After putting away the letter, Froststar went to call the patriots who were training infected soldiers, and the father and daughter went to a meeting together.


Father and daughter are connected.

The fact that Froststar was depressed was obvious to Patriot at a glance.

However, he is a military commander and not good at words.

"Mr. Patriot!"

Seeing the patriot walking into the tent, Tallulah was the first to stand up, and the others quickly followed suit to show their respect for this veteran warrior with a great record.

However, not many people can sit still and face this pure-blooded Wendigo who has been fighting for more than 200 years.

After Patriot and Froststar took their seats, everyone was gathered, and the meeting officially began.

At the meeting, Tallulah consolidated the information in her hand and blurred out the concept of Black Snake. She only said that there was an old Ursus noble who intended to innovate but had a long criminal record and wanted to 'take advantage' of the integration movement.

Of course, the Integration Movement can also use this ‘old noble’ to capture Chernobog.

The integration movement can maintain a very delicate ‘collaborative relationship’ with this ‘old aristocrat’;

You can also cut it in two, and then bear the cold knife stabbed by this 'old nobleman' at some point.

"I've finished speaking. What do you think? Should the Integration Movement accept this cooperation?" Tallulah glanced at everyone's faces.

In addition to the old backbones such as Frost Star and Patriot, there were also some new members present.

However, among these evil stars fighting out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, a little deer sitting next to Tallulah seemed so out of place.

Just like a drop of white ink on black paper, people can't help but wonder: Why is she here?

"No, it cannot be accepted! There is no good person among the Ursus nobles!"

There were votes against it, and the support was loud.

Before everyone became infected, they were all ordinary Ursus residents.

The reason why I became an infected person and had to tie my head to my waistband was all thanks to the stupid nobles of Ursus!

Under their high voice, even if someone had objections, they did not dare to speak out.

Froststar and Patriot remained silent.

It is not convenient for them to speak before other people express their opinions, otherwise it will easily affect other people's judgments.

Otherwise, if the patriots say yes and you say no, do you think you can endure it better than the patriots?

Even if no one says so, invisible pressure will force everyone to agree with the patriots.

Being too high in status can sometimes bring about troubles, such as not being able to hear the truth, or having difficulty hearing the truth.


Tallulah coughed twice and pressed her hands to calm them down.

Alina glanced at her, understood, and stood up helplessly, saying: "This issue must be viewed dialectically, and cannot be beaten to death with a stick. We started from the snowy field, and along the way, we encountered many people who were motivated by their own selfish interests. , the nobles who ruined other people’s families, but have we never seen the nobles who opened their granaries to help refugees?!”

"But the leader said, this old noble has a lot of criminal records, we can't take this risk!"

The man gave his reasons for insisting on his opinion.

"She showed her sincerity by giving us the key to the core tower of Chernobog. Even if we still reject her in the end, we can't be so hasty!"

After listening to Tallulah's description of the 'old noble', Alina knew that it was a black snake.

487. It would be nice if Su Yun was here

It is true that Alina hates the black snake very much and hates that she once possessed Tallulah's body and tried to take Tallulah's body.

However, from the perspective of the entire integration movement, the 'cooperation' with Black Snake may be worth a try.

At the very least, what Black Snake took out was sincerity, it was Misha and the 'key', not the M1917 Smith \u0026 Wesson revolver.

After Alina came forward, other infected people who thought it was worth a try also came forward.

The pros and cons each held their own opinions, but they did not deny the other's position.

This is not a college debate competition. We have to throw our brains into the trash can and argue that you are wrong and I am right.

In fact, those who support cooperation know that there are risks in cooperating with the Ursus nobles.

The opponents also understand that if the integration movement wants to benefit the world and realize its ideals, mobile cities are indispensable.

Don’t they want a mobile city? Think about it, think about it very much.

I think about it during the day, cry at night, and dream about a mobile city for infected people.

There is no need to worry about natural disasters suddenly coming tomorrow, no need to keep an eye on the movement of the mobile city every day, no need to fight wits and courage with various poisonous insects and beasts in the wilderness...

Gradually, the arguing stopped.

They all set their sights on their leader, Tallulah.

When no one can convince the other, someone who can make the final decision is needed.

Tallulah is such an existence.

As long as she opens her mouth, no matter which path she chooses, even if it opens up a brand new path, they will have no regrets.

"...I know your thoughts clearly. I will think about it carefully. Let's go back first." Tallulah said.

The meeting came to nothing.

From beginning to end, Tallulah did not express her thoughts.

Similarly, Froststar and Patriot did not express their attitudes.

"Then... leader, we will leave first." The infected warrior said, "No matter what choice the leader makes, we will follow him to the death!"

"Follow me to the death!"

"Follow me to the death!"

The pressure came up all of a sudden.

"Patriot, please stay for a moment." Tallulah stopped Patriot and said, "What do you think of this matter?"

"I'm just a soldier, just marching." The patriot's implication was that he didn't want to influence Tallulah's judgment.

He believed Tallulah would lead the integration movement in the right direction.

The heavy burden suddenly fell on Tallulah's shoulders, making her breathless.

"Tallulah, take a rest, you haven't slept much recently." Alina took her hand and led Tallulah into her tent.

In the tent.

Tallulah was lying on Alina's bed, with her best friend's soft, fragrant thighs under her head.

Alina's jade fingers gently pressed her head, relieving the fatigue she had accumulated over the past few days.

"We haven't done this for a long time, right?" Alina said softly.

"Well, because I didn't dare to let them see my current appearance, I deliberately didn't come to you." Tallulah said tiredly.


"I was afraid of disappointing them, and I didn't want them to know that their leader was someone who needed to rest in someone else's lap."

"You are just a person. There are times when people are tired and weak and need to rely on others."

At some point, Alina felt a little distant from Tallulah.

The two are still good friends and confidants who talk about everything.

However, an invisible and thin barrier stood between them.

Like a grain of sand in a shoe.

It doesn't prevent you from walking, but it will still make you feel uncomfortable after a long time.

"Maybe you're right," Tallulah said.

"No one can bear it alone, you need someone to help you share it."

Alina just had to report her ID number.

—if she had one.


It was okay for Alina not to say anything, but as soon as she said it, the hard work that Tallulah ignored suddenly surged up and was unstoppable.

Tallulah subconsciously said: "Yes, it would be great if Su Yun was here."

Alina: "???"

Why did you suddenly mention Su Yun?

Aren't you pillowing on my lap now?

Moreover, we have known each other for many years as close friends and confidants. Why would you want Su Yun, who is far away, to help you share the pressure?

"What's wrong?" Tallulah noticed that Alina looked a little unnatural, "My legs are numb? I'll get up right now."

"It's okay." Alina pushed Tallulah back as she tried to sit up.

Tallulah continued: "But I can't rely on him so much. He has his own life."

"But he still wrote a letter. Su Yun must have put a lot of effort into sending that letter to you." Alina said quietly.

"Yes." Tallulah couldn't help but have a happy smile on her face.

Although they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, there was an illusion that Su Yun was by his side.


Alina finally understood when exactly it started that there seemed to be a sadly thick barrier between her and Tallulah.

The source of all this comes from the young man named 'Su Yun'.

Ever since he appeared in Tallulah's life, everything had changed.

He brought ore disease inhibitors to the integration movement, brought food and maps, and brought the hope they needed most.

However, while Su Yun was exorcising the black snake for Tallulah, he seemed to have taken away Tallulah's heart, and at the same time squeezed her away and occupied the seat next to Tallulah.

Alina definitely doesn't hate Su Yun.

On the contrary, she has always been grateful to Su Yun.

If it weren't for Su Yun, the integration movement would not be what it is today.

But Su Yun was like getting a score of ninety-nine in an exam. Although he was extremely good, the one score that was missing was very disappointing.

If Su Yun could maintain an innocent and like-minded relationship with Tallulah, Alina believed that she would be even more grateful to Su Yun.

"What do you think of Su Yun?" Alina asked as she took a comb and took care of Tallulah's hair.

If you want to talk about this, I won't be sleepy anymore.

Tallulah swept away her tiredness and said enthusiastically: "He is a very magical person. He has far more secrets than you and I imagined. When I stay with him, I always feel that he does not belong. This land may disappear at any time..."

Listening to the voice in his ears, he combed his long hair.

Tallulah was clearly right in front of her, but Alina felt that she was so far away from her.

Because although her body is still here, her heart has already flown to Longmen.

"Did Su Yun say in the letter whether he supported or opposed it?" Alina asked.

——The letter is still in Shuangxing’s hand. Alina hasn’t read it, so she doesn’t know the specific content.

Tallulah said: "No, he does not want to interfere with the choice of the integration movement."

488. Do you need help from my teacher?


The news that the capable angel successfully ascended to the throne quickly spread.

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