Of course, Gu Fan had another sentence in his mind, which was: "Mr. Li, it's not that Ni Tiantian's hard work has been in vain, but your hard work has been in vain. All Ni Tiantian employees are very happy, and they have even begun to look forward to the next one." Monthly dividends.”

But of course he didn't dare to say it. After all, dogs can jump over walls when they are anxious, but no one can guarantee what will happen when a devil is anxious.

Obviously, Lilith couldn't accept such a failure at all.

"Gu Fan! What on earth is going on!

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have doubted you. You are my loyal minister. As soon as you were gone, the game actually caused such a big mess!

"This Zhou Yang... must not be kept!!

"Let me see how to fire employees..."

Seeing Lilith taking out her phone as if she was about to do something outrageous, Gu Fan quickly stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Li, don't worry. If there is a problem in the company, you should first identify the root cause of the problem, and then decide who will be responsible."

Lilith temporarily put down her phone: "Okay, let's locate the problem first! Let this Zhou Yang die with conviction!

"I, Lilith, have always been known for my clear distinction between rewards and punishments in hell!"

Gu Fan said hehe, he didn't believe a word of Lilith's statement.

But as a qualified workplace worker, Gu Fan certainly wouldn't say anything when his boss was bragging.

He just began to analyze the root cause of the problem without any subjective color.

"Mr. Li, I think there are two main reasons for this problem. The first is the live broadcast built into the game, and the second is motorcycles."

Upon hearing this, Lilith became excited instantly.


"When you said that, I remembered that this Internet celebrity's career was your suggestion, right Gu Fan?"

Lilith narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Gu Fan with great suspicion.

Gu Fan was silent for a moment: "Mr. Li, you have a really good memory."

Lilith put her hands on her hips: "Of course! Don't compare me with forgetful humans like you!"

Gu Fan continued: "But... Mr. Li, please recall for yourself. I should have just said that Internet celebrities can live broadcast their driving content in the game, but the specific design of this function was all in your concept draft. Is it written down?"

Lilith frowned: "Wait a minute! That's what you said then!

"Internet celebrity: You can live broadcast your driving content, but it depends on how many people watch it! The live broadcast is carried out in the game, and players also watch it in the game. Only if there are many people watching, can you get income, otherwise it will be the same Not even a penny.

"These are definitely your exact words!

"Didn't you originally mean the current design?"

Gu Fan coughed twice: "Mr. Li, would you like to think more carefully?

“I said that Internet celebrities can live broadcast their driving content in the game. The more people watch, the more money they will earn. But I never said that the audience must be real people!

"I did say that players can watch live broadcasts in the game, but I didn't say that what players saw was another player's live broadcast!"

Lilith was shocked. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly for a moment as her brain shut down.

Gu Fan did not give her much time to react and continued: "My original idea was this: players can live broadcast in the game, but the live broadcast content cannot be seen by other players. There are only virtual NPC viewers, and the specific number of viewers The algorithm of popularity depends entirely on the background, and preferably has nothing to do with the player's live broadcast content.

“Players can also watch live broadcasts in the game, but they cannot see other players’ live broadcasts, only NPC’s live broadcasts.

"The interaction between players is completely isolated, and the live broadcast function is obviously implemented, but it is not fully implemented. In this way, when the players find out, they will definitely break the defense on the spot and generate a lot of negative emotions."

Lilith was even more surprised, with three big words written all over her face: Is this okay?

Obviously, she didn't expect what Gu Fan said, that players' live broadcast and players' viewing of live broadcast are separate!

On second thought, it seems that this can indeed harvest more negative emotions.

After all, when most people see the live broadcast function built into the game, they subconsciously think that players can watch each other, right? Who would have thought that the player would live broadcast to the NPC, and the NPC would live broadcast to the player?

In this way, the current popularity of built-in live broadcasts will naturally not occur, because players are actually completely isolated.

It’s simply a design that serves multiple purposes!

Lilith immediately came forward: "Then why don't you make it clear!!"

Gu Fan spread his hands with an innocent expression: "Mr. Li, you didn't let me be responsible for the specific design! Besides, from the perspective of collecting negative emotions, it is natural to think of this approach, right? How could I have thought of it in advance? Didn't you expect that?"

Lilith suppressed all her subsequent questions and couldn't say a word.

Indeed, what Gu Fan said makes sense!

Gu Fan just mentioned it when chatting with Lilith before, but after all, it was not a specific game design plan. Many details have not been finalized, and the specific meaning can be interpreted in many ways.

If Gu Fan had been asked to make the design plan, and Gu Fan had clearly written "Players can watch players' live broadcasts," then this blame would have been firmly placed on his head.

But Lilith didn't let Gu Fan make a plan, so she had to bear the blame herself!

Moreover, even if there is indeed ambiguity in what Gu Fan said, if Lilith can really understand this level and consider it from the perspective of creating negative emotions, then she will inevitably separate the players in the live broadcast function.

It can only be said that she did not think of this at all, but only regarded the live broadcast function as an insignificant option in the game, which led to such consequences due to a combination of circumstances.

Lilith was very irritated: "What about the second reason?"

Gu Fan continued: "The second reason... is motorcycles.

“If there were no motorcycles in the game, naturally there would not be the current gameplay, because it is impossible for the live broadcast car to go very fast, it is impossible to get rid of the NPC vehicles chasing behind it, and it is impossible to create such a high degree of popularity.

"Who designed this motorcycle...?"

Lilith said nothing with a dark face.

Obviously, Gu Fan had never mentioned the motorcycle model at all, and she was the one who joined it!

The reason for adding it is also very simple. Lilith believes that motorcycles are not very abiding by traffic rules in reality, so adding motorcycles to the game will undoubtedly further intensify the players' road rage, thus creating More negative emotions.

Of course, this is not because the quality of motorcycle drivers is generally low, it is determined by the characteristics of motorcycles.

According to normal driving rules, motorcycles should not slide, but should be regarded as motor vehicles and follow the car normally.

However, in actual operation, the behavior of motorcycles slipping is highly controversial.

Some people think that if there is a traffic jam, motorcycles can slide through the gap to improve traffic efficiency. However, if you don't slide through the gap, you will occupy the position of a car and make the car behind unable to move, which is not good.

When the speed of the traffic flow is acceptable, riding a motorcycle through gaps is dangerous and uncivilized, and accidents can easily occur.

However, some people believe that motorcycles should not slide around under any circumstances. When discussing rights of way, you cannot treat yourself as a normal motor vehicle and keep other vehicles away from you; but when there is a traffic jam, you should emphasize that you are a motorcycle and slide around casually. Sew? Doesn’t that mean that all the good things are yours?

Therefore, this issue is highly controversial. Currently, slipping is illegal in domestic regulations, but this behavior is very common and difficult to enforce.

In some other countries or regions, motorcycles are allowed to slide through gaps. It is believed that this can save time, improve traffic efficiency, and make more rational use of road resources.

But in any case, the behavior of motorcycles sliding into gaps is definitely very irritating to car drivers and can easily lead to road rage.

It was precisely out of this consideration that Lilith decisively added motorcycles.

In addition, the delivery driver profession in the game was also designed by Lilith herself, because she felt that these delivery people riding electric bicycles on the road can also induce road rage in players.

When I think of the delivery boy’s battery car, I will naturally think of bicycles and motorcycles.

In short, to put it bluntly, this is Lilith's own original design, derived from reality, and has nothing to do with Gu Fan.

If there were no motorcycles, would Heilong and Chen Tingquan still be able to play well?

The answer is of course no!

Because the reason why Heilong drives so fast is because he can slip through gaps on his motorcycle.

If you are driving a car, you will inevitably encounter a situation where there is a vehicle in front of you, making it impossible to overtake quickly, and it is easy to rear-end. Once the speed slows down, it is easy to be overtaken by the stupid car behind you and be forced into an accident.

Moreover, the effect of live broadcasting from a car is much worse than that from a motorcycle!

In other words, if one of these two items is not done, it will not generate such high popularity, and naturally it will not have a big impact on the collection of negative emotions.

Fortunately, these two rules just happened to collide!

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