Wizards of the North

Chapter 207: Hotel

After coming out of the Northland, Bran was always in a deformed position to contact the outside world. What comes from strangers is always betrayal, deceit, and fear. Dragon Cavalry, who had a good impression, let him understand what is sinister.

Il went from fear to loyalty. Bran believed that it was just obedience, adaptation and habit under the oppression of power.

Pachu's white robes are a kind of exchange, and he will not forget the purpose of these people entering Northland City in the first place. They just fear the power of wizards, hoping to exchange loyalty for them. But this kind of excessive utilitarian exchange made him full of guard and vigilance.

He doesn't have a good impression of Anya, which stems from the impression of the first meeting-arrogant and domineering. But when I walked on this land, I saw another scene.

There were still a small number of defeated soldiers hidden in the forest, but he did not perceive malice when he passed by. These people still have pride in their hearts, and they disdain to attack and plunder a young man. Bran didn't know if he could survive this last trace of pride if he fell into this situation.

Bran's proud confidence is the power he has now. He has no beliefs, nor too firm beliefs. He was once surrounded by unknown fears, so he understands what it is like to fear. He had experienced the chill deep in his bones, and he admired these defeated soldiers.

Here, the Hell Knight showed him the other side. They curbed their pride and faced the people around them with humility. Both the woman around him and the middle-aged man in the car made him feel a lot different.


As we proceeded, a forest hotel appeared beside the road. This is a rudimentary single-story wooden house, and its vast area is considered its biggest advantage. In an open space in front of the house, there are only a few wooden stakes used to tie up horses for guests. The courtyard wall and the forage trough were not prepared.

Bran stopped following the small team, and the knights began to take care of the horses that were accompanying them. Removed the saddle bridle, gave water, and finally hung the cloth bag with grass on the horse's head.

Bran walked to the house alone, found a fairly clean corner and sat down. But the young woman didn't want to let him go, so she came over again. As a result, he was called back by the middle-aged man before he could sit down, "Luy, don't disturb others."

As the knight entered the room one after another, everyone's laughter began to echo. After drinking a lot of turbid wine, the laughter gradually turned into noisy. And Luy got close to Bran again and put a hot plate of meat in front of him, "Hungry?"

Facing Bran who shook his head, Luy smirked, "Would you like to be pregnant?"

According to her thoughts, boys at this age like to do things beyond the rules, but Bran still shook his head.

"I guess you forgot to bring your money, so..." But before her voice fell, a few golden coins rolled and fell onto the table with the sound of crashing.

Bran sighed, "I just think it's dirty."

This made Luy feel very embarrassed, and his face became flushed. She looked back at her father who was eating and drinking, and the knight who was accompanying her, and asked bitterly, "Are you very clean?"

Bran did not explain, only raised a hand. That hand was spotless, even in the dimly lit room, it still exudes luster, like the emerald green leaves illuminated by the sun after rain.

This made Luy shrink her callous hands subconsciously. As a knight, he is accompanied by weapons and armor every day. The grease used to maintain weapons and armor will gradually penetrate every corner of the body. Just look at these hands and smell the lingering greasy smell on your body to guess who you are. A person who has been with weapons for many years cannot wash away all this.

Luy tensed her body and re-examined the boy in front of her. She began to wonder why she would help him and wanted to get close to him. Even if he wears very ordinary clothes and does not have any identity items, but this cleanness alone will make people look up a bit.

"What are you doing in the king's capital?" Bran randomly found a topic, interrupting Luy's examination of himself.

"Plea, please, ask for forgiveness of my brother."

"What happened to your brother?"

Luy looked a little embarrassed, "He gave up his glory and duties and became a deserter."

Bran asked heartlessly, "Is glory very valuable?"

"You! He humiliated my family."

Bran was a little weird, "Do you really want him to die with glory?"

"It's better than living."

Bran didn't say more, he didn't want to, and wouldn't argue about this kind of thing. Sitting in this small hotel, no matter how you fantasize about your own bravery and despise the cowardice of others, it is very boring. Life and death, honor and disgrace, who can make it clear and clear?

Bran's sudden silence made Luy feel a little embarrassed, so he found an excuse to return to his father.

The defeat of Anya's defense line spread widely, and several waves of knights entered here one after another. As a result, the shop gradually became crowded, and several tables were occupied.

The clamor of men and women knights one after another made Bran feel a little funny. These people are clearly confident, so how can they be petitioning?

The door of the inn was pushed open again, and three young knights, two men and one woman, came in again. This time the shop was obviously quiet for a moment. Bran heard someone whispering-the royal family. Afterwards, everyone resumed talking and laughing, and did not show much restraint.


Jenny and his two brothers walked into the inn on the roadside. The trip was pleasant and exciting. Quickly rushed to the Anya defense line, saw the demons camp on the head of the city, and ran back quickly.

She somewhat admired the Great Wizard of the Northland, what a monster! But she prefers the rumored girl, which makes her feel proud.

Although there are many people in the hotel, luck is good. Because there is a young man in the corner who occupies a big table alone, which is obviously a waste.

She and her elder brother walked there, and the elder brother joked: "Little friend, don't you mind if we sit here?"

The teenager ignored the jokes, just reached out and took the black cat sitting on the table into his arms.

After sitting down, she and her elder brother yelled in an unimaginative way, and they were served wine and food. While waiting, she became interested in the teenager beside her and couldn't help but look at him carefully. But I realized that no matter what, he couldn't see his face clearly.

The boy in front of him kept his head down halfway, and his hood seemed to have turned into a shadow over him. Obviously, you should see his face from another angle, if not all. But tilted his head, adjusted the angle several times, but still found nothing. Her behavior attracted the attention of her brother. So I followed her, tilting his head constantly, changing directions.

Finally, Jenny's curiosity and life-threatening nature defeated reason, and she couldn't help but stretch her hand over, trying to lift the hateful hood. However, he realized that he couldn't reach the boy at all. A few inches in front of him was filled with invisible power. That power made people palpitate and panicked.

The boy slowly turned his head to her, let her get what she wanted. But what is that? There was nothing but darkness under the hood.

She let out a scream in horror, ah--!

The noise around me disappeared, only the scream left behind...

She and her brother crawled far away from the boy, but the boy remained indifferent, still sitting there with his head down slightly.

After a long time, they barely calmed down. She pointed the boy with a slightly trembling finger, and said several times about him in a row, but she couldn't figure out what she wanted to express.

Finally, her brother shouted out her heart with horror—monster!

People looked at them in surprise, hoping to get an explanation. She bravely yelled at the boy and raised your head! But in exchange it was just dismissive.

She quietly touched her hand to the hilt, but heard a sneer. This chilled her heart, and she never dared to make any movements. Others also noticed something wrong, and the atmosphere gradually stagnated.

She heard someone ask, "Who are you?"

The answer I got was a faintly regretful whisper: "It's getting dark..."

Accompanied by these completely irrelevant words, the black cat jumped from the boy's arms to the table, stretched a big lazy waist, and then squatted down and looked at the people quietly. Darkness then spread from the young man, and began to swallow all the light and heat around him.

Jenny is cold, she feels naively dark.


In panic, Luy realized that her body was gradually cooling, as if she were a corpse who had just lost her life. She tried her best to open her eyes to the clean boy, and shouted with all her strength: "Who are you?"

The boy paused and turned his head to her. Even in the darkness, Luy could still feel him smiling. As the darkness of the smile began to recede, the flames beat again.

She heard a voice in her ear, "The Wizard Bran."

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