Witch containment diary

Chapter 195 Establishing a Ring of Peace of Mind

The little witches took the oath one by one and began to make up their own code names.

Their secret codenames were all spoken into Saho's ears, so it was natural for Saho to become the secret keeper.

This is...this is the witch association of our Anshin Institute, the Ring of Anshin. Saho looked at his companions around him, feeling a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart.

This is just the beginning, how many new witches will join in the future?

Teacher Dasu will bring more and more witches to this place, and Hayho feels that what he has to do is to unite them all and do what witches should do.

These kids really want to accomplish something. Youfalin commented in a condescending tone, supporting herself with the insect limbs behind her to keep her suspended in the air.

It would be good if we could take care of each other. Shinjo Meiyu accompanied Komurohua. Although she finally let him join the ring of peace of mind, she was still wary and didn't want him to be hurt more.

Hoho, it's time to share the delicious food. Hayho took out the magical food potion and the small cups prepared in advance, and poured some for everyone.

Having secret meetings under the moonlit night, performing secret rituals, and drinking potions, Saho felt that this was so witchy and cooler than ever before.

Give me a taste. Hongyan raised the cup and Saho poured half of it for her.

Why don't you join us? Natsuki asked.

Me? I am the ascended witch that you worship. My job is to unite your spirits and beliefs. I am the custodian and guardian of the oath, responsible for managing various regulations and oaths. Hong Yan began to gesture.

The oath is very important... Shinjo Meiyu interrupted, Komurohua, you can say the oath now, and Hongyan will imprint it into the assembly rules.

Eh? Did Mrs. Miyu Shinjo join the witch coven? So professional. Hayao couldn't help but prick up his ears and listen.

I...I want to make an oath: As long as everyone joins the Ring of Peace of Mind, we will always care for each other and never hurt each other. Shihua said seriously.

We will be sincere, Lian Yang said.

We'll share the good stuff! Natsuki said.

We will have confidence in each other, Yuanzhi said.

Never betray... Mayumi said.

Always loyal to the ring of peace of mind. Hayho added at the end.

Six of you, including me, must listen to the words of Hongyan Bodhisattva. So, done! The oath has been made! Hong Yan waved his hand, and a gray mist appeared in the air, with seven small star points appearing on it, representing the bonds formed in the hearts of the seven witches at this time.

They looked at each other and couldn't help but smile sincerely.

The assembly has been established... Lian Yang said, Maybe I care too much, and I always feel that the reserves of magic power in my body have increased a lot.

Yes, from now on, the growth rate of your magic power will be greatly increased, and the quality of your magic power will also be improved, because witches only become powerful when they work together in small groups, just like the nine-seat witches in the parliament. The Nine Seats are a secret gathering composed of the nine most powerful witches. Hongyan raised the cup, and Haoho had already poured half of the fairy drink.

What does it taste like when you drink it? Hayho couldn't help but guess.

Under everyone's gaze, Hongyan raised his neck and took a sip of the immortal delicacy.

Huha, this tastes better. Hong Yan was very happy.

I'll drink too. Hayho poured himself a glass and drank it.

There was a strange tingling sensation on my tongue, followed by a feeling of relief.

She placed the bottle on the grass and asked everyone to taste a little.

Hayho felt really happy. After drinking the magical potion, she felt as if she was about to fly.

Cheers~ Yuanzhi and Natsuki clinked their glasses.

Shihua, don't drink randomly. Xincheng Meiyu protected Xiaoshihua, so Shihua was the only little witch who did not drink the fairy delicacy.

It's so magical... Mayumi looked at the translucent silvery drink that emitted a faint light and drank it.

...immortal delicacy... Lian Yang sipped the nectar.

How do you feel? Mayumi asked.

My body seems to be very light. Saho was so happy.

I don't feel it. It's like drinking sweet water. Xia Xi didn't understand.

It feels very ordinary. After all, it is an imitation formula. Hongyan nodded.

Hoho... Hayho jumped up and down, Let's play games.

Yeah! Natsuki jumped to Saho's side.

They were minding their own business. Both Saho and Natsuki were holding hands and having fun under the moonlit grass. Mayumi went to bring in books to read and continued to review.

Reio took the trouble to play the built-in mini-game on Hayho's phone, while Enori suddenly turned into a kitten, got out of her clothes, and ran happily on the grass.

I'm so happy reading comics, keep reading. Hongyan sat on the big bluestone and read for fun.

This stuff tastes so good, is there any more? Is it gone?! Hayho saw that he had finished drinking the magical potion.

Everyone drank up the small amount of magic potion that Hayao made in one gulp.

...They have become strange. Shinjo Meiyu picked up Shihua and yawned.

Xiaofeng looked at it for a while and gradually became aware of the suspicion.

Aren't you tired? Xiaofeng frowned.

Late at night, no matter how dull the children are, they realize the efficacy of the potion, and they don't even feel drowsy at all!

I don't feel tired at all! Natsuki exclaimed, she was usually the first to get sleepy.

Meow meow! Yuan Zhi expressed his agreement on the branch.

I have endless energy and really want to write something. Lian Yang picked up paper and pen and wrote poems and music under the cherry tree. The night atmosphere was very suitable for creation, and her inspiration flowed freely.

Hayao's mouth felt dry. The Sengo drink tasted both familiar and unfamiliar, and the food in New Tokyo couldn't compare with it.

When she first drank it, she felt it was light, but now she felt so wonderful, mixed with the smell of sweet fruits, spicy barbecue, flowers and wood. Once she drank it, the magic potion bloomed in her body, stirring the thoughts buried in her soul.

She could even think of a very hazy early experience, the feeling she had when she was just born and being carried around by the Shadow Witch in disgust. The Shadow Witch didn't want Saho at all. To her, Saho was the product of an accident.

So the Shadow Witch took Hayho to the edge of the cliff and wanted to throw her down.

Don't throw me away...! So high...so scared...! Saho muttered in his sleep while still holding Natsuki's hand.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. Natsuki comforted Saho.

It feels great. Hongyan rubbed her forehead, Xiangsu is the treasure at the banquet. After drinking it, I feel warm and comfortable, as if I was bathing in the spring sunshine!

Hayao felt that the description of the red flames could not reflect even one ten thousandth of this feeling.

She now felt that all fatigue and pain had disappeared, any pain and dissatisfaction evaporated over time, and her whole body was swallowed up by a deep sense of satisfaction.

Time seemed to slow down. During the few minutes when the potion was at its strongest, Hayao felt full of energy and had unlimited possibilities. He could blow up an entire mountain with one punch!

She can even feel other people's feelings and has a sense of connection to all living things.

She could feel other people's emotions, kindness, and care, and this happiness penetrated her soul and was something that Saho would never forget.

I will give you a big watermelon from now on, and I will break your heart. Saho looked at Natsuki heartbroken.

So you are really an idiot... Natsuki also felt Saho's heart.

The two of us are like one person, let's go and do big things. Saho and Natsuki went to steal watermelons from the fields of An'inin.

And this is the first gathering of the Ring of Peace witches gathering!

Under the effect of the fairy delicacy, they were energetic all night long. Mayumi wrote ten sets of homework, Reio read dozens of books, and Hongyan read comics one by one, enjoying themselves endlessly!

Everyone seems to be immersed in a very wonderful state... Shihua was amazed. Because he was not involved, he could clearly perceive this atmosphere of endless fun.

Mom also knows a magic potion, Komurohua. I'll tell you about it when I go back. Xincheng Meiyu felt that it was too late, so she took Shihua out of the garden and went back to rest.

These children are so carefree. Youfalin crawled back to her hiding place, leaving only a small piece of land in the garden for her to shelter.

Do you know any magic potion recipes? Xiaofeng followed Youfa Lin.

You Falin thought of the magic potion she knew. She would rather hand it over to a child like Saho than to a little bee.

...Unless you sincerely call me 'Mom' again, I will not tell you the secret of the potion. Youfa Lin's attitude was cold.

Then you go and die. Xiaofeng said with a smile.

After Zhang Su got up, Shui Li asked him to go to the garden to have a look.

He was shocked! I saw that they were all lying on the ground asleep, with messy garbage scattered around, and a lot of watermelon rinds. It must have been that the little witches spent the whole night having fun and wasting their energy.

Zhang Su is very familiar with the gatherings and rituals of the witches, and such drills will help them in their future work.

Mayumi was lying on her homework book, Reio was lying face down on a half-finished watercolor painting, Natsuki was lying on his back, snoring softly, Hayao was lying in the mud by the pond, and Kyoto Maru was in the shape of a cat. Lying down on the board, showing his hairy belly.

Fortunately, Zhang Su didn't feel dark magic or a depraved atmosphere, but only a deep and peaceful sleep.

Red Flame Bodhisattva? Zhang Su saw that even the red flame fell on the big blue stone.

He shook her, and Hong Yan muttered incoherently, her eyes bleary.

What? What time is it? Hong Yan muttered.

It's almost dawn. Zhang Su said, What happened?

Huh... I tasted a little bit of the drink from the past. Hong Yan was a little frustrated, In the spirit world, we could drink it like water! But now we only have a little bit.

Immortal food is the main culprit that leads to the decadence of witches in the spiritual world. Zhang Su said, Satisfy all desires and no longer suffer. However, desires are endless. Once you stop drinking fairy food, you will be dominated by anxiety. So the more you Come to rely more and more on the illusion brought by the fairy delicacies!

He had a little contact with the spirit world in his previous life. The entire spirit world, including the nine-seat witches, drank fairy delicacies almost all day long. They were extremely depressed and only a few witches were working.

...But I miss the fairy food very much. After drinking it, it feels like I have returned to the feeling of drinking fairy food with everyone in the spiritual world hundreds of years ago. Although this kind of potion is just a poor imitation of the original fairy food, But after drinking it, I really don’t feel sad at all. Hongyan said dejectedly.

Our thoughts are short-lived. If we want to be satisfied for a long time, we must stay away from this fleeting illusion. Don't indulge in it! Zhang Su encouraged Hongyan.

Idiot! Idiot! I just like to drink fairy delicacies~! Hongyan acted coquettishly.

Okay, okay, once there is a first time, there will be a second time, don't worry. Zhang Su patted the Red Flame Bodhisattva on the back.

Hongyan was extremely tired.

Hug me, take me back. Hong Yan opened her arms weakly.

You must exercise restraint in the future. Zhang Su picked up Hongyan.

Hongyan took a deep breath, resting her forehead on Zhang Su's shoulder, and found a sense of peace and tranquility. Zhang Su felt that the red flame was extremely soft.

...In the ending, the comic hero was defeated, beheaded, and had his body stolen by vampires. Hong Yan read a lot of comics, Don't be knocked down, you have to protect us...

I'm very strong. Zhang Su said.

When I become stronger, I can be your substitute messenger. Hongyan clenched her fists, I am also very good at fighting, and then I can be behind you...

Let's rest first, Lord Bodhisattva. Zhang Su smiled softly and carried Hongyan Bodhisattva to the crack.

I'm serious. You haven't seen me in my heyday. I also had beautiful long legs at that time... Hong Yan grasped the crack with both hands and stuffed his big head inside first, and then the jade-like smooth ones. With her small hands and feet, she lost her balance and fell back into her tunnel, —Ouch!

Then came the other kids.

Zhang Su thought about how to transport them back at once. After thinking about it, he squatted down, put Reio and Mayumi on his shoulders, then picked up Natsuki and Saho in each hand, and placed the Eori kitten on his arms. .

In this way, they were half hanging on Zhang Su's body. He walked carefully and balanced them back to the school building. It was very easy for him because they were all light children.

When they arrived at the school building, Zhang Su unloaded them and let them sleep well.

Ah...we have done something big... Zaho opened his eyes in a daze, Dasu...we are very powerful now!...

All gifts and gifts have a price. As a witch, you must be prepared before taking the magic potion. Let's rest now. Zhang Su covered them with quilts. Fortunately, the fairy delicacies are harmless in nature, but are harmful to the body. There are great benefits, as long as you don't become addicted.

In the next few months, their growth and development will accelerate a lot.

He opened the witch containment log and immediately discovered that due to the formation of the witch gathering and the successful holding of a gathering, the containment fragments had increased a lot. The number of fragments obtained every day also increased from 10 to 11 points, and 8984 points were needed.

Zhang Su did some calculations and found that the breakthrough will be completed by October 16, 2059, which is a full 38 days accelerated. It originally seemed to be a long-term goal, but now it only takes more than two years.

If this momentum continues, maybe Hongyan will be able to break through for the fifth time next year.

He turned and left, taking one last look at the children.

Partying and drinking, this is also a kind of fun, and he wants to protect their little happiness.

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