When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 145 Li always has motivation!

Gu Fan asked tentatively: "Mr. Li, do you have the design plan for the new game?"

Lilith shook her head: "No!"

Gu Fan was speechless for a moment and almost didn't know how to answer the question.

I have to say that Lilith seems to be living too happily recently, so much so that she has lost her enterprising spirit.

The previous games of Nitiantian basically failed and did not collect too much negative emotions, so Lilith was very anxious and came up with the design plan for the new game in a very short period of time.

But this time, although "The Forsaken City" did not collect too much negative emotions, "Hell's Evil" made a lot of money, so Lilith became slack.

It has been more than ten days since the game was released, and there is still no sign of the design plan for the new game.

How can this be done?

Gu Fan coughed twice: "Mr. Li, you can't slack off! There are still so many negative emotions in this world waiting for you to collect. If you lie down, the entire Nitiantian will come to a halt!"

Lilith was speechless, why did you, a wage earner, give me chicken soup?

She waved her hand impatiently: "Oh, I know, I've been thinking about it for a while.

“The main reason is that I’ve been severely overdrawn on inspiration recently, and I can’t think of any great ideas for the time being.

“You should also take a break and don’t work too much overtime and become too tired.

"Come on, let's watch the live broadcast for a while. Let me see how these people are doing in the speedrunning competition of "The Hellboy"."

Gu Fan turned on the TV and found Heilong's live broadcast room.

Heilong is a super hardcore player of platform jumping games. He is especially obsessed with various "jumping" gameplays and his skills are quite good.

He had previously made a name for himself in the speedrun of the game "Sisyphus" and attracted a large number of fans.

And this time, he is also the number one victim in the septic tank butterfly swimming competition in "The Evil Dead".

Lilith loved watching his live broadcast and laughed happily every time she saw him break down and break his defenses.

However, so far, the cesspit butterfly swimming competition of "The Hellboy" has gradually come to an end, and this enjoyment may not last too long.

If it is some classic speed-passing projects, players can continue to play for thousands of hours, and even break the speed-passing record after several years.

But "Lemur" is really too rubbish and too tortured. Even with the Succubus MOD, it can't fundamentally improve it, so it's pretty good that the popularity can last for a few days.

Lilith also wanted to seize this last chance and enjoy it.

However, after opening Heilong's live broadcast room, she found that Heilong was not playing "Hell of Hell".

Instead, she opened a website she had never seen before and was downloading files.

"Huh? What is this?" Lilith was a little confused, "Isn't he going to continue speedrunning "The Hellboy"?"

Obviously, many viewers also have the same questions as Lilith.

Black Dragon also immediately made an explanation: "The "Hell Lemur" speedrun is still a fart, I have eaten shit and eaten enough, I won't eat anymore!

"Damn it, now that I think about it, I only have two words: regret!

"I shouldn't have been seduced by that Succubus MOD from the beginning, and I shouldn't have been irritated by the audience. It was a mistake from beginning to end to speedrun "Lemurs of Hell"!

"It just so happened that a big boss updated a batch of MODs for Nitiantian's game. Let's review the classics today!

"Let me see which one to play first?

“Too much playable content is also a worry!

“Yes, that’s it!

"The Customized General Life MOD for "The Legend of Destiny Crouching Dragon" must be very interesting! I can't wait to see how these fake-AIs will come up with a ridiculous plot based on the life of the general I made up!"

In the live broadcast room screen, Heilong installed the downloaded MOD file into the "Destiny Wolong Legend" program, and then started the game.

On the surface, the game doesn't seem to have changed much from the original version.

The biggest difference is that the general’s life column can be edited by left-clicking!

You are completely free to edit the content. You can add real details that happened in history, or you can write random things.

After the player triggers the "Wolong Ce Nesting" operation, the NPC controlled by the fake-AI will see the lives of these generals and change their decisions.

As for what exactly it will look like? Only God knows.

In the living room, Lilith stopped chewing.

At this time, she had just happily grabbed a handful of potato chips and stuffed them into her mouth. She was just halfway through chewing when she saw this outrageous scene. Her brain suddenly shut down, and her bulging cheeks continued to maintain their round curves.

After a moment, she swallowed the potato chips angrily: "Gu Fan!! What the hell is going on!!"

Gu Fan also looked confused. He frowned and looked at the live broadcast room for a while, and then said, "This...it seems that someone on the N Internet has also made a MOD for our game..."

He opened the N network on his mobile phone and handed it over, and Lilith couldn't wait to grab it.

Lilith actually already had a certain understanding of the N network.

After all, "Hell of Hell" had a turnaround before, and a very important point was that Gu Fan worked overtime to make the MOD and then submitted it to the N Internet!

At that time, Lilith was still shocked by this operation and laughed at Azazel.

But now, the roles have been reversed!

Lilith quickly swiped the phone screen.

At this time, Gu Fan clicked on the homepage of "gandi", which clearly displayed all the MOD content he submitted.

In fact, Gandi has been making some MODs one after another a long time ago, but later suspended the production due to various reasons, and only recently returned to the old business.

Just yesterday, he uploaded 9 MODs in a row!

These MODs cover almost most of the popular games of Nitiantian Games, and the download volume is extremely high. In just one day, the download volume of these MODs has generally exceeded 30,000. The highest among them is the MOD of "The Legend of Destiny Crouching Dragon". The quantity even exceeded 50,000!

This kind of data is quite explosive when viewed on the N Internet.

On the one hand, this is because Emperor Gan has a very accurate grasp of player psychology and knows exactly what everyone wants to play. On the other hand, it is because Nitiantian really does not update the game!

If it were other manufacturers who would regularly maintain the game and add new features, then even if the MOD author made some good MODs, not many players would download them.

After all, the normal content of the game is enough to play.

The Reversible Paradise game has not been updated, and the players are all holding their breath. Now that there is a MOD that can significantly improve the experience, of course they can’t wait to download it!

As a result, these MODs quickly topped the popularity list in N.com's domestic area, which in turn caused their further spread, allowing more players to notice and download...

If the cycle continues like this, although only one day has passed, the influence cannot be underestimated!

Lilith gritted her teeth: "Let me tell you why the negative sentiment value of "Hell Tracks" has obviously picked up some time ago, but recently it has accelerated its decline...

“It turns out someone is causing trouble!!

"Who is this person?"

She was so angry that she almost smoked on the spot.

Obviously, Lilith's method of collecting negative emotions has some fatal flaws.

As a developer, she cannot change the content of the game, otherwise the contract will be invalidated, but the players can change the content of the game at will!

It's like opening a restaurant: the restaurant serves a bowl of fried rice, and customers can eat it with chopsticks, eat it with a spoon, dip it in vinegar or add chili pepper, or even take it home and fry it again. But restaurants cannot turn fried rice into fried noodles or fried pancakes.

Originally Lilith was the beneficiary of this flaw.

Gu Fan used MOD to make "Lemur" profitable, allowing Lilith to earn three-quarters of the game's negative emotional value.

But now, Lilith becomes a victim of this flaw!

The boomerang stuck firmly into her body.

"Who is this Gandi! Find out for me!!" Lilith was furious.

At this time, Lilith looked at Gu Fan with some suspicion in her eyes.

After all, Gu Fan had made a MOD before, so it was normal for him to become the number one suspect.

But soon, Gu Fan easily proved his innocence.

"Mr. Li, this seems to be one of our players, the 'Immortal Liver Emperor'.

"Look, his profile picture on the N network is the same as his profile picture in the live broadcast room."

Gu Fan opened Gan Emperor's live broadcast room, and sure enough, Gan Emperor was introducing the usage of these MODs to the audience and replying to some key questions about MODs on the N Internet.

Gu Fan didn't want to be too innocent at this time, after all, he had no interaction with Gan Emperor at all.

Lilith was so angry that her teeth itched: "Emperor Liver?

"Isn't he the player who won two of my gold trophies?

"Damn it! How could he repay kindness with hatred like this!!"

Seeing Lilith's defensive expression, Gu Fan felt relieved.

Very good, Mr. Li is motivated now.

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