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Soon the Skrulll Empire got Li Wei’s ultimatum and questioning, and suddenly the top of the empire became a pot of porridge, and they were shirking their responsibilities.

After all, a large fleet is just gone, and the responsibility is not something that two people can bear.

Moreover, the Spartan Empire also died a royal family member on the battlefield, which is no small matter.

After all, people have just joined their own imperial alliance, and then there is such a thing that is enough to break the relationship between the two countries, and no one wants to be responsible for this matter.

However, one thing can be confirmed, that is, the high-level who proposed to support the plan of the Dark Order has come to an end in this life.

No one could save him this time.

The Skrull Empire not only needs to deal with a group of people to stabilize the domestic fishing vessel, but also give an account to those members.

“Your Excellency Thanos! We have paid a huge price for your subordinates, and we also have to face the risk of the Star Spirit Empire going to war with us, should the planet you promised before be handed over to us. ”

His Majesty the Emperor of the Skrul Empire looked gloomy, looked at Thanos on the communication screen and said.

At this time, Thanos no longer had the domineering and confident attitude and confidence he had when he first met Levi, his eyes were now cold and cold, and his whole person was full of gloomy aura.

But it’s even easier to be afraid.

“Now that most of my Dark Order has collapsed, those planets have probably fallen into a state of masterlessness, if you want, take them before the Star Spirit Empire.”

Thanos’s voice was cold, he did not expect that the last part of the army loyal to him would also be completely wiped out by Levi, which was not a small blow to him.

What made him even more angry was the attitude of the Skrull Empire, obviously they were too inefficient and missed the best time to support, and actually blamed themselves in turn!

If a few years ago, how dare they talk to themselves like that ?!

“Thanos, are you breaking a promise you made to us by doing this?”

The Emperor of the Skrul Empire squinted, feeling as if Thanos was teasing himself.

“But you don’t have a choice, do you? Join us, or go it alone against Levi Odinson and the Kree Empire and trust you to make a suitable decision. ”

Greed never ends, and it is with this that Thanos has allowed the Skrull Empire to be used by himself repeatedly.

And this time, he planned to calculate the Skrul Empire with Mephisto and tie them to the chariot of the Dark Alliance.

“You devils, aren’t you afraid that I will join forces with the Star Spirit Empire and destroy you first?” The Emperor of the Skrull Empire gritted his teeth and said.

“But can you guarantee that afterwards you show your fangs? Moreover, are you ignoring the existence of the Kree Empire? Thanos asked with a smile.

The Kree Empire and the Skrulll Empire were mortal feuds for generations, and there was no reconcilable between the two sides.

Finally, looking at the changing expression of the Emperor of the Skrul Empire, Thanos showed a victorious smile and said softly: “Think about it, Your Majesty the Emperor, maybe you won’t be in this position in the near future.” ”

After speaking, he was about to cut off the communication, but Emperor Skrul suddenly stopped him: “Wait! ”

“What’s wrong, my friend?”

“You won, what do you want me to do?”

“It’s very simple, just help us drag Levi, and there will be to help you.” Thanos replied.

“Drag him down? Drag Levi Odinson instead of dragging his fleet ?! Emperor Skrull asked in amazement.

“That’s right.”

“You’re letting my fleet die!!” Suddenly he was blinded and roared madly.

Now who in the entire universe does not know that Levi’s perverted person can represent an even more fleet, and let those ordinary fleets stop him, isn’t it for nothing?

“Exchange your fleet for the destruction of Al Star, which one do you think is more cost-effective?” Thanos asked.

Hearing this, Emperor Skrul’s face twitched, and finally his eyes suppressed anger, and his voice replied coldly: “I promised, what is the specific plan?” What do I get again? ”

“There will be someone to communicate with you afterwards, and he will stay there to assist you, you can get everything from the Star Spirit Empire afterwards, I wish us a happy cooperation.” Thanos cut off communication after speaking.

Their plan was for the fleet of the Skrull Empire to surround several of the main fleets led by Levi, while he and Dormammu attacked Ayr.

It is not known whether Levi intends to protect his fleet or if he is ready to return to the aid of Ayr Star.

No matter how you look at it, both choices will hurt the foundation of the Star Spirit Empire.

Although the three major fleets are strong, they cannot fight against the entire Skrul Empire.

And sometimes allies don’t mean reliable, and the Kree Empire also wants the Star Spirit Empire to be destroyed.

After ending the communication, Emperor Skrul lowered his head and did not say a word, and finally he smashed the table in front of him with a punch, shouting angrily: “Damn Thanos! Damn the Dark Order! One day I’ll make you pay!! ”

It is conceivable that regardless of the outcome, the Skrull Empire will become Levi Odinson’s mortal enemy, and it can be said that unless their side is completely destroyed, the hatred will never disappear.

On the other hand, Thor and they returned to Asgard through the space passage, where Hela was not at this time, and she led her army to conquer other kingdoms.

This time is the home of the elves of light, Alfheim, a race that loves peace and does not like war, has always been relatively low-key in the Nine Kingdoms.

But their strength is particularly strong, they have powerful mana, even Hela should be cautious.

“Valkyrie, you and Loki go and take the Guardian Sword so that we can fight for a long time.” Thor looked at the soldiers guarding the Rainbow Bridge, and then said in a deep voice.

The Guardian Sword is the key to this plan, because only it and the Eternal Spear can open the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard, and only if you can get these two weapons, Hela’s path to conquest will be delayed.

“Over to us.” Loki nodded and said solemnly.

“Stay safe, Hulk, you come with me to defeat the army in the Immortal Palace and free my people and friends.” Then Thor looked at the Hulk again and said.

“Hulk is eager to fight!”

“Very good, action!!”

By this time the defenders of Asgard had spotted them and began to attack them.

In an instant, Thor and they jumped off the fighter plane, and the troops divided into two ways to fight the entire garrison of Hela remaining in Asgard. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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