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Chapter 7 Strange Runes (please read more)

Richard and his brother followed his father to the study room. After the baron's father told his brother to close the door, he turned a specific book on the bookshelf at the back.

Just hearing the sound of "creaking" gears, the originally integrated bookshelf slowly split into two independent bookshelves from the middle, and slowly exposed the wall. A small steel door on the wall was clearly visible.

The baron took out an inconspicuous gray key, opened the small door, and waved for Richard to come in with him.

When Richard walked into the small door, he found that there was something special inside. The room was not big, about a dozen square meters, but it contained some precious antiques, jewelry and two large boxes of gold dinars that the Clavell family had accumulated over the years.

The baron's father walked to a small black box and said solemnly: "Richard, let me ask you again, do you really want to pursue the path of a wizard?"

Although Richard didn't know the Baron's purpose of bringing him to this secret room that he had never been to before, he still said without hesitation in response to his father's question: "Of course, Father, I will never regret it!"

"Okay, open the box!" The baron motioned for Richard to step forward and open the small black box.

Richard touched the box and found that the box was made of some kind of precious wood and was extremely heavy. After opening it, he saw a soft green light that kept flickering on and off emanating from it. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be a diamond-shaped stone.

There are complex lines in the stone, each of which exudes a green light. Then, all the lines are combined into a complex symbol according to a specific trajectory.

The symbols flashing and extinguishing gave people a very strange feeling, as if they were living things. If I had to describe it, Richard felt that the rune stone was like a human heart, beating one after another.

"Smash it!" the baron said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Richard was immersed in observation. When he heard the baron's father talking about smashing the precious things in front of him, he didn't react for a moment.

"You heard that right, smash it!" the baron confirmed again in a deep voice.

Richard looked at the baron and realized that he was not joking. He immediately followed his father's request, raised the precious rune stone in front of him high, and dropped it heavily to the ground. There was only a "snap" sound, and the rune stone shattered like glass. !

But in the next moment, it seemed that the symbol originally bound in the rune stone was enlarged dozens of times in an instant, appeared one meter above the ground out of thin air and kept spinning. After a burst of green light, the entire symbol was Disappeared in the air without a trace.

This made the Baron's father, who had always been calm, look shocked.

After walking out of the secret room, Richard learned the reason from the baron's father.

It turned out that Richard's grandfather, the previous baron, had rescued a dark wizard decades ago, but he didn't know which school it belonged to. The only thing he knew was that the other party was definitely a dark wizard. .

The other party left this rune as a token and told Richard's grandfather that whenever he or his family's descendants needed his help, he would break the rune and he would feel it.

Even if he cannot come, his disciples will definitely come and meet a reasonable condition of the Clavell family, within a hundred years.

If it weren't for the fact that the deadline has passed forty years, I don't know if there will be children with wizard talents in the next generation. If it weren't for the fact that Richard happened to test out that he has wizard talents, and what's more coincident is that he actually has a dark element affinity. At the very least, the Baron might not make this decision rashly.

After all, the promise of an official wizard can be used as a family's trump card, which can at least protect the family for a hundred years.

In addition, the path of a dark wizard is not easy...

If nothing else happens, someone should arrive at Clavel Castle in the next two days, but I don't know if it is the dark wizard himself or his disciples.

The baron who made this decision was scolded by Richard's mother at dinner that day. The usually dignified baroness lost her temper for the first time, and the old housekeeper and maids were stunned.

As a mother, she certainly doesn't want her beloved child to pursue the dangerous path of a wizard. She would rather have her child stay with her so that she can take good care of him.

"Mother, please don't blame father. This is my own request and decision! Father just fulfilled my wish! I also hope you can understand my determination to pursue my dream!" Richard stood up and comforted his mother.

"Oh, Richard, my child, why are you so similar to your father, and you don't know to ask for my opinion when making any decision? I'm so sad!" The Baroness hugged Richard and cried.

This made Richard both touched and speechless for a moment. He could only hold his mother silently to comfort each other.

Richard, who was an orphan in his previous life, had never understood a sentence before, but this time he understood it a little bit.

"Father's love is deeper, as heavy as a mountain, and as deep as the sea, but mother's love is all kinds of care and love!"

When Richard returned to his room at night, he heard a "dong dong dong" knock on the door before he sat down for a while.

"Master, I am Serena, can I come in?" It turned out that the maid Serena was outside the door, but Richard felt that her voice seemed a bit hoarse.

After Richard opened the door, he saw a soft and delicate body rushing into his arms, crying and saying: "Master, are you really leaving? I have heard about it, and the servants are talking about it.

I don't want you to leave! "

I see. It seems that what happened at dinner should have spread throughout the castle. After all, people in this era don't have much to talk about after dinner.

Any trivial thing that happens in the Baron's family is good gossip, let alone the news that the second young master of the Baron's family is leaving to pursue the path of a wizard.

"This. Serena..." Looking at Serena who was hugging him tightly and crying bitterly, Richard didn't know what to say for a moment.

Of course he knows Serena's feelings for him, but if he chooses to accept Serena, that means

In this world, Richard knows that cross-class marriages will not be approved by everyone. For example, nobles, most of them seek marriages between nobles.

To put it bluntly, Richard can do anything to Serena without any scruples, and his father and mother will take it for granted, but when Richard gets married, his marriage partner will definitely be someone else. A noble lady, not Serena.

"Selena, pursuing the path of a wizard is full of dangers, and I don't know when I can come back!" Richard gently lifted Serena's beautiful face that was leaning on his shoulder, and looked at her red, swollen and beautiful face seriously. Said with deep eyes.

"Master, will you take me with you?" The sobbing voice moved Richard.

Just when Richard lowered his head to kiss Serena's beautiful red lips, suddenly, the baron's burly figure appeared at the door of his room, shocking Richard and Serena.

The baron said something to Richard and left: "The person you were waiting for is here!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them instantly understood the meaning of the words, and Serena suddenly turned pale.

"So fast! But it's late at night!" Richard was speechless for a while, why didn't he come earlier and not come later, but he came at this time!

At the same time, he felt a mixture of joy and sorrow. The worry was that he would soon leave his family, but the joy was that he could finally pursue the path of the wizard in his heart.

Please read~

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