"Maybe …" Si Tu Ye paused for a moment, a cold glint flashed past his slanted eyes: "This matter still hasn't been clarified, you still can't get rid of the suspicion."

"What do you mean there are no suspects!" When I was in a coma, didn't you say that you had evidence and you believed that I didn't do it? " Shen Ming Xi blurted out, her beautiful big eyes opened wide.

Si Tu Ye's eyes turned cold and his thin lips pursed, "That was your illusion, I didn't! I won't promise anything until the truth is revealed! "

"Si Tu Ye!" Shen Ming Xi pinched her beautiful eyebrows, she was unwilling to believe that she was dreaming.

How could such a true feeling be a dream?

Looking at Si Tu Ye who looked like he was about to leave at any time, Shen Ming Xi suddenly grabbed onto Si Tu Ye's wrist anxiously. Under the bright white light of the lamp, his delicate and beautiful face looked pitiful: "Can you let me go? We don't need to look into everything that happened in the past. I can pretend that what you've done to me didn't happen.

"Shen Ming Xi!"

The man couldn't hold it in any longer. Raging anger welled in his eyes as he stared at his hands, "My words will never change!"

"I beg you!" Shen Ming Xi's tears rolled out of her eyes, "Can I beg you?" As long as she could leave this place, she was willing to use any means!

"Alright!" The air was quiet for a while, then Si Tu Ye grinded his teeth as he gave a cold snort.

With a word of 'please', his expression turned extremely unsightly. His hoarse voice slowly squeezed out from his lips, "I only have that one condition! Give birth to a child that belongs to me! "

"Why?" Shen Ming Xi's heart tightened, she could not help but cover the thick wounds that were bandaged up.

Wasn't it enough for her to take a shot for him?

There were many women who were willing to give him children, so why did he pick on her?

"Si Tu Ye! "You freak!" Ignoring the wounds on his body, Shen Ming Xi picked up the pillow beside him and threw it towards Si Tu Ye.

The man easily received the pillow, but his eyes were so pitch black that no one dared to look directly at him.

In the next second, the pillow returned onto the bed, and a powerful hand habitually grabbed Shen Ming Xi's chin. "Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you blocked a spear for me!"

Shen Ming Xi tightly knitted her brows, and her large teardrops fell on the back of her hand.

"Don't forget!" Seeing Shen Ming Xi's sad, furious and helpless look, Si Tu Ye was unspeakably vexed from the bottom of her heart, but the strength on her hands subconsciously decreased by a lot.

"Your father is still in my hands! So, you'd better behave! "

With that said, the hand that was pinching Shen Ming Xi's lower jaw, loosened.

The man's tall figure suddenly turned around, leaving Shen Ming Xi with a cold and lonely back.

The large room suddenly fell into silence.

The light of the snow-white crystal lamp shined upon Shen Ming Xi's small face, causing it to still look unhealthy and pale. But it was nothing, and it was even more intense than Si Tu Ye's denial.

He would not admit it! She remembered that he had clearly said that Shen Yue Ran's death had nothing to do with her! But why did it become like this now?

Shen Ming Xi's tears did not stop. Instead, they fell even more urgently. One after another, they quickly streaked across her face, landing on the soft white bedding before quietly falling apart.

She had almost lost her life!

His heart, which had tensed up for so many days, had, after these past few days of slumber, held onto a trace of hope. At this moment, he finally felt that he could no longer persevere.

She had planned so much, she had blocked a bullet for him that would have killed him.

She thought that Si Tu Ye would really believe her then.

The words had come so truthfully while she was in a coma that she had thought he would really let her go.

But what she hadn't thought of, was that how could a man like Si Tu Ye be soft-hearted! He said that he believed it, but he could also change his words and say that he didn't believe it.

She had nothing, and if Si Tu Ye didn't admit it, she would die with no proof!

Shen Ming Xi felt like a mouse that was being toyed with by Si Tu Ye this cat. The bad feelings that she had accumulated for so many days shattered in an instant into pieces on the ground.

As for Si Tu Ye, under Shen Ming Xi's dense line of sight, even her cold and detached back was no longer present.

He actually left just like that!

But what Shen Ming Xi did not expect was that she had clearly left him in the morning, and just as she was about to go to bed at night, the door to her room was suddenly opened from outside, and the man with the cold and distant face was none other than Si Tu Ye.

There were still lights on in the corridor, and in the room, only the baroque lamp in front of the bed still glowed faintly.

Si Tu Ye's entire person seemed to be enveloped in a layer of light. Shen Ming Xi could vaguely make out his outline, but he was unable to see the expression on his face.

What was he doing in her room at this hour?

Shen Ming Xi's body that was half lying on the bed trembled, her injuries had already healed to a large extent after the past few days of treatment, so she could even do simple things, there was no need to ask for help anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing that black figure getting closer and closer to the door, Shen Ming Xi bit her lips and finally mustered up the courage to break the silence in the room.

Si Tu Ye pursed his lips, the deep outline of his lips resembled the beauty's handsomeness.

That pair of serene and deep eyes sized up Shen Ming Xi from afar. The closer they got, the more their lips curled up evilly, "Shen Ming Xi, you seem to have forgotten that this is my territory!"

"I …" Shen Ming Xi was stunned for a moment. Her small face paled as her right hand subconsciously touched the edge of the wound on her chest. "It's already so late..."

Her injury was still unhealed, and it was already so late. Even if he really wanted to have children, wasn't it inconvenient now?

"No matter how late it is, which room I go to is my freedom!"

It was rare that he would be willing to talk so much with this woman, even Si Tu Ye himself was frowning slightly. His eyes were sharp like an eagle's, but he did not stop his footsteps.

Shen Ming Xi was speechless.

Some were at a loss on what to do. They wanted to retreat, but they did not even have the space to do so. Their backs were tightly pressed against the bed, and they were indescribably anxious and terrified.

"Yes!" It's your freedom to choose a room, but I'm going to sleep! "

Clenching his teeth tightly, Shen Ming Xi bit on the corner of his lips with difficulty. He had nowhere to retreat to, so he simply pulled on the blanket and laid on the bed with his slim and frail body, "Please turn off the light when you leave!"

Shen Ming Xi didn't know where she got the guts to speak to Si Tu Ye in such a decisive manner.

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