When I write a bug it becomes the core gameplay

Chapter 109 Investment Contract (Third Update)

The next day, 7pm.

Gu Fan and Lilith came to a community called "Xingwangyuan" outside the Sixth Ring Road in the northeast of the imperial capital.

"This is it, get off the car!"

After Lilith finished speaking, she pushed open the scissor door of the red Ferrari and got out of the car.

Gu Fan silently looked back at the appearance of this Ferrari. The specific model of this car had touched upon his blind spot of knowledge. He just felt that the appearance was very handsome, and the rate of turning heads was indeed very high.

Even in the imperial capital, such luxury cars are not particularly common.

What's more, it's in a remote community outside the Sixth Ring Road.

Strictly speaking, Xingwangyuan should be regarded as relocation housing in nearby villages and towns. Outside the Northeast Sixth Ring Road, the rent here is very cheap. A two-bedroom apartment of 90 square meters only costs 5,000 yuan, which is indeed a bargain in the imperial capital.

However, the transportation in this place is very underdeveloped. There is no subway station. It takes at least 20 minutes to take a bus to the nearby subway station.

Azazel chose the company here, which is indeed enough to show that he was cash-strapped and lacked development funds at this time.

Lilith came to one of the unit buildings, went straight to the seventh floor, and knocked on the door in the middle.

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties. He was a bit unkempt and unshaven. At first glance, he seemed to be subservient and cautious. But if you look closely, you will find that there is a hint of shrewdness in his eyes. , even cunning.

Obviously, that kind of submissiveness is just a deliberate illusion, mostly a survival philosophy to make the enemy relax their vigilance.

This is obviously Lilith's rival, the new hell demon Azazel.

"Okay, you can leave work early today."

Azazel said to a bespectacled programmer in the room.

This programmer looks young, only 27 or 28 years old.

He seemed a little surprised about the off-duty time today, but he didn't ask much. He just said "Okay, Mr. Sa", packed up his things and left.

After the programmer left, Azazel changed his face and said, "Dear Lady Lilith, I didn't expect you to actually come here. I couldn't welcome you from far away. Please forgive me! Please come in quickly. "

Azazel nodded and bowed and invited Lilith in.

Obviously, although the two are competitors, their status in hell is still very different.

Gu Fan sat down on the sofa in the living room and took a brief look at the environment here.

There are only two computers in the living room, one of which obviously belongs to the programmer just now.

The current company of "Hellfront" is obviously in a similar state to the original state of the game Against Heaven, with only one demonic producer responsible for coming up with plans and one hard-working programmer.

However, Gu Fan highly doubted that the programmer probably did not know the true identity of his boss.

If he knew, Azazel seemed to have no need to send him away.

Of course, this is just speculation and cannot be verified yet.

Azazel's expression was a little uneasy. It was obvious that a small person like him was not qualified to contact high-level officials like Lilith in hell. At this time, he was really worried that Lilith was coming to investigate.

After all, the idea for the game "Lemurs" came from "Sisyphus."

Of course, Azazel was confident that he could handle it even if Lilith really came to accuse her. After all, Lucifer nodded and agreed that he came to the human world to open a company.

To his surprise, Lilith didn't look grim and didn't pursue him for plagiarizing his ideas.

"You seem a little afraid of me?" Lilith asked.

Azazel nodded quickly and shook his head: "Lord Lilith, you are revered in hell. You are the first demon created by Lucifer with human souls. You are so powerful. It is natural for me to respect you.

“But you seem to be very friendly to the people, and I’m flattered that you came to see a little person like me in person.

"Perhaps some demons are trying to sow trouble with you, saying that I deliberately came to the human world to steal your business...but this is all slander! I came to the human world under Lord Lucifer's orders, and I only tried my best to contribute to hell. Just a contribution.”

Lilith nodded slightly: "Well, I was really angry at first. But..."

She looked at Gu Fan: "This is my chief think tank in the human world. He thinks that we can help each other and establish cooperation, so I changed my mind."

Azazel was a little surprised and looked at Gu Fan.

Gu Fan nodded and said: "Both of you are talents from hell, and both are Lord Lucifer's right-hand men. There are so many negative emotions in the world, and we can obviously win-win, so there is no need to get so tense!

“In our human terms, this is not a zero-sum game.

"Mr. Sa, although you don't care about money in the world, the subsequent development and promotion of the game require money. This is a bottomless pit. And with your current game design, it will be very difficult to make enough money, right?

"And Mr. Li has sufficient human funds on hand, so there is a basis for cooperation between the two of you."

Although Azazel didn't understand what kind of medicine Gu Fan was selling in his gourd, at least the other party's attitude was very friendly so far, so he nodded quickly: "Thank you!"

Lilith took out an agreement: "I know that the biggest problem you have now is the shortage of funds. So, I made an investment contract. Take a look."

Azazel quickly took it and took a look.

The content of this contract is very simple: Nitiantian Games will invest in Hellfrontline and bear the costs of Hellfrontline game development and promotion.

Of course, game development and promotion costs must be within a "reasonable range." As for what a "reasonable range" is, refer to the cost of developing a game of the same scale as Nitiantian Games.

This may seem like a trap at first glance, but in fact it is not.

The focus is on the next part:

If the game of Hellfront loses money, you do not need to bear any monetary loss, you only need to hand over one-tenth of the negative emotions gained to Lilith.

If the Hell Front game makes a profit, then all the profits will go to the game Against Heaven, and half of the negative emotions gained will be handed over to Lilith!

Azazel frowned: "Why do I have to share negative emotions no matter whether it is profit or loss?"

Gu Fan spread his hands and said, "Because this investment agreement is inherently beneficial to you.

“The probability of making a profit in a Hellfront game is very low, and this is something that everyone knows very well.

"Generally speaking, you can simply understand it as: you only need to provide one-tenth of the share of negative emotions, and Mr. Li will bear the development costs of the game for you, solving your key problem of shortage of funds.

"Isn't this protection fee worth paying?"

Azazel is still a little confused: "Since you know that the probability of making a profit is very low, why do you still have the relevant clause "if the game makes a profit"?"

Gu Fan spread his hands: "The contract must be comprehensive, of course, and no obvious loopholes should be left. Although the possibility of your game making money is very low, it is not completely impossible."

Lilith nodded: "This industry is very deep, young devil, you may not be able to grasp it!"

Gu Fan continued: "So, this article is very necessary, because if you make a profit, it will cause heavy losses to Mr. Li's investment, and of course you will be punished.

"What if you are an undercover agent sent by Heaven to deliberately disrupt Mr. Li's plan to collect negative emotions?

"It's hard to talk about this kind of thing."

Lilith immediately helped: "Wait a minute, Azazel, if you don't even want to sign this contract, are you really an undercover agent sent by Heaven?"

Azazel quickly waved his hand: "Master Lilith, please don't make such a joke. I have always been loyal to Hell, how could I be a mole sent by Heaven?

"Lord Lucifer sees my determination to collect negative emotions through games, otherwise why would he let me take on such an important job?

"It's just this contract..."

He read the contract several times: "Can I make two small requests?"

Lilith looked at him: "Go ahead."

Azazel still had a flattering expression: "First, can the negative emotions handed over after a loss in the game be reduced to one-twentieth? One-tenth is too much.

"Second, I hope to add a clause to this contract. After the Hellfront game is released, there cannot be any "major bugs that deviate greatly from the original design." Otherwise, we do not need to pay any negative emotions.

"Do you think these two rules are okay?"

Lilith's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

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