Princess Daria was coming inside the banquet hall.

All eyes turned to her.

It was a different reaction from Selina and Beatrice.

If they were beauties who gave off an atmosphere that was difficult to approach, the princesses were beauties who made you want to protect them.

It made me feel like I wanted to approach her and do something for her, but unfortunately, there was no one who didn’t know that she was a powerless and ostracized princess.

“Hey, get off the back.”

“You can’t come closer. 2You could be photographed by the prince.”

Moreover, the Crown Prince and the 2nd Prince were present at this place.

There was no aristocrat who wanted to be photographed by royalty.

‘Is this a medieval version of bullying?’

She looked around with anxious eyes.

As if her eyes met with the second prince, her eyes trembled violently.

It was too pitiful to leave it as it is.

“Daria. This way.”

The nobles looked at me waving at her and were shocked.

I looked at me as if I wasn’t afraid of the other princes’ eyes, but I wasn’t the one who cared about that.

“Ah, Mr. Raymond.”

“Didn’t you say you were not feeling well? why did you come out… .”

“Ah, that… .”

She wiggled her fingers, hesitated, then glanced at Selina and Beatrice.

“Uh, those are… .”

“ah. Have you met the other day when you went to deliver an invitation?”


“Nice to meet you. It is an honor to meet the princess like this.”

“I am very happy to see you, Princess.”

It seemed that sparks were flying at the girls who were greeting each other.

They were exploring each other deeply enough to be felt from the side.

“By the way, how did you two know each other?”

“According to rumors, the princess entrusted herself to… .”

“Raymond-nim took care of me. It helped me a lot.”

“Oh, I see. I also received a lot of help from Raymond. We share swords together.”

“Me too. I went to the North with Raymond and shared life and death… .”

As if it was awkward, the girls chatted vigorously.

Daria, in particular, was a bit embarrassed.

Even when she came in, she was afraid to notice the people around her, but when she talked to Selina and Beatrice, she didn’t want to lose.

Rather, it was to the point where I was in the middle of it.

“What the hell is this guy doing? What are those women all around?”

“Hey, you crazy bastard! Won’t you put your hands down? The person you pointed to is Raymond-sama!”

“what? Crazy, I almost got into trouble!”

It wasn’t always nice to be surrounded by beauties.

Not only was it impossible to intervene in their conversation, but the eyes of the people around them were focused on their appearance.

I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t.

“Raymond. What do you think?”

“Raymond. That’s what I did… .”

“I… .”

They often talk to me.

Just answering them one by one was enough to speed up my spirits.

‘Why are these women suddenly fighting?’

It’s just that they didn’t pick up a sword, but their conversation was very sharp.

It was brutal enough that I, who was listening from the side, shivered.

“How long are you going to stay like that?”

Leaning slightly away from them, I sat down as if leaning against the table.

It was quite far to the place where the chair was, and there were so many nobles gathered there.

I had no desire for attention from people I didn’t need.


I quietly drank champagne and looked around.

The banquet hall was already filled with nobles.

Among them, there were many people around the crown prince and the second prince.

I glanced over at them and my eyes met with the second prince.

‘Are you glaring at me?’

She was staring at me.

It was an intense gaze, as if a laser would come out.

Since yesterday’s incident, I wasn’t embarrassed to see him glaring at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and passed his eyes.



Lucius, who was glaring at Raymond, gnashed his teeth.

I didn’t like the person who humiliated me yesterday.

In addition, seeing him ecstatic surrounded by women now also annoyed him.

‘What’s good about a guy like that… .’

Tsk. he clicked his tongue

I thought those women’s eyes were pretty bad.

They were women called the flowers of the kingdom.

In addition, each of them had a genius talent for magic and swordsmanship.

A man like herself was suitable for such women.

‘I am the man who will soon become king.’

It suits the person who will defeat the crown prince and become the king, but it doesn’t suit a slick guy like that.

‘The rumor must have been inflated.’

I’ve heard rumors about Raymond.

That he defeated a troll singlehandedly, that he was an aura user, that he showed great inaction in the north, and so on.

Those rumors were too much to be rumored to be from one person.

Rumors like that couldn’t have spread without being inflated.

“An annoying fellow.”

After the banquet, he returned to his assigned room and found it difficult to control his anger.

The image of Raymond surrounded by women throughout the banquet was unforgettable.

‘How can I break his spirit?’

Until I came here, I had thoughts of embracing Raymond.

I’ve been informed that even though I’m having a meeting with the damn crown prince, I haven’t become him.

Then you have a chance.

With that in mind, I got an invitation from Daria, and came to see me the day before the banquet.

But from the beginning, everything went wrong.

I didn’t know that I would throw an invitation to myself there and fall.

I couldn’t stand the act of ignoring myself openly.

The idea of embracing him had long since disappeared, and now I was thinking about how to get revenge.

Whoops, whoops-

At that time, the communication tool he was carrying began to vibrate and glow.

“… !”

His face brightened at the communication phrase.

A man in a black mask was reflected in the communication port.

The masked man bowed his head towards him.

– Meet the person who will become the owner of Serion in the future.

I feel good every time I hear this.

Feeling better, he opened his mouth.

“What is going on?”

-I heard that you participated in the Millennium banquet this time.

“right. But why?”

Before attending the banquet, I contacted them in advance.

But it was strange to bring it up now.

– I have something to tell you, so I contacted you.

“Who doesn’t know that? What is it?”

Despite his rough tone, the masked man continued to speak in a familiar, nonchalant voice.

-This time, I decided to do one work there.

“The work?”


“Why? You’re going to work knowing I’m here?”

Lucius’s eyebrows furrowed.

To put it simply, the masked man’s work was like detonating a bomb here.

To be honest, it doesn’t have much to do with it.

It had nothing to do with whether he exploded a bomb here or carried out a massive raid.

But the reason he is angry is because he is here.

Judging from what he said, he was doing something during a banquet where nobles were gathering, but that could have harmed him too.

– That’s why I contacted you like this. Remember what I’m doing from now on, and you won’t be in danger.

“Are you sure?”

-Has there been any uncertainty in what we do? I remember that I’ve never let you down once… .

‘Though things have gone awry lately,’ he muttered, but Lucius didn’t hear him.

Although the voice of the masked person is small, he was worried about what to do if he was harmed.

“No. I have never been less satisfied.”

– This time will be no different. The only difference between this one and the others is the size.

“Are you certain of my safety?”

-Yes. If you remember correctly what I’m talking about. In the first place, the Lord does not do anything to put you in danger.

“great. So what are you going to do?”

-I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that far.


Lucius frowned at his words that interrupted him while he was going well.

There has never been a time when they did not report to themselves while working.

Every time I did something, I made a report and asked myself for advice.

But this time I can’t.

“Why? Are you guys laughing at me too?”

-no. How can we ignore degradation? You are the one who will become the owner of Serion in the future.

“That’s right.”

The flattery of the masked man eased his mood.

Being the king of Cerion was a magical word that eased his mood.

-However, I have been instructed not to inform you of this matter from above.

“The governor?”


“He is not one to say nonsense. I get it. It just passes.”

The masked man lowered his head.

“Now tell me what I have to do.”

-Tomorrow’s hunting event… .

His eyes sparkled as he listened to the masked man.


By the end of the evening banquet, the body was exhausted.

I didn’t even sweat by moving my body separately.

I was tired of simply dealing with others at the banquet hall.

It was such a hard day to look back on myself if my stamina was lacking this much.

“Raymond! Why don’t we fight!”

The mercenary king burst into my room as I was about to fall asleep.

He had no intention of knocking, so he opened the door casually and entered.

“Why are you so tired? Was it that hard today?”

“Yes. It’s kind of like that.”

“It’s all because of lack of stamina! There is a saying that physical strength is national strength! Come out right now and fight with me!”

Perhaps he was very bored from being alone all day, and he insisted on sparring without getting tired.

It would have been better if that was all.

-human! I was scared!

-I couldn’t even be with a scary human!

– Humans don’t go out? I’m bored!

The mercenary king was also lacking, so even hatchlings roasted me.

I got very tired of them pulling my arm to go out.

I had no desire to leave at all.

In a state where both the body and mind are already exhausted, there is no body left to deal with them.

It is unknown whether he will attend the hunting event tomorrow.

“Can’t you leave me alone for today?”

So I complained to them for the first time.

leave me alone

Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to think so at all.

“What! The human body will harden if neglected even for a day! So get up and move!”

– Human, play with me!

Really this guy and that guy, there are no guys who leave me alone.

‘It would be nice if someone came and saved me.’

At this hour, no one else came to my room.

At least there were only maids.

Alice was so busy that she couldn’t even expect it, and even Reina was busy working along with her.

He let out a deep sigh in a situation where he couldn’t hope for anyone’s help.

If I didn’t go out, they were very annoying as they seemed like they would drag me out.

“Isn’t there a knight commander?”

“He is busy. Even if I say sparring, where are you running around like that?”

“Why are you folding? There are many other knights, even if you are not the captain.”

“Because doing it with you is the most fun!”

“What are you talking about?” he grabbed me.

It was a time when I wondered if I should be led like this.


The voice of salvation came like a miracle.

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