It is said that the members of the supply unit have been decided.

It is said that Alice, and unexpectedly, Selina and Beatrice participated in the 15 members.

Even if Alice called me because she needed something, Selina and Beatrice were unexpected.

It was strange that I didn’t call them separately, and that Count Vane or Skylar allowed them.

When I asked Bane, she said that she also liked to experience melee, and that she called because there was no other opportunity like this.

It’s just strange to push your own daughter into a corner.

‘Still, it’s true that their strength is helpful.’

Beatrice is a 5th Circle mage, and Selina is an Aura user who has awakened her Aura.

It’s strange that it doesn’t help with power.

‘The inspectors who came with me said they were going back this time, so the troublesome bumps will fall off.’

Even if they are here, they are useless.

They were so frightened that it made me question how the hell they became users.

They are of no help.

“What do they say?”

“They told me to prepare soon.”

Bane answered with a slightly hardened face.


It is to prepare for war against the barbarians.

Since preparations are over on the Daejeon Warriors side, it is said that we should prepare accordingly.

“What about the commander?”

“It’s always the same.”

The Marquis of Easton had a face mixed with emotions such as emptiness and astonishment at the news we had brought, and was speechless for a long time.

Who could have created this result?

And would you have thought like this?

It was absurd enough to ask me not to joke even though I knew it wasn’t a joke.

‘The knights were also against it.’

Apart from the fact that the South could be peaceful, the knights showed a great reluctance to help the savages.

It is inevitable that they have lived their entire lives against the savages.

Because of the savages, I lost my comrades, I lost my family, and I lost my beloved lover.

They had to fend off the barbarians’ offensive to the extent that they lived without knowing that they had room.

hatred, anger.

Everyone here knew very well that it would be impossible to change all of those emotions at once.

It took time to erase those feelings, no, to push them away.

Time to understand and embrace the mindset of savages.


‘There’s no need to do that.’

I’m not going to be allied with the barbarians for the rest of my life, I’m going to side with them just this once.

If you want to understand them, they just need to kill the barbarians as usual.

However, it is necessary to exclude some of them.

I don’t know what the outcome will be when this war ends, but I have to fight them again.

So there is no need to understand them and suppress your anger and hatred.

‘For the sake of the cause, I can suppress that much emotion.’

The reason they kept the South was for peace.

A line of deterrence so that barbarians do not come up from the south.

that’s easton

They were not stupid enough to ruin the opportunity to eliminate the cause of the threat.

I didn’t have strong self-esteem.

That’s why even those who initially resisted agreed after hearing sufficient explanations.

It might be the last chance.

How could I give up what I longed for so much?

“Two days after the supply unit arrives, we strike first.”

Bane walked beside me and said.

After we returned, the Daejeonsa personally visited us or decided to meet and negotiate.

The Daejeon and we waited for one thing.

Chieftain’s carelessness.

The morale of the savages who had swallowed the red hawk was sky-high.

The chief tried to eat the elves as well as swallowing the red hawk.

In fact, if even the elves fell on their knees to the barbarians, they would have no power to oppose them.

Although Easton exists, it is difficult to hold on if the balance of power collapses.

It was unknown whether they would be able to return alive without central help.

‘The Great Warrior seems to be doing well.’

Originally, the barbarians should have been at war with the elves or us by now.

Considering their atmosphere, it’s hard to believe they’re still standing still.

The fact that they were quiet in the time it took to attack meant that the great warrior was keeping his promise.

One of the things that came out of the negotiations was that the Great Warrior buys us enough time.

It was to buy time, but it was also to induce the chief to be vigilant.

Once in a while, you can touch it as if you were looking at the liver, but judging from the fact that there has been no such record yet, the Great Warrior was doing his part.

And through recent contact, I learned that the day of execution is not far away.

‘At times like this, it would be nice to have Mahol.’

Although he did not reach the Master’s realm, Mahol had grown to the point where even the Master could deal with him if he prepared enough.

With him, things can be solved relatively easily.

Even though he specializes in night and surprise attacks, even if he fights like a knight, he can become an Intermediate Sword Expert.

Unfortunately, he went to the empire with the third prince of the empire, Baan.

I can’t even call him back.

He has work to do.

The distance from the empire to this place is far, and he must not leave the empire, the side of the first princess.

The Empire is a place full of strife.

You don’t know when, at any moment, you’ll die whether you’re poisoned or attacked.

So, Mahol had to stand by her side at all times.

‘It’s nice to have one, but it doesn’t mean things won’t work just because there’s none.’

There are two Masters, and although I am not a Master, I can become a somewhat large force.

In addition to the Wizard of the 5th Circle, Selina who has awakened her Aura, and the Eastern soldiers and knights who have lived in the South all their lives and know the habits of barbarians better than anyone else.

In addition, due to the great battle, there will be division among the savages, so the situation was better than ever.

What’s more, this time, even the elves added their strength.

They said they would help me with all their might, saying they would repay the favor.

When this happens, it’s even weirder to lose.

Nevertheless, the reason for being cautious is simple.

Wary against the fact that the savages themselves had a body strong enough to show strength comparable to those of the Aura users even though they did not have an Aura, and against the chief who became a Master among such gnomes.

He was a powerful savage.

A savage with a body so enormous that even Bane stuck out his tongue became the master.

Maybe even Bane couldn’t win against him.

No, most likely.

At the same time as becoming a Master, it was the same when Arjuna, who had been training herself as a Master for years, lost.

The chieftain of the barbarians is strong.

‘At that time, all I thought was that if I got caught, I would die.’

When entering the realm of the Great Warrior, the chieftain of the barbarians he encountered had an unknown and strange atmosphere.

The power inherent in him was unfathomable to the point that even Liems, the dragon, was nervous.

“This is going to be a tough time.”

“Many will die. Maybe we can lose.”

Bane rarely said anything negative.

Worst case we can lose.

However, this defeat has a different tone and feel than other defeats.

If you lose in this war, defeat will soon lead to death.

Of course, I might be able to escape on my own.

With Reems’ help, you can escape.

But other groups are different.

There was no way the chieftain would let go of Bane and Arjuna, who were his most important forces, and there was no way he would let go of the people of Easton, who were thorns in his eyes.

Extermination and/or enslavement.

‘I might die before I can settle down with Ahar.’

Then it would be really silly.

What did I try so hard for?

“Isn’t it too negative from the beginning?”

“You might think so. But it’s not bad to assume the worst and prepare for it. Because ifs always exist.”

“that’s… It is like that again.”

That’s not wrong.

Things don’t always go the way we want them to, and sometimes we fail.

So it’s not a bad thing to prepare for that time.

Rather, it might be helpful, and it’s just in case.

“Do you think this war will be lost in your eyes, Lord Bane?”

“… Hmm.”

He didn’t answer right away.

If anyone other than me asked this question, he would immediately say no without delay.

I would have raised my morale by saying that I could win unconditionally, but I am different.

Having lived here for over two months with him, we became close in many ways.

He also revealed a lot of secrets.

It was also recently that he was called Sir instead of Count.

And above all, I know that hiding it from me won’t do me any good.

Because I knew that I wasn’t the type to spread it everywhere, and I was the main culprit (?) of this.

To me like that, being honest is helpful.

“I honestly don’t know.”

I nodded my head at the halfway answer, not saying that I could win or lose.

No one can give a definite answer to the current situation.

There were so many variables in the war, and above all, the appearance of the chieftain that I saw at that time still lingers in my mind.

It is true that even if you are not a chieftain, you cannot determine victory or defeat in the war itself.

I thought I would win, but because of unexpected variables, I could lose on the battlefield.

Read at

Knowing that, I had no choice but to agree with his answer.

“is that so… Then you should try to win.”

At my words to use more strength, Bane nodded.

Worrying like this does not mean that war can be undone.

So it’s better to think positively.

Even after that, I had several conversations with Bane.

Maybe it was because of the thought of war coming soon, but I couldn’t sleep well.

Time passed quickly like an arrow flying.

“young master!”

Supply troops have arrived.

They greeted them as they entered safely without being checked by the savages.

“long time no see.”

“I don’t know why you’re always like this, Bocchan. Accidents never stop happening wherever you go. Now to the war, ha ha… .”

Alice nags at me as soon as she sees me.

I don’t think it was like this originally, but those three months changed her.

Her face was visibly emaciated, probably from worrying while I was down in the South.

I asked with a wry smile at her who was still nagging.

“Did you bring what I told you to bring?”

“Yes. I did bring it… Do you need that much?”

Alice glances around.

Her eyes check the armed status of the soldiers surrounding the supply unit.

And I tilt my head.

To her, their armaments were not shabby.

In response to her reaction, I started talking about elves.

“It’s not something we write. Hey, it’s for the forest clan. You must be so poor.”

It wasn’t anything I asked her for.

Weapons that elves can equip, and things like magic tools.

It was such a huge amount that quite a lot of money was broken.

I can ask Count Millennium for a favor, but I don’t want to go into debt.

Ellis didn’t understand what I was saying, but reacted like that.

As I was telling her that I had done a good job getting to her, I saw two women among the supply corps.

Women with bright silver hair and passionate red long straight hair.

They looked around and our eyes met.

“It’s been a while.”

“long time no see.”

Selina and Beatrice approached.

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