Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 84 - Send In The Forces (One)

Chapter 84: Send In The Forces (One)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ji Yuxian raised his head to see her come inside. His narrow phoenix-like eyes narrowed. He smiled gently and said, “My dear, did you run straight out of your dream?”

Su Jiu replied, panting heavily, “Am I not late today?”

Taken aback, Ji Yuxian laughed. “Did you run over in such a hurry because you were afraid of being late?”

“Of course! I don’t want to stand like a monkey on display again!”

She was, after all, the chief of the Dragon Conqueror Gang. If word of her standing got out, then people would laugh until their teeth fell out.

Ji Yuxian stood up and came over to Su Jiu. He looked her up and down and frowned lightly. “No matter how urgent, women cannot have such messy hair.”

As he spoke, he reached out and refastened the buttons that Su Jiu had done up incorrectly. He brought her to sit on the low couch, took a comb out of the wooden drawer, and began to gently brush her hair.

Ji Yuxian wasn’t very good at combing women’s hair. He simply straightened out her waist-length hair then took out a purple and gold cloud-embroidered sash and neatly tied up Su Jiu’s long hair.

His actions were gentle, not hurried, or unusually slow. He was so graceful and deliberate that it was almost as if he were arranging flowers or making tea.

Su Jiu’s back was to him, her fingers twisting on the sash on her clothes. She laughed softly. “Ji Yuxian, if you were a woman, you would definitely be devastatingly beautiful—the kind that brings down cities!”

Ji Yuxian pulled Su Jiu back a bit and took her into his arms. Lowering his head to look at her, he smiled gently. There were ripples in his eyes, like undulating spring waters wandering through the depths of a remote forest. With twinkling eyes, he said, “I am a man, and I still bring down cities with my beauty!”

Su Jiu coldly snorted, “Show-off!”

Ji Yuxian chuckled, let go of Su Jiu, and stood up to call out the door. He ordered, “Send in a serving of breakfast!”

Jin Feng, who was at the door, responded and left.

Su Jiu asked, “You haven’t eaten yet?”

“It’s for you!” He poured himself a cup of tea.

“How did you know that I haven’t eaten?” Su Jiu asked curiously.

Ji Yuxian held his cup of tea and glanced at her. “You hadn’t even brushed your hair. You obviously ran here straight from your bed. When would you have eaten?”

Su Jiu’s browed furrowed, although on her face was a smile full of thanks. “Thank you!”

“You and I are married. No need for thanks!” He gave her a confusing smile.

Su Jiu shivered with goosebumps all over. This man was hopeless!

Soon, servants brought in the food. There was a bowl of red date and lotus porridge, a pile of prawn dumplings, a stack of osmanthus pastries, and a tray of crab roe buns.

It was just enough food for two. Su Jiu licked the plates clean.

Ji Yuxian watched her cheeks bulge, full of food. She ate heartily, and he suddenly thought that it wasn’t so bad. Compared to women who ate in tiny little bites and didn’t dare open their mouths—the kind who ate half a bun then immediately said they were full—this was much more carefree.

“Is the servant girl from your house better now?” Ji Yuxian asked quietly.

“Yes. She’s fine now!” Su Jiu answered vaguely.

“Second Madame has already found the culprit behind the poison. It was a servant from Lotus Pavilion. She’s been beaten and sent away from the manor,” Ji Yuxian said quietly.

Su Jiu nodded. “I know that already!”

“What do you know?” Ji Yuxian asked with a sudden, meaningful smile.

Su Jiu was startled.

“The women of the rear court are not as simple as you think. The ones you think are trustworthy could be secretly planning to kill you. You have to stay farther away. Don’t get yourself killed before you even have the money in your hands. I’d need to find you a coffin!” He turned a page in his book, his voice low.

Su Jiu finished the last of her porridge and put down the bowl. She raised her arm and was about to wipe her mouth with her sleeve when she saw Ji Yuxian look over, and her arm froze where it was. She saw a clean handkerchief next to the tray and grabbed it to wipe her mouth. Laughing, she said, “I have been through life and death so many times now. I don’t die easily!”

If they wanted to kill her, they would need to have the right skills first!

Ji Yuxian frowned. “I hope so!”

“Alright!” Su Jiu was fed and watered. She dusted off her sleeves and asked, “What am I learning?”

The servants came in to gather plates. They shut the door softly behind them.

Ji Yuxian took a book and opened it. “We’ll start with the simplest one. Come over and take a look. Among the words here, which ones do you recognize?”

Su Jiu went over and found that Ji Yuxian had already placed a chair there for her behind the desk.

The desk was large enough that the two of them could sit side by side with room to spare.

Su Jiu sat on the chair and took the book. She looked at it for a while, then raised her head to look at Ji Yuxian. She said honestly, “I don’t recognize a single one!”

Ji Yuxian, “…”

If you didn’t recognize a single one, then what were you doing for so long?

Waiting for them to recognize you?

Ji Yuxian’s eyebrows perked up, and he pointed at the first three characters. “This is your name, Su Yuejiu!”

“No!” Su Jiu shook her head and said thoughtfully, “My name is Su Jiu!”

“Right now, you are Su Yuejiu!” Ji Yuxian was secretly beginning to collapse.

Su Jiu nodded and said reluctantly, “Alright!”

“Copy these three characters, until you can recognize them and write them from memory!”

“Oh!” Su Jiu dipped her head and found that Ji Yuxian had already prepared a set of writing instruments and supplies for her. She picked up the brush and dipped it in ink. Her fingers were stiff as they held the brush. She tried to write the first character, but before her brush even touched the paper, a drop of black ink fell from the tip, leaving a large, rippling splatter on the snow-white paper.

Ji Yuxian looked over and saw Su Jiu clutching the brush with her entire hand. His eyebrows shot straight up, and he began to wonder if he should find another teacher for her.

Teaching her was really going to test his patience.

“Watch me do it!”

He said this and got up to stand behind Su Jiu. He took the brush from her hand, dipped it again into the ink and patted it a bit before placing it back into Su Jiu’s hand. Taking her hand and showing her how to hold it properly, he slowly and steadily helped her write the first “Su” character on the paper.

“Your posture must be proper so that the words will come out correctly!”

He was half bent over. One hand was on the desk while the other was holding her hand, almost cradling all of Su Jiu in an embrace. With the utmost seriousness, he went through each stroke to finish writing the characters “Su Yuejiu.”

“Do you understand?” He stood up and asked.

Su Jiu frowned, and, in a low voice, said, “This is even harder than holding a sword!”

“Practice will make it better!” Ji Yuxian chuckled and watched Su Jiu’s fingers clutch the brush tightly. Below the three characters that he had written, she crookedly wrote the character “Su.”

It was not bad!

“Good. Continue!”

Su Jiu nodded, and though her expression was a bit anxious, he was very serious. It seemed like she was trying to learn very sincerely.

Ji Yuxian watched for a while then went to finish his own business.

The winter sun was warm, and the patterns of the wooden windows created spotted shadows that shone warmly down on their bodies. Sandalwood was burning in the copper stove with delicate plumes of green smoke that danced this way and that. They looked like fluttering silk curtains floating through the quiet air.

Yu Lao entered and saw the two of them deep in focus. His expression did no change, and he moved gently to replenish the incense in the copper stove, pour the two of them some more tea, and then quietly step back out.

Su Jiu didn’t like the taste of this tea, and absentmindedly pushed the cup away as she continued to write on her paper.

In a while, the whole page was full. Su Jiu felt a small sense of accomplishment. She switched out for a fresh piece of paper and continued to practice.

For some reason, the ink became more and more faint, clearly not the rich black as when she had first started. Su Jiu did not really care.

Next to her, Ji Yuxian was concentrating on reading his ledger. Every now and then, his brow would furrow, or his hand would come up to support his forehead, or he would grab a brush and write in some notes. His perfect features were exquisite as he was deep in thought. His actions were graceful, noble, and absolutely delightful.

After a while, Ji Yuxian stretched a bit, leaning to the back. His eyes were still glued to the ledger in his hands, his brows slightly furrowed, as if he was pondering something. He stretched out a hand to take his tea, absentmindedly bringing it to his lips. He took a small sip, and his expression immediately changed. His eyes snapped to the teacup as his appearance became as dark as the black tea in it.

“Su Yuejiu!” His lips squeezed out these words as he put the cup down on the table with a thump.

Su Jiu abruptly looked up, her face blank. “What is it?”

Her eyes fell on the teacup, and she asked curiously, “What kind of tea is this? Why is it black like ink?”

Ji Yuxian held his forehead and took a deep breath, doing his best to keep his tone even. “What have you been dipping your brush into?”

Su Jiu was taken aback, suddenly understanding, “I was thinking why my ink was getting lighter and lighter. I guess I was dipping it into your tea!”

Ji Yuxian’s temples throbbed.

Su Jiu laughed a bit and put her own teacup in front of Ju Yuxian. “Here, I’ll give you my cup. I haven’t drunk any yet!”

“Show me what you’ve written!” Ji Yuxian chuckled.

Su Jiu handed him the paper that she had completed.

Ji Yuxian held it in his hands. His eyebrows perked up a bit. She had started off writing the characters crookedly. Some did not even look like words at all. But, toward the end, the words became neater and neater. They didn’t even look like a beginner’s handwriting.

“How is it?” Su Jiu turned her body so that her legs straddled the chair with her arms over the back. Her eyes were bright.

Ji Yuxian looked up and saw her mischievous expression. A strange feeling fluttered in his heart. He smiled and asked, “My dear, have you ever studied before?”

Su Jiu shook her head. “Probably not. I don’t remember!”

Ji Yuxian nodded slightly. Her progress was so fast, she must have learned writing when she was a child. In fact, she must have had quite the talent for it but later forgot.

“It’s not bad. Keep at it!”


Su Jiu’s smile was bright. She turned around, picked up the brush, and continued to write. Her back was pencil straight, and there was a thin watercolor layer of sunshine over her hair, black as ink.

Ji Yuxian’s eyes stopped a bit over her body. He took Su Jiu’s teacup and had a sip.

Time passed in silence until noon. Su Jiu was already able to write her name very neatly. Ji Yuxian looked over and nodded. “That’ll do!”

Su Jiu stood up, stretched her back, then rubbed her wrists. She said, “So, writing is very tiring!”

“Doing something well, no matter what it is, is not easy!” Ji Yuxian stood up, took her by the wrist, and began to head out. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to go eat!”

Su Jiu did feel hungry, and she followed behind him. The two of them left the study and walked side by side toward the dining room.

The food was already set up in the dining room. Jin Mi and the other servant girls were standing on both sides. When they saw Ji Yuxian approach, Jin Mi’s eyes lit up. She was about to approach Ji Yuxian when she saw that Su Jiu was with him.

Her gaze fell on their intertwined hands. Jin Mi’s smile became forced, and her respectful voice reminded them: “Young Madame, in Ji Manor, as a married woman, you cannot walk parallel with your husband.”

Su Jiu’s lips turned up in a slight smile, and she looked at Ji Yuxian. “Oh? There’s such a rule in Ji Manor?”

Ji Yuxian raised his hand to stroke the hair by Su Jiu’s temples and gave her a smile. “You and I are a married couple deeply in love. Obviously, we don’t have to worry about such ceremonial rules!”

Jin Mi lowered her head and bit her lip, but kept her attitude humble. “I spoke out of turn. Young Master, Young Madame, please come in!”

Su Jiu carelessly glanced at Jin Mi’s pale expression. She walked right in front of her, sat down, and began to eat.

In the afternoon, since Ji Yuxian needed to go out, Su Jiu didn’t have to study anymore. Once they finished their meal, she returned to Phoenix Pavilion.

Nanny gave her some tea while letting her warm her hands by the stove. She behaved as if she were a parent welcoming a child home from school.

“Young Miss, is it tiring to study?”

“Was Young Master very strict?”

“Are you hungry? There are freshly fried radish meatballs in the kitchen. Would you like to eat a bit?”

“No, I’m not hungry. I can already write my own name!” Su Jiu was very happy.

“Good, that’s very good!” Nanny gently put Su Jiu’s leg on her own body and began to massage lightly. “Our Young Miss is so smart, ever since she was little. Whatever it is, she picks it up so quickly!”

Su Jiu drank some tea then laughed. “Nanny, are you thinking that I’m really Su Yuejiu?”

Nanny was taken aback, then came back to her senses. Hanging her head, she said, “Yes, I got confused!”

“Alright, don’t mind me. I already ate over at Ji Yuxian’s place. You go ahead and eat !” Su Jiu went into the inner room and saw a lotus porcelain jar on the low end table. Inside were some sunflower seeds that had already been half-peeled.

Chang Huan must have arranged that for her.

Su Jiu reclined lazily on the couch, pouring the sunflower seeds into her mouth.

Nanny took a thin blanket and covered Su Jiu. “I’ll go to eat then. If you need anything, call me!”

“Alright!” Su Jiu casually responded.

Nanny left, closed the door behind her, and the room became quiet.

Basking in the sun made Su Jiu drowsy. She thought of how she hadn’t been out for a few days now, and wondered how Qiao An, Hu Dapao, and the others were doing.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden knock at the door. Someone whispered, “Young Madame, are you there?”

“Who is it? Come in!” Su Jiu answered with her eyes half-closed.

The door opened with a squeak then closed again.

Someone entered the room with light steps, bowed, and greeted her, “Hello, Young Madame.”

Su Jiu opened her eyes fully and saw who it was. “So, it’s Mrs. Fan. What is it?”

Mrs. Fan dipped her head a dip, and her face carried a smile full of flattery. She took two steps forward and, in a conspiratorial tone, said, “There is something…but I’m not sure if I should tell you.”

Su Jiu frowned. “If you’re not sure, then go back and figure it out before you come back!”

The smile on Mrs. Fan’s face froze, and her crow’s feet trembled a bit. She said, shyly, “I’ve thought about it a lot. I think I should tell you before you start thinking that I mean to deceive you.”

Su Jiu sat up and looked plainly at Mrs. Fan. “What is it? Quit the suspense and tell me!”

“Yes, yes!” Mrs. Fan turned her head carefully to glance at the outer room, then said quietly, “Young Madame, the day that Chang Huan was poisoned, I went to the kitchen and saw with my own eyes that Nanny poured out something from a paper packet into the pot of soup.”

Su Jiu narrowed her eyes, her voice turning cold. “What did you say?”

Mrs. Fan’s expression suddenly filled with terror. “I didn’t know then what Nanny was putting in there, so I didn’t take it to heart. Afterwards, Chang Huan was poisoned, so that’s when I remembered it and felt uneasy. Nanny is Young Madame’s person, and she came with you from Su Manor, so she has to be very loyal to you, Young Madame. That’s why I don’t dare to make any wild assumptions. But I wanted to let you know so that you won’t be deceived by evil people and fall into their wicked schemes.”

Su Jiu’s eyes turned to ice, and she kicked the woman in the belly. “That’s a fart! Trying to stir things up? I can’t stand that!”

Mrs. Fan fell to her knees, clutching her stomach in pain, and bowed repeatedly. “Young Madame, please don’t be angry! I wouldn’t dare do such a thing! I only told you this for your sake! You’re misunderstanding me!”

Su Jiu looked at her with cold eyes, her backlit face tight and cold. After a long while, she said, “Get up!”

“If you don’t believe what I said, then pretend I never said it. All I wanted to do was to remind you to be more careful. I am your person. From now on, I serve you. Of course, I wish for your happiness and peace so that I can also have some good days.” Mrs. Fan remained kneeling on the ground, rambling on. She was shocked and panicked by the girl’s imposing energy.

The last bit might even be true!

Su Jiu laughed coldly and said quietly, “No need to go on. Get up! Nanny would never hurt me. You saw wrong. Don’t bring this up again!”

“Yes, yes. I was stupid!” Mrs. Fan got up slowly, backed up a step, dipped her head, and bowed. She stood there.

“We are all one courtyard. The worst, most stupid thing to do would be to hurt our own people! Nanny wouldn’t hurt me, and I don’t believe that any of you would either!” Su Jiu smiled and looked at her meaningfully. “Don’t look too much at our own people. Be more aware of outsiders!”

“Young Madame’s words are right. I will learn from them!”

“You may leave!”

“Yes! I take my leave!”

Mrs. Fan’s expression was pale. She backed up then left.

Once outside, her expression immediately sank. Shooting a glance at the door that she had closed behind her, she let out a cold snort. She had really underestimated that girl.

Our own people?


In the rear court of this manor, not a single person can be trusted!

Sooner or later, you’ll be in tears!

Mrs. Fan spat silently, then smoothed out her hair. Looking left and right, she began to walk down the corridor.

Mrs. Fan actually had seen Nanny put something into the pot, but it was just ordinary salt. She had thought to use this to mislead Su Jiu to suspect Nanny because, as long as Nanny was around, she would never be able to gain Su Jiu’s closest confidence. Phoenix Pavilion was forever under Nanny’s command. She absolutely hated that Nanny was Su Jiu’s closest, most trusted aide. She wanted to sow some distrust between the two. She’d never thought that Su Jiu wouldn’t believe her.

Her scheme hadn’t succeeded. Mrs. Fan walked away slowly.

In the house, Su Jiu was still sitting there, her back to the sun. Her delicate face held a bit of gloom, and a bit of distant light fluttered through her dark eyes.

The sand falling in the hourglass rustled. A moment later, the window opened. Chang Huan stuck his head in and smiled, saying, “Boss, when did you come back?”

Su Jiu turned and suddenly grinned wide. “I just got back. Where did you go off to?”

Chang Huan crossed the window, jumped straight inside, and smiled cleverly. “Where could I go? I shucked sunflower seeds for you all morning. Look!”

He said this and stretched out reddish fingers for Su Jiu to see!

Su Jiu dipped her head to blow on his fingertips, smiling. “All better!”

Her warm breath flowed over his fingers, slightly tickling. Chang Huan’s eyes burned red, and he quickly withdrew his hand. “I’m not a kid.”

He said this and then suddenly thought of something. He said quickly and sternly, “This morning, Master An sent someone here, they probably heard about the Ji family’s Young Madame being poisoned, got worried, and sent someone for news. Also, Master An wanted them to tell you yesterday that Young Master Xiao went to the restaurant. It looked like he had some business and was looking for you. He arranged to meet you today at the restaurant at noon!”

Su Jiu was taken aback. “What time is it!”

“It’s almost noon!”

“Then, hurry up!”

Su Jiu jumped off the couch and hurried outside. “Have Ah Shu grab a carriage and meet us at the gate!”

Chang Huan sprang up and jumped away. “Alright, I’m going to get him right now!”

The three of them rushed in the carriage all the way to Qingyuan Restaurant. When they got there, it was already two in the afternoon. Su Jiu climbed down the carriage and guessed that, after waiting for so long, Xiao Rui must have already left.

Although it was already past mealtime, some patrons were still there drinking wine and playing games. The waiters were clearing the table while Qiao An was standing at the podium settling the bills.

With the ring of the door, Qiao An looked up to see Su Jiu enter. His face immediately filled with joy, and he hurried over. “Chief is here!”

Su Jiu nodded. “How has it been the past few days?”

“Good, everything has been fine! How about you, Chief? I heard some rumors from the patrons that the Ji Manor’s Young Madame had been poisoned, so we were worried. Is it true?”

Qiao An took a good look at Su Jiu’s body. Seeing that nothing seemed wrong, his worry lessened.

“It wasn’t me; it was Chang Huan. But the poison’s been neutralized, so he’s fine now!” said Su Jiu.

Qiao An looked at Chang Huan quickly and frowned, saying, “What’s going on? Is someone out to hurt you?”

“We can talk through it later. What about Xiao Rui? Has he left?” Su Jiu asked.

“Young Master Xiao? No, he’s upstairs. I’ll take you up there, Chief!” said Qiao An, leading Su Jiu upstairs.

Hearing that Su Jiu had come, Hu Dapao dashed out from the back and almost crashed into Su Jiu. He stopped just in time and gave her a silly smile.


“What’s the hurry?” Su Jiu laughed loudly.

Hu Dapao scratched his head and laughed too. “It’s been a few days since we saw you, so we’ve been uneasy. With you here, we have peace of mind!”

Ah Shu smacked his chest and smiled. “There’s no staying for free at this restaurant! You’re sucking up too much!”

“Screw you!” Hu Dapao kneaded the spot on his chest where he’d been hit and grumbled, “You’re pretty shameless. I’ve been working every day. Who knows where you sneaked off to and lazed around?”

“Me?” Ah Shu’s eyes flashed. “I was at Ji Manor protecting Chief!”

“You protected her so well that she almost got poisoned! Come on, let’s have it out in the back. You’ve been eating well and drinking it up lately. I bet your skin’s all loose now!” said Hu Dapao, tugging Ah Shu by the arm toward the back.

Su Jiu laughed and gave Chang Huan an order: “Go watch them. Don’t let them get carried away in their fun and end up hurting someone!”

“Alright!” Chang Huan had been wanting to join the fun. Hearing Su Jiu say this, he immediately followed and caught up.

Qiao An saw them running around and smiled, shaking his head. He continued to lead Su Jiu upstairs.

Once upstairs, they immediately saw a man wearing azure blue and silver clothes sitting at the table by the window.

His attitude was graceful, his face handsome, and steady waves were hidden in his deep eyes. His hands were holding a blue and white porcelain cup, and he was looking out the window.

Qiao An left, and Su Jiu went over to him alone. She sat down across from him and smiled. “Sorry, something delayed me. You’ve been waiting for a long time!”

Xiao Lie turned his head, his eyes flashing bright like stars. He smiled a little and said, “No problem, I’m glad you came!”

As always, Su Jiu was dressed in her men’s clothing, her black hair bound up, and her eyebrows long. She poured herself a cup of wine. “Were you looking for me for something?”

Across from her, he hesitated a bit, then nodded. “Yes, I have something that I’d like to ask your help with!”

“Me?” Su Jiu’s eyebrows perked up. “Sure! I’ll go up mountains of knives and into pots of oil for you. No matter what it is, just say it, and I will not back away!”

She would always remember the favor he did for her, helping her obtain the boneless ginseng. She’d assumed that, since Prince Rui’s Manor had his back, he wouldn’t need her. She’d never thought that he would look to her for help, so, of course, she was very happy.

He had an air of nobility as he gently chuckled. “There’s a bit of danger involved. I’m not sure if I should really ask you to go.”

“It’s fine. Tell me, is it killing someone or setting something on fire?” Hearing that there was some danger, Su Jiu became even more interested.

He poured some wine and smiled. “Could it be that, in your mind, I’m some kind of big evil villain?”

“No!” Su Jiu quickly shook her head, “Since you are a man of Prince Rui’s Manor, I thought that you were in charge of helping him silence witnesses!”

Wasn’t Prince Rui said to be very cruel?

Xiao Lie nodded lightly. “It is indeed related to Prince Rui, but it’s not murder or arson!

But it seemed pretty close!

Without waiting for Su Jiu to ask, Xiao Lie continued to speak: “About a hundred li outside of Yuhu Mountain, bandits are running rampant. Lately, they have been frequently intercepting travelers and killing innocent people. The imperial court has sent down an order to send in the forces to kill the bandits!”

“Ah?” Su Jiu’s big eyes turned. With a dry laugh, she said, “And then?”

Before, when the Dragon Conqueror Gang had not yet entered Shengjing City, Master Su Jiu had been in charge there. She’d commanded that the common people were not to be raided, and the other bandit groups had somewhat agreed. Now, Su Jiu was gone, and it was winter, so the mountain had nothing for them to eat. The bandit groups, small and large, slowly descended the mountain to raid travelers, wealthy merchants and common folk alike. During a raid, they could only survive by giving up their money.

The poorer travelers cling desperately to their money, and many lost their lives.

“As far as I know, of all the bandit groups, the Eight Dragons Gang is the strongest. They have many members and they don’t follow the law. They rape and sack. There’s no evil that they don’t commit!”

Su Jiu slammed a palm on the table. “Big Cao, that bastard! I’m not there, so he’s gone mad!”

Xiao Lie looked at Su Jiu in alarm.

Su Jiu immediately grinned and poured a cup of tea for Xiao Lie. “What do you want me to do? Shall I kill my way through the Eight Dragons Gang?”

Xiao Lie shook his head, smiling. He said, “No! As only one person, how could you handle so many bandits? The imperial court has also tried sending in troops to destroy the bandits before, but the soldiers did not know the terrain as well as the bandits. Every time they entered the mountain, they suffered heavy losses and could not find the bandits’ base of operations. The mission was a failure every time.”

When it came to imperial troops trying to suppress bandits, no one was more familiar with the matter than Su Jiu. Many of the methods for dealing with imperial soldiers had been her ideas!

Su Jiu’s ears turned red, and she said seriously, “Yes, mountain bandits are indeed very evil!”

“This time, the emperor is making it a priority to wipe out the bandits. He’s decided to clean Yuhu Mountain of all the bandits. He’s put Prince Rui in charge of completing the mission. I am on Prince Rui’s staff, so, naturally, I would like to help him,” said Xiao Lie, chuckling.

“Then how were you thinking of destroying them?”

“If we send troops directly up the mountain, they’ll definitely be at a disadvantage and retreat, just like before. So, this time, I plan to infiltrate the bandits from the inside. Then we can coordinate the inside with the outside and capture the Eight Dragon Gang’s leader.”

With the most powerful chief captured and a few lesser leaders, the mobs would surely scatter!

Su Jiu’s eyes shone. “This is a good idea.”

“The most important question is: how will we get in there? Besides robbing people for money, they also take women. So, I was thinking of sending people disguised as merchants leaving the city, and you, Su Jiu, would be disguised as the merchant’s wife!”

“Ah?” Su Jiu said in alarm. “I’m disguised as a woman again?”

“Don’t worry. I will be with the team, too, thinking of ways to follow the bandits up the mountain. I will protect you!” Xiao Lie’s stern, magnificent face was solemn.

“Why can’t I be disguised as a servant? Why do I have to be a woman?” Su Jiu was unhappy.

“Other women cannot do martials arts, and they don’t have your courage!” Xiao Lie chuckled.

Su Jiu dipped her head and chewed on her fingers for a while. Then, she made her decision. “Alright. Last time, you helped me steal boneless ginseng from Prince Rui’s Manor, so today I will help you by disguising myself as a woman. When do we move in?”

“The sooner the better. How about tomorrow?” asked Xiao Lie.

Su Jiu nodded. “Then it’s decided. Tomorrow at noon, I will wait for you here!”


Afterward, the two of them continued to discuss some details, including what to do after infiltrating the Eight Dragons Gang, how to set up the soldiers’ ambush, how to coordinate the insiders and outsiders…

They worked until it was nearly dark, when they finally stood up and left.

Before stepping out the door, Xiao Lie suddenly turned around, his deep eyes looking at Su Jiu. He said warmly, “According to the information that my subordinates gave me, besides the Eight Dragons Gang, there’s also a Dragon Conqueror Gang on Yuhu Mountain. The word is that, although the gang is small, their Chief, Master Su Jiu, is a fierce character. Do you know him?”

Su Jiu looked straight at him and suddenly grinned. “Oh, really? I don’t know him!”

Xiao Lie smiled and nodded. “That’s good, then! I’ll see you tomorrow at noon!”

“Alright!” Watching Xiao Lie get into the carriage, Su Jiu raised an eyebrow as she looked toward the setting sun. Her eyes held depth and complexity. She sighed a great sigh.

She used to fight imperial soldiers, and now she was helping those soldiers destroy bandits. Life’s complexities mean that you never knew what role you’ll be playing tomorrow.

Back then, when she’d entered the Dragon Conqueror Gang, she’d been bullied, she’d suffered, and she’d almost died so many times. Today, she wasn’t sure if she should hate those mountain bandits or be grateful. After all, she had survived in the Dragon Conqueror Gang.

If it hadn’t been for the Dragon Conqueror Gang, who knows if she would have just starved somewhere?

But today, the mountain bandits were running wild, hurting innocent people. It was time to clean them up.

Back in the main hall, Qiao An and the others were waiting. Naturally, they were all curious about why Xiao Lie had wanted to see her.

Su Jiu told them about the mission to destroy the bandits. Hu Dapao and Ah Shu rubbed their fists together, overjoyed and excited. “That Eight Dragons Gang has been an eyesore to me for a long time now. Chief, this time I’m definitely coming along. I’m not showing even the last piece of armor any mercy. I’m going to settle the score from when Big Cao betrayed you that time!”

They’d been waiting for this day for a long time!

“I’m definitely going too. I’m going to protect Chief!” Chang Huan immediately followed up.

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Su Jiu thought about it and nodded, saying, “Good. Tomorrow, Master An will stay to watch the restaurant. Dapao, Ah Shu, and Chang Huan, the three of you will come with me to the mountain!”

“That’s great! After being into the city these past several months, I haven’t been able to move my hands or feet. I was about to die from boredom!”

Hu Dapao and Ah Hu clenched their fists happily. Now, they could barely contain themselves.

Qiao An knew that his martial arts skills were weak, so he wouldn’t tag along and create more hassle for them. He nodded in agreement.

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