The Demon King is pulling out his sword for protection.

It got hard......

"Demon King, I just brought you some awareness pills to wake you up. I have no intention of attacking you."

"But that green medicine, it's poisonous."

Blah blah blah blah, he had a bare color that only looked poisonous......

"I just think so. When I drank it, I said, 'Oh, no! But another drink!' You're gonna want to say it!

"I don't trust you! If you want me to believe that much, then compete with this Provato Pecora Aliace to prove your innocence!

"So how does that prove..."

"It's an easy thing. If your purpose is to harm me, there is no way to keep me alive. But if you really want to help me, you won't kill me."

I see. I don't know.

"Doesn't that have to be established if I don't prevail...?

"If you die, then that's the time. The fact remains that I just defeated the assassin. I have nothing left to worry about."

I was told something terrible.

You can't even escape without fighting, but doing that will lose your chance of clarification perfectly. There can be no total war, and there is a risk that Belzebub or Varnia will be killed.

Do we have to talk about this here with our fists?


Overwhelm the enemy.

"Come on, Mr. Azsa. Come!"

I kick the floor and poke at the demon king.

The Demon King has sworn his big sword to the side at high speed.



"I didn't know that was going to change... That's so fast..."

The Demon King is in good hands.

That's right, Demon King, you definitely seem to have a hell of a high ability. Previous enemies could have beaten him without any problems. I also wonder if you're really okay with hitting me.

Again, we approached, but I knew the sword was in danger. The Demon King wields his sword at high speed. Apparently, he's learned a lot about swordsmanship.

I don't have to poke around, but the anxiety element remains. I don't want to fight like I'm going to bet, and I shouldn't. If I lose, a lot of my family and friends could die.

"If you take it very slowly, the lives of the elves are in danger.

Something caught fire with that word.

"Come with me."

I'll do it even if you don't tell me.

To protect the lives of my family, I will not make any compromises.

I do my best to accelerate my body.

And - unleash every powerful fist.

Against the sword.

The body of the demon king who beat me with his sword curled and hit the wall.


"I guess this was a battle."

"That's early. I'm out of balance, but I'm not cornered or anything."

"Oh well. I don't know yet."

I wanted to say this line once.

"I already let you destroy me."

With a slight time difference, the sword was shattered.

Suddenly the Demon King dropped his useless sword.

"This is what..."

"No matter how much you can train your flesh, there are limits to increasing the strength of your weapon."

I destroyed it because my sword was in my way. Because that's the shortest route to help Halkara.

If we destroy the weapon, the rest is our turn.

I accelerate even more.

I slapped directly next to the demon king's face with my thoughtful hands.


And an intense wall don.

So there are cracks in the wall as well.

Finally, the look on the Demon King's face is getting distorted too.


Without the sword, the Demon King can't fight, apparently. It's an unlikely escape for a man who can fight.

"Demon King, you're my checkmate"

Anger doesn't appear on your face, make as much laughter as possible and respond. But my eyes are definitely not laughing, so I know it feels pretty intimidating.

"Keep it up and I'll win. There's no way I should go on, is there?

The Demon King is staring at my face. You're sifting, and the words don't seem to come out.

"Can you listen to me, please?

"Wow, wow... ok..."

"Help Halkara do it. That kid's just a little bit, no offense. And that means my family and the demons who tried to help me are not guilty, either. Everything is misplaced with unfortunate buttons. If the Demon King will forgive me, everything will fit well."

"Yes, sister"

Something called me strange, and the demon king hugged me.

"I will obey your sister! Best regards!

"Um, what is your sister...?

"I wanted to live admiring someone stronger than me, and I wondered if Mr. Azsa would be perfect for that, so I gave it a try."

Tried? This guy intentionally brought you into battle!?

"I hope we will continue to live in love with your sister. Best regards,"

"Um, Demon King......, I'm honored that you love me, but can you guarantee the safety of Halkara and everyone else for one second...?

"Oh, don't say that politely." Provato, let your family go, "in the tone of the order."

Something tells me this guy has a slight, weird sexuality...?

Speaking of which, I used to read somewhere that the more great people, the more mazo-like they are...

But to help Halkara. Can't help but reluctance to order?

"Provato is irresistible. I'll call you Pecora."

Because his name is Provato Pecora Aliace. I'm not sure which is the first name and which is the last name when I'm a Demon.

"Yes, sister"

"First, stay away from me without sticking around, Pecora"

"I'm sorry, sister"

I was so happy to honestly listen to the orders, you left me.

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