Wild Explorer

Chapter 668: Road to Devil (Part 1)

"That's the first time I saw someone dying when I was so old..." Li Fei said with a dull face, "The teacher's eyes are open, her mouth is full of blood, and her neck is even worse, lying down. There, the ground was all red in a while! However, Shi Niang's body was still twitching, I don't know if it took a long time before she didn't move...

"Then, I saw that the fourth sister Du Manting stood shrunkenly behind her teacher's wife like that, her face paled in fear... She was in* restrained...

"I have also been wondering where did the strength of the Fourth Sister come from? A 13 or 14-year-old girl actually used fire chopsticks to pierce the wicked woman's neck!

"Senior lady stopped moving, neither of the two of us moved, the fourth sister didn’t wear clothes, and I didn’t get up from the ground! At that time, I felt that the whole world was black! I don’t know, what exactly did we do, Everything is like a dream...

"However, Madam's wife is indeed dead! In the end, things will always be resolved!" Li Fei swallowed, and said dejectedly, "I am the boss, so why can't I let the fourth sister go back to the murder? ! So... I told the fourth sister and asked her to push everything to my head, saying that I killed people! Then... I ran away! At that time, I didn’t take anything, and I paid it back. Bleeding, just ran away like that!

"I don't know what happened at home afterwards. After I went out, I ran and ran lifelessly, thinking that I will be a murderer in the future, and I will never be able to return to Bailing or Nanjiang again! I want to run, I want to run...

"In the first few years, I survived entirely by relying on the skills my master taught me to steal things. However, my skills were not good at all, and there was a shadow in my heart, and a lawsuit was being committed. Once the body is caught by the police, there will be no chance in a lifetime!

"Therefore, I dare not blatantly steal from the streets, nor go to the houses of high-ranking officials to steal valuable things. Therefore, my life has been very difficult. I spend every day with homeless people, nothing to eat, no place. live.

"At that time, I realized that I urgently needed a job to make ends meet. However, for an unidentified person like me, to find a decent job, the difficulty can be imagined.

"However, there is no road to heaven. Finally, when I lived in Weiling County of Jin'an Province, I accidentally saw that the local funeral home was recruiting temporary workers.

"I just thought that places like funeral homes should not be checked very strictly, so I took an ID card I picked up and went there to apply for a job!

"Places like funeral homes often deal with dead people, and the wages of temporary workers are not high, so no one competes with me, and I got on the job the first day I got there.

"My main job is to do miscellaneous work. I do almost everything, giving hands to the enrollee, putting makeup on the dead, cleaning up, cremating the corpse, driving the funeral car, etc...

"It was at that time that I followed a teacher and father and learned to embalm the corpse, make up and so on. That was the longest job I have ever done.

"I have been working for many years. I have learned a lot about the funeral industry and learned a lot of methods to deal with corpses. However, the remuneration of the funeral home is too small to meet my needs. Sometimes even the rent is paid. Sorry. In order to improve the quality of life, whenever I have time, I still go back to the county town to work in my old business.

"My goal is the home of ordinary people. Although I don't steal much, I can succeed every time. It is relatively safe.

"In order to be foolproof, I not only stepped on a little bit in advance, but also chose to act late at night. At that time, people were already asleep, and even if they couldn't steal something, they wouldn't be caught.

"However, when I sneaked into the house of a merchant selling mountain products in the middle of the night, I found that the family hadn't rested, and the hostess burned paper money in the backyard.

"At that time, I had already turned over to the yard, so I couldn't run anymore, so I had to hide behind her water tank and wait for the opportunity.

"Of course I am also very curious. In the middle of the night, why did this woman run out to burn the paper money? Moreover, when the paper money was burned, there were tables and offerings!

"The woman was burning paper while talking, and I finally understood that she was burning paper for her dead daughter! This woman...well..."

Who knows, at this point, Li Fei suddenly clenched his fists, his eyes showed indescribable anger, he gritted his teeth and continued: "Unexpectedly, that cruel woman actually killed her by herself, only one year old. Half daughter! She herself said that her daughter has a congenital disease and her family can't afford it. If the daughter is alive, it will drag them down! Moreover, because of family planning, they can't have a son anymore!

"So, she used a pillow to smother her daughter while she was asleep!" After speaking, Li Fei hammered the table hard, his eyes were red with excitement.

"You said, is this still a human? That's her biological daughter..." Li Fei exclaimed excitedly, "My wife abused us. Anyway, we are not her own! Anyway, we can still resist, but there is only one. What can a half-year-old baby do?

"Unfair, so unfair! This woman, like my wife, is not worthy to live in the world. She must pay for her actions! So... so..." Li Fei said viciously, "I was So I wanted to kill her! I wanted to kill her and avenge the poor baby!

"I thought about it. Anyway, I was already a murderer at that time! I don't care about killing one more! So... I hid there quietly and waited until the woman finished burning the paper and fell asleep. Entered her house. It turned out that this woman was the only one at home, which just gave me a chance to start!

"I didn't hesitate at the time, so I used her method of killing her daughter and covered her to death with a pillow! At first, she struggled so hard that she even scratched my arm with her nails, but I didn't dare Stop, just like that for ten minutes, until her body doesn't move anymore!

"To be honest, after killing people, I didn’t feel any regrets. I just thought ~www.readwn.com~ I should have gone crazy! What I did was completely a lunatic. One and a half year old baby, killed a person!

"Riddulous...hehe... ridiculous? Hehehe..."

Li Fei laughed wickedly, but the scene fell into silence.


Zhao Yu also asked silently in his heart, is it absurd?

"When I was studying art, I often heard Master talk about the police solving crimes," Li Fei continued, "I feel that if I kill people like this, I will be caught by the police sooner or later!

"So, I simply did nothing and carried the body away! The woman was not sinking, so I put her in their woven bag, and then dragged it to the wilderness, wanting to dig a pit and bury her. NS!

"However, that place is too close to the woman's home. I am worried that if I dig a pit and bury it, I will be found soon! I know that the police have police dogs that can smell, and you can find it by smelling it."

"So, I ran back to the funeral home overnight, drove the funeral car over, and transported her back to the funeral home.

"The funeral home is a gloomy place. There is only one person to defend there, and this person is myself!

"Originally, I just wanted to burn the corpse! But when I got there, I found that it didn't work at all. A little stove, too much movement, will inevitably attract the attention of others!

"Finally, I began to wonder what method can be used to safely dispose of people without being detected by the police? I have heard from Master before that the biggest headache for the police is that they cannot find the dead body or identify the dead. identity of!

"At that time, in order to confirm the identity of the deceased, in addition to his appearance and teeth, it was fingerprints!" Li Fei said with evil eyes, "So, I simply cut off her finger, and then cut off her-head. !!!"

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