Witch Brigade

Chapter 18: End

   collapsed, collapsed, collapsed, the sound of the steam pistol was dull and shocking, and the three bullets made three faint white lines and went towards the front of the stitcher.

With the suture thread blocking, Quinnes knew that incendiary bombs with weak attacking ability might not penetrate the layers of defense, but this was not Quinnes’s purpose. His 3 shots were just a prelude to disturb the stitcher. Attention and weaken the opponent's defense. As for the direct threat, isn't there still William? His penetrating explosive bomb is not vegetarian.

Sure enough, the 3 incendiary bullets were intercepted at the periphery, but the opponent did not know the details of Quinns, so that even if the 3 bullets were stopped, the bursting fireball burned a part of the seam outside of the suture division. Corpse line.

   Then, the gunshots of William Bengbang on the other side rang. If you want to say why the inexperienced William grasped the timing so right, it is naturally due to the tracking monocle he made. Just shooting all 6 bullets in a row shows that William’s experience is insufficient. Fortunately, he can grasp it. The timing was good. Three of the six bullets were hidden and wiped to the surrounding area, destroying part of the suture thread, but the remaining three were accepted by the suture teachers and students.

   One shoulder blade directly exploded one of the stitcher's arms from the inside, one piece broke the stitcher's left calf, and the last one was the most powerful, almost blasting through the stitcher's kidney.

"Ah!" The stitcher sews the corpse thread all over his body, and the opportunity to pull all the flying parts back in an instant, and firmly sewed the corpse thread to the original position. Even so, there is still some flesh and blood inside. Explosion annihilation, there is no way to recover.

Quinns frowned slightly and said something inconvenient. The most famous thing about the secret legend of the monster system is the strong vitality. Even if this guy's promotion was forcibly interrupted by him, he inherited the secret suture thread he obtained in advance. The secret ability of some monsters, especially the secret technique of stitching the corpse, can deal with the lack of arms and legs.

  , Quines sneered coldly. Now the suture division's combat power has been greatly reduced. Most of the suture thread is used to fix the residual ischemic meat, and the protection becomes sparse, and the previous power is no longer there.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, taking advantage of the suturing master's vitality, Quinns and William realized this almost at the same time. Quinns immediately poured out all the remaining demon hunting bullets in the gun, and then William's The gunfire came late.

   It's a pity that even if Quinns' hunting bullets all hit the stitcher, William's subsequent shots were all missed. Quinns could see clearly. After realizing that he was completely downwind, the stitcher didn’t care about Quinns’ attack at all. He directly manipulated the suture line to draw a circle around him, and then disappeared as if hiding. Gone.

  Quines immediately realized that the stitcher had dug an underground passage in the warehouse just to escape.

   "Damn it!" Success was imminent, but the guy escaped. At this point, Quinns had a deeper understanding of the suture master.

   I saw in the distance, a butterfly-shaped dart flew up, and a puff of mist was sprayed out forcefully. The mist bomb is generally used as a small prop for cover and concealment, but it is more than enough for fire fighting in emergency.

   Soon, the raging fire was extinguished, and Quinnes and William converged at the tunnel entrance.

  Quines crouched down to take a look, and shook his head: "No way, that guy destroyed the passage and can't catch up."

   "Then what shall we do?" William, who had done a lot of things at this time, asked with excitement.

"Hmph, that guy actually used the suture thread on himself. It is impossible for him to endure the corpse qi on the suture thread for a long time, and it will turn into the lowest wise corpse monster in a moment, so..." Quinns sneered.

   "So, he will definitely find a safe place to advance as soon as possible to solve the side effects caused by the stitches. This is a desperate move." William continued.

"Yes," Quinnes looked at William unexpectedly, and it seemed that this kid had matured a lot after this time: "However, his sacrificial ceremony was interrupted, and the secret technique obtained after promotion must be incomplete, but we still We need to find him as soon as possible. After all, the incomplete secret is also a secret, and we may not be able to handle it with our current strength. It's just that there are so many warehouses here, and he can leave us at a loss as long as he finds one." Helpless.

   "Hey, leave this to me." William patted his chest, and took out a bronze fist-sized egg from his backpack. He didn't know which mechanism he pressed, hey! There was a sound of a petite air pressure valve, and the bronze egg was dazzlingly changed like a transformer, turning into a metal bird made up of small gears.

   "Look, this is my highest masterpiece. I named her Duo Mi." William carefully held Duo Mi in his hands and leaned down, placing his hands in front of a pool of blood. Suddenly, I saw Duo Mi flapping her mechanical wings, taking a peck of blood with her small mouth, and then retracting William's palm.

   "Okay, so Do Mi can find that guy based on the blood." William smiled complacently.

Quinns touched his chin and exclaimed: "Very good Tier 0 life wonder, I will make one if you have time." In fact, Quinns is not without tracking means, but those are secret shadow means. Quinnes does not guarantee that William will not see it after it is used, and be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years. So he deliberately showed his powerless attitude in tracking down the stitcher, just to induce William to take action.

   William shook his head embarrassedly: "No, I made Duo Mi by accident. It is impossible for me to make one again."

Quinns nodded. He could see that Domi's spirituality was sufficient. He was already considered a semi-mechanical life form. If he wanted to create another one, he could not create one by the current William. The existence of theory Impossible, looking at the appearance of Baby William, it is impossible without coincidence and huge price.

   William let go: "Go, find that person."

   Domi gave William a humane look, and the countless small gears on his chest began to turn, a faint light of blood was on Domi, flapping his wings and flying in one direction.

  Queens followed Domi unhurriedly, they really couldn't get up soon. Although Domi is already flying at full strength, it's just a lot slower than the two Quinns.

  The stitcher cannot escape too far, so finding the stitcher is not a difficult task.

   Soon, Mi Duo flew over a large warehouse, and after three turns, he flew back to William's palm. Quinns and William looked at each other, knowing they had reached the ground.

   "It seems that this guy dug an underground passage inside the warehouse." Quinnes glanced briefly at the periphery, and there was no entrance at all.

   "Shall we use incendiary?" William suggested.

  Queens shook his head: "This place is too big, even if it burns, it will take a long time."

   "What should I do?" William scratched his head.

Quinnes was also anxious. The previous big move has attracted the attention of many people. It is impossible to open a passage to the inside in a short time. If you do this, you will only hit it. Stitcher after promotion. Since you can't kill that guy, why don't you just do something cruel...

  Queens immediately told William of his thoughts, this matter still needs William to cooperate.

   Early the next morning, the first basement of the Gloucester District Police Station.

  Quines got up early for breakfast. After pouring himself a glass of milk, Quinns took a good time to pick up a Tig Morning News and read it. The Tig Morning News has a lot of influence in Tig City. Although it is only a city newspaper, it has a strong influence on Tig City. Incidents from the city to the nobles to the civilians are involved.

   Therefore, many people in Tige City wake up in the morning and read the first newspaper Tige Morning News, rather than a continental newspaper like the Sun Daily.

   Ignoring some peculiar ink smell, after a quick glance, Quinns easily saw what he wanted to see on the second edition.

   A terrifying farce staged at the dock warehouse-Tige Morning Post.

   Tige Zaobao moves quickly. Quinns secretly said. Then he browsed it quickly, which roughly meant that last night, a rainbow of light suddenly appeared in an abandoned warehouse in the dock warehouse, which could be seen ten miles away, accompanied by loud noises. Afterwards, dock workers, homeless people, gangsters, robbers and robbers who were going to beg for life in the dock warehouse came after hearing the news. For the so-called treasure, the abandoned warehouse was demolished almost in a short time.

After   , he inevitably ran into the stitcher who was hiding under the warehouse. Almost everyone was red-eyed, because in the secret hiding place of the stitcher, gold coins were piled up like a mountain, and the stitcher inside naturally became a thorn in everyone's eyes.

   A big fight was staged immediately. At first, some people rushed to the stitcher. Later, it gradually evolved into a chaos, and then, it was the stitcher's performance.

   Due to the tricks of the two Quinns, the stitcher did not complete the ritual promotion after all, so after being besieged by the crowd for a period of time, he was gradually eroded by the corpse gas in the stitching thread~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally lost his mind. At this time, Quinns, who was watching from the periphery, could be regarded as completing the task.

   But the suture master who turned into an irrational corpse monster to kill the ring is out of his consideration. Before the suture master has lost his rational money, ordinary people may be able to give him effective damage, but after being completely incarnate as a corpse monster, the weaknesses of those ordinary people are gone.

   A large number of docks realized that they were corroded by corpse gas and lost their lives. Everyone was terrified. All kinds of gossip about the people in the dock area was flying all over the sky, and monsters like corpses were naturally heard. Just like an infection, many people soon withdrew from the range of zombies, and many unwilling to give up became zombies' mouth food.

   But Quinnes saw clearly that under the crazy impact, the corpse monster was already at the end of the crossbow. After all, this was only a 0-tier mutant monster, no matter how strong it was, it could be piled to death by ordinary people.

   After a gunshot, Quinns ended the farce.

   As for the treasure in the abandoned warehouse, that is the illusion made by William's props. Anyone with a little eye can see what is wrong. It's just that it doesn't matter anymore, Quinns has achieved his goal.

   In the end, there were only a few people who died and were injured, and there were only a few lucky ones who were not injured.

   "It seems that you have already solved the stitcher." At this time, the old Schmidt, who was sitting across from Quinns, said: "Although it was a bit lively after passing, it was generally good."

  Quins' heart moved: "I was about to report to you. I didn't expect the information from the Investigation Section to be so fast."

  Old Schmidt took his pipe: "Much faster than you think. Okay, you can continue training in the last few days. After the shotgun comes back in a few days, I have a task for you."


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