The next day.

I woke up pretty early in the morning.

First of all, what I did was tie the boundaries around the house.

The fact that Mr. Halkara has escaped so far is unlikely to stick with his legs, but I will consolidate his protection just in case.

"O wicked heart, let this net deprive you of your liberty. This net will come down on you as much as it wills...... Ha! - Okay, not bad."

The junction was made considerably easier compared to when it was stretched out in the village. Anyway, it's a completely different size.

Then make a lunch sandwich for the whole family.

The reason is because I'm on meal duty. By the way, the breakfast is arranged yesterday by converting the leftovers made by Lycra.

Using the previous day's is an ant as a duty rule. However, it is also forbidden to make anything new. So grain and herb soups are made in parallel with sandwiches.

This is good for your health, and it also helps to combat swelling on your face. At first the taste of herbs was unique, so my two daughters hated it, but I grew accustomed to it.

There are people who don't like pacchii at first but get into it a little bit, but there are also many medicinal herbs of this type. The habit is strong, but it also tastes like habit.

By the way, it's important to be aware of the health aspects because eating badly, whether immortal or spiritual, breaks down your health.

Well, why even make lunch in the morning, because we're going out in the morning.

It is herb collection. Herb collection itself is done at work, but it's a little special today.

Just now, an elf familiar with medicinal herbs arrived, so I thought I'd make some medicine with him.

Besides, it's unnatural to have no idea what kind of medicine a disciple makes when it comes to being a disciple.

Eventually Lycra wakes up and after that Sharsha and Farfa come rubbing their eyes. Usually, it seems that Sharsha always wakes up first and wakes up her sister Farfa.

"Good morning......"

The last time Mr. Halkara woke up. I was just about ready to eat.

Everyone, including me, keeps calling out "good morning" and "good morning" voices.

"It's been a long time since I've slept in a decent bed and I'm so happy...... thank you......"

"Yes, yes, well, this kind of thing is mutual. Oh, yeah, from today on, I'll have you thoroughly set up as my apprentice. I'm gonna call you Tammy, but I'm gonna call you Tammy."

"Oh, yes, please, please. Call it off or whatever, Master!

"You're the master...... Don't get me wrong, okay?"

And Mr. Halkara also dined about his seat.

After a while, Mr. Halkara was crying, "Ugh..." for some reason.

"Um, what's wrong...?

"When I was busy working, I kept eating out, and after being chased, some days I picked up the nuts in the woods and starved...... It's been a long time since I've surrounded a warm table like this..."

While she was crying, Mr. Halkara got a little cat-backed, but that back was the back of a hard-working man.

Oh, these people, I've seen them in Japan too...

Someone who has succeeded in business but eventually falls and falls into a painful life......

In Mr. Halkara's case, it's a little different than failing in business, but I'm pretty sure he's in a life fall.

Someone has to reach out to you, right? Otherwise, this man will die, won't he?

Let me help you as far as I can.

"Cheer up, Mr. Halkara."

Farfa was all the way around to the back of Mr. Halkara's seat to slap him on the pompous shoulder. Oh, my God, he's a good boy.

"Oh, was that Farfa? Thank you......"

Mr. Halkara thanked him.

"If this is the case, I shouldn't have expanded my business... If I were to sell drugs in the state where I lived..."

Expansion of work came behind it - after all, there are examples of companies failing.

"Yes, yes, I can't help being creepy, and let's think about what's going to happen"

I, pampered, slap my hand.

"When you're done eating, I'm going out to the woods to pick up some herbs. Let me see Halkara's arm. The other three left a message."

"Wow, I get it, Master!

"By the way, I'm making sandwiches for lunch, so the Lycans eat it."

"I understand, Master Azsa. And this is where we'll find out who Belzebub is."

"Yeah, please"

Better get ready as possible.

"And whatever it takes, it'll still be fine, but if the enemy comes, Falpha and Sharsha will be fine."

"Yes, even in place of my life!

"No, keep Lycra alive, too. You can tell me where I am if you want."

Three hundred years I've lived in this world, and I've never talked about advanced monsters (which they call the Demons as a way of calling them) committing atrocities against humans, so they don't seem to attack me indiscriminately, but it's definitely better to be strong on protection.

"It's not a good idea to be very optimistic, but I haven't even heard about Mr. Halkara's officials or anything else being attacked, so it's likely that even your two daughters won't be targeted"

"Yeah, I really hope so"

I hit the hand I could hit first, so me and Halkara set out for the woods.

By the way, Halkara's clothes are stuck.

"You know... I've never been told that Halkara is a good developer...?

I felt sexually harassed that it was a very straightforward expression, so I made it a no difficulty expression.

It's a difficult operation to hear, so let's hear it early.

"Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

"Pace twice a day!

"A lot of elves in my tiny state are slender people, so they stand out extra. I'm used to it, though. So don't worry too much about me."

"That's right..."

"It was the only time I could see my body, so I tried to prove myself as a pharmacist. I did get to sell a lot of pills, but that's empty and Belzebub is after me -. and ho......"

Life is boring......

I was talking about that, and I arrived in the woods.

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