Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 88 - The Journey to Jingzhou

Chapter 88: The Journey to Jingzhou

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Jiu quickly forgot all about Jin Mi. Without realizing it, she had used up several sheets of paper for her calligraphy and was still practicing after the sun had begun to set.

Ji Yuxian didn’t expect to find someone in the study. He paused before entering; when he saw her, his lips stretched into a soft smile.

What was she doing here?

When had she become so studious?

Earlier when he had returned, the gatekeeper reported that Su Jiu had gone out at around noon. Although he wasn’t expecting her to stay out late, he was still surprised to see her practicing her calligraphy here.

The warm yellow rays of the setting sun separated into mottled light and shadows that fell softly on Su Jiu’s shoulders. Sitting up straight near the window, focusing on the task at hand, she radiating a tranquil, poetic beauty.

Of course, Ji Yuxian knew this was just an illusion that would disappear the moment the woman opened her mouth.

He walked over to Su Jiu’s side. With a gentle smile and a lifted brow, he whispered playfully into her ear, “My wife’s calligraphy is getting better by the day. Just a couple more days of practice, and you’ll surpass even me.”

Su Jiu looked up, and her smile reached her eyes as she said, “You’re back!”

Ji Yuxian sat on the daybed beside him and leaned back lazily with his eyes half-open. “Carry on with your calligraphy, Wife, as if I wasn’t here.”

His voice was soft and gentle, and his eyelids drifted half-shut in exhaustion.

Su Jiu got up and made a cup of tea and placed it on the small side table next to him. “Are you tired? Let me massage your shoulders.”

With that, she sat on the daybed with her knees crossed and started kneading Ji Yuxian’s shoulder.

He opened his eyes and looked at her with surprise. Then he glanced at the teacup, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, “Did you commit some offense?”

Rolling her eyes, Su Jiu shook her head no.

“If that’s the case, then you must have a favor to ask of me.” Ji Yuxian lifted his long legs. The sunset bathed his eyebrows in a warm, fiery glow.

Su Jiu nodded and answered honestly, “I do indeed have a favor to ask of you.”

“What is it?” Ji Yuxian’s looked at her, listening intently.

“I’m sure you’re aware that when we went to the mountain to suppress the bandits yesterday, we captured some guerilla members from Yuhu Mountain along the way. If we had left them on the mountain, they would have robbed the civilians again at some point. Hence, I intend to take them to Shengjing. But these people all need to make a living. As a result, and after much discussion this afternoon, we have decided to open a bodyguard agency.” Su Jiu related everything to him in detail.

Ji Yuxian studied her a grin. “You’re afraid that the bodyguard agency might not have any business, and you’d like me to employ these people to escort the goods for the Ji family’s business?”

Su Jiu praised him dramatically with a twinkle in her eye, “Mr. Ji is smart indeed!”

“Flattery will get you nowhere!”

Su Jiu stopped smiling immediately. “What do I have to do for you to agree?”

“And why should I agree?” Ji Yuxian tapped the table with his long finger, producing a clear, rhythmic sound. He said with a smile, “The Ji family business has been collaborating with the same bodyguard agency all this while. They charge us fairly, are always on schedule, and have never made a single mistake. There’s no reason for me to make a switch. Moreover, your bodyguard agency has no experience and is composed of a bunch of misfits who used to be civilian-robbing bandits. Who’ll take responsibility if anything goes awry and my goods are stolen during transit?”

Su Jiu bit her bottom lip. My, how sly and cunning he was!

She shifted her eyes and stated somberly, “Number one, I can guarantee that nothing will happen to any of your goods. If anything goes missing, I will reimburse you with three times the value of your merchandise. Number two, the first five…no… the first ten trips will be free of charge. For future trips, I will also guarantee that our fees will be lower than our competitors.

All merchants were profit-minded, weren’t they? Su Jiu didn’t believe Ji Yuxian would turn her down, given the perks she had just offered.

“I’m right under your nose. We still have two restaurants as well. So, you don’t have to worry that we’ll run away with your money!” Su Jiu continued to reason.

Ji Yuxian lifted the teacup and sipped his tea leisurely. After a while, under Su Jiu’s gaze, he said, “All right. I’ll give you a chance.”

Her eyes lit up with delight. “What chance is that?”

“I am going to Jingzhou tomorrow. It’ll be a long-distance journey, and there might be highwaymen along the way. You can be my bodyguard for this trip. If you can ensure my safety to and from the destination, I will trust your bodyguards and allow them to take care of our goods. What do you think about that? “Ji Yuxian asked with a cordial smile.

“Really?” Su Jiu’s face lit up with enthusiasm, her eyes glowing brightly. They were breathtakingly beautiful.


“We have a deal. I will ensure your safety, and you will hire from our agency upon returning,” Su Jiu stuck her palm out toward him. “You can’t go back on your word!”

Ji Yuxian looked at her slim fingers and white palms reached out and gave her a high five. “Deal!”

“Thank you so much!” Su Jiu pulled her hand back, barely able to contain her excitement.

“Go pack your belongings, Wife. We leave tomorrow morning at seven sharp.”

“Okay!” Su Jiu pressed her lips into a smile, turned around, and strode out.

Ji Yuxian turned his head to look at her—a young lady with a lively voice. His eyes glanced down. For a moment, it seemed as if the lotus flower was in full bloom.

Of course, he had to help her; she was his wife after all!

Shortly after Su Jia left, Jin Mi came in with tea.

“Please have some tea, Young Master!” said Jin Mi. Her eyes were red, her face was a little puffy, and her voice sounded as if she’d been crying.

Ji Yuxian glanced at her and asked with a smile, “What’s wrong?”

Jin Mi’s eyes became red and watery. “When I came in to clean the room just now, I saw Young Mistress here and asked her a few questions. I got slapped as a result.” She bowed her head and continued, “I have been with you for more than ten years and not once have you ever hit me.”

Her tears fell as she spoke, making her look aggrieved and pitiful.

Ji Yuxian narrowed his perceptive eyes at her before picking up a book and flipping through the pages randomly.

When Jin Mi saw that Ji Yuxian was silent, she sobbed and said, “It’s nothing for a lowly servant like me to be punished. What I’m worried about is that Young Mistress’s volatile temper will harm you in the future.”

Ji Yuxian eyed her skeptically. “Your Young Mistress is not a petty person,” he said. “What did you say that made her angry?”

The man spoke softly but with imposing authority, and Jin Mi immediately kneeled submissively. “Young Master, I’m sure you understand! I only asked Young Mistress what she was doing in the study.”

Ji Yuxian didn’t bother to verify the legitimacy of her claims. He simply said, “She is the Mistress of this household. You will do well to remember that.”

“Yes. I will keep this in mind,” Jin Mi replied in fright.

“All right. You may leave the room.”

“Yes, Young Master. I will take my leave.”

Jin Mi said this as she bowed and let herself out. After she closed the door behind her, her facial expression suddenly changed, exhibiting ruthless cruelty as venom filled her previously innocent-looking eyes.

When Su Jiu returned, she told her nanny and Chang Huan about the journey to Jingzhou.

With a look of concern, the nanny asked, “Will it be dangerous?”

“Don’t worry. I’m the mountain bandit! What’s there to be afraid of?” Su Jiu raised her eyebrows and smiled confidently.

“I will come along!” Chang Huan declared. He wasn’t worried about the highwaymen at all. His concern was that the man would bully his boss.

“No. You cannot come along. Elder An needs you here. You will remain in Shenjing with him. Also, while I’m away, you’ll have to take care of nanny. Don’t let anyone take advantage of her,” said Su Jiu.

There wasn’t much that worried her except Xie Ying’s clique of women. With her around, they didn’t dare to cross the line. But she was afraid they would direct their vengeance against her nanny while she was away.

“I’ll be fine,” said nanny quickly. “They won’t be able to do anything to me. Take Chang Huan with you. It’ll be safer if you can take care of each other on the road.”

“This is not up for discussion. I’ve already made up my mind!” The young lady’s expression displayed her intentions. She turned her head to Chang Huan. “Listen to Elder An while I’m gone and don’t make any trouble!”

Chang Huan pursed his lips in displeasure and mumbled, “I want to go with you!”

“Obey!” Su Jiu shouted, feigning anger.

Without saying another word, Chang Huan turned his head.

“Be good. I’ll bring you back something tasty when I return.” Su Jiu patted Chang Huan on the shoulder.

Chang Huan had grown so fast in the last two years–and was almost a head taller than she was. Su Jiu couldn’t pat him on the head the way she used to.

Chang Huan looked up, reluctant to part from Su Jiu. “Please come back quickly. Also…” he leaned over and whispered into Su Jiu’s ear, “Don’t let Ji Yuxian bully you!”

“Don’t worry,” Su Jiu laughed. “There’s no way he can bully me, considering he doesn’t know any martial arts.”

Chang Huan bit his lip and said nothing more.

Nanny seemed to guess what Chang Huan was about to say, and quickly changed the subject. “Let me help you pack your belongings, Mistress.”

“Don’t bother too much. One change of clothes is enough!”

Later that night, Su Jiu had a few more words with Chang Huan. She was going to leave too early in the morning to be able to notify Elder An and Da Pao and asked Chang Huan to pass along the message instead. She also briefed Chang Huan to tell Elder An not to worry about the goods and that she would settle everything after she returned. Her priority was to train those mountain bandits and to reconstruct the yard in time to open the bodyguard agency.

Chang Huan nodded. “Don’t worry, boss. I’ll take care of everything. Just take good care of yourself!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon!”

The cold winter night passed slowly, and no dreams lingered.

Nanny got up early to help Su Jiu clean and get dressed. She gave her instructions carefully again, unable to squelch the feeling that she had left something out.

“In this bag are two changes of clothes, as well as some money. If you run short of anything, you can always purchase more on the way.

I have also included some snacks I prepared last night. Don’t let yourself go hungry if you aren’t able to find a place to rest along the way.


Su Jiu took the bag from her and slung it over her shoulder. She wasn’t annoyed with her nanny’s nagging at all and smiled as she replied, “Don’t worry. I won’t go hungry. I have Ji Yuxian with me.”

“Right,” nanny nodded. “With the Eldest Young Master present, the servants will take care of everything.”

As Nanny and Chang Huan walked Su Jiu out of Perched Phoenix Pavilion, Old Yu came over. They greeted Su Jiu respectfully. “I was looking for you, Young Mistress. Young Master’s carriage is waiting. Please make your way over!”

Su Jiu nodded and walked toward the entrance of the manor.

Outside she saw a black carriage with Jin Feng sitting in the front seat. It was flanked by two outriders, one in the front and one behind.

Jin Mi put the snacks sent by Second Mistress and Xie Ying this morning into the carriage. When she got off, she saw Su Jiu. Envy flashed across her eyes.

It wasn’t just because of what happened yesterday. In the past, Ji Yuxian used to take her with him every time he traveled. However, this time, he was taking Su Yuejiu with him instead.

“Young Mistress, please take care of Young Master on the journey, “Jin Mi said half-heartedly with her head bowed and a chilling expression in her eyes.

Su Jiu ignored her and stepped onto the footstool to enter the carriage.

“Mistress, take care!” Nanny took a step forward and waved her hands.

Looking at Su Jiu, Chang Huan was reluctant to part company. This was Su Jiu’s first time leaving them behind.

Su Jiu opened the carriage door and was about to step in when she saw Ji Yuxian inside holding an old book and lying lazily on a blanket woven with gold. “Good morning, Wife,” he said with a raised brow.

The carriage had more than enough room for three people to lie down. A deer hide carved with dark grain covered the four walls, and a ceramic red clay furnace sat in the corner, burning smokeless white charcoal as hot steam rose from the water above to take the chill off.

All these amenities made the coach comfortable and cozy for the travelers for the long journey ahead.

Su Jiu wiggled her eyebrows. It was great to be rich!

The carriage, which moved quietly and steadily, was made of unique materials; it was well-sprung and soundproof!

Lifting the curtain, Su Jiu waved goodbye to nanny, Chang Huan, Old Yu, and the others.

“Have you ever been to Jingzhou before?” asked Ji Yuxian as he turned a page of his book.

Su Jiu sat down and leaned against the side of the carriage. She stretched her legs out and replied, “No. What reason would I have to go somewhere so far?”

Yuhu Mountain stretched for hundreds of miles. The journey would take an additional three days and three nights after passing the mountain to get to Jingzhou.

Jingzhou was adjacent to Huyang. Both cities were among the richest in Daliang.

Ji Yuxian looked at her and abruptly asked, “Why did you become a bandit?”

“I didn’t have enough to eat when I was a child,” said Su Jiu. “I begged together with my grandmother. Later on, after she died, I joined the Dragon Conqueror Gang with Dapao.”

“Grandmother? Maternal or paternal?”

Su Jiu shook her head. “I don’t know. I was too young to remember!”

Ji Yuxian blinked and continued reading without questioning her further.

The carriage exited Shengjing. Crowds of people thronged the street, some on horseback, some in sedans, and some on foot with a heavy load on their back. Their expressions ranged from happiness to anxiousness as they went about their business.

Su Jiu watched for a while but soon grew bored. Before long, she leaned back and fell asleep.

“What time is it now?” Ju Yuxian suddenly asked.

Su Jiu opened eyes and replied, “Probably past nine in the morning.”

“It’s time for you to practice your calligraphy!” Ji Yuxian looked over and smiled.

Su Jiu’s eyes widened. “I still need to practice even when traveling?”

Besides, there was no desk here. On the tray table next to her was a jade incense burner with teacups and various snacks. Where on earth were they going to find the space for calligraphy practice?

Ji Yuxian’s listened intently. As soon as he pressed a button, the middle of the carriage rose to the sound of sliding gears. The wooden frames were assembled before her eyes, and a desk finally appeared.

Su Jiu was astonished.

The carriage even had hidden mechanisms!

This was mind-blowing!

Some day I shall have a carriage like this…

The drawers under the study table contained Su Jiu’s usual practice books and writing tools–basically, everything she needed.

“I’ve prepared everything for you.” Ji Yuxian smiled wickedly, with a seductive glance and a charming smile.

Su Jiu stared at the scene in front of her in total silence.

From the looks of it, she wasn’t going to be able to relax during this journey!

They continued for nearly an entire day until they passed the foot of the Yuhu mountain. So far, there hadn’t been a single bandit.

Su Jiu had unified all the bandits from Yuhu Mountain. At that moment, they were busy migrating to Shengjing. Naturally, no one was left to get in the way of the travelers there.

The common people, ever thankful that the imperial court had done them an excellent service, praised Prince Rui throughout the journey.

Before long, they passed through the market in a town. People were milling about, and the carriage had to slow down. They were just in time to hear someone bring up the matter again.

“I heard that Prince Rui eliminated all the bandits from Yuhu Mountain!”

“It will finally be safe and peaceful here!”

“Exactly. I never dared to go along the mountain roads at night in the past. This is great!”

“Prince Rui did the citizens a huge favor! He is a good prince!”

“Exactly, we must never forget his kindness!”

Su Jiu rested her cheek against her palm while listening to the people singing Prince Rui’s praises as if they were directed at her. Her lips tilted upward in a soft smile.

Ji Yuxian glanced at her. Seeing her dazzling smile, he asked, “Didn’t you just say you were hungry? Let’s stop to eat.”

“What?” Su Jiu turned her head back in surprise. When she finally processed Ji Yuxian’s words, she looked out the window, and exclaimed, “There’s a tavern up ahead!”

Since the town was small, it was no surprise that the tavern was very basic, too, with four or five tables in the old, rundown unit. Fortunately, the tables were kept spotlessly clean. Ji Yuxian took a seat.

The tavern owners were a couple who looked to be around thirty. The woman was busy at the front while the man, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out to serve some customers. A menacing-looking knife scar cut across his face.

The woman, her head wrapped in a scarf, came over to them. Even though her clothing was rough and shoddy, she had a pleasant appearance. As she carefully wiped the table down, she asked, “What would you like to order, esteemed guests?”

Their regal bearing, manner of dress, and bodyguards were dead giveaways that Ji Yuxian and Sujiu were of the nobility.

Four bodyguards sat at a table, while Su Jiu, Ji Yuxian, and Jin Feng sat at another.

Jin Feng wore an elegantly-embroidered dress. With a graceful and steady composure, he said, “Just a few simple dishes will do, but please make sure everything is immaculately clean!”

“Yes. Don’t worry. Although our tavern is modest, I can guarantee that everything is clean!” said the owner before she scurried back to the kitchen.

While they were waiting for their food, an elderly woman hobbled into the room with a walking stick. “Grandmother,” greeted a little girl who was playing at the counter.

“Don’t call me Grandmother. I am not your grandmother!” The older woman snapped.

At this point, the cook emerged with a frown. “Mother, why are you making things difficult for the child? If you are angry, take it out on me instead!”

“Who are you? Why should I take anything out on you?” the old woman grunted.

“I am your son-in-law, your daughter’s husband!” the man declared.

“What the heck! The only son-in-law I know of is Yuxiu. You’re an adulterous couple, and nothing good will come of you!”

Upon hearing the dispute, the man’s wife ran over and held the older woman back. “Mother,” she cried. “I didn’t bring you here to quarrel with Zhiyun!”

“Well then, send me back! I’ll not starve to death living on my own. I don’t want to have to see the two of you every day! And I do not acknowledge you as my daughter!” said the old woman as she took out a napkin and wiped her tears.

The group of diners near Su Jiu’s table turned around and looked at the family curiously.

“Mother, let’s talk about it inside. We have customers!” The woman led her toward the other room.

“I’m not going anywhere. Since you feel no shame, what have I to be afraid of?” The older woman collapsed on the long bench began to sob. “What did Yuxiu ever do to let you down? He had been studying for more than ten years and was finally a successful candidate in the provincial level imperial examinations with a great future ahead of him. But you destroyed everything. How could you do that to him?”

The older woman was choking back her sobs.

The man with the knife scar frowned, his face turning ugly. He flung up his sleeves and headed back into the yard.

The woman lowered her head and said, “Mother, it’s already been so many years. Can you please not bring up this again? It was all my fault. I admit it was all my fault!”

The older woman was weeping into her hands.

The woman turned her head and nodded in apology to the customers who were eating. She got up to help the older woman to her room. “Mother, let me help you back to your room to get some rest. Don’t be angry anymore. I’ll even accept it if you want to scold or hit me!”

When the woman and her mother left, the customer at the adjacent table couldn’t contain his curiosity.

“What happened?”

Someone replied, “I’m not too sure. The couple that runs this tavern moved here from Leling, Xuzhou two years ago. Several days back, they had the lady’s mother brought over too. It seems that they have some hidden story!”

“Sounds like it!”

The other customers began to discuss it. Only Su Jiu’s two tables were quiet.

Su Jiu’s face became stern; she was e lost in thought. Ji Yuxian, however, continued to drink his tea.

Soon, the man brought out a huge tray of food and served them their meals: Yangchun noodles for each person, followed by a big bowl of beef and a plate of vegetables.

“Our tavern is humble. Please make do with these simple dishes!” His scar was intimidating, but his smile was amiable and sincere.

The plates and bowls were all made of coarse porcelain but, as promised, were indeed clean. Jin Feng took out an embroidered cloth bag with golden braids and unrolled it. Inside were some silver chopsticks and spoons. He handed them over to Ji Yuxian.

Su Jiu chuckled to herself. This man couldn’t help being so uppity!

Ji Yuxian glanced over at Su Jiu, who instantly lowered her head. She picked up the pair of chopsticks from the bamboo tube started gobbling up the noodles.

She ate until the bottom of the soup bowl became visible. Then she picked up another bowl and gulped down the soup, after which she noticed Ji Yuxian and Jin Feng staring at her as if she’d done something uncouth.

Su Jiu belched and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jin Feng took a look at Ji Yuxian and asked with a light smile, “Would Young Mistress like another serving?”

The tavern served its noodles in a large bowl–enough to fill a grown man’s belly. Jiu paired the beef with her noodles. By the time she had eaten half her beef, she had already finished the noodles.

“Nope!” Su Jiu shook her head. Her eyes were guileless, and her smile was sincere. “Being 70 percent full is enough for me. If I eat my fill, I’ll be uncomfortable in the carriage later.”

Jin Feng was taken aback.

She was only 70 percent full?

Ji Yuxian smiled. Her appetite no longer surprised him. On a given day, she ate three times as much as he did.

“You’d better eat your fill; otherwise, your stomach’s going to be growling in the carriage later!” Ji Yuxian scraped some of his noodles into Su Jiu’s bowl. His tone had taken on a subconscious hint of indulgence.

Su Jiu snickered and picked up her chopsticks again. “If you say so, I won’t stand on ceremony!”

She picked up a tasty morsel of beef, wrapped it in noodles, and shoved it into her mouth.

Jin Feng gulped as he watched her eat. She made the food look so delicious!

After the group finished the meal, they made their payment and continued their journey.

The woman did not come out to say goodbye. Instead, the man sent them to the door with a smile on his face, “Do take care, esteemed guests! Please come again!”

Just as Su Jiu was about to get into the carriage, she turned around to take another look at the tavern with a profound look in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Ji Yuxian followed her and asked with raised eyebrows.

Su Jiu turned her head back. “Nothing!”

They continued for the rest of the afternoon until the skies darkened. Now they were in the wild, surrounded by mountains. Nary a soul was in sight.

From the looks of it, they were going to spend the night sleeping out in the open.

When they were about to hurry off the road and find some flat open ground to rest, the carriage jolted to a stop.

It swayed so hard that Su Jiu’s head, which was resting against the corner, bumped between the legs of the man with a plop!

Ji Yuxian grunted; that sound was so sexy.

Su Jiu quickly sat up and flicked the imaginary dust off the man. “Sorry.”

As dusk settled over the land, dimming the inside of the carriage, the man’s facial expression couldn’t be seen clearly. What was noticeable was the look of desire flashing across his face as he gazed at Su Jiu. He glanced out of the carriage and asked, “What happened?”

Jin Feng replied, “Young Master, the mountain road outside is blocked!”

Su Jiu lifted the curtain and peeked outside. The section of the mountain road they saw was narrow and between two mountain peaks. Either because of a landslide or an earthquake, the rolling rocks were blocking the way.

The crossing was not going to be easy.

Jin Feng hopped out of the carriage to check the situation. “There’s a trail to the right, so we should be able to circle the mountain road.”

“Well, let’s go then!” Ji Yuxian said.

“Yes, Young Master!” Jin Feng got back in the carriage and steered it toward the path to the right.

They came upon a forest. The sun’s rays were slowly dissipating, and the four bodyguards safeguarding the corners of the carriage scanned their surroundings vigilantly.

The forest was not very big, thank goodness, and before long they reached the other side, much to the bodyguards’ relief.

Jin Feng turned his head and said, “Young Master, there seems to be a village ahead.”

Su Jiu was leaning against the carriage window when she heard him say this. She craned her neck to look, and indeed, there were signs of human activity. Under the setting sun, smoke was billowing out of the chimneys. The bleating of goats and mooing of cows could also be heard.

“We have a place to stay tonight!” Su Jiu turned around and smiled at Ji Yuxian.

The young lady looked so delighted that Ji Yuxian smiled in return. But as they neared the village, his eyes darkened.

They followed the trail and entered the village, in which no more than 20 families lived. White walls and green tiles lined the place. The village was situated at the foot of the hill next to a stream, and the path meandered through it. It was a very simple-looking village.

The villagers were cooking; a savory aroma of meat wafted over, whetting everyone’s appetite.

At that moment, a child around ten years old ran out of an alley and stood bewildered when he saw the carriage.

Jinfeng stopped the carriage, got out, and asked with a smile, “Little boy, is there anywhere we can stay for the night?”

The child’s hair was short, and his face was covered with gray soil; he was wearing a dark blue cotton jacket. He stared at them and gulped before turning around and running back into the alley.

He looked a little worked up.

Jin Feng was dazed. As he was about to turn around, he heard an old voice behind him, “Are you travelers just passing through?”

He turned his head back and saw an older woman standing behind him with a deeply lined, weather-beaten face. Her eyes were two slits, hardly visible. Her back was hunched as she scrutinized them.

“Yes, ma’am. May I ask if anyone in the village has enough space to put us up for the night?” Jin Feng asked politely.

“Go straight. There are many rooms in the village head’s home. You can try your luck there. It’s the house with the jujube tree by the front door!” The older woman bent her waist, pointing out the direction with her bony finger.

“Thanks!” Jin Feng nodded. He got on the carriage and moved on.

Su Jiu sat by the window. She looked up and noticed that the older woman was staring at her. The woman smiled and said, “What a beautiful girl!”

The woman’s smile was very amiable, but an odd sense of uneasiness came over Su Jiu.

They came across several more villagers on the way: their expression in their eyes didn’t look like curiosity.

Su Jiu frowned and turned to speak to Ji Yuxian, “Tell your people not to move around on their own later. Make sure they go in pairs even to the bathroom.”

“What are you worried about?” Ji Yuxian raised his eyebrows.

Su Jiu shook her head. “I can’t put my finger on it at the moment!”

The village wasn’t huge, and they found the house of the village head soon enough. Jin Feng got off the carriage and knocked on the door. “Is anyone in?” he called out.

The house looked more pretentious than the others in the village. The wall built by mountain stones was about the height of a person. The wooden door was painted black with two bronze handles. Outside the yard stood a few jujube trees, just as the older woman said.

Someone came over immediately to open the door. A man looked outside with a smile and asked, “How may I help you?”

Jin Feng clasped his hands together in a polite greeting and said, “Excuse me. We are passing through and need a place to stay for the night. May we stay with you?”

The man, who looked around forty or fifty years old, had a gaunt, haggard face and was wearing a gray robe under a fox-lined jacket. The needlework was crude as if the fur had been stitched together at random. “Yes, we do have a vacancy. Please come in!”

As he opened the door, he yelled, “Wife, we have guests! Prepare some dishes!”

Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian got out of the carriage. A woman ran out of the room, her plump body wearing a green coatdress. She was wearing face powder of an inferior quality, which flaked off with each step she took.

She looked her guests up and down, casting a more prolonged glance at Ji Yuxian with eager eyes. “You all have impressive air about you. One look, and it’s obvious that you are nobles. To what do I owe this honor? Please come in!”

Her eyes stayed fixed on Ji Yuxian’s body. The look of unbridled greed, as if she was choosing a slab of meat a the butcher’s, was extremely unnerving.

Jin Feng grimaced and took a step forward. He handed the woman ten silver ingots. “Sorry for bothering you!”

“That’s very kind of you,” said said. She looked at the ingot with a sickeningly sweet smile on her face.

Although the yard was spartan, the house was divided into two wings. The front yard was spacious, with four main rooms and two side-houses on both sides. There were some pigs by the south wall. Su Jiu took a look: Those pigs were terrifyingly huge, nearly half the height of a man. They didn’t appear to be afraid of humans. They looked on curiously at the guests.

Upon entering the parlor in the front yard, the group was greeted by a mute woman who came to serve them some water. She smiled at Su Jiu and her party and left silently.

The village head, the slim man who had opened the door for them, sat down on the chair. He smiled. “The amenities here are humble. Please do not take offense.”

Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu each sat in an armchair next to each other. Jin Feng and the several bodyguards were standing behind them.

Ji Yuxian glanced at the teacup without moving a muscle. “That’s very kind of you. Thank you!” he said.

“I am the head of this village. My last name is Zheng. How may I address the two of you?” He asked with squinting eyes.

“My last name is Ji, and this is my wife!” Ji Yuxian sat on the wooden chair with peeling paint. His posture was elegant, like a nobleman’s.

“I see. It’s Sir Ji and Lady Ji!”

The woman entered at that moment and smiled. “Dinner is ready. Please come to the room next door. We just happened to slaughter a pig today. The meat is very fresh and delicious!”

Su Jiu took a deep whiff and smiled. “No wonder I smelled the aroma the moment I entered the village!”

“Heh heh. You sure are lucky!” The group conversed as they moved to the adjacent dining room. The mute woman was setting the table; in the middle was a big bowl of braised pork, surrounded by plates of local vegetables. Although the dishes were not comparable to that of the Ji family, they looked delicious.

“Granny. Bring Young Master out. It’s time for dinner!” the hostess said to the mute woman.

She nodded immediately, opened the backdoor, and walked into the backyard.

Su Jiu looked over, perplexed. The couple looked to be in their fifties. Reasonably speaking, their son would be in his thirties. Why did he need somebody to bring him out?

While she was still pondering the question, the woman brought a man in. Su Jiu and the others were stunned.

The man was extremely obese, gasping while he walked. More significantly, he had three legs, two of which were that of typical human being while the third one was growing from his waist and was about the size of an arm. As he made his way over, he dragged the third leg along.

The man was bald, and the top of his head was covered in scabs. They had cracked into individual pieces and were oozing with a thick, unknown liquid.

That face… Surprisingly, his eyes, nose, and mouths were all okay. They could even pass as pleasant-looking. But put together, they made onlookers feel uneasy.

The man’s eyes narrowed, and he drooled. It was clear he was also mentally incapacitated.

The mute woman led him to a chair and placed a bowl of rice in front of him.

The village chief laughed and said, “Please do not be alarmed. This is our son. Because of childhood illness, he became like this, and we had to move here to live a hidden life. Sorry to shock you! ”

Ji Yuxian’s face remained unchanged, and he said quietly, “Not at all, Lao Zhang!”

Everyone took a seat, and the village chief asked, “Would you like some wine, Sir Ji? We age our wine, and it’s quite good!”

“Thank you, but we never drink alcohol when on the road!” Ji Yuxian smiled casually.

The village chief smiled, “Of course!”

The middle pot was filled with large chunks of meat and bones. It was piping hot and fragrant. Jinfeng and the others had rushed for a day and eaten only one bowl of noodles at noon. At that moment, they were famished. Jinfeng knew his Master well. He was aware that he wouldn’t eat any food once others had touched it. As a result, he quickly picked a piece of meat and put it in his bowl.

Su Jiu suddenly blocked his chopsticks. The girl smiled at him and said, “Have you forgotten? Today is the old madam’s death anniversary. We shouldn’t be eating meat. Stick to the vegetables!”

With that, she put the meat back in the main pot and placed some vegetables in Ji Yuxian’s bowl.

Jin Feng asked, The old madam’s death anniversary?

It wasn’t today!

However, Ji Yuxian was surrounded by sharp people. Almost instantaneously, Jin Feng realized that Su Jiu was telling him not to eat the meat. He sounded contrite. “I deserve punishment! Young Master and Young Mistress had mentioned it earlier today, but I was so hungry that I forgot about it!”

As he spoke, he glanced at the pot slowly. His eyes darkened. Was there something wrong with the meat?

“I know you didn’t mean it.” Ji Yuxian said lightly.

“Since that’s the case, the few of you will just have to stick to the vegetarian dishes!” The woman grinned and eagerly placed food in Su Jiu’s bowl.

Su Jiu sniffed the food while holding her rice bowl, and exclaimed, “Did you cure this dried bean curd on your own? It’s so fragrant!”

With that, she took a mouthful.

The lady smiled solicitously, “You’re so sweet, Lady Ji. Please have more if you like it!”

“Thank you!” Su Jiu’s eyes were bright, and her smile was vivid and sincere. She picked up her bowl and began to chow down her food.

When Jin Feng and others saw Su Jiu eating the rice and vegetarian dishes, they started eating too.

Ji Yuxian glanced at Su Jiuyi knowingly and smiled.

On the opposite side of the table, the mute woman put some meat in Young Master Zheng’s bowl. He didn’t use chopsticks but took the food directly with his hands. With his mouth full of oil, and the pus on his head streaming down freely, he kept wiping his mouth. His eyes stared intently at Su Jiu as he murmured.

“So pretty! So pretty!”

Su Jiu’s face remained unchanged. The guards beside her all lost their appetite; the scene was too sickening for them.

The woman wiped her young Master’s mouth with the handkerchief, her eyes filled with love as she whispered, “You must not be rude to the guests!”

The young Master understood that he had been admonished. He looked down shyly, only stealing glimpses at Su Jiu from time to time.

Except for Su Jiu and her party, the rest of the table began to eat the meat in the pot. The aroma of the dish permeated throughout the room with unusual pungence.

“Where are you from, and where are you headed, Sir Ji?” The village head asked suddenly.

“I come from Shengjing and am headed to Jingzhou to visit my relatives!” Ji Yuxuan answered with a chuckle.

“You’re from Sheng Jing? You must be from an esteemed family!” The woman exclaimed.

“We’re just involved in a little business!” Ji Yuxian’s almond-shaped eyes sparkled. He was not surprised at all.

For this meal, only Su Jiu ate three bowls of rice as usual. Everyone else ate very little.

After dinner, the mute woman took the young Master back to his room, and the hostess took them to the room where they would be staying.

“We stay in the mountains and don’t usually see guests. The space is not big, and only two rooms are in a livable state. I had the housekeeper clean them up. Please come with me!” The woman held a candle in her hand and spoke in a warm and thoughtful tone.

The village chief resided in the backyard. The accommodation for Su Jiu was situated in the front yard, on the west side of the house.

Inside the first room was a fireplace, with a carbon stove next to it. A wooden table was by the window, and there was a bundle of wormwood in the corner.

The woman entered first and put the wormwood into the furnace. The leaves of grass suddenly lit up, and the smell of wormwood filled the room.

There are insects and ants in the mountain. It has been a long time since anyone has lived in this room. We’d better fumigate the room first!”

Jin Feng clasped his hands together politely. “Thank you very much!”

The woman smiled. The white powder on her face was somewhat scary under the candlelight. She lit another candle on the desk. “This room is big enough for the few of you to live in together. Please make do.”

“Surely!” Jin Feng nodded.

The place was big enough for four to five people to sleep comfortably.

The woman took Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian to the room next door.

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There was a bed with new sheets in the room next door. The woman entered, and similarly fumigated the room with wormwood before placing the candle in her hand on the table. “Please make do with this room.”

“Thank you for putting up with us!” Ji Yuxian said politely.

“Please have an early rest. I won’t keep you up any longer. There is a basin here, and there is hot water on the furnace. It’ll feel comfortable for you to wash your feet with the hot water in this cold winter.”

The woman smiled as she looked at Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian once over. Her hips wiggling with every step, she walked out.

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