The final match was scheduled for October 30th a week later.

K1, who came out of the semi-finals, will have a final showdown with SKT.

After all, SSG still failed to cross the hurdle of SKT, and fell in the semi-finals unwillingly.

However, this is also expected.

Because everyone is looking forward to the ultimate battle between K1 and SKT.

"K1 defeated ROX! LPL once again advanced to the final of the global finals after two years!"

"Crazy killing! Emperor's super god Jess helped K1 win, pointing at the S crown!"

"Long-awaited! Faker posted a message saying that he has been waiting for Emperor for a long time!"

"Shocked! That kind of thing happened to the two men, Emperor and faker. People couldn't believe it after seeing it!"

"Stop watching nonsense news."

Xu Ruoguang snatched the mobile phone that Ah Shui was looking at with relish, and said angrily.

Take it in your hand and look, oh, UC!

Obviously, Xu Ruoguang and faker were teammates, but it can be said to UC as if he and faker have an affair.

It takes the title one hand.

Ah Shui was not convinced, "It's very interesting, Brother Guang."

"What's so interesting? I'll post about Emperor and jackeylove's ulterior secrets later, do you still think it's interesting?"

Xu Ruoguang glared at him.

Ah Shui blushed, "Yes, it's not impossible."


Xu Ruoguang felt cold and threw the phone to him.

"When it comes to disgusting people, you really have a hand."

Ah Shui laughed.

Xu Ruoguang shook his head and continued to practice.

It is only one week before the start of the competition, and I have persisted for more than half a month. In the last week, I have to persevere well.

The phone rang, and Xu Ruoguang picked it up casually.

Faker: Is it convenient to answer the phone?


Xu Ruoguang thought for a while, what did he want to say?


Walking out of the lounge, he picked up his cell phone and dialed.

The answer over there was quick, and Faker's familiar voice sounded.

"Aniase, Ruoguangxi?"

"It's me, what's the matter?"

Xu Ruoguang's expression was flat.

Although I can't figure out what Teacher Da Fei wants to do, but anyway, he is also an opponent now, so there is no need to be too polite.

On the other end of the phone, Faker was silent for a while.

When he didn't speak, Xu Ruoguang wanted to hang up.

"Nothing to say? Then I hang up, and I still have to train."


Faker stopped and asked.

"Ruoguang xi, K1 will be disbanded next year?"

Xu Ruoguang frowned,

"Yeah, so what? You called to say that?"

"I want to say, if K1 is disbanded, where are you going to go?"

Faker took a deep breath and asked seriously.

"where to?"

Xu Ruoguang really didn't think about it, the only thing he was thinking about now was how to win the final BO5.

"What's the matter? Where am I going? What does it have to do with you?"

"Does it have to be like this? Our relationship is not so bad!"

Faker paused, a little hurt.

"Yes, but now we are enemies."

Xu Ruoguang said without hesitation.

"Enemy...I understand."

Faker sighed in his heart, collected his thoughts, and said calmly.

"What I want to say is, if you don't find a team, next year, come back."


Xu Ruoguang was really shocked now.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I am certain."

Faker's voice is a little erratic.

"Next year, Marin should retire, he told me."

Xu Ruoguang was a little silent, brother Qinghuan, are you going to retire?


He is not young at all, and he came to play after serving in the military.

"so what?"

"So, I want to invite you to come back to SKT."

Faker was silent for a while, and said seriously.


Xu Ruoguang said firmly.

A good horse never turns back.

"If it's just this kind of thing, don't call me in the future, I'm afraid Scout might misunderstand."

Xu Ruoguang said calmly.

There was some mockery in his eyes.

faker, faker.

Time is gone and will never come back, the past can only be recalled.

"I'm just telling you, if you want to come back to SKT, I welcome you at any time."

After Faker finished his last sentence, Xu Ruoguang hung up the phone.

He stood silently in the corridor and took out a cigarette.

Before putting it in his mouth, a hand suddenly reached out, took the cigarette over, and threw it into the trash can.

Xu Ruoguang looked up and saw that it was kkoma.

"Didn't I tell you? Ruoguang, you are underage and you are not allowed to smoke."

kkoma looked at him seriously.

Xu Ruoguang looked into his eyes, "Faker called me just now."

Kkoma was taken aback, "Why is he calling you?"

"He said, let me finish S6 and return to SKT."

Kkoma was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help cursing angrily.

"Xiba, it's disgusting!"


"I'm not talking about you, or faker."

kkoma sorted out his emotions and said seriously,

"Don't fight early, don't fight late, but now, have you ever thought about why?"

Xu Ruoguang was taken aback for a moment, and an idea popped into his mind.

"Could it be that……"

"Yes, the current SKT coach probably asked Faker to make this call."

kkoma's eyes were cold.

"During such a critical period, he asked Faker to call you to talk about next season, what's his intention?"

Xu Ruoguang was so shocked that he still played this kind of dirty trick?

At this stage, there is no room for distraction.

It was at this time that SKT coach urged faker to call him.

What's your idea?

On the other side, Faker put down his phone in silence.

The SKT coach standing in front of him couldn't help asking.

"How? What did he say?"

Faker sighed slightly, "He still hasn't forgiven me."

He is a little lost.

"It's okay, tell him after the fight is over, our SKT door is always open to him, faker, don't worry!"

The SKT coach pretended to comfort him.

I was laughing wildly in my heart.

After making this phone call, his strategy of attacking the heart has already succeeded.

Looking at Faker who went to training, the SKT coach said sorry in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Sang Hyuk, for taking advantage of your feelings for your old teammates."

"But you'll forgive me, won't you?"

"After all, my purpose is the same as yours, it is to win."

"These are all necessary choices."

As for dirty or not...

SKT coach scoffed.

I didn't make a foul, what's wrong with making a phone call?

As long as Xu Ruoguang is restless, SKT will win the final a week later.

The strength is enough, it doesn't matter to play tricks.

"Ruoguang, what do you think? Now that we've talked about this issue."

kkoma patted his shoulder and asked.


Xu Ruoguang looked confused.

He really didn't think about it.

"No matter where you go, I will respect you, even if you return to SKT."

kkoma said warmly.

"This is not the time to discuss this, coach."

Xu Ruoguang shook his head and smiled.

"Let's talk after the game."


kkoma took a deep look at him and walked into the training room.

Xu Ruoguang followed him and returned to his seat.

As he said, this matter really needs to be considered, but what needs to be considered even more is to play the final well first.


"It's kind of gross."

Xu Ruoguang said in a low voice.

The eyes are full of disgust.

He is really angry.

Although it is not clear whether faker was involved, but now he is very angry.

He gets angry. Someone will be unlucky.

"My God, brother Guang, don't kill it, this is a beautiful server, why are you killing pigs?"

"Brother Guang is so angry today, as long as he catches the opportunity, he will go for a solo kill."

Everyone in OB was shocked.

From the morning until after eleven o'clock in the evening, except for the training match, Xu Ruoguang played Jess all day long.

If Jace can't get it, he can play Sword Princess, or Captain Raven.

What stands out is a mad kill.

On the dignified US server, people above the king who were killed by him dare not go online.

This last one can only match diamonds.

This night, the kings of the US server finally recalled the fear of being ruled by Xu Ruoguang when they played the Korean server.

It's been a long time since he rushed this far.

The next day, the Rank ended, and the official pre-final training match began.


The two eliminated teams took the initiative to play a training match with K1.

Except for the Korean players, they are basically starters.

The training effect is definitely better than rank.

"Why are you rushing in this wave? You just wait for your teammates to come, as long as you don't die."

"Why can't you follow the command? Hirano Aya, who told you to start the team? Do you understand how long my tp is? Come on, tell me how many seconds before my tp lands?"

"Don't blindly seek solo kills, you know scout?"

"Why not wait for others? If everyone likes to play individual heroism, how to play this game?"

"Ah Shui, don't come here. Stay in the bottom lane to eat the line, I don't need you here. Do you understand!?"

Ah Shui didn't dare to breathe, so he could only nod his head repeatedly.

He was relieved when Xu Ruoguang finished speaking.

While eating, Ah Shui whispered.

"Brother Guang seems to be a little angry recently."

Hirano Aya held the bowl and ate with relish,

"The question Brother Guang said is not nonsense, we just listen to it, maybe Brother Guang is also a little stressed."

"Brother Guang will be under pressure? I feel like Brother Guang is very angry, but no one messed with him, right?"

Ah Shui muttered softly.

"Yeah, nobody messed with it, but he did get mad, and you know why not?"


Ah Shui said casually.

"Because he heard someone say bad things behind his back."

Xu Ruoguang smiled sinisterly, and punched Ah Shui on the shoulder with his fist.

"Are you hammering? Bozi, you haven't been beaten before, have you?"

Ah Shui turned around, his pupils trembled.

"Brother Guang, did you hear that?"

"Well, I've heard it since your first sentence."

Ah Shui simply broke the jar, "Brother Guang, what happened to you? Tell us what's going on, maybe everyone can help you find a solution."

Xu Ruoguang smiled and shook his head, why did he think that was what he was talking about.

He told about Faker's phone call, Ah Shui immediately understood.

"Are you playing so disgustingly?"

Ah Shui clicked his tongue, full of contempt in his eyes.

"No wonder Brother Guang is angry. I would be angry too."

Aya Hirano was full and slapped her thigh.

"It's all right now, it's not worth being angry again."

Xu Ruoguang smiled,

"In the finals, it is the right way to fight back with strength."

Ah Shui is gearing up,

"Don't worry, Brother Guang!"

"Your youth will be revived infinitely by me jackeylove!"

Time passed day by day.

There are still four days until the finals start.

On this day, K1 and EDG played a full day of training matches, fully honing their own system and training their new system.

According to Ming Kai, "Can you stop letting Little Peanut turn his back on me? I'm very embarrassed."

Xu Ruoguang's Rambo also frantically regained his original proficiency in a handful of training games.

There are still three days until the finals start.

On this day, K1 did not continue to play the training match, but focused on practicing solo laning for a whole day.

Xu Ruoguang recruited countless LPL players to play laning.

There are still two days until the finals start.

On this day, K1 rested.

Combining work and rest is the kingly way.

There is still one day until the finals start.

After the usual training match, kkoma announced a break early.

This long training is enough.

No matter how much you practice, it is impossible to make obvious progress.

Moreover, kkoma has full self-confidence.

At this time, K1 is at its most vigorous.

October 30th.

Finals, start!

Sitting on the bus to the venue, kkoma began his final justice speech.

"Boys, at last, it's time for the final game."

"After finishing this game, no matter what the result is, this year's S6 schedule is all over."

"Do you think you are strong? I think you are strong!"

"We've been walking for so long, and finally we're here today."

"What we want is not to leave no regrets, what we want is to win!"

Kkoma waved his hand, his gaze determined.

"We are better than them!"

"No matter what they are, we are the strongest."

"This is the awareness we should have now."

"What about SKT? What about ROX?"

"Not only do we want to win, we also want to take them away 3-0!"

"Let them know who is the master of this world."

"are you ready?"

"I'm ready and can't wait to see them cry."

"K1, must win!"


Ah Shui was the first to join in.

This is the truth.

I've hit this far, so let's send it modestly.

All we want is to win.

Stop pretending!

Xu Ruoguang stroked his peripheral device, this is his comrade in arms.

His gaze was as calm as water, but his vigor pierced through the clouds.

Restrained yet aggressive, that's what he is now.

The bus is here.

In an instant, the sound of cheers and cheers appeared in my ears.

This is the final scene of the global finals!

Countless fans looked up, but they couldn't see the side at a glance.

"K1 come on!"

"Come on K1! Kill me!"

"No regrets!"

"Brother Guang slapped me hard in the face!"

Xu Ruoguang looked at the fans and showed a bright smile.

It's all he fought for.

Step by step, into the venue.

Waiting for the game to start.

Not far away, I saw everyone from SKT who had arrived.

Xu Ruoguang's eyes did not change, and he passed Faker.

Faker was silent and walked to his lounge.

After a year.

The former SKT twin stars meet again at this moment.

The eyes of the two were calm, and they passed each other.

After all, the ways are different, and they do not conspire with each other.

There is only half an hour left before the game starts!

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