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However, Kelley said that Yegorit’s ability comes from Goddess, and their ability comes from daily training cultivation, which is actually better than hers.

Renault can’t see the advantage of physical training over divine technique training, but it will not break. Whether it is physical power, mana power, divine force or the devil’s hell power, as long as he can accomplish his expectations, it is good. He watched Yegorit turn over and said to Wumama: “It seems that they are about to wake up. You continue to stare outside. Let me cook breakfast.”

Wu Mama seemed to have spoken enough and became silent again. He looked out from the edge of the rock, and the morning light and fog touched his face, melting away the white frost that was faintly discernible. At this time, Renault felt he was a woman, sitting in the painting, staring at the future.

“It must be the illusion caused by monotonous food.”

Weighted overall calculation can improve the efficiency of the use of items, but in many ways I am sorry for the gastrointestinal tract. This evil will become more serious as they stay longer in the wild. At this time, the distant memories of various delicious dishes of the previous life will emerge to torment him, just as hell does to the ordinary person’s soul. Reluctance and reluctance are curses that can never be rid of. Reynolds realizes this more and more. His only response is to divert his attention.


As he focused, several things around him floated up one after another, and then went to their respective destinations. Firewood, pots, water sacs, dry food, seasonings, Renault cannot handle them at the same time, and can only control one at a time. However, as long as the destination is set, incantation will allow these items to slide by themselves. Although the speed can’t be increased, just like feathers can’t accelerate themselves in free fall, at least until they encounter greater resistance or are re-controlled by the next “SUA”, they will keep moving in a calm posture.

Tron sat up all of a sudden and looked around alertly, not finding danger. He turned to sorrowful eyes and looked at Renault, who kept making SUA · SUA sounds in his mouth, and said: “I think my brain has been dragged into the air-this is really the most terrifying wake-up incantation.”

“What do you have for breakfast?” This was Yegorite’s voice. Her voice carries the grace and dexterity of Elf, but also has the shortness and strength unique to humans. Goddess ’holy knight is, after all, a militarized organization, dominated by human beings, so this short-lived strength is a habit developed during training.

“What else? The dry food is soaked in wine, plus a little stimulating flavor.” Renault stirred the steaming soup pot with a long spoon, hoping to make the dry food inside become more uniform. “After this meal, there is no dry food, only meat. Yegorit, what are you going to do?”

“I will eat whatever you eat, and meat will do.” Nothing could be heard from Elf’s voice. She got out of her sleeping bag, stick one’s head around to look for, looking into the soup pot, as if she wanted to see the difference from the same every day. “I asked Goddess if he could eat meat, Goddess said no problem. I tried it, the taste is not used to it, but the belly is acceptable.”

“You’re the first meat-eating Elf I’ve heard of.” Kelley woke up quickly, and was already folding the sleeping bag. “Don’t worry too much, we will pay attention to looking for plant food on the road. In fact, if it wasn’t for the whamma’s rough ruined traces yesterday, you can actually follow the squirrels and find some nuts from their nests.

“I’m sorry.” Wu Mama lowered her head.

Kelley not at all continued to criticize him, which is very different from usual, but everyone likes this change. “Today’s task is very important, everyone mentions the spirit. Ram Stein, stop rubbing your eyes, tell me first what to do today?”

Fatty yawned back, and said quickly: “We found the place where the knights were attacked 3 days ago. According to the clues there, we tracked the griffin’s nest all the way. Yesterday, we found another place to attack. , Newer than the previous one. Today ’s mission is to start searching from this location. It is best to get close to the Griffon ’s lair, at least to lock its range of activity, and then look for places where traps can be placed. “

“Tron, is there anything you need to pay attention to?” Kallie had folded her sleeping bags and tied them up, he continued to ask.

“The griffin may appear at any time, and to improve the level of vigilance, so every time you must have 2 pairs of eyes looking at the sky.” Tron said while thinking, said while thinking: “The crossbow must be in a state of being fired, every time 2 people must keep a safe distance. From now on, we will enter the light combat preparation state, and this is our second supply and retreat position. “

Are you ready to fight? Reynolds thought about it and excited and nervous his own spirit. He can still clearly remember the attack when he first arrived at Bingfeng Fortress, when the Griffon’s paw slipped past his eyes; if he recalled carefully, he seemed to remember earlier, Griffon hovering in the sky, looking down and picking prey Eyes.

That was the hunter’s gaze, and now he wanted his eyes to look that way.

“Are you going to keep quiet today and you can’t listen to the story?” Yegorit suddenly thought of this, and he was unhappy.

Tron looked at Reynolds and Yegorit and thought that if the Lady Knight could protect Renault nearby, that would definitely be a good thing. So he said: “As long as you lower your voice, you can still speak. I think there may be fog today, so I still have to rely on the voice to determine everyone’s situation. There are not only griffins in the mountains, but also be careful of other things.”

After getting up, everyone warmed up with hot soup, then extinguished the campfire and cleaned the camp. They hid something in the shelter of the big stone, and then went into battle lightly, and continued to search for the location of the Griffon.

“Fortunately, as winter approaches, most creatures will either go to a warm place to avoid snow or hibernate in a cave, and will not come out again until spring. This leaves us with a lot of risks along the way.” Tron from the end Going to the front, he said to him when he passed Renault: “Setting Sun Mountain Range is not like this in other seasons. You can’t leave the road and go into the mountains without completing the training of 10000000. Renault, be careful.”

“Be careful.” Renault nodded, and then pulled the strap of the backpack to make the shoulders more comfortable. Although they are all in a light state, Renault’s backpack seems to be heavier than others, and he needs to adjust his posture frequently. It was a short break, and it was also to prevent the wound under the cotton armor from being torn again.

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