Witch containment diary

Chapter 191 Strength and Wisdom

Kurachi Koiko cried.

No - don't kill me - Kurachi Koiko felt the intense pain of her flesh and blood and consciously whined, tears falling down her face.

Hayao pulled back the three-edged thorn, and the stinging feeling was so smooth, like a natural instinct.

This gift was given to her by Lai Zhong, the owner of the Sky Tree. Now it is stained with the blood of Kurachi Koiko. It's really a sharp thing. Hayao thought to himself.

Cangchi Lianzi froze in fear. She felt that she was really very close to death.

You have stabbed someone before, haven't I? Hayho sneered.

Cangchi Renzi shuddered.

Well, this is really my first time. Hayho secretly thought. But adults should say cool things so that they can look cool!

Sure enough, Saho felt that his momentum suddenly increased, while everyone else shrank like a lamb.

Kurachi Renzi endured the pain and took out the cigarette money from her pocket and handed it to Haoho, not daring not to pay.

Anxinyuan is a place that respects principles and rules. If you don't follow the rules, I will teach you the rules. Master Hayao said.

very effective.

Kurachi Koiko and her men turned their attention to Saho, and in their eyes, Saho read an attitude called respect.

I'm sorry... Kurachi Koiko apologized.

You don't want to be discovered by others about what happened tonight. You were trading cigarettes or something privately. If your sentence is extended to infinity, you will have to join the bone pile in Anxinyuan. Hayao said pretending, even though she didn't know anything about it. have no idea.

Yes. Cangchi Lianzi trembled, I dare not... I won't tell others.

Happy transaction. Saho shook hands with her, then turned and left.

Go back to dorms.

Hayao gave her the things Mayumi had entrusted to her, which were several bags of children's underwear.

Mayumi is too shy and has always been embarrassed to tell others. Only now did she buy it thanks to Hayao.

Ah, blue pants with bear pattern... floral vest... Mayumi couldn't put it down.

Haho's convenient services will become more and more popular. Seeing Mayumi like this, Saho was also satisfied.

She feels that her job is to make up for the shortcomings in her daily life.

Immediately afterwards, it was time to make the first bottle of magic potion in the history of Anxinyuan!

Hayao is fully prepared.

Late at night, in the dormitory, other children were asleep, but Hayho quietly got up and looked at the notes he had written in the moonlight.

Top secret! Drug records that cannot be shown to humans!

Three drops of water at 1 o'clock in the morning, cold zha lantern oil, zang safflower stigma, thyme whole grass fish and sheep sample, sage powder and pistachio juice, all added to the apple juice.

The amount of literacy can only be described as a tragedy...

Hayao tiptoed to the table in the dormitory. The few books she had were all written by Mayumi, which she would use when reading at night.

Even Mayumi is sleeping now, while Hayho starts to work hard.

Saho had never understood why Mayumi wanted to study so hard, but now Saho felt something about it.

A dictionary is a must-have on the desk. Dongming Kingdom was invaded by demons for many years and was under the trusteeship of China before Edith came, so it promoted Chinese characters.

Hoho... let's learn... Hayho compared the characters one by one against the moonlight, recorded the content according to the pronunciation he heard, and tried hard to restore the words of the prescription.

A sense of morale that came from nowhere inspired Hayho.

Working hard was not something that had anything to do with Saho, but she also started working hard, trying to accomplish something.

The next day, Zaosui hurried to find Zhang Su.

Teacher Dasu, I have helped you buy a lot of things now, and I want to become a purchasing specialist! Zaohui put his feet together and saluted Zhang Su.

That's good. Since I'm the local supervisor, you can go out twice a week to purchase supplies. Where there is demand, there should be supplies. Zhang Su was also happy to train Zaosui.

What kind of place is the spirit world? Hayho was curious. Because the immortal gourd potion seems to imitate the diet of a witch in the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is where the most powerful witches in the world live. It is basically far away from the world we live in. Zhang Su gestured.

He drew two non-touching rings on the paper, one large and one small.

This big circle is where we are, with everything we can perceive. The spiritual world is an alienated small world. Although it is nominally 'small', it actually has its own mountains and rivers, and countless people. , the nine-seat witch council is also located in the spirit world. Only those who have broken the throne at least three times are eligible to be connected to the spirit world. Zhang Su explained.

Wow, this is where the most powerful witches gather... Hayho was full of daydreams.

Then the secret formula she obtained, which is used to make drinks for witches in the spiritual world, must also be extremely effective!

Hayho immediately made up his mind to get a bottle of magic potion and give it to everyone to try.

Da Su, I must become a very powerful witch, so I have to learn a lot of knowledge! Saho opened his arms, full of imagination.

Okay, then the teacher will have to cultivate your knowledge. Zhang Su was a little surprised.

Okay! As long as I can become as powerful as my mother, I can do anything. Hayho was full of fighting spirit.

Because he had seen Shadow Street with his own eyes and heard the legend of the Shadow Witch, a certain passion in Hayho's heart seemed to explode!

Probably because she heard that her mother was a legendary witch, she started running around doing things. This child Zaosui... Zhang Su secretly said. My heart is full of messy thoughts, and sometimes I show a positive side like now, eager to accomplish something. However, in my previous life, I was generally quite depressed.

Zhang Su must protect Zaosui's whim fighting spirit.

I still want to tell you about the Shadow Witch. She is currently hiding behind the Gate of Hell in Kagura Mountain, hunting demons as a training experience. There has been no news from her. In any case, you cannot go to the front line or get close to Hell. The door, that is the real dangerous place. Zhang Su warned.

I got it. Hayho nodded. There was nothing interesting about the Gate of Hell, so why go there?

Then, the teacher will train you to become a literate witch. Zhang Su took several elementary literacy textbooks from the office bookshelf to Saho, printed out some occult manuscripts, and introduced them to her one by one.

This is the Witch Manual No. 15, the official reading of the Human Defense Plan. It teaches witches how to read magic words, perform some preliminary rituals, establish a witch club, practice mixing potions, etc. Zhang Su gave a copy to Hayho. Thick book.

It's scary, it's such a big book. Why can't I write all the knowledge on a piece of paper? Saho was originally ambitious, but felt dizzy when he saw the thick book.

There are many more. The Self-Cultivation of Witches, a standard reading issued by the Witch Council, teaches you how to become a better witch and will turn you into a dignified, elegant and mysterious witch. Zhang Su handed it to Another book by Hayho.

I want to be cooler, I want this! Saho was very happy.

The last one is On the Blackness of Black Jade, a concise and to-the-point enlightenment book on witch mysteries. I printed a copy of the notes for you to compare. However, you must first complete the literacy course with the teacher before you can read it. You cannot read it in class. If you are lazy, complete your homework on time. Zhang Su taught earnestly.

Hahaha...getting it is equivalent to seeing it, so now I am a smart, elegant and powerful witch. Saho was very excited.

Zhang Su rubbed Zaosui's head.

Come on, he said.

Just do it.

Hayao began to study hard.

In the reading room, she can often be seen sitting opposite Mayumi reading.

However, Mayumi studied exam-oriented education in order to enter college, while Saho studied various books and manuscripts.

Zhang Su saw that Zaosui had become fond of learning and often went over to give him advice.

Soon, Zaosui made good progress.

Oh, I can finally write my own name. Saho watched in shock as he wrote the word Saho.

I should have learned it a long time ago... Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Saho really wanted to study seriously this time. In the past, she always fooled people in class.

Hayho opened A Witch's Self-Cultivation.

The first page is a printed manuscript, which seems to have been photocopied from an ancient document. It is a motto left by an ancient witch.

A witch's only destiny is to constantly seek power and wisdom.

It makes sense. If you have strength, you can beat others. If you have wisdom, you can be a smart person. Hayho felt very, very good.

In addition to studying, she also ran around and tried to collect potion ingredients through various channels.

Haosui has become so busy. Natsuki sat on the ground, holding the iced milk tea made by Renwu.

I'm afraid it's something strange... Shi Hua said.

I hope she won't hurt herself. Reio felt that Saho was a little too excited.

Zaoho checked the logistics progress day by day. She borrowed Lianwu's mobile phone to place an order and asked her to help import some things from abroad.

For Renwu, cross-border shopping is a daily routine, and it's easy to add Zaho's orders for flowers to her own mail package.

After working so hard for several days, Saho unknowingly felt that he had become a smarter child.

And the materials are gradually collected.

A few days later.

After getting the last ingredient from Renwu, Hayao stared blankly at everything in front of him.

The recipe is almost complete.

Cold-pressed olive oil 1000 ml - Lianwu ordered it from Athens, a large bottle.

50 grams of saffron stigma - bought by Hayao from a herbal medicine store in Niigata City when he was running errands.

100 grams of thyme - bought from the supermarket.

100 grams of sage - bought from the drug store.

Passion fruit juice 500 ml - Renwu bought it for Saho from somewhere.

Finally, it was apple juice and dew at 1 a.m.. Zaohui went to the workshop on the first floor of Yuehuayuan and asked Lian Wu to use a breaker to make juice from the apples picked in the garden.

~? Although Renwu didn't care about helping the children, he felt that Saho's expression was particularly focused.

I am preparing to know the transcendent, which is more important than any earthly thing. Hayho read back a sentence she read from On the Blackness of Black Jade.

She is preparing to witness with her own eyes the mysterious realm behind the mundane world, a mysterious area exclusive to witches!

After getting the apple juice.

All Hayho had to do was check the time, but she had no place to get a watch, only adults had mobile phones.

She thought for a while and suddenly thought that Roy the robot might be able to keep time, so she ran to find it.

I'm happy to collect dew at 1 o'clock in the morning. Roy said happily, The chronograph in my chip is super accurate and there will be no error!

Thank you! Saho nodded to Roy, with a particularly focused expression on her little face.

By late at night, only Bee and her mother Youfalin were working in the garden, but they were also very tired.

It's so late, why don't you go back? Xiaofeng looked at Zaohui.

... Saho shook her head, her expression almost pious.

Only at this time did she feel that she had left the realm of a child and moved towards the mentality of an adult.

As long as you decide to do something, you must do it well!

Xiaofeng yawned, not understanding what the child wanted to do.

Like a fool. Youfalin drove the insect limbs behind her through the grass, leaving a series of small craters along the way.

Saho squatted on the ground, waiting for the time to pass by, while Roy also stood like a sculpture.

In an instant, Roy used the precision of a robot to instantly harvest a few drops of late dew on the grass blades.

It's done. He put the dew in a small spoon and handed it to Haoho.

Hayao stared at the spoon.

It's done. She lost her mind.

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