What Should I Do If I was Forced to Marry the Elf Queen

What Should I Do If the Elf Empress Forces the Marriage Chapter 53

This shocking fact caused Mirko and I to fall into silence at the same time.

It took a long time for the gay guy to come back to his senses.While panting, he asked in a trembling tone:

"Tell me your name... your name as a human being."

"Lindentu... or Lindentu Glamorgan..."

I hesitated for a while, but told him truthfully.

"Sure enough.... It really is like this..."

After getting my answer, Mirko convulsed and muttered to himself, the broken and sluggish expression as if completely broken.

He covered his head, squatted down against a tree, and then muttered to himself:

"In that case, I was talking to Queen Melia's son...the grandson of the Chief Decision Officer..."

Speaking of this, Mirko convulsed suddenly, as if thinking of something extremely terrible, and curled up into a ball on the trunk.

Seeing Mirkoseser's trembling, I suddenly felt a little sympathy for him... of course it was only a little bit.

But in order to find out the truth of the matter, I stepped forward and asked as softly as possible:

"That... Elder Mirko, can you tell me what happened?"


Mirko nodded blankly, seemingly scared to the point of being unable to think.

"Then I will ask... what you just said meant that I am the son of Queen Melia?"


Mir Subject nodded blankly.

"Then Queen Melia's father is the chief decision-maker of the decision-making meeting?"


Mirko nodded stiffly.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

After getting an accurate answer from Mirko, I fell silent for a while.

Because the amount of information is really too big... it will be a little difficult for me to accept it for a while!

I thought before that even if there is a big grievance for so many years, it should pass, and I wonder why the old bastard doesn't come to Frost Mountain by himself...

It was the Elf Queen who was abducted by him back then!My mother!

No wonder he didn't dare to come!If she abducted the queen of the elves, she also caused her to die in childbirth!

No matter how you think about it...this is a feud for the elves, hatred from all corners of the world!It belongs to the class contradiction that cannot be resolved completely!

It is still the kind of national humiliation that must be written into textbooks and filmed into anti-X drama, passed on by descendants!

Damn.... If he only abducts the queen...

The point is that the queen's father is still the current chief decision-maker of the Elf United Kingdom!

It’s not an exaggeration to say that if this bastard dared to step into the Frost Mountain, countless elves would jump out in minutes with a 40-meter-long machete, using his skull as a bowl... .

Suddenly I understood why he would send me to visit my grandpa... It turned out to be such a calculation.

Alas... this old bastard who should have thought of it has never been at ease...

Give me a routine again!

Sure enough, this kind of scourge is the kind of dog that is old and not dead for a thief!

It’s more economical and environmentally friendly to feed wild dogs if you live to waste air and die to waste land...

Hey...I don't know if my grandfather can look at my mother's sake and be a little more tolerant to me...

But having said that... it doesn't seem to be a bad thing that my mother's blood has brought me.....

After all, the Empress Frost seems to be the sister of the same compatriots with my mother...

If this is the case, then the number one powerhouse in the Western Continent is my little aunt... Even if you use this identity to blow, you can still scare many people.....The premise is me. This time I can come down from the Frost Mountain alive.

After fully exchanging views with Elder Mirko and reaching a consensus.

The latter matter becomes justified.

After using the communication magic to ask for instructions on the summit, the decision-making meeting asked Elder Mirko to stand by, and sent two riding griffins from the mountain to carry Elder Mirko and I to Frostfall Peak to meet the Chief Decision Officer. ...That is, my grandfather.

As for... Lilith, although she is my relative.However, due to his human status, he was not allowed to enter the Frost Mountains by the decision-making meeting.

In this regard, the little witch was naturally very upset, and once wanted to make a fuss with Mirko as a threat.But in the end, I stayed at the border post and waited under my painstaking persuasion.

Of course, for this, I had to make a lot of promises to her that might make me patronize the "German Orthopedic Hospital".

But even so, Xiao Nizi still grabbed my sleeve and repeatedly emphasized:

"Half a month! I can only wait for you for half a month at most! If these pointed ears don't let go of Tu brother after half a month, I will go up the mountain and grab Tu brother back!"

"Good good..."

I had no choice but to promise with a wry smile, but I thought the opposite.

Stupid sister, where are you Hanshuangshan?It can be said.

Back then, His Majesty the Pope took a dozen cardinals and a large number of paladins to go up. In the end they all knelt... What can you do as a little girl?

I don't even say that I was the invincible little aunt that day...Even if an elder came out at the decision-making meeting, I am afraid that he could easily slap you ten times.

Of course...except for the gay Mirko.

After pacifying my reluctant sister, I waved to Mirko to signal that everything was ready.

The elder, who was still immersed in shock, uttered the incantation that drives the griffon in a trembling tone.


Suddenly the two sturdy monsters let out unpleasant roars, flapped their huge wings into the air, and flew towards the distant mountain peaks covered by snow all day long.

83. Country of Elves

Sitting on the wide back of the Griffon, he felt the air flow continuously across his cheeks.

The fast, cold air slapped my face like a blade, making me unable to open my eyes, so I lowered my head and leaned my face on the saddle on the back of the Griffin to block the airflow from the front.

But this bow is incredible.

Because as long as you glance at your head casually, you will find that you are now at an altitude of several hundred meters.

Although in the old bastard's "Five-Star War World Jue", there are also recorded abilities such as [Nine Heavens Reaching the Moon] for flying.But since I have been locked up in castles and basements by old bastards for the past five years, I have hardly practiced the use of flying abilities, just mastered the basic principles.

So... it's the first time for me to experience high altitude like this.

As the griffon's body gradually rises in the air, the trees and roads on the ground have become smaller and smaller, looking like the sand table and battle flag that old bastards often play at home.

This makes me a bit novel and a bit scared.

After all, it is above this ten thousand feet high altitude, if one accidentally falls down, then even the gods cannot be saved.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help grasping the mane on the back of the griffon, for fear that this big beast would shake me abruptly and throw me off.

But it turns out that my worry is completely unnecessary.

Because judging from the magic runes engraved on the griffon saddle, it seems that there are both spiritual magic used to soothe emotions and wind magic used to slow the wind and stabilize the body.

With the blessing of these two spells, if nothing happens, there is no need to worry that this violent animal will go crazy in the middle.The speed and stability of the flight are also within the control range of the law formation.As long as they are not ordinary people who are too weak, they will not feel too uncomfortable.

Reluctantly reading the elves engraved around the circle, I tried to inject the crimson psychic energy into the circle.Debug according to the instructions.

Soon, a blue arc flashed up in front of the saddle, and a transparent air curtain wall was formed in the air to block the airflow coming from the face.

Not only that, two horizontal air curtain walls also appeared on both sides of the Griffin's body, which seemed to be prepared to prevent the occupants from accidentally falling from the air.

This makes me sigh a little bit about the superb and superb accomplishments of the elves in magic.Because of such an exquisite and humane design, it is difficult for a human wizard to achieve, and it is difficult to think of.

The long life has given the elves a persistent character and patience that no one can match.This allows them to tirelessly adjust in small details, calculate tedious data thousands of times, and do their best to turn magic into an ultimate art that pursues perfection.And their magical affinity given by their talents, as well as the magical experience accumulated over thousands of years, is beyond human's reach.

For human wizards and their loyal monarchs and bishops, how to use spells to destroy city walls and how to kill people more efficiently and cast curses on political enemies is their only concern.

As for how to use magic to benefit mankind, improve various tools, and increase farmland yield... it is completely out of the consideration of these meat eaters.

But then again, judging from the stereotype.Griffin, a fierce and cruel beast, seems not to match the nature-loving elves.In fact, in most of the stories I have ever heard, the girls of the elves are riding a pure white unicorn, appearing in front of people on the quiet lake.

And this fierce griffin is often more connected with the stories of witchers, witches, and orcs.

After all, in people’s common sense, the griffon is a monster that can hardly be domesticated, although for hundreds of years, countless monarchs and trainers have tried to turn them into knights’ companions and weapons of war.But without exception, all ended in failure...

Unexpectedly, in the end, the brutal beast was successfully domesticated by the seemingly elegant elves with magic.

However, people in Ximu Town say that it seems that the elves have started raising griffins for more than a decade.And it was not the mind control magic that subdued these beasts, but the female emperor Hanshuang herself, the number one strongest in the mainland.

It is said that under the crown of the female emperor 17 years ago, she personally went deep into the griffon's nest on the cliff, and squeezed to death the royal griffon king who had been raging in the Frost Mountains for a hundred years and surrendered the Griffin King tribe.This made this ferocious beast a mount for the elf warrior.

So... the style of the female emperor, that is, my little aunt, seems to be somewhat different from the mainstream of the Elves.

She sounds like someone who goes straight and likes to use force to solve problems?

But as a strong player, there seems to be nothing wrong with using force to break tricks, right?


After the rapid airflow disappeared, I immediately felt much better. I no longer grasped the griffon's mane, but raised my head and looked around curiously.

The first thing I saw was the main peak of Hanshuang Mountain, as high as the clouds.

Unlike the foothills covered by green grass, although it is summer now, the peaks of frost-falling peaks are still covered with white snow.

According to the prophecy in the elf epic, the unmelting snow on Frostfall Peak means that the blood of the Frost Clan is endless.

If one day, the snow on Frostfall Peak is gone... it means the end of the elves... or the coming of the legendary holy king, which will lead the elves to unprecedented glory.

I have never believed in such vague and ambiguous predictions.

In my opinion, the depletion of the snow on Frostfall Peak means nothing more than two things: one is that someone came up to the mountain and melted the snow in the mountains with magic techniques. If this time comes, there is actually no snow. It's a pill.As for the second one... I think this may be because the elves have discovered the worldless powerhouse.

Because it is well known that when the strong break through their own realm, huge energy fluctuations will spread around.

If the elves had a terrifying existence above the legendary realm, it would not be surprising that the energy radiated from him would melt all the snow on the entire Frost Mountains.And if there is such a strong man... I am afraid that whether it is the pope, the prophet, the monarch, or the old man of my family, I am afraid that they can only kneel in front of the elves and sing to conquer.This is probably what the so-called "Holy King" means.


Seeing the majestic main peak getting closer and closer to myself, I couldn't help but wonder.

Because according to the distance marked on the map, it takes about a week to walk from the border of the Black Forest to Shuangluo Peak, and it takes nearly a whole day to climb the main peak.

Although the flying speed of Griffins is far from human beings...but in terms of time, it only took about three hours at most...No matter how you think it is impossible to reach this point, right?

Just when I was puzzled, the Griffin suddenly let out a sharp neigh and stopped in the air.

Mirko, who was sitting on the other griffin, barely recovered from the state of a walking dead, stammering out a spell and pinching out a few complicated fingerprints.

After a white light flashed, the Griffins continued to fly forward.

For a moment, I felt like I was immersed in a curtain of water, and I felt a little bit of breath, but it was just a moment.

Then, I found that I seemed to have passed through a barrier.

The Frostfall Peak, which was only a short distance away, appeared farther away.

It turned out that what I saw just now was only the phantom created by the mountain guarding circle, and the real mountain peak was in a farther place.

But what makes me more concerned is the completely different scene inside the barrier from the outside world.

Pterosaurs, dragon eagles, and griffins are flying everywhere in the air, and they are usually like birds that can be seen everywhere.

In the large coniferous forests and wetland streams on the ground, you can faintly see white unicorns, chamois, and many strange creatures that I can’t name at all...Even the sky seems to be bigger than the outside The world is a little clearer.

For a while, I was a little lost.

Is this the world of elves?

84. Are you my grandson or granddaughter?

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