Wizard: This witcher is not doing his job properly

Chapter 155 Principal Margaret and Culinary Expertise

After approaching Wayne with the blonde beauty, Kayla showed an unknown smile on her face. She seemed to see through Wayne's inner thoughts and said teasingly:

"What's wrong? I didn't say hello when I saw my sister. I wanted to turn around and run away. Are you afraid that I'll eat you, Wayne?"

"How could it be, Keira? I just saw you and this beautiful lady shopping together. They seemed to be having a very happy chat. I just didn't want to disturb you."

Seeing that Kayla didn't seem to take the previous estrangement between the two to heart, Wayne smiled awkwardly, nodded slightly to Kayla and saluted, then looked at the blonde beauty next to him, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

Although Kayla always likes to refer to Wayne as her sister after knowing his age, she is actually quite petite, less than 1.7 meters tall, and only has a C-shaped chest.

But the blond beauty she held her arm was not only sweet-looking, but also about 1.8 meters tall. She also had a perfect figure like a marble statue, with a curved front and back. Even Yennefer's figure was slightly inferior to hers.

And this woman seems to be quite open. Although she has such an explosive figure, she is still wearing an extremely revealing red deep V dress and a dazzling gold and gem necklace around her neck, revealing her delicate collarbones, slender thighs, and chest. The two headlights in front made the long skirt bulge, and two rounded semicircles were exposed at the neckline, squeezing out a bottomless ravine.

Even the battle-hardened Wayne couldn't help but be dazzled by the two headlights. When talking to Kayla, his eyes couldn't help but glance there.

Being peeked at by Wayne like this, the blonde beauty not only showed no shyness, but instead puffed up her chest, looked directly at Wayne, and the smile on her face became sweeter and more charming.

Keira snorted, her tone was a little sad, and she said sarcastically:

"That's nice to say, but I can't tell what you are thinking in your heart."

"A bastard who likes the new and hates the old has a nice mouth. He can deceive women into confusion by just opening his mouth."

After saying this, Keira seemed to feel that her tone was too sour, so she regained some of the arrogant attitude of a sorceress, took the arm of the blonde beauty next to her, and introduced to Wayne:

"This is Ms. Margarita, the current principal of Arethusa College and the most powerful sorceress with healing spells in the world."

"This time, he was invited by us to come to Vizima City specifically to treat Triss's injuries."

After introducing Margarita, Keira also introduced the principal:

"This half-elf's name is Wayne. He is a friend of Triss and I. He is a demon hunter."

Margarita was still admiring Wayne's handsome appearance and strong figure. After hearing that Wayne was a demon hunter, her blue eyes lit up slightly, she subconsciously licked her lips, and she laughed while covering her mouth. , said to Wayne:

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, nice to meet you."

"After we finish shopping, we are going to visit Triss at her mansion. Do you want to come with us?"

Three people traveling together?

After hearing Margarita's proposal, Wayne only considered it for a second, then shook off the idea and refused with a smile:

"Ms. Margarita, in fact, most men don't like to shop aimlessly. We only like to buy things with a purpose."

"Since you are going to visit Triss at her house later, why don't I go buy some ingredients and wine and prepare them in advance for dinner tonight."

"Please believe me, if you let me prepare dinner, you will definitely have an unforgettable gourmet experience."

Regarding this point, Keira nodded in agreement and said to Margarita:

"It's true. If you come to Vizima and don't have a taste of Mr. Wayne's cooking skills, it will be a huge loss."

"His cooking skills are much better than those of the royal chefs. It is not an exaggeration to call him a master of cooking."

"Asking him to be a demon hunter is a bit humiliating."

After hearing Keira's explanation, Margaret immediately burst into laughter, and the two headlights almost jumped out of their clothes.

She smiled for a while, then waved with Kayla, smiled at Wayne and said:

"Then I'll leave it to you for today's dinner, Mr. Wayne. I'll keep looking forward to tasting your cooking skills."

"I heard that Yennefer is also at Triss's house. We women haven't gotten together for many years. This time we just have the opportunity. I will also live in Vizima for a while."

"See you later, Mr. Wayne."

Looking at the two sorceresses leaving, Wayne felt a little complicated. Is it considered good luck to meet these two sorceresses on a lucky day? He didn't know.

But if all four sorceresses got together at night, maybe he could play Gwent with them.

Having stayed in Vizima for too long, all the Gwent players here have been drained by him and are almost out of experience.

It's time to introduce more Gwent players, otherwise, it will be difficult for his Gwent level to increase quickly.

Regarding Principal Margarita, Wayne does not know much information through the original novel and three games. However, in the original novel, the author focuses on describing her figure, calling her a marble statue A woman with a perfect figure.

In the original story, Principal Margarita is quite gentle and kind-hearted, has no airs, and is basically not involved in politics. She is a qualified principal, and her ancestor seems to be a very famous legendary warlock.

During the subsequent witch hunt, Margarita was captured by the witch hunter and suffered cruel abuse before being rescued by the white wolf Geralt.

After meeting the female principal today, Wayne actually had some ideas in mind. Of course, he was not greedy for the beauty of the sorceress, but wanted to learn more knowledge from Aretussa College, and Recovering lost documents from the time of the Witcher Order.

Not only that, whether it is the coordinates of the space rift that was once sealed by the Warlock Brotherhood, or the location map of the magic place discovered by the Warlock Brotherhood, they are all of great value to Wayne.

However, as a demon hunter, his identity is quite sensitive. If he acts too radically, it will easily arouse the vigilance of the Warlock Brotherhood and attract unnecessary prying eyes.

But if he could establish a friendly relationship with the kind-hearted principal of Arethusa College as a friend, he might be able to borrow the information he needs quite smoothly.

Of course, it is also a good choice to start with Triss, but this matter still needs to be considered in the long run and cannot be rushed.

With this in mind, Wayne went to a high-end food store and bought a lot of expensive high-end food. He then went to a winery and bought a few bottles of good wine. Then he returned to Tris' home with these things.

After returning home, he didn't rush to the kitchen to get food, but turned on the system and looked at his cooking skills.

Cooking skill LV7: cooking deliciousness +7.

Optional Skills and Feats:

Captive of delicious food: Because the chef's cooking skills are so delicious, your diners will often miss your delicious food. Gradually, they will transfer this attachment to delicious food to you. The more they get used to your delicious food, This nostalgia will become deeper until it becomes a captive of your food. Effect: The more food you eat, the more favors you have for you, which can continue to accumulate.

The power of food: Because the chef is so skilled and can cook delicious food, people who have eaten your food will fall into joy and happiness, both physically and mentally, and recover quickly. Effect: After eating your food, the recovery speed of stamina and spirit will be increased by 50%, which lasts until you are hungry.

In fact, these two skills and specialties can already be selected when he is at the fifth level of cooking.

It's just that at that time, in order to accumulate the ability points to unseal the ancient blood, he never chose to light up a certain specialty.

Similar to the cooking skill, there are three skills: blacksmithing, alchemy, and alchemy. They have also reached level five and can be selected as skill specialties.

But currently Wayne only has a few ability points left. He has been having trouble deciding which skill to choose. Now he meets Margarita and comes to Vizima City temporarily.

In order to build a good relationship with the principal of Aretusa, he decided to prioritize cooking skills and used his ability points on the skill "Captive of Food".

And with this skill expertise, not only Principal Margarita, but also Triss, Keira, Yennefer, the Deathclaw cubs that are about to hatch, and many people close to him.

As long as they regularly eat the delicacies made by Wayne, these people will become captives of Wayne's delicacies, and their affection for him will become stronger and stronger, and the relationship between the two parties will become closer and closer. They no longer have to worry about attracting people close to him. betray.

This is the so-called, if you want to grab your heart, first grab your stomach.

Judging from this effect, this ability point should be well spent.

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