On July 20th, the final training session ended, and the Olympic roster was announced.

The first photo of the set makeup is indeed Xu Ruoguang in the uniform of the Olympic athletes.

With a calm expression on his face, he raised his head slightly with his hands folded in front of his chest, looking down at the camera.

Proud, yet reassuring.

I have been enduring the light powder for several months, completely crazy.

"After holding it in for so long, I can finally start blowing!"

This is how they feel.

Because the training camp is extremely confidential, they only know that Brother Guang performed very well in the training camp, but they don't know the specific situation at all.

My heart was always up and down.

It wasn't until now that the roster was fully announced and the representative team went to Tokyo, Japan. At this time, the light fans began to officially carnival.

In an instant, all the publicity photos in many subway stations in major cities across the country were replaced by Xu Ruoguang.

This is paid for by the fans themselves.

On the Internet, #xuruoguang's trending search began to dominate the list!

And it wasn't for a short period of time, it was terrifyingly on Weibo's hot search list for a week!

Countless fans began to record their own blessing videos and posted them on major websites, hoping that Xu Ruoguang would achieve good results.

Every move made fans of some traffic stars dumbfounded.

Whose fan is this? !

Obviously, I have never heard of this idol, why are there so many fans now? !

And the discipline is terribly high.

They tried every means to make their brother's hot search go up, but they couldn't touch Xu Ruoguang's popularity at all.

It's useless to spend more money!

In foreign countries, the hot search of #Emporer also topped social media in many countries.

The official action of LCK is even faster than that of LPL, and the official tweet was directly sent when LPL was still preparing promotional materials.

It was a photo of Xu Ruoguang kissing the championship trophy.

Caption: The legend has returned.

Under this tweet, countless LCK professional players came to leave a message.

It is basically a unified argument, and I hope to see Xu Ruoguang's wonderful performance.

However, in South Korea, LCK's behavior seems to boost the morale of others and destroy its own prestige.

So LCK immediately added a sentence: We hope that our national team can achieve excellent results, and we also have absolute confidence in winning.

This is just the respect that a big e-sports country should have for a legendary player, nothing more.

The LCK needs to take one more thing into account. The United States, Europe and the United States do not pretend at all.

They themselves also know that this year, nine out of ten will be accompanied by runners.

Especially many regions in Europe.

Talented players from all over Europe form the LEC, and many players have different nationalities. How strong can such a representative team be?

But just to join in the fun.

The most important thing is that participation belongs to yes.

So facing Emporer, who officially announced their comeback, they only have one idea: play as much as you want!

G2.Perkz: "I hope everyone understands that this year's Olympics is actually a competition for the runner-up, so don't think too much about it."

The first shot was of course Ah P from Croatia. He didn't think he could win at all.

I couldn't even win in G2, and now it's even more difficult to win on behalf of my country.

As for his teammates, Ah P really doesn't want to say anything.

I feel that the cloned four are better than these national team teammates.

Ah P made no secret of his admiration for Xu Ruoguang, and he was blowing wildly when he opened his mouth, worthy of his reputation as the number one light blowing in the world.

For this, he naturally suffered some siege.

But to Ah P, what is this?

He's just telling the truth.

It doesn't matter if the major forums reach the top, but this time, the mainstream media also started to participate.

"In the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, there is a unique team, which is the first e-sports team sent by my country. It is worth mentioning that Xu Ruoguang, the top laner of the League of Legends team, has already A five-time world champion."

The female anchor with a serious face in a suit and leather shoes spoke softly.

It's seven o'clock in the evening, the news broadcast.

With the unremitting efforts of the Olympic Committee, the door to the mainstream has gradually opened.

The ten-year shadow of e-sports disappearing due to the Blue Extreme Speed ​​incident quietly dissipated at this moment.

"The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games is about to begin, let us extend our sincere blessings to these athletes."

The male anchor next to him nodded seriously, also with a serious face.

This period of time is not long, seriously speaking, the time is only about ten seconds.

But for these ten seconds, Chinese e-sports professionals have gone for a full seventeen years.

In 2003, e-sports was listed as the 99th sports by the State Sports General Administration.

Then it was a decade of despair.

The denial of the mainstream, the occurrence of accidents, and the rejection of the mainstream opinions of the society made all this much later than it should have been.

But it's good to be here!

This is the truest thought of those who have witnessed the development of the domestic industry.

Just come!

Mainstream social media began to release a variety of videos and pictures to popularize science for audiences who do not understand e-sports.

Driven by the machine of the state, in the eyes of all practitioners, the concept of e-sports began to become popular on a large scale for the first time.

The mainstream of society at any time is people in their thirties, and this group of people has also been exposed to things related to e-sports when they were young.

Compared with ten years ago, public opinion in society has changed in a different direction.

Because the young people who could not really grasp the right to speak more than a decade ago have now become the mainstream.

With the country's action and the popularization of the concept of e-sports, one person has completely entered the field of vision of countless people since then.

Xu Ruoguang!

In the eyes of the leaders above, Xu Ruoguang himself is a person with great publicity effect.

From his debut to his rise to fame.

This in itself is an inspirational story of rising from the grassroots.

The more hardships he has experienced, the more difficult it is for him to be reflected.

Moreover, the propaganda department has been trying to get closer to young people over the years.

And Xu Ruoguang's excellent personal character and very eye-catching appearance are very powerful propaganda weapons.

Therefore, the focus of publicity was naturally placed on him.

"Fortunately, there is Xu Ruoguang!"

This is the first time that the staff who promote the publicity have sincerely expressed emotion.

The quality of e-sports players is completely mixed. Many players are Internet addicted teenagers themselves, and it is impossible to use them for publicity.

However, Xu Ruoguang's reputation is terrible both at home and abroad.

Without such a role model, it would be impossible to promote it.

On Friday, CCTV 10 Science and Education Channel.

The documentary [Character] has begun.

Many people wait quietly in front of the TV. This is a program that many people love to watch.

And many people who got the inside information also paid close attention to this side nervously.

At the beginning of the show, there was a fast-moving traffic flow.

Accompanied by the display of the construction of the big city under the high-speed camera, and with the gradually rising sun, a soothing and calm male voice sounded:

"The times are changing with each passing day."

"In this era of rapid development, young people can choose a variety of lifestyles, show their own brilliance in the vigorous development of the motherland, and embark on a not so simple road."

"And today's story is the story of an unlucky young man."

The screen gradually went black, revealing a line of white characters.

【World Champion Xu Ruoguang】

When seeing this line of words, the people who promoted e-sports to enter the Olympics couldn't help cheering.


Some people burst into tears.

Countless self-media have already noticed that this is big news when they saw the trailer yesterday.

But they really didn't expect that such a mainstream media would really start to end!

【Chapter: Past】

The screen turned on again, it was late at night.

"It shouldn't be a problem for us to visit him like this today?"

The host lady followed Abu, the manager of EDG, and asked curiously.

"We've been notified."

Abu smiled, "Please."

As the camera deepens, the layout of the entire training room is revealed in front of the camera.

The perspective of the program group is very clever.

In order not to stimulate the nerves of some sensitive parents during the "game", most of them take side shots.

The main shot was placed on the contestant's face.

And at this moment, it was Xu Ruoguang who was showing Rank with a serious expression in front of the audience.

His excellent external conditions stopped some parents who were not interested in it.

Or, take another look?

Good looks are sometimes a powerful weapon.

When Xu Ruoguang was quiet, he belonged to the kind of kid next door who looked very good.

The soothing magnetic baritone sounded again:

"Right now, Xu Ruoguang, who is only 20 years old, is training day after day. Such training needs to last for more than 14 hours a day."

"Like traditional athletes, e-sports is not an industry that relies entirely on talent to achieve results, but this does not mean that e-sports does not need talent, but more emphasis on it."

"According to statistics, the number of players of all kinds in the world has exceeded 100 million, but there are very few of them who can embark on a professional path."

In the camera, Xu Ruoguang sat quietly in front of the camera.

With a bright and relaxed smile on his mouth, it is easy to attract people's favor.

"What do you think of e-sports? Do you think it's a sport?"

The host asked softly.

"In my opinion, e-sports is not a very good industry."

"Even, I don't want many people to go down this road."

Xu Ruoguang pondered for a while, and gave a somewhat unexpected answer to the parents in front of the camera.

Anyone who is on the Internet knows about the crazy propaganda during this period, and parents also know that times are different, and their willingness to resist is not strong.

This [character] is obviously also part of the propaganda.

But as the protagonist of the propaganda, he expressed that he did not want many people to take this path.



The host's questions are similar to those of the parents.

"It's an industry with very high barriers to entry."

Xu Ruoguang spoke calmly,

"In many cases, talent cannot be compensated by hard work, and it is difficult to rely on this industry to make a living."

"Like a traditional sport like table tennis, everyone probably plays a little bit of table tennis, but how many people can become a table tennis player?"

In the voiceover, the soothing male voice reappeared.

"Compared to other industries, the elimination rate of e-sports is as high as 99%, and very few people can succeed."

"Many young people cry and want to go home within a week after coming to the training camp. Ten hours of high-intensity training every day is not something ordinary people can bear."

The camera cuts to a teenager crying on the table.

"I don't fight anymore, I don't fight anymore, I want to go home, I want to go home! I want to study hard!"

Is it that difficult?

Parents who were completely ignorant of this were taken aback.

At this time, the voice-over began to introduce Xu Ruoguang.

"Xu Ruoguang, who is only twenty years old, is already on the stage for the sixth year."

"Five years ago, 15-year-old Xu Ruoguang traveled across the ocean, just looking for an opportunity to become a professional player."

"From then on, he has to fight against fatigue late night after night and try his best to improve his abilities. Only in this way can he not be eliminated and find the opportunity to play and become a formal professional player."

When the screen changed, it was the dean's grandmother who appeared on the screen.

She was sitting on a chair, smiling and looking at the children playing in the distance.

"This is Xu Ruoguang's only relative now."

"She's the director of an orphanage."

Could it be that……

Some parents stared wide-eyed.

This is... too miserable.

At the age of teens, not to mention going through such high-intensity training every day, the background is still so...

The rejection in my heart is getting smaller and smaller.

"This kid has been very sensible since he was a child."

"Now that he has grown up, we have also received a lot of help from him here. This kid will find someone to send supplies here every week. He is really a very good kid."

The dean made no secret of his love and affection for Xu Ruoguang, and spoke softly.

"Do you think he's making the right choice now?"

The host asked at the right time.

"Where is there an absolutely correct way? The children have their own plans, can live happily, and will not regret it in the future. I am very happy, because this child has really suffered for half his life..."

The dean sighed.

The soothing voice-over sounded again:

"When Xu Ruoguang was eight years old, his parents died in an accident."

"In order to treat the disease, the family owed a large debt, so he suddenly had a happy family, became a lonely person, and survived with difficulty with the help of kind people."

"For Xu Ruoguang, e-sports may not be the path he wanted to take at the beginning."

"However, there is only one way for him to go."

The parents have gone completely silent.


There is really no way.

Can you say that a child like this is an Internet addicted teenager?

Both parents died when I was young, and I have no money to go to school, so it is very difficult to support myself.

E-sports is just his effort to survive.

Even the most game-hating parents can't tell what a better way for this child is.

He looks like he has a lot of options when in fact he has no options at all.

Parents are eager to see the child succeed.

Because it is too bitter, it has already touched their soft hearts.

【Chapter: Now】

"In the e-sports industry, Xu Ruoguang has shown amazing talent."

In the picture, Xu Ruoguang, who was once young, raised the S5 world championship trophy with a bright smile.

"Xu Ruoguang, who has achieved success, resolutely chose to return to China."

S6, in the center of the makeup photo of the K1 team, Xu Ruoguang smiled and waved gently.

"This team finally won the championship that year and once again stood at the top of the world. It also won the first world-class trophy for our country and defeated the mighty South Korean team."

The young man's high-spirited appearance made many old-fashioned people happy.

Inspirational stories never lack audiences.

"To this day, Xu Ruoguang has become one of the most successful players in the world. With the vigorous development of e-sports, he has become the idol of countless young people. People recognize his dedication and worship his indomitable spirit."

"Fate tried to grab his throat, telling him maliciously that you should sink into the abyss."

"The stubborn boy said to fate, you can't beat me!"

In this section, the BGM sounded.

Passionate and passionate, it makes people's hearts flutter.

"I haven't read many books."

Standing on the rooftop, looking at the fireworks in the world below, Xu Ruoguang's side face was shining in the morning sun, with a peaceful expression.

"After all, there are no conditions. If there is a chance in the future, I want to go to school."

He said with a wry smile.

At this moment, the parents' last wariness disappeared.

This is a motivated kid.

The password is correct, and the parent's fortification is cancelled!

"But I also have articles I like."

"I like Gorky's "Petrel" very much."

The young man looked at the city in front of him and groaned softly, his eyes shone with a scorching light.

"Piles of dark clouds, like blue flames, burn on the bottomless sea."

His voice is beautiful, and it condenses a different force.

"The sea seizes the flashes of lightning's arrows and quenches them in its own abyss."

These lightning shadows, like fiery snakes, meandered in the sea and disappeared in a flash. "

"—the storm! The storm is coming!"

"This is the brave petrel flying proudly above the roaring sea and among the lightning."

His voice grew louder, and he stretched out his hand, as if embracing the whole world.

With a cheerful smile, he impassionedly shouted out the most classic passage.

"Here is the cry of the victorious prophet: -- let the storm come harder!"

The light in the young man's eyes narrowed, he turned around, looked at the camera, and smiled brightly.

The world kisses me bitterly, and I repay it with song.

This is Xu Ruoguang's attitude towards life.

Chapter, entered to the end.

【Chapter: Future】

In the quiet room, light suddenly lit up.

A slender hand turned on the light.

Xu Ruoguang's hair is irregular, but it looks more real.

He carefully put on his clothes one by one.

Pants, tops, coats.

Accompanied by the sound of the zipper being pulled, Xu Ruoguang, who was wearing the uniform of an Olympic athlete in the camera, nodded with satisfaction.

His figure gradually disappeared into the light in the corridor.

A soothing baritone that turns into a deeper bass.

"Now, Xu Ruoguang is about to embark on a new battlefield."

"This time, he represents China."

"The names of the teams in front of his ID in the past have become CHN."

"Xu Ruoguang doesn't know what the future will hold, but he is lucky to be born in this best era."

"No matter how great the tribulation is, it can never erase the human yearning for hope. As long as there is courage, everyone can be invincible."

"What shines in difficult times is the hymn of human courage and hard work."

"This is the story of CHN.XURUOGUANG."

The documentary is over.

This documentary is not long, and the overall duration is about the same as the previous ones, only a short half an hour.

However, it shows the first half of Xu Ruoguang's growth from adversity.

At the end of the program, there is a little easter egg,

People all over the world sent their wishes to the camera.

"come on!"

"To win!"

"Emporer!!! Come on!!!"

"come on!!"

"Xu Ruoguang, come on!!"

There are young people and there are middle-aged people.

There are men and there are women.

They all had the same expectations and sincerely wished.

With the end of the documentary, the expressions of many parents eased a lot.

"Do you know Xu Ruoguang? The player you like?"

They questioned their children.

Some of the children who couldn't figure out the situation nodded and some shook their heads.

I don't understand why my father, who has never paid attention to this aspect, suddenly asked this question.

The fathers pondered for a moment, then nodded in approval.

"This child is not bad."

"If you have time, watch the documentary produced by CCTV and see how hard Xu Ruoguang works."

The faces of the children who heard this were as if they had seen a ghost.

Is this still the stuffy dad I know?

Hell, how did he know Brother Guang?

The response to this documentary has completely exceeded the expectations of the Olympic Committee.

It's not that the effect is bad, it's that the effect is great!

Because the theme is very clear from the beginning to the end, it did not show much admiration for e-sports, but emphasized the difficulty of the profession, which did not arouse the disgust of the parents.

Instead, they focused their attention on Xu Ruoguang himself.

And such a hard-working and inspirational young man, even the most staid parents, hardly feel disgusted with him.

On the contrary, it is recognized.

Xu Ruoguang said that he also wants to go to college, which is like unlocking the code of wealth, and fully expressing his thoughts correctly.

Parents naturally have no idea of ​​boycotting.

This is a good boy who works hard, but is a bit miserable.

This is their common thought.

Compared with those messy traffic stars, parents prefer their children to like such idols.

Idols Idols are originally people who set an example for others and provide them with the courage to go up.

The environment of public opinion began to change.

This is something only Xu Ruoguang can do.

Because he is too self-disciplined and too inspirational.

For any other player, there is no such ups and downs in the first half of his life.

It is also impossible to be blamed without any bad habits.

Only Xu Ruoguang was alone.

And only his experience can break the inherent impression, let people really put aside their prejudices, and witness the sport called e-sports for the first time...

On the Internet, light fans have entered a complete carnival.

What is a national idol?

The player I pushed?


This is the contestant recommended by my dad!

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