swung the nameless

It was a mysterious feeling.

I could see the movement of the arrows that I was in a hurry to avoid.

Originally, the aura moved well against my will.

But now it was more than that.

It felt like an aura was supporting me.

It pours out aura.

As if pouring water mercilessly with a huge gourd, he swung it full of aura.

Despite this, the auror showed no sign of dawning.

As much as it is used, the newly entered aura fills the vacancy.

Yes, it felt like using the water in the river.

A huge river that humans alone can never bring to the bottom.

Rivers were also connected to the sea.

never know the end

My body condition was like that.

Rather than running out of energy while using the aura, more auras filled my body than the amount of auras that were already there.

Originally, my present condition was very dangerous.

Originally, the knights used the aura in the danteon.

In order to increase or replenish the aura, it is necessary to bring mana from the outside and refine it into an aura.

Otherwise, the aura in the dantian and the mana coming in from the outside will cause a collision.

Failure to do so may result in the breakdown of the electricity supply, resulting in a dead person.

‘I think I can do anything.’

I was dazzled by that mysterious sensation.

In the first place, I don’t put a lot of auras in it.

Maybe that’s why I already used up all the auras I had.

Rather, there was no collision with the aura coming from the outside.

As a result, the veins became wider.

The aura changed my body so that it could take in more auras.

Bang, kwaaang!

shoot arrows

It was no longer difficult to block the arrows.

Rather, it could be done very lightly.

So it was amazing.

I just played Ahar, and it was amazing to be able to show such a change with just that.

I can now use some of the things I couldn’t use because my body couldn’t support them.

Of course, there were things I couldn’t use.

Not the current Ahar I’m playing, but the future Ahar that terrified even the Masters.

I’m not even a master, so there’s no way I could use all of them.

Still, I definitely got stronger.

There was something available.

For example, something like this.


I saw an arrow approaching.

Concentrate the aura on your hand. And I catch the arrow that is aiming at my heart.

Then he turns around and throws it at the piercer.

Originally, the explosion should have occurred at the point I grabbed the arrow.

But what didn’t happen was that the aura I used suppressed the power of the arrow.

I forcibly suppressed it to stop the explosion.

This has never been easy.

Because this skill made him impossible to face, even though he was already strong.


Finger bones are broken.

cells burn out

It was a side effect of forcibly using a technique that I could not use my body.

Fortunately, my body is overflowing with vitality, and these wounds quickly regenerate.


An arrow flying at her hits a tree and causes an explosion.

The piercer above stumbles.

I left that figure behind and shot down the arrows one by one.

As time goes by, they become more assimilated into Ahar.

It’s still fine.

can withstand Before, even coming this far made me feel sick and confused about who I was.

But now it’s different.

I know who I am, where I am, and why I am fighting.


‘little bit more!’

line is visible That line that barely reaches your hand.

With a little more, I think we can reach that line.

Just a little more, just a little more… ! It was when I thought

-… I hate you.

A voice was heard.

child’s voice.

– Hate it, hate it, hate it!

It was a voice full of hate.

where is the sound coming from?

I turned my head.

“… !”

The light disappeared and darkness enveloped me.

black all over.

Everything except my body is surrounded by black.

A voice full of hatred and murder is heard in the darkness where you can’t see an inch ahead.

-Why are all humans like that?

-hate. I hate you guys.

– I will kill them all.

It was the first time I felt hatred.

The fact that such hatred could exist was so great that it was miraculous.

Listening to it, I felt my body tingle.

‘What the hell is it?’

whose voice is it?

Ahar? not. Although they resembled each other, their current voice is much younger than that.

A soft voice that hasn’t even gone through a change of voice.

Her voice was so clear that it was hard to understand why she harbored such hatred.

– People who have abandoned their responsibilities.

-People who just stood by.

-People who turned away from our voices.

-I hate you guys. hate

The location of the voice could not be pinpointed.

Heard from all sides.

As if dozens of speakers were connected in all directions and turned on.

from the front, from above, from behind, from the side, from below.

The voice was heard from where the eyes could reach to where it could not reach.

‘This… Dangerous.’

I felt it was dangerous to be here.

cold sweat flows

Look around. I wonder if there is no exit.

none. In the first place, I couldn’t see an inch ahead, but there was no way I could find an exit.

heard anonymous If there was no exit, it was enough to make one.

‘uh… ?’

However, the nameless person he was supposed to be holding was nowhere to be seen.

empty handed.

My hand was empty, holding nothing.

My heart felt tight.


Raise your voice and call Reems.

But he was nowhere to be seen.

No, no matter how much I screamed and shouted, my voice did not come out.

Didn’t hear.

No sound, not even the sweat running down my cheeks or the sound of something dripping down my chin to the ground.

Even the sound of walking.

Even the sound of rustling collars.

Heard nothing.

It is frustrating.

– I will kill you.

The voice came closer.

Dangerous. Dangerous. Dangerous. Dangerous.

That was all I could think of.

I felt strongly that I would die if I didn’t get out of here.

It seemed that the country would cease to exist.

Maybe because of the smoke?

In an instant, I felt that way.

That was the only reason I was here.

Because I was wielding cotton until just now.

The only reason I could be like this was because I was playing Ahar.

It had never been like this before acting.

quit acting

But how did you stop?

In the first place, I wasn’t playing him.

I am, the current me is Raymond Millennium.

uh? Am I Raymond Millennium?

I am Lee Seong-hyeok.

unknown actor.

Poor guy who was always ignored.

no. I am Raymond Millennium.


I am Seonghyuk Lee, but at the same time I was also a Raymond Millennium.

Worries and worries that I hadn’t done before.

Why do I have to have a headache over these things now?

No, why didn’t I think of this until now?

-You think so too?

A child whispers in my confused ear.

A voice asking if you are thinking the same as me.

I raise my bowed head.

had a child

A child so short that he couldn’t even fit on my chest.

If he had grown up, he would have enjoyed quite a lot of popularity.

-Are you like me?

However, the behavior of the child was not at all like that.

The clothes she was wearing were torn.

It was torn so that only the important parts were barely covered.

There were serious wounds on the arms, legs, shoulders, neck, and face that seemed to require immediate treatment, from small ones.

The child’s body was covered in blood.

It is impossible to see without being covered in blood.

the child looks at me

It stares at me with eyes as dark as an abyss.

Looking into those eyes, I feel like my mind is being sucked into it.

– Die with me… .

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the world breaks

Cracks begin to appear in the dark space, and light leaks in.


child screams

Breaking the darkness and running away from the incoming light.

the child looks at me

with eyes full of hate.

-You’re trying to kill me again!

-You’re trying to take mine away again! I won’t let you go!

-I’ll kill them all!

savage voice.

The voice of an adult was also mixed in.

A voice you’ve never heard before.

‘Aha… .’

The darkness has completely broken.


Something gets stuck in the front.

The eyes light up. There was Reems in front.

For some reason, his little body was covered in blood.

There were minor wounds all over the body.

– Wake up!

Reems blocks my way.

He spreads his dainty forepaws to both sides and dries me.

I felt my body moving.

muscle movement.

was wielding a nameless

And the nameless approached Liems’ neck.

I bit my lip.

Liems looks at me pitifully.

It could be stopped with magic, but he was just surrendering himself without using magic at all.

stop arm Tried to stop.

It doesn’t stop.

It dulls the sharpness of ignorance.

However, the speed at which the day becomes dull is slow.

At this rate, that neck will be cut.

move your hand

The hand that is not holding the cotton.

Reems is seen closing his eyes. in a potentially deadly situation.

Reems stays still no matter what I do.

Stand up!

A terrible pain came over me.

blood drips

-sign… liver?

Liems stares blankly at me at the fishy smell of blood.

I lowered the cotton that barely stopped.


Nameless dug half of his palm into it.

Picked up nameless.

Hands recover… It didn’t work.

Whatever happened while I was unconscious, all the life force that filled my body was gone.

His physical condition was so bad that even his aura disappeared and he even lost his regenerative power.

Could it be because too much blood was spilled?

vision blurs


-Do you have a human mind?

Reems comes flying to me.

And he poured the recovery magic he could do on me.

I must be sick myself, but I didn’t care about that at all and was busy recovering my wounds.

My palms tickle.

-Are humans okay?

Reems asks.

I looked at Reems for that question.

Tears are welling up.

I raised the corner of my mouth.

“It’s not okay.”

My vision darkened.


are running away

children run away I look back from time to time with tears in my eyes.

‘Do not look back!’

The voices of adults are heard.

A voice telling you to run away. A voice telling me never to look back.

scary. Hard.

I was out of breath, and I wanted to lie down on the ground and rest.

‘Run away! You guys must live!’

But I couldn’t stop.

Adults urge that you have to run away

It’s the first time I’ve seen them so desperate.

There was the same horror in their voices as I do.

Still, they moved to protect us.


A scream was heard.

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A monster is heard. Very close. scary.

Suddenly, no one was around me.

Adults and friends… There was no one.

I am alone.


“Are you awake?”

The elder’s face was visible.

A face full of worries.

I closed my eyes again. dizzy.

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