Fidelis was still in a daze when Thider said goodbye his master and left..

'What happened to these two?No,what happened to this girl? She's being nice to master all of a sudden....'

'Though her words were as poisonous as before..Ill intent was no longer there...'

"Master,Miss Sen is...."'still the same person ,right?'

He stopped asking because of a pair of cold ,dark eyes...

"It's princess Yi!"

'Master,you can't be serious...That girl is only Eleven years old...You will be struck by lighting even if she is your fiance...'

"Yes,master..."But who's gonna tell him that? Not me for sure..I still cherish my life.."


It's been a month since his master came back ...

He looked at his master who was gazing into the distance and he whispered to the man beside him...

"What's wrong with our master?"

"I think it's called 'Love'...."

Demos said ,amused by the look on the young man's face...

"Nonsense.. ."

"What? Face it man...There are flowers blooming around here!"

'Where?This guy is simply unreasonable.. .Their master,although still a the last person in this world who would be ...'

Then ,they heard a chuckle...

Their eyes grew wide... as they looked at the most unbelievable scene ....

Feng Jiu was looking at a letter

in his hand with laughter in his eyes...His lips wore the brightest smile on earth...

As for what he was reading... Fidelis has a good impression of it.

'Must be another 'hate' letter from Miss Sen again....'

It's the seventh time this week...

Letters folded into cranes have been flying into their master's hand at the exact time every morning...not a second earlier or later...

"Actually,it's quite scary..."

Demos admitted finally after he suffered from their master's icy glare for the nth time in a week..

Fidelis patted his shoulder...

'I agree , their master might be developed into a two-faced person....But this is also good ...A young man should be acting like this...Ay,'

Fidelis looked towards the grey sky....'Why do I feel like an old man?'






"Miss is acting strange again..."

Zin spoke half to herself and half to Yin,her best friend and sister..

Yin nodded as she looked at the girl in dark blue dress....the colour is so dark that its practically black if not for the bluish hue around it whenever the girl moved under the light from the grey sky...


Thider had been practising her sword skills during the day time...

She hadn't go out at all ever since she had devoured the purple Soul fragment formed by Red devouring Blue.. .

Everyday,she would go on with the same pace...Writing letters to her sisters And brothers who weren't Feng Jiu,practicing martial arts,

visiting her sworn sister Heng, little Ye and Little Rin who was the fifth sister... ,Teaching them many things..

Going and talking with Aunty Long..and Father.... Living her peaceful days to the fullest..

Of course ,she still has to cultivate,expand her networks,make her mercenary stronger...and things like that....

But these things didn't stop her nightmares ...the memories that did not belong to her in this life but,strangely familiar.. .

Thider doesn't like the idea of living in the darkness and seeing things in a negative way , although the reality was not so beautiful and the world is much more cruel than she could imagine...

She doesn't approve of herself basking in the ugliness and disgusting ,painful memories ,tainting her not so pure heart...

She only want to not let all these negative feelings cloud her heart... She don't want to become a vengeful person who only thinks about revenge.. ..

'What would I do after revenge?'

This question to herself buffled her...for she had not thought about it.... Then,she realised something...

'I can live my life the way I want it to be... I can hate ,I can love ...But I won't let these emotions affect my heart ... I will care for them..I will trust him once more..but if he act against me again ,I won't let my heart feel hurt for it.. But I won't forget the past... I will not let myself hurt from things like Betrayal ,Loss, and Hatred...again..'

Thider slashed her sword through the air ... a powerful wind blade formed by her force..and it passed through the thick wood of the Maple tree three metres away and the tree fell down... making a mournful wail....


Thider snapped out from her wandering thoughts and 'stared' with shock to the Red headed tree...

'My favorite Maple tree!'

Thider felt that being strong was not a good thing either.. . One lack of concentration and there you go lost something you nurtured for a long time....

'Shameless....' Philia said as he licked his paws... 'Aren't you the one who wanted to become stronger?'

Thider paid no attention to that as she staggered towards the tree

and hugged it...brawling as she did so..

'.....' Philia was shocked silly by this....'Mental break down?'

"....." Everyone in the vicinity were also petrified by this sudden action of their respectable young miss... Their minds swelled as confusion clouded their eyes...

"Miss!/Sister!" Zin,Yin,Heng ling and Little Ye shouted as they ran towards the crying figure....while someone went to call for the masters of this house..

"My Maple tree! I was hopping to make a swing on it! Wahhh,my swing! My dream! Boo hoo hoo!"

"....." Everyone else stopped in their tracks... 'Huh?So,You are sad about this!?Gahhhh! I wanna spank her!'

But none of them had the right to do so...

Yin sighed ,"Miss,you can make a swing on the Maple tree at the back of the courtyard.. ."

"Noooooo,this is my mother's tree."

"..... You can make something out of it...."Ye Aye consoled her sister

helpless with her actions.

'Really,third sister,you didn't cry when you were punished by Father but you are crying for a tree?'

'Girl,I think you should cultivate quickly to go to some medical world

and take some special medicines for psychological diseases.. ..'

Philia suggested earnestly.....receiving a mental glare from the girl.

'I'm not mad yet!'

'You are about to...'


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