
This was the first time Lin Tian had eaten his own roasted rabbit meat.

Only salt and pepper are added to the seasoning.

But it makes him, who is now a picky taster, full of praise.

Originally, I thought that such a big gray rabbit would definitely be very fat, but in fact, because these rabbits often exercise, there is not much fat.

The only fatty meat also contributes oil during the grilling process, making the whole rabbit meat even more delicious.

“Come, reward your rabbit legs~” Mu Yufei handed one of her carefully roasted rabbit legs to Lin Tian.

“Thank you Yufei!” Lin Tian hurriedly thanked him.

Mu Yufei’s craftsmanship is good.

The rabbit leg has a charred skin, tender and soft meat, and the amount of salt and pepper is just right.

Take a sip, and your lips and teeth will linger.


Listening to Lin Tian’s heartfelt appreciation, Mu Yufei’s heart was sweet, and every bite of rabbit meat was eaten with relish.

After eating some rabbit meat, I tasted a roasted yam, which is soft and fragrant, especially suitable for eating one after eating meat.

Finally, drink a bamboo bowl of tender fish soup.


Lin Tian leaned on the big tree, his left leg straightened, his right leg propped up, and a grass stalk in his mouth.

No one would think he was here to survive in the wilderness.

This posture state is too easy and casual.

“Lin Tian, give.” Jing Qiuyun suddenly ran over and handed Lin Tian a few small things.

It turned out to be a pickled mushroom!

“Sister Yufei and I want to taste whether this mushroom is pickled, ah, I didn’t expect it to be so delicious.” Jing Qiuyun smiled when he ate.

“After a few days when the vegetable seeds are ready, we will open up a particularly large vegetable garden, and the seeds will be a little more varied, and I will eat them in the future.” Lin Tian said with a smile.

A bud entrance, immediately is the fresh spicy juice exploded in the mouth, especially when eating meat dishes, come to one piece, especially relieving!


Lin Tian thought back to Lin Lin after going to the island, accompanied by his own good brothers, and two beautiful women as companions.

Eat and drink without worry.

It’s a decent day…

Xu was too comfortable to eat and drink, and Lin Tian fell asleep thinking about it.

When he woke up again, Lin Tian found that not only was he asleep, but the other three were also still asleep.

It seems that everyone is still in a relaxed mood, and Lin Tian will smile heartily.

“Look, Brother Tian has finally woken up!”

“It’s too much Brother Ha Tian, you actually took Sister Yufei and them to sleep, and then let us all watch how well you sleep?”

“This is really more people than people, the players next door never dare to take a nap on hot days, you must make full use of the time to ensure what you need every day!”

“To be honest, the scenery here is so beautiful, and the food is refreshing, in exchange for me, I will also fall asleep / laugh and cry”

[You are worried about helping the two female partners solve the embarrassing problem of the upcoming visit of relatives, so you must do the rabbit cage as soon as possible, otherwise today’s time will pass again]

[After eating and drinking enough, you sleep beautifully, you feel refreshed and energetic]

【You gained stamina +2】

【You have obtained spirit +1】

Not bad.

After eating a meal and sleeping, I suddenly became a little stronger.

Lin Tian did not wake up everyone.

Instead, pick up a machete and deal with Mao Bamboo.

Making a cage is already very convenient, whether it is a square cage or a round cage, in fact, the principle is similar, at most there are some small changes.

So the first thing he did was still to open the cage.

The only thing to think about is how to achieve the effect of locking up the rabbit?

[You patted yourself the head, and finally remembered something]

[That’s the picture of sitting on a seesaw when I was a child, one end up, the other falling]

If you make a rabbit cage like a seesaw, you may be able to achieve such an effect!

Set up a seesaw at the entrance so that the end of the cage where the bait is placed is lighter and the outer end heavier.

The natural form of such a seesaw is that the cage is cocked inside and the outside of the cage hits the ground.

And when the rabbit finds the bait and drives into the cage from the outside through the top of the seesaw, the seesaw inside naturally falls with the arrival of the rabbit.

This allows the rabbit to follow the seesaw into the cage, and once it leaves the seesaw, the seesaw inside bounces again.

The mouth of the cave could not get out because it was blocked by a seesaw.

In this way, the rabbit is successfully trapped in the cage.

Lin Tian’s mind was running at high speed, and he quickly simulated the whole process.


After figuring it out, he immediately operated it.

Soon, a rabbit trap was ready.

Although he did not explain, because the principle of this rabbit cage trap is clear at a glance, netizens will understand it after reading it.

“Draw inferences, I want to do the same to deal with the dead at home.”

“I followed along, although it was also successful, but why does Brother Tian’s look so delicate, and mine is so ugly?”

“Once again, it proves that the brain and the hand are two completely different things.”

“。。。。 This needs to be proven? ”

It may be that Lin Tian Kai Weaving also had some sounds, and the other three woke up.

“What a beautiful cage!” Jing Qiuyun and the two said in surprise.

“This seems like a seesaw?” The fat man quickly noticed the structure inside.

“Yes, this is a rabbit cage made according to stilts, and the lid on it can also be opened to facilitate bait and rabbit retrieval.”

“You three take the fence and learn with me.”

Lin Tian explained.

[You invite your partners to make a rabbit cage together, maybe the appearance is not so delicate, but there is no difference in practicality, and your work efficiency is improved]

That’s where the team comes in.

There is a team, but the early stage of food may be more scarce, but as long as it survives the early stage and has a stable food source, then the team is much more likely to survive than the individual.

At least for ordinary people.

However, due to the huge size of Odin Island and the lack of a map between the players, everyone is at most active in a small area.

Except for Lin Tianmu Yufei’s two teams converging, the other teams are still far apart.

[You have successfully placed the rabbit cage, and every day in the future, you can harvest more or less rabbits]

Finally put the rabbit cages in place.

More than a dozen rabbit traps, with subtitle prompts, should not worry about breeding rabbits.

Next, consider exploring the surroundings to find materials that the system prompts to solve the problem of female relatives visiting.

“Brother Tian, what are we going to do next?” The fat man asked.

There are still a lot of things, bamboo rats to feed, seeds to be watered, cisterns to expand, etc.

But what is more urgent should be the issue of relatives visiting.

That thing is not negotiable, and it can’t be blocked.



A scream interrupted what Lin Tian wanted to say.

Lin Tian’s five senses were enhanced, and he locked the source of the sound at the first time.

It’s a trap zone!

Although several other people were a little slower to react, following Lin Tian’s gaze, they quickly determined that it was the sound from the trap area.

And it sounds like a rabbit’s voice.

“Another rabbit has been hit!” Jing Qiuyun was the first to exclaim in surprise.

If it is the scream of a rabbit, then it is most likely that the pullover trap played a role.

The fat man and Mu Yufei are also very happy, the deliciousness of the rabbit just now is still fresh in my memory, this new rabbit is here again?

You have to eat extra tonight!

Netizens are also very excited, this rabbit is too easy to catch!

Lin Tian frowned slightly and stared at the subtitles in his mind.

[Cunning creature cut off your prey and left a contemptuous mockery]

Lin Tian Ran.

The so-called contemptuous ridicule probably refers to the rabbit’s scream.

The prey in hand can be cut off, which is really a bit ironic!

“There should be a rabbit tricked.”

Lin Tian said.

“Great, then let’s hurry over.” Jing Qiuyun was impatient.

But Lin Tian’s next words stopped her legs that she had just taken.

“But it’s probably gone.”

Already gone?

The crowd was curious.

Lin Tian no longer explained, but just beckoned a few people to go to investigate together.

[Broken trap, something intercepted the prey here]

Lin Tian looked at the subtitle and sneered, there was really something to intercept his prey under his nose.

It’s simply an old birthday star hanging.

It’s a long life!

“The trap was destroyed and the rabbit escaped?” Mu Yufei picked up the branch, and the rope sleeve on it had been broken, leaving only half of it still tied to the branch.

And that ferrule is apparently still hanging around the neck of a certain unlucky rabbit.

“Sister, it seems that our grass rope is too tender, so it can be broken by rabbits.” Jing Qiuyun’s tone was slightly low.

“It’s okay, let’s just strengthen the grass rope when we turn back, anyway, the rabbits can’t run away in the meadow.” Mu Yufei sighed in relief.

Then several people saw that Lin Tian was silent and couldn’t help but be curious.

“Lin Tian, what are you thinking?”

“I was wondering what the hell bit our rabbit away.”


The crowd was surprised.

Didn’t the rabbit break the straw rope himself and escape?

“Why do you think something bit our rabbit?” Mu Yufei asked.

“Intuition.” There is no way, Lin Tian can’t say that the system gave the subtitle prompt.

And he has no evidence to prove that the rabbit did not escape on its own.

“Lin Tian, do you still have intuition? Is it the same as a woman’s sixth sense, called the seventh sense? Jing Qiuyun quipped.

Lin Tian smiled.

You can summarize it that way.

[Do you think that geese have left traces, no matter what has come, there will always be some traces and clues]

[You start to scrutinize the trap and around the trap, and finally let you find a clue]

“Don’t move, I’ll check to see if I can find a clue.” Lin Tian said very seriously, as if the detective was instructing to protect the crime scene.

Everyone was very knowledgeable and did not move, and they all saw that Lin Tian really had discovered something, and he was not joking.

“Attention, our Detective Lin is going online!”

“Don’t say, Brother Tian’s serious thinking looks really handsome, but it’s a pity that I’m a man.”

“Guys, don’t hit my husband, okay? My husband’s orientation is normal! ”

If Lin Tian heard this, he would definitely hold the other party’s hands: Maybe I may not be able to pair up with you, but you really understand me too well!

He first looked at the paw prints on the ground, but did not find much, the rabbit had struggled in this area, and the ground imprints were disorganized.

[You have some case-solving pictures in your mind, if it is a person, it will break through from what aspects, maybe you can make an analogy]


The scene was chaotic, and there was no way to find out.


Don’t be funny, this is a desert island.


Right! It’s hair!

[You suddenly think that if another beast bites the rabbit, then their hair may be left on the scene]

Lin Tian continued to observe.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

He managed to see a brown hair next to a branch.

The rabbits in the meadow were all gray, and apparently this brown hair belonged to the unknown beast.

“I found a clue.” Lin Tian said happily.

“This rabbit hair?” Jing Qiuyun was curious.

“No, it’s not rabbit hair! You look closely at its color, it’s a brown hair and not gray. “Tomorrow, hand the brown hair to Jing Qiuyun.

“It’s really true!” Jing Qiuyun was surprised.

The latter then handed the hair to the other two for inspection.

Although it is not easy to see, if you look closely, it is true that as Lin Tian said, the color of this hair is not right.

“But even if we are sure that this hair belongs to another beast, how can we find it?” Mu Yufei asked.

Lin Tian frowned and thought.

He suddenly put the hair to his nose and sniffed, there was a faint stench, but it was too faint, even if his five senses were enhanced, there was no way to find this beast through this hair.

[You have a flash of light, remembering the scene in the detective TV series, where the detective dog finds the suspect by smelling the smell of the suspect’s clothes]

[The leopard is also an animal with a sensitive sense of smell, can lightning find this beast through this hair]

【You have obtained a leopard sense of smell enhancement】

It’s really okay!

Lin Tian was overjoyed.

Since the system gave lightning an enhanced sense of smell, it didn’t run to find this beast.

“Maybe we can try to let Lightning track it down.” Lin Tian said with a smile.

“Lightning? Do you mean like a scout dog? Mu Yufei and several others said in surprise.

Lin Tian: “Yes, that’s it. ”

So everyone hurriedly packed up the picnic tools, ready to put things away and try to let Lightning lead the way to find.

On the way back.

Lin Tian still couldn’t help but think curiously.

What kind of animal will brown hair be?

(Grandfathers with monthly tickets and flowers, the little author kneels and begs to smash me!) )_

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