Wife in the previous life came to the door

Past Wife Comes to the Door Chapter 167

PS: You don’t know anything about power!

PS: The next one is at 0:10 in the evening!

PS: Ask for a wave of monthly tickets and recommended tickets in advance!

Author's message:

Thanks: the weeping evildoer, the happy little fat man, the stupid human being, I am communism, penicillin, amoxicillin to force, the big pit, the depressed baboon, Snubber, the fallen feather, the zombie-skeleton dragon fight Reward 1500, Master H rewards 500, Fierce Master rewards 300, Ruinous Dream, Xiaoxi rewards 200, Attack on Wudao, Liuli Zhan, Foxfire, Heresy Cross Knight, Fire Fortune, Call Me Rechal , The song of monsters and monsters, life along death, imperial imperialism, the past is like smoke, cold wind, a year of sorrow, praying for coolness, our slogan is, Africans and dried salted fish, a pen fairy to make you play, Guagua, Elegy, White Tyrant, Thirty-Two Demon Kings, Live along the Dead, Light of the Beginning Carlosso, Lu Xun 10086, Mikasa, Ackerman, Gautam Josda, Whispering Madness, EM Zhenwu, Fallen Sky Feathers, Dead Water Flowing Frustration, A Gentleman, Dark Philosopher♂ Scholar, I'm Really Sun Yu, Chasing the Sun, Hidden Man Yang, Creamy Salted Fish, Past Ruyan, Ouyang Li, Huo Cai Ren Reward 100

The second and eighth chapters can only be added by poor authors

It's 0:10 on November 1st, this is today's first update


The car drove on the highway, towards Pan Jinling's old home in the suburbs.

Shuangqing City, also known as "Mountain City", is surrounded by a mess of various mountains. Some mountains are close to the city and have a good environment, making them a good place for citizens to spend their weekend leisure travel.For example, in Nanshan and Geleshan, the farmers on the mountain have become rich.But the mountain where Pan Jinling’s parents live is a bit away from the city, and there is no scenery. The road only passes through the small town under the mountain. To go up the mountain, you can only run the rugged mechanical farm road. After climbing the mountain, you have to turn left and right. , Drilling around in a mess, so the farmers on the mountain are relatively poor.

With every bump on the mountain road, the chassis of the car may be in close contact with the stone.

Li Hui is usually a fan of money, but at this time, he does not spare his car at all.

Pan Jinling said with a little embarrassment: "Your new car..."

Li Hui smiled indifferently: "Is a broken car comparable to your mother's body? Don't worry about it."

"Hey!" Pan Jinling's face flushed: "You are so kind to me, I feel that I owe you more. If my father's illness is not in my heart, I have to control how much I can't keep it."

These words scared Li Hui: "Hey, hold on to me. Don't hold my thighs when driving. This mountain road is already uneven and you must be careful when you turn. Come and give me a thigh and press the accelerator. Yes, we even have to go to the ravine with people and cars."

Pan Jinling whispered: "Don't worry, I'm worried that my dad is sick, and I am not in the mood to do that now."

After bumping on the rugged mountain road for half an hour, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain, and finally a small mountain village appeared in front of me.The mountain village is not big, it looks like 20 or 30 houses, dozens of broken houses are scattered on the hillside, and the hillsides around the houses are all fields.It was the end of August, and the fields were full of corn, and the corn stalks stood languidly.

Pan Jinling pointed to the village and said, "That is my hometown. Because there is a chaotic stone formation on the top of the mountain, it looks like Tianmen, so the village is called Tianmen Village."

"It doesn't matter what you call, hurry up!" Li Hui parked the car on a barren grass.

Pan Jinling jumped out of the car and ran towards a broken house, Li Hui hurriedly followed.That ruined house was very ruined, and it was also the most ruined one in this ruined village. It seems that Pan Jinling’s parents really exhausted everything to support her in college. However, it has not been a few months since Pan Jinling went to work and has not yet returned Enough money to improve the lives of parents.

Li Hui thought to himself: No wonder she was forced to that point by Minister Wang and Siemens and did not quit her job.A college graduate with a better family environment will immediately quit the burden after receiving the slightest grievance from his boss. Anyway, even if he has no income, his parents will support him.

Maybe this is the difference between children from poor families and children from rich families.

This reasoning is like hearing people often say, "What are you fighting for, you can't get it for a lifetime." The person who said this must be in good family conditions!

For example, big-time writers often say: "What's more to add! Lao Tzu reads every day, and the cost of manuscripts is enough for living. Adding more such laborious work, let the poor force the author to do it." That poor author is Mengxin No matter how you are bullied, you will be obedient and never dare to bear the burden.Even if nothing happens, it’s eight or twelve changes, and the readers still don’t think so...

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Pan Jinling's cry came from the house, followed by the cry of a middle-aged aunt: "Ling'er, you finally came back. Your dad suddenly fell down today, clutching his stomach and rolling in pain. I don’t know what to do, so I have to call you."

Li Hui followed to the door, but didn't go in. Standing outside listening, he couldn't help shaking his head and wondering: What else can I do?Send to the hospital if you are sick!

It’s a very simple truth to send to the hospital when you get sick, but middle-aged women who have lived in the countryside all their lives don’t necessarily understand this truth. They panic when they happen. This is the most typical feature of this kind of aunt. No, just cry.

Pan Jinling hurriedly said: "Mom, don't cry, let's take Dad to the hospital first, oh... I rushed back from Shuangqing, and there was a delay of one and a half hours in the middle, so I must hurry up." The two women went to the bed to move the patient.

Li Hui looked at the window. Pan Jinling’s father was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was quite tall and strong. Pan Jinling and his mother were both compact women. It seemed that Pan Jinling had inherited his mother’s physique. It was inherited from the father, the two little women moved for a long time, but they failed to move the man up.

Li Hui hurriedly got in and lifted the man on his back.

"Huh? This is?" Pan Jinling's mother was shocked.

Although Li Hui is a house slave, in order to take care of his work image, his clothes and trousers are neatly dressed. The white shirt is more than 300 yuan, his trousers are even more expensive, and his leather shoes are 500 yuan.This outfit is an office clerk's level in Shuangqing City, but in a broken place like Tianmen Village, his outfit is remarkable, it can be said to be a dazzling dawn!It's the white lotus in the sludge!It's a tall and rich son!

It is not an exaggeration to say that if he wants to marry a daughter-in-law in a nearby mountain village, as soon as the news spreads, young women of the right age in dozens of villages within a radius of a hundred miles will squeeze their heads to hand over the birth date, obediently line up He chooses, there is such a dick!Of course, to return to Shuangqing City at his level, he has to line up for the beauties to pick.Then the beauties line up for the rich second generation to pick, the rich second generation line up, huh?No, no one picks them...

This is the sorrow of mankind!

Pan Jinling's mother, who has lived in poverty all her life in Tianmen Village, has rarely seen such "handsome" white-collar office workers. She can only meet a few occasionally when she goes to the town, and it is also at the town level, unlike Li Hui had the smell of a big city, and she couldn't help but look confused when she looked at Li Hui.

Pan Jinling quickly introduced: "This is a colleague from our company, don't talk about this for now, let's go to the hospital quickly."

Li Hui carried his stomachache on his back, and Pan Jinling's father called Pan Jinling ran out of the house and put him on the back seat of the car. Her mother got into the car and sat in the back to take care of her husband. Pan Jinling sat back again. In the passenger seat.The car drove on the mechanical farming road again, swayed down the mountain, and went to the small hospital in the town below the mountain.

There was no talk all the way, the town hospital arrived soon. The doctor checked it and quickly came to the conclusion that acute appendicitis is a painful illness, but it is not a serious illness. A simple appendectomy can be done without difficulty. , It doesn't cost much money.

Hearing this news, Pan Jinling and her daughter finally breathed a sigh of relief. Li Hui knew that Pan Jinling had no money. She had only been in the company for two or three months. The income might just be enough to pay the rent and water and electricity. No savings.So I took my credit card and swiped it out, and first paid for the operation fee.

The three people were sitting side by side outside the door of the operating room, Pan Jinling's mother and daughter finally lost their urgency, and no longer panicked. Only then did they finally have the mood to get to know each other.

Li Hui smiled and said to Pan Jinling's mother: "Hello Auntie, my name is Li Hui and I am a colleague of Pan Jinling. My job is as editor of the magazine."


PS: The book guest will launch the function of sending blades in November, but this function will not be available until November 4th. It is temporarily unavailable. Readers who want to send blades to Mengxin will have to wait a few days.

PS: In the new month, new weather, Mengxin will of course compete for the new monthly ticket list. For the bonus of the monthly ticket list, Mengxin has been working hard to get rid of poverty and become rich.I believe that my hard work readers are also in the eyes.I heard that the book guest will launch a thing called "update list" in the near future. By that time, readers and friends can see who the book guest's most diligent author is. I believe it will be me!

PS: For a diligent Mengxin, or to make Mengxin more diligent, please use your guaranteed monthly pass to encourage Mengxin.Of course, Mengxin will not disappoint everyone's encouragement. A gorgeous explosion will unfold tomorrow, please call it "the gorgeous unfolding in November."

PS: Mengxin will go to bed now, and start messing up after getting up!

PS: The next one is at 9 o'clock in the morning.

PS: Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass again!

Chapter Two and Nine

At 9 o'clock in the morning, regular update, this is today's second update, messing up!

Transitional chapters, in order to pave the way for the plot, occasionally there will be chapters that I feel dull, but I can’t write it. I can’t jump the plot without clear explanation. So, just watch it. Fortunately, update today. Many, one or two chapters of transition is not a big problem.


Faced with Li Hui's generous self-introduction, the middle-aged peasant aunt obviously couldn't handle it. She didn't know whether to shake hands or what to do. She shrank back with a dazed expression, and said after several seconds: " Hello, this is Pan Jinling's mother."

She wiped her right hand on her clothes vigorously, and then she felt that she could shake hands, and stretched out her hand with a smile.

Li Hui sweats, is it necessary?I'm a small person, don't make me meet the president of the country.

"Xiao Li, you are the editor of a magazine? You must know how to write a book?" Pan Ma looked at the white and slick shirt on Li Hui, and felt that this young man is good, and it must be an income. A nice young man, really a guy who shows talent.Of course, not only is the income a good one, but the key is to have knowledge, a magazine editor, it sounds like a dazzling profession, and it must be a cultural person.

If Wu Meiqi, Xiao Feifei, Yang Miaozhen, Hua Nan and others know what she thinks, they will definitely be rolling all over the floor, vomiting blood while screaming: Where is this guy like a cultural person?But Ma Pan was still in a state of not knowing the situation completely, and Li Hui's dress was too confusing, and Ma Pan couldn't help making a mistake.

Li Hui is always good at disguising in front of his elders. He sits upright and has a sincere and down-to-earth attitude. He shows a gentle smile at Ma Pan without any dirty words. He politely said: "Auntie I’m overwhelmed. Although I can write articles, I’m a person who doesn’t speak very well and is honest."

The adjective "Honest to make friends" made it possible for him to be on his body at the end of the world when all mankind was left alone, but when he said Ann, he was safe, and his face didn't even blush.Unfortunately, neither Pan Ma nor Pan Jinling knew enough about him.

Ma Pan smiled and said, "It's good to be honest, good to be honest, do you own this car?"

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