What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 82 The Storm Warrior is like a demon (please subscribe)

"You should have endured it just now." The fat black man whispered: "Now it's so unpleasant."

The conversation between Qin Zheng and Qing Huan was not smooth.

Simply because Qinghuan thought Qin Zheng didn't respect him enough.

He is a direct descendant of the Qing family, the best among people.

A little mercenary, given a chance to be a dog, doesn't know how to be grateful, and speaks so rudely! !

"I am a mercenary. What I want to do is to complete the mission and use my bargaining chip. I don't want to be a licking dog to please my employer." Qin Zheng said: "But it can be regarded as a promise. As long as I raid the target and destroy the Mikami Group production base, that’s it.”

"He is asking you to die." The fat man said in a low voice: "If they can make a surprise attack, will they still give you the credit?? They have special robots, modified people, and all kinds of messy things. Elite troops. If I could have raided, I would have done it long ago."

"I have a trump card." Qin Zheng said in a low voice: "It seems that we still need to show some value before people can invest willingly."

After spending so much time and energy to get here, I only talked with Qing Huan for less than ten minutes.

Calculating time, the Storm Troopers should also have gone through the adaptation period and implanted battlefield knowledge.

It's time to put them to the test on a real battlefield.

Qin Zheng decided to use this task to practice his skills.

Let the war test the success of Plan Storm.

Qin Zhengli left alone.

Frady and the other two members were left here.

Vladi found the Millij family, but her parents were not here.

Considering Frati's line, Qin Zheng decided to let her stay here and let her find her family.

Qin Zheng naturally does not do good things.

But Vladi's parents have a certain amount of energy. Although they can't decide any major issues, they can allow Qin Zheng to meet other big figures in the same camp.

When the time comes, Qinghuan's road collapses, and he can choose another route.

It's always good to have a backup option.

Going all-or-nothing has never been Qin Zheng's style.

In addition, Qinghuan is not a worthy existence.

He just wants to temporarily use the nutrients of this camp to grow, and he doesn't really want to be a dog.

With the roar of anti-gravity engines.

The transport boat slowly took off.

Qin Zheng sat alone by the window, looking at the wilderness.

This time, he saw signs of human activity in the wilderness.

They abandoned civilization and chose to embrace their animal nature.

Found his own ecological niche in the terrifying wilderness.

Qin Zheng didn't sigh much about this.

He just glanced at the living conditions of the humans in the wilderness and then withdrew his gaze.

If he grows stronger in the future, he may be able to recruit these wilderness humans and use them as experimental subjects for the Storm Troopers.

Growing up in the wilderness, they must have stronger radiation tolerance and perseverance.

Just like when it came, the transport boat encountered no danger or was intercepted by the enemy, and returned to Liberty City safely.

Qin Zheng drove the Vulture hoverbike back to the train.

The little girl is gone.

Qin Zheng knew what her ending would be without even thinking about it.

A corpse is a luxurious feast.

That girl is just a microcosm of this desperate era.

If the root problem is not completely solved, the same story will happen every day.

It's nothing more than that the role of a girl will be replaced by other children, or other women, men, or old people.

After exchanging supplies and taking the selected people with them, Qin Zheng and others returned to the base.

The refugees who had hope in their eyes and longed for a savior were left behind.

A few days after returning to the stronghold, the mission to test the Stormtroopers began.

Wang Bi, who had fully recovered, and other Stormtroopers who had undergone enhanced surgery were guided to the weapons room.

Inside the weapons room are bases that can release suspension force fields and stasis force fields.

Suspended on the base is the newly forged HB-01 model power armor.

They are held in force fields.

The stasis field can stop all movement in the field and create an absolutely stagnant space.

Power armor is stored inside.

All atomic activities will remain in the state they were in at the moment they were put into it.

“Are you ready??”

Victor looked at Wang Ben, who was the first to walk to the armed platform.

Wang Ben nodded.

Vic waved to the auxiliary personnel on the side and asked them to bring over the various parts of the power armor numbered 01.

Each set of power armor is custom-made to fit the warrior's body curves perfectly, allowing them to fight at their best.

The armor is so huge that each piece requires an industrial-grade robotic arm to move.

The first to wear were alloy boots with built-in magnetic locks and high and low temperature isolation.

The boots are made of high-density alloy as the shell, and have built-in temperature control to isolate them from external temperature influences, allowing these warriors to run on high-temperature lava.

Wang Ben stepped on it, and the boots automatically closed along his ankles.

The mechanical arm secures it in the spiral hole.

Other robotic arms moved the leg armor over, installed them in sequence and fit them perfectly into the power system of the boots to ensure that they formed a whole.

Each time a component is installed, the auxiliary personnel will insert the diagnostic tool into the joint point of the armor to inspect it.

After confirming that it is normal, proceed to install the next component.

The lower body was installed quickly.

Accompanied by the roar of high-pressure gas, the thickest and core chest armor and back armor plates were lowered to their corresponding positions by thick mechanical arms.

The auxiliary personnel carefully adjusted the auxiliary arm and aimed it at each locking point.

Wait until the indicator light turns green and start pushing simultaneously.

The chest armor plate and back armor plate are perfectly fitted together.

As the robotic arm tightens all the spiral columns, the most important precision connection of the two armor plates is completed.

The floating projection interface also scrolls with data text, clearly showing that all systems have been successfully connected.

The shoulder armor, arm armor and mechanical gloves are installed in sequence.

After all this was done, a helmet was put on.

Wang Ben saw the flame emblem appearing and disappearing on the helmet's visor.

After a while, the fire emblem dissipated.

The data interface is activated.

A series of physical data appeared projected on his retinas and helmet visor.

Weapon status, ammunition quantity, physical health, speed, strength, etc., everything is quantified by data.

Allowing him to feel his current status more intuitively.

Wang Ben walked a few steps, clenched his fist and waved his fist.

An explosion could easily be heard in the air.

At this time, he could easily tear apart a huge ant bull and crush a hover car with one foot.

Wang Ben walked towards the weapons rack, which contained weapons specially prepared for them.

The size of each one is amazing.

A sword equipped with an oscillating force field device, 1.7-1.8 meters long.

This length is equivalent to the height of an ordinary person.

It is specially prepared for them.

As soon as he got it, Wang Ben was keenly aware of the weight of the weapon, which weighed hundreds of kilograms.

Even without activating the oscillating force field, it can easily crush someone to death just by virtue of its weight.

He picked up the inactive weapon and waved it around casually.

There was an explosion in the air.

The auxiliary staff next to him also subconsciously took a few steps back.

The weapon was so heavy that it required an industrial-grade mechanical arm to lift it, but these terrifying guys could easily pick it up.

Don't think that the weapons they wield are like toys are not lethal.

It was forged from high-density alloy, and the weight alone plus the strength of the storm warriors was enough to beat an ordinary person into a pulp.

If the oscillating force field is activated and the sharp characteristics are obtained, it will be even more terrifying.

For ordinary people, it's just cutting the vegetables and pushing them all the way.

With the help of auxiliary personnel, all Stormtroopers were armed.

Their figures looked even more terrifying.

Wearing armor, the height reaches 3.5M-3.6M.

With such a height, it is impossible to enter most civil buildings.

Because the floor height of civil buildings is almost four to five meters.

The door designs are all two to three meters long.

There was no way to get them through.

Of course, there are no obstacles to military facilities.

In order to facilitate various vehicles, drones, mechas and other equipment, the passages and entrances of military facilities are very large.

But this also meets Qin Zheng's needs.

Stormtroopers were not designed to do this kind of cleanup work.

Otherwise, what would an army of ordinary people do? ?

The task of the storm warriors is to throw them into the enemy's main camp or important areas of the enemy, directly destroying everything.

Powerful armor, picosecond-level nerve reactions, and strong vitality.

An energy shield that can withstand nuclear explosions and antimatter explosions,

Strong adaptability to survive in extreme radiation environments.

They are destined to be the destroyers of the battlefield.

A demon who exists for the purpose of killing.

No army unit should have any illusion that it can stop these terrible killing things.

Just seeing the appearance of these guys is enough to make ordinary people feel afraid.

If you can stand in front of these guys, you are considered a strong and courageous person.

When these behemoths walked out of the armed room and came outside.

Those who wanted to watch the excitement turned pale with fright.

Stormtroopers are like moving metal destroyers.

Even if you are just watching, you will feel a great pressure.

Qin Zheng used the VOT heavy armored suspension tank produced by Jushen Company that he had collected some time ago for testing.

This heavily armored floating tank is known for its fast maneuverability and short gun charging time.

It is the most commonly used hover tank by Titan Company's mercenaries and allies. It can easily cross various terrains and is used for street control and fire suppression.

Equipped with laser main gun and missile array.

Laser cannons are responsible for clearing designated armored units at targeted locations.

The missiles are responsible for cleaning the ground.

Equipped with energy shield.

Can resist high-energy beams, nuclear bombs, anti-matter missiles, etc.

The development of shield technology has brought about completely new changes in human warfare.

Before the advent of shield technology, humans were more inclined to develop various powerful long-range weapons, focusing on beyond-visual-range strikes.

After the advent of shield technology, over-the-horizon strikes became ineffective, and war returned to the era of close combat.

Later, it even developed into a science fiction version of the Middle Ages, and cold weapons blessed by force field technology began to reappear.

Quantum shield, phase shield, deflector shield, and currently the mainstream energy projection shield.

Their design principles vary.

Some can transfer all attacks that exceed a certain speed limit to the subspace.

Some can form air shield walls through the strong magnetic interaction of molecular force fields to block powerful shock waves and attacks.

Some use advanced particle beams to create powerful magnetic fields to deflect enemy attacks or directly bounce them back.

During the glory days of the Human Alliance.

Some planets even have shields that cover the entire planet.

Even if you use star-killing weapons, it will be difficult to break the planet's defense.

It has also become standard equipment for military vehicles to install shield generators and projectors.

Nuclear fusion missiles, anti-matter missiles, high-energy magnetic burst bombs and other long-range weapons that originally relied on the impact force and radiation of explosions to kill enemies on a large scale have all been compressed in scope and no longer pursue large-scale damage.

That is to say, the power of the explosion will be compressed to a limited range, and the ability to break through defense and armor will be enhanced.

Seek to break through the surface, seek to overload the opponent's shield, rather than create a larger attack area.

Qin Zheng's testing method is simple and crude.

That is to let the VOT heavy armored suspension tank use all means to kill Wang Ben who does not carry a drone.

And Wang Ben's mission is to destroy the tank.

The results of the test amazed everyone who witnessed it.

Wang Ben dodged all the shots from the VOT heavy armored suspension tank.

His speed is amazing.

Before the tank's laser main gun could lock onto him, it had already made evasive actions.

He wore a set of armor that seemed bulky and bulky, and held a giant long sword that was as tall as a normal person. It looked bulky, but was actually agile and agile.

Wang Ben escaped the tank attack.

After getting closer, the long sword's oscillating force field was activated.

When the sword body is covered with force field arcs, it becomes as sharp as iron.

Wang Ben approached the heavy armored hover tank and easily chopped it into a pile of burning rotten iron.

The whole process lasted only seventy-five seconds.

During this period, the VOT heavy armored suspension tank fired seven shots in a row, but none of them hit.

After Wang Ben crossed the distance between the two, the battle between the two came to an end.

Because the VOT tank without melee capability was defeated unilaterally

"Damn!! Boss, this guy is too perverted! Can a tank be turned into scrap metal so easily??"

After watching the whole process, the uneducated Brian was completely dull.

He looked at Qin Zheng aside.

The other person's face was as indifferent as ever.

There was admiration in Brian's eyes.

The boss is the boss, the one who does the big things.

Seeing that my results are so impressive, I feel calm.

Unlike when I was surprised, I didn't have any certainty.

"It's too strong. We should form another group immediately." Johnny's face showed excitement. "These guys will change the whole world. No one will be your opponent, boss. Everyone will be completely crushed and crushed. They deserve nothing but to kneel at your feet and cry.”

"We will become legends in the world, Zheng, you are so awesome."

David whistled too.

The excitement on his face was hard to conceal.

too strong.

It’s so exciting! !

After cheering, David looked at the mechanical prosthetics all over his body again, wondering if he had gone the wrong way.

It's all because of what the prosthetic doctor told me back then, that flesh and blood are weak and machines can ascend.

Let yourself spend so much money and time on mechanical prosthetic modifications over the years.

Look at that Stormtrooper now. He can probably be knocked out with just one punch! !

How sad! !

If he hadn't taken the path of mechanical prosthetics, he could have become a muscular guy through genetic enhancement.

Butmoss was also excited when he saw the Storm Troopers' first performance.

He had already seen the scene where Qin Zheng pushed those chaebols to the ground and asked them to raise their butts and ravage them to their heart's content.

How exciting that would be! !

This is why he joined Qin Zheng's team.

Otto Feng also had excitement on his face.

He regretted that the chips he bet were too small.

Qin Zheng is someone who does big things at first glance! !

Strong in ability and far-sighted, he really couldn't figure out what could stop Qin Zheng from succeeding? ?

Are those old men in the Ross family immortal? ?

I really hope they weren't scared to death when they climbed out of the coffin-like life-support device.

If you still want to stop Qin Zheng, you really shouldn’t dream about it.

Hug Qin Zheng's thigh, and your career will be prosperous, just around the corner! !

Different from everyone who is in a carnival and extremely excited

Standing high on a tower in the base, far away from the crowd, the ninja Chun didn't smile at all, but instead frowned.

Qin Zheng raided Xinku District and cultivated Storm Warriors. His ambitions were huge.

It is necessary for me to report to Qinghuan.

After all, it was Qing Huan's request to join Qin Zheng's team.

The other party promised that as long as he was optimistic about Qin Zheng.

After the mission is completed, a sealed object that is very important to their Arashi clan will be returned.

The Arashi Clan is a branch of the ninja clan that has wandered to this planet.

At the end of the glorious era of mankind, various extraordinary forces are competing to rise.

Ninja is one of them.

The subspace storm set off in the Eternal Night Era has brought unimaginable crises to human civilization, causing a crisis in super-light routes.

But in the early stages of this crisis, it also brought opportunities for prosperity to various extraordinary forces.

The veil between reality and illusion becomes weakened.

Harnessing extraordinary power has never been easier.

It was at that time that the Lan clan emerged.

They believe in the ancient ninja path and pursue the perfection of soul and body.

The prosperity of the supernatural power did not last long.

The subspace storm caused by the Eternal Night era broke the continuity of space and time, making everything chaotic.

The various colonies of human civilization fell into the dilemma of fighting alone.

Then the storm intensified, and the connections between the planets became extremely fragile. In the end, even the fragile connections were no longer available.

The starry sky fell into complete silence.

No more calls, no more responses.

The Arashi clan, who accidentally came to this planet, can no longer leave and are trapped here like other forces.

During this period, many turmoils occurred in the Lan clan, and clansmen with different ideas continued to fight, resulting in the loss of several precious sealed artifacts.

In order to recover that sealed item, Chun would pay any price.

Including these people who consider her a teammate.

Her loyalty will only be given to the Arashi clan.

Stormtroopers were tested several times in succession, changing different test targets.

Without exception, the Stormtroopers achieved a crushing victory.

They were born for war.

Brian, Johnny, Juba and others were all extremely excited.

Qin Zheng didn't waste too much time.

In order to test the real performance of these big guys in the war, he decided to destroy the Mikami Group's production base.

Firstly, it can be looted, secondly, it can also test the strength of the storm warriors, and thirdly, it can defraud Qinghuan's camp of more resources.

An unprecedented storm is coming.

Either be destroyed or bow before the storm.

The world will be shaken by the name Qin Zheng.

Of course, before the official action.

Qin Zheng still needs to make careful plans and arrangements.

He had to get some information first.

The best entry point is naturally our great grievance of the century, who wants to seek revenge from Qin Zheng for the tragic death of his teammate.

Thanks to the contribution made by Liberty City, this guy suddenly became a core figure.

A paranormal psyker who is currently in charge of special mobile teams and paranormal emergency response units directed to their side.

I don’t know anything about the sincerity value of being remembered.

At this time, he was conducting meditation training in a gravity training room in the Mishima Hive.

When that mysterious voice sounded again.

He was as excited as a child.

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