Chapter 316 The End of the World?

In the live broadcast room, the old irons were once again shocked.

Before the admiration of the wife and husband, she also upgraded again.

The ability to complete the measurement and storage of the entire genetic code of 10 million species is amazing.

After measuring these genetic codes, I didn’t think about using them for personal gain, but saved the fire for mankind. The pattern and mind of the wife and husband are moving.

Of course, in everyone’s hearts, endless hidden worries once again surfaced.

“I admire everything my wife and husband have done, but I am more concerned about whether the world will really fall into crisis and whether humanity will really fall into despair.”

“Yes, my wife and husband seem to have mentioned this matter more than once. It shouldn’t be groundless.”

“At first, I felt a bit alarmist, but seeing the layout of my wife and husband, I suddenly became a little scared.”

“What’s the fear? Anyway, the disaster is coming, the rich and the not, everyone will die together, haha…well, I laughed and cried. I haven’t even held the girl’s hand until now. It’s so miserable. .”

“Old Tie upstairs, didn’t you hold the girl’s hand when you were in kindergarten?”

“No, when I was in kindergarten, I really hated girls and I often fight with girls.”

“Old Tiezheng, what is the meaning of women, men and men are true love, if you still like women, it is because you have not met a man you like, or leave a contact information, you can comfort in the desperate end times Take a look at each other’s hearts…”

“Fuck, Laozi is a straight man, and a straight steel man. Laozi only wants girls and is not interested in the big guys! Shui Lingling, hurry up and come to Brother’s bowl…”

At this moment, Ji Qingyan found a document from the vast array of files on the USB flash drive.

There are too many files in the USB flash drive, and most of the genetically encoded files cannot be read at all.

But this document is a normal TXT document, and the capacity is not very large.

The name of the document is called “Clues to the End of the World”.

Ji Qingyan’s heart trembled suddenly.

A strong premonition rose in her heart.

Could it be that the premonition of the wife and husband is true.

Not only true, but the wife and husband still have clues?

Instinctively, she clicked on the document.

Click to open the document, the beginning of the document is a series of keywords.

extreme weather!

Man-made natural disasters!

The glacier melts!

Crustal Movement!

Plate drift!

Sea clan changed!

Solar flares!

Galaxy Fleet!

Thousands of races are coming!

There are dozens of such notes.

Although some words are unfamiliar to everyone.

But it is easy to understand.

And everything points to a message: human beings are in big trouble.

“Does the disaster really come? The wife and husband are deliberately scary.”

“If someone said that I would not believe it, but if it was the wife and husband, I would believe it by seven points all at once.”

“If the end of the world comes, we ordinary people will have no other choice but to lie down and die.”

“I can’t say that. Didn’t the previous show say everything? The wife’s husband is always preparing for the end of the day? I think the wife’s husband will definitely not give up on us.”

“Whether the wife and husband will give up on us, I don’t know, but I know, the wife and husband definitely did not give up on the wife.”

“I really envy my wife. In order to protect his wife, her husband built a doomsday refuge for her.”

At the same time, these keywords have also caused quite a stir on the Internet.

After all, if such a disaster does happen, it will be closely related to everyone.

Ordinary people are talking frantically on the Internet, worrying about their future.

In the face of such a disaster, ordinary people are like ants!

And some people with wealth, while paying attention to all kinds of information on the Internet, while frantically inquiring about internal information.

According to the plot in the movie, if there is such a crisis, those who really stand on the top of the pyramid will definitely know the news in advance and get the opportunity to board the Doomsday Refuge, Noah’s Ark and the like.

In short, there are few opportunities to live, and only the strong can get it.

On the Internet, there is a vast array of information about the end of the world, but most of them are speculations.

Nevertheless, most people choose to believe the news on the Internet.

On the one hand, it has something to do with most people’s mentality of “I would rather trust it and don’t trust it”.

On the other hand, as the private money program continues to deepen, Lin Fan’s weight in the hearts of everyone is getting heavier, and his words naturally have a lot of weight.

However, top-secret departments in many countries have fallen into panic.

Because as early as a few years ago, these departments, more or less, learned some clues to the doomsday crisis.

The next plot development is the same as in the movie.

These institutions began to undertake an important task, that is, the construction of refuges and Noah’s Ark for various countries.

At the same time, the list of people who have an important role and influence on the country is screened, and a plan for entering the shelter is made.

In short, everything is done in strict secrecy.

After all, once the news is leaked, it will definitely cause huge turmoil.

At that time, people will definitely try all kinds of ways to find the location of the refuge, and then crazy refuge.

Therefore, when the news spread, many countries and agencies responsible for related matters became nervous.

Could it be that he made a mistake in his work, that is why he leaked such top-secret information?

Let’s not talk about the occurrence of such a thing, you have to hold the job accountable. Once the chaos really occurs, it is estimated that neither oneself nor his family have the opportunity to board Noah’s Ark.

But soon, these institutions figured out what was going on.

This news came from a variety show in China.

They suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s just a variety show, it’s impossible to get such important information, it must be made up of eyeballs.

However, when they knew the name of this variety show was “Private Money Challenge”, they were instantly dragged into the abyss of fear.

The “Private Money Challenge” program can be said to provide a lot of joy for the people who eat melons.

However, the short period of less than three hours has brought too many shadows to many countries, companies, and organizations.

They know better than the old irons on the Internet what the male owner of this house really means.

As a result, they just breathed a sigh of relief and fell into an extremely nervous state.

Because no one can understand that the exposure of the Private Money Challenge program is a coincidence, or the person is doing it deliberately.

Therefore, a special meeting was held for the first time to discuss this matter in depth.

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