Wife in the previous life came to the door

Previous Life Wife Comes to the Door Chapter 130

Twenty minutes later, Li Hui, holding fried dough stick soy milk in his hand, and a bag of steamed buns, wandered back from the roadside stall outside the hospital. There were not many people in the hospital early in the morning, and the corridors were fairly quiet. , Even the doctors in white coats and the female nurses in white coats could not see a few.

Li Hui walked through the secluded corridor and suddenly found a beautiful back in front of him, walking at Tingting's appointment. This back was very beautiful, with a distressing sense of beauty, her walking posture was very beautiful Few women can take such graceful steps, as if every step of her is like walking in a dream, making you unreal.

Li Hui thought: The figure of this woman is invincible!However, a woman's back is very unreliable, and the more moving the back, the more terrifying the front.

Zi said: Looking from behind, it's worth 10,000. Looking from the side, it's halved. Looking from the front, you don't do it!

Just thinking of this, the woman in front suddenly seemed to have been shot, and she fell softly with her hands on her chest...

Li Hui was not far away when he saw someone fall to the ground, and leaped forward like a conditioned reflex. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the woman fell into his arms.

She leaned back, her face finally fell in Li Hui's eyes.

It's okay if you don't look at her face. Once he sees it, Li Hui only feels that his heart has been "touched" with a punch, what a beautiful woman!Too beautiful, this woman is too beautiful to describe in ordinary words, she can only write poetry!

I want to express my speechlessness,

Dan Qing has lost consciousness before he reaches it.

Water steals the moon

The wind brows all over the world.

Li Hui didn't know why this poem flashed in his mind. He only felt that the most beautiful woman in the world was like this, and it was impossible for anyone to surpass her.Compared with her, Wu Meiqi, Xiao Feifei, Meng Jiangnv, Yang Miaozhen and others are all a bit short.If measured by a perfect score of 100 points, the beauty of this woman is 100 points. Wu Meiqi and other girls can only hover around ninety points, and only a few points can be considered perfect.

The underwhelmingly beautiful woman was frowning at this time, her face turned blue, and the sweat on her forehead was pouring down, she said in a difficult voice: "I...heart...heart..."

"Huh?" Li Huiqi said: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Is my chest a little stuffy, do I need someone to rub it for you? This...this kind of development is a bit too fast, happiness comes too suddenly, wait, let me wash my hands I'll help you again..."

"Heart... Dirty..." The beauty said with difficulty: "Medicine..."

"Damn, it turned out to be a heart attack, so I said it wasn't such a good thing." Li Hui was taken aback, and hurriedly looked in the woman's pocket and found a bottle of medicine. The woman blinked to indicate that this was it. Something, he quickly took out a medicine and fed it into the beauty's mouth. Seeing that she had trouble swallowing, he quickly passed the soy milk on his hand.


PS: Yesterday it was too much, but today, keep gentle!Just add one more today, 12 o'clock noon!

PS: Mengxin started to accumulate energy in order to prepare for the next enlargement.

PS: Thanks: ReZero, ldycc, Amelig’s Wallace rewarded 10000, Wushuang Pearl and Yishiren’s worldly love rewarded 3000, Tianyijiang rewarded 1600, playing old baa, blackening sauce~, tyrant of flower field, Matsuoka Aiyi, Depressed Baboon, German Orthopedics welcome you, passing earth, Yingluo Shouxin., The world needs pollution, the dawn of the cape, DEMON, the true eyes of the evil king of a certain secondary school, the spring breeze is not as good as the summer rewards 1500, the dark bullet rewards 400, the end of the night, the liu glass lamp, the sky? Erica, Qinghe _ Reward 300, By the Sun, Booker 72924486564, Red White Black, Rooney Injury, Endless Abyss, Disciplined You Yuzi, Seeing Defilement, Learning, Arctic, Three Mountains and Two Waters, Mi Liu, Barry Allen, Thirty-two father-in-law, Luo Chen, white tyrant, a three-year-old, Mario Megatron, Zeng Jian, Galaxy Vastness, Chi Chi, Dumb Essex sauce, Murong Yewu, Sasaki, Star River Rafting, Salt The god of fish, the dead man, winter, memory, home at the sea, like waves, foot pants, Yakumo edge, wilderness ha ha ha, noon has arrived., Qwe123rty, still handsome cold, Gensokyo, Yakumo Guyue, Eugen, jood, Jianlu Jiangshan, Yi Xiaomao, Tao Baibai 111, Shuke 9912855486, Shusheng Youzhai, Remy Majesty Leah, yfghvfdyh , Lolicon trace, Teacher Hu Zhao, Never Mouth, Sunshine on the Road, Dongfang You, Handwritten Wugui, Non-type Tiger Pattern Salted Fish, Jimmy666, Yishu, The Admiral Who Was Ravaged by Supplies, ISBN 116, 1245514383, One Sir, light and hope, atian, white right, call me Rechal to reward 100

Chapter One Eighty Give Me Back My Indirect Kiss

Change the general author, after the big outbreak, it will definitely change back to the normal two changes!But Mengxin doesn't play the cards according to common sense, so we have to add one more today, hum, hum, what is this called?This is called waves!


After taking the medicine for a while, the beauty finally returned to normal, her cheeks returned to a tender and delicate white, with a touch of blush on it, which was three points more beautiful than just now, if she was still 100 points just now, it is already Break through the full score, reaching the realm of 110 points.

Li Hui looked a little dazed. I am afraid that an ordinary person has become a goose now, but Li Hui is often influenced by the peerless looks of Wu Meiqi and Xiao Feifei. Now his resistance to beautiful women is stronger than ordinary people’s dicks. There are many, he straightened the beauty to stand up, and smiled: "Beauty, if you have a heart attack, don't run around, stay in a safer place obediently..."

"But, this is a hospital." The beautiful woman spoke, in a soft and feminine voice: "Isn't it safe here?"

"Haha!" Li Hui raised his head and laughed twice, and then said solemnly: "I was looking for words just now, you are too beautiful, no man can resist your beauty, so do I, I want to tell you more Two sentences are close to each other, so I just babbled, hahahaha!"

The beauty's brows frowned slightly, her appearance was actually a bit more beautiful than what she was just now, and now it has reached 120 points to break the beauty of the sky. This woman is very strange, and the frowning of others will definitely become ugly, but When she frowned, she was actually more beautiful...

She whispered: "Mr. is really humorous. You can directly say what you want in your heart. He is an amazing man. Even if other men have a ghost in their heart, they will not admit it!"

Li Hui smiled and said: "It is the nature of men to like to talk to beautiful girls. I don't think that is a ghost idea, so I dare to say it directly."

The beauty nodded: "Perhaps you are right!" Her heart seemed to be fully recovered, and her frowning brows finally stretched out, and she stretched out a hand to shake hands with Li Hui: "Thank you for helping, Mr. I will pay you back if I invite you to dinner."

Li Hui shook her hand, very delicate, very soft, with no strength at all. This is a weak and heart-wrenching woman. People can't help but want to protect her type, even her mouth is full of nonsense. Li Hui, before getting acquainted with her, couldn’t bear to frighten her with messy remarks, so he smiled: “You’re welcome, this is a hospital after all. Even if I don’t take medicine for you, there will be doctors and nurses to rescue you. , You can't die."

"But you were the first to save me!" With a slight smile on the beauty's face: "Get to know, my name is Xi Siyu, how about you, sir?"

Xi Siyu?The name is good, but the surname Xi is a bit rare.Li Hui smiled and reported his name. The two exchanged WeChat messages, but the phone numbers were not exchanged.

Xi Siyu waved his hand to Li Hui politely: "I came to the hospital to check my heart regularly, so I'll say goodbye. I will contact WeChat in a few days and invite you to dinner."

Li Hui smiled and said, "Okay! Go back to chat on WeChat."

The beauty slowly disappeared at the end of the corridor with Pingting's steps. Li Hui went back to Yang Miaozhen's ward: "Hey, wife, I bought breakfast."

Yang Miaozhen squinted at the corner of her eyes and hummed: "Why is there only half a cup of soy milk? There is still a lipstick mark on the rim of the cup? What on earth did you guy do?"

Wow, what a sharp eye!Li Hui is not empty at all. He was just trying to save people, and in principle there was no problem at all.So he said confidently: "Just now, in the spirit of humanitarianism, I gave this cup of soy milk to a dying person and drank half of it. She was saved by this half cup of soy milk and her precious life... What do you see with such a weird look? I didn't lie even a word."

However, no one would believe what the unscrupulous guy said. Yang Miaozhen hummed and said, "A ghost believes you. There must be a problem with that cup of soy milk. I won't drink it. You can drink it yourself. I will just eat a few steamed dumplings. ."

"Wow haha, you don't want to drink it, I'll drink it myself." Li Hui brought the soy milk to his mouth, and his mouth deliberately leaned toward the red lip print. This is called indirect kissing. I don’t know how many men want to put the lipstick mark of a super beautiful woman with a perfect beauty score...

"Slow!" Yang Miaozhen said suddenly: "Bring soy milk!"

"What's wrong? Don't you stop drinking?" Li Hui was surprised.

Yang Miaozhen took the cup of soy milk and suddenly took out a napkin and wiped it several times at the position of the lipstick mark. She handed the cup back to Li Hui's hand until the lipstick mark was completely wiped off. She hummed: "With a sly smile on my face, don't think I can't see what's going on, don't think of the trickery to succeed."

Li Hui suddenly Spartan.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ..."


The specialist came early and after confirming that Yang Miaozhen's leg injury was not serious, Li Hui picked her up and walked out of the hospital.

The handsome guy spent the night with them, and was a little tired, but he didn't mean to ask for leave. He took a taxi and went to the company. The posture of "help me up and I can go to work" made people have to Admire his professionalism.

Li Hui couldn't leave Yang Miaozhen behind. After all, he was the wife of his previous life. It was impossible to leave him in the hospital. He had to ask: "Hey, wife, you are in this state, where should I send you? "

"Don't call my wife, I'm not your wife." Yang Miaozhen's scolding became weaker and weaker. She frowned and thought about it for a while, then shook her head: "It seems that there is nowhere to go, if I am not injured , I can continue to hide and seek cats and cats with Simon Dog, but now my leg injury is like rice dumplings, it will take dozens of days to heal at least. If Simon Dog invites a bunch of people to deal with me, I have to go to the bottom of the Jialing River to feed fish."

Li Hui couldn't help asking, "Where are your parents? Brother? Is there no place to hide from the limelight?"

"No!" Yang Miaozhen's eyes were a little far away: "I'm an orphan. I don't have anything to do. I don't even have a house to live in. I have lived in an abandoned warehouse for these years. The warehouse can no longer go to me. Know where else to go."

"Well, at this time there is only one way to go." Li Hui said with a dizzy smile: "I will go home with your husband."

Yang Miaozhen opened her mouth. The first reaction was to refuse, but she didn't utter a word. After a few seconds, she bit her lower lip and whispered, "Is your home safe?"


PS: Only this one will be added today, and one more will be at 21 o'clock in the evening.

PS: Don't forget to vote for recommended votes!That is a great waste of resources.

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