called her brother.

She doesn't believe Bran's judgment on her brother, just because she knows Bran. During the days with Bran, the mistakes he made were countless. Bran's few advantages are that he will not whitewash or cover up mistakes, and will always admit generously. So even if he is really a god, he will not be omnipotent, at least not what other believers say.

Elder brother Ayman has changed a lot, and he has a mottled ancient breath. But Irene was not surprised, because Bran also had it, knowing that this was the reason for the magic. It's just that unlike Bran, the breath on his brother's body looked lifeless, like a pool of stagnant water.

Seeing Irene breaking into the tent, Ayman hurriedly put away the dragon that was being played with: "Why don't you say hello?"

"Since I was young, I don't remember needing to say hello to enter your room."

Sweeping Ayman's empty hand, Irene continued: "You don't have to hide it, I'll give you it."

Ayman didn't want to be entangled, and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

"The scale of the conflict is getting bigger and bigger, I want to know which side you are from?"

Ayman wanted to go over it casually, but when he spoke, he let out a sigh first, calling—

"I only know that we are not in the same camp. This is a fact, not an excuse to keep a distance from you. We are not your natural allies, and it is impossible to really help you.

Be careful, be careful of everyone on our side. "

"Also including you?"

"Yes, including me." Ayman sighed again. "When you have doubts, don't hesitate with the sword in your hand..."

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