What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 51 Is this okay? ? (Please collect and read)

Qin Zheng did not close the communication.

His words reached the ears of others along the communicator.

Everyone who was fighting against those monsters at the base was dumbfounded.

Why does Qin Zheng look a little unreliable today! !

Forget about riding on the face to output strange creatures.

Now the machine needs to treat itself! !

"Is the boss's mental state really still healthy??"

"Isn't it because of excessive use of psychic energy that it's hysteria?"

"Hysteria is still good. Is he possessed by something?"

The voices of several other people sounded in the communication, with surprise in their tone.

Xinku District, as a taboo place where giant chaebols and officials dare not enter, naturally has its terrifying side.

Ordinary psykers can easily be devoured, twisted and changed when they come in.

Become the host of monsters, the puppet of the subspace.

Everyone knows that psychic powers are powerful.

But it's so powerful that it can make the machine heal itself, which is a bit too scary! !

Those weird creatures would probably slap their thighs and shout that this is unscientific! !

The boss is crazy! !

This was the first thought that came to Buttermoss' mind in the control room.

Let the machine heal itself? ?

He wanted to ask.

It can be thought of that Qin Zheng helped him optimize the auxiliary brain core and improve the performance of Two-B's mechanical body.

He closed his mouth again.

This bug ability that can act on machinery.

Maybe we can actually make the machine repair itself.

On Qin Zheng's side, as he whispered, the power from the fire also spurted out.

The light flooded the energy hub device.

The dilapidated machine lost its rust and dirt in the light.

The control system lights begin to flash again.

The various parts of the machine buzzed, and under the shimmering light, the internal gears and electronic components were activated.

The shell becomes shiny and bright decorations appear.

As the rust disintegrates and falls away, the cables grow and begin to reconnect, much like a person's skin growing.

A power-on symbol appears on the data panel.

A crisp ding-dong sound came from the speaker, indicating that the machinery had started working again.

Bartmos looked at the energy hub connected to the line from the control room with a dumbfounded expression.

This all works! !

It’s really a heifer riding a rocket, so awesome that it goes to the sky! !

"Boss, tell the truth, are you a believer of some mechanical god!! Can you repair machines like this??"

Bartmos finally couldn't help it and asked about the confusion in his heart.

"Try it once and see if you can activate the Geller Field."

Tiredness appeared in Qin Zheng's tone.

This is after the team was established, Qin Zheng has never behaved as weak and powerless as at this moment.

"What kind of god is the Machine God? Is there such a god?" Johnny asked in confusion on the communication channel.

"I have been around for so long, but I have never heard of such a god!!" Morgan said: "But the subspace is so big, the universe is so vast, and there are all kinds of wonders. Maybe there really is a mechanical god."

"Is it really repaired??" Chun asked in a surprised tone: "Is this okay??"

"Boss, are you really not the incarnation of a mechanical god??"

"Zheng, why haven't I seen you use this ability before?? You asked me to find Victor to maintain the mechanical prosthesis."

"Stop talking nonsense, start it quickly, they are coming." Brian shouted: "I saw outside, it was all those things. If they rush in, we will be finished."

The monster waves are extremely fast.

The first batch of monsters are already very close to the base.

Standing on the high wall of the base, you can clearly see their terrifying appearance.

Once they storm the base, they're all doomed.

Turrets and automatic cannons opened fire at full blast.

The roaring machinery poured out light that covered the sky and set off a series of explosions.

Reduce the enemy at the front to ashes.

However, such an attack did not defeat the darkness.

They are still advancing rapidly.

The dead monster will regenerate in just a few breaths and join the terrifying wave again.

"Don't worry, I'm working on it," Butmos said.

"There is no problem with the energy line, and there is no problem with the force field generating device. Okay, now activate the Geller force field. God bless us. If it doesn't work, we will have no choice but to run away."

Bartmos pressed the start confirmation button.

A series of data codes jumped out.

The vibrations were clearly felt throughout the base.

Countless machines made roaring sounds, as if they were shouting and roaring.

The six towers connected to the core device of the Geller force field burst out with light.

Six strong lights shot out from the top of the tower.

The strong light spread in the air, forming a giant light shield that covered the entire base.

Tens of seconds later, the first wave of monsters hit the wall of light, causing ripples. However, they failed to break through the light barrier and were firmly blocked outside.

They make a shrill howl.

But it was blocked by the shield of Geller's force field, unable to get even an inch forward.

The number of monsters is huge.

In just a moment, the entire base was surrounded.

The rolling darkness shrouded the entire base, and the base was blocked by a barrier.

"Oh my God, this thing won't break."

Morgan, who was driving an armed hover car, looked at the sky, his tone full of worry.

The number of those monsters is too large and unbelievable.

A mass of darkness, all lying on the light mask formed by the Geller force field.

I was really afraid of being crushed by these monsters.

"No, the Geller force field has built a barrier between reality and illusion. It is not an ordinary difficulty to break through this barrier. We are very safe." Bartmos explained.

"That's okay, I was worried that the Geller force field would explode."

"That way none of us can escape."

"It means that this base is ours now?? It's so handsome. Long live the boss."

"When the time comes, rob the Ross family's goods and hide here, leaving them with nothing to do to us until their molars are broken."

"Someone help me, shit, there are a few eyes chasing me. Damn, I need help."

Morgan controls a heavily armored hover vehicle.

The cannon on the roof is controlled by an automatic fire defense system.

Keep turning the muzzle.

Thick rays of light cut through the air, shining.

The movements of those eyes with wings and tentacles are extremely flexible.

The speed of the beam is very fast, but those monsters can always avoid it.

Morgan controlled the armed hover car to avoid the pursuit of those monsters.

He made a sharp turn, causing the anti-gravity plates and engines to scream as they were overwhelmed.

Being able to make a living in Liberty City, Morgan's driving skills will naturally not be much worse.

But he was still cornered.

The car was hit by a monster, and he was forced to jump out of the high-speed car amid the rapid sirens.

Seriously, that's not cool, it's stupid.

When Morgan landed, he rolled several times to remove the impact.

There was warm blood flowing from the bruise on his face.

There was a sharp pain in my abdomen.

One leg lost feeling.

If the battle suit hadn't injected him with stimulants to suppress the pain, he could limp around instead of lying on the ground waiting to die.

boom! !

Explosions were heard in the air.

His armed hover vehicle exploded, sending debris flying in flames.

Morgan felt a sense of luck in his heart.

If he hadn't jumped out of the car, he would have died.

But this luck didn't last long, and he put it behind him.

Because those things are here again.

Two surviving eyeball monsters rushed out of the explosion of fire.

The mouth under the big eyeball made a screaming sound.

Morgan could see the fangs in the mouth and the spines on the tips of their tentacles.

A tongue full of spikes protruded from the mouth, more than half a meter long.

Drooling, swinging wantonly in the air.


Morgan cursed and limped away.

While running, he also shot with a laser pistol, trying to slow down the opponent.

He had just run not far when his leg was injured and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

When he looked up, an eyeball monster had already rushed less than two meters away from him.

He could even smell the stench of darkness.

The eyeball monster opened its mouth, as if it wanted to swallow his entire head.

"No!!" Morgan shouted subconsciously.

At this time, a ray of light burst out in front of him.

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