Back online again, Yasuo no longer needs to be as stable as before.

Xu Ruoguang will not be stable for a lifetime, he will be nagged.

After going online, he went directly to Gnar E in smeb.

Smeb is not afraid of changing blood, why am I afraid of you with a long hand?

When A made the first move, Xu Ruoguang was already close to him.

Yasuo's E cooldown is short, but not without it.

The second level A was played, and Yasuo's blood volume dropped a little.

But it doesn't matter, because Xu Ruoguang is about to touch Gnar.

smeb has his own trick, A can speed up and retreat when A gets out of the third ring.

Gnar played the third tie A, but Yasuo suddenly erected a wind wall in front of him.


Without giving Gnar a chance to accelerate, E landed on Gnar and started fighting.

Although smeb was surprised that Yasuo's wind wall was not used to block Q, it didn't matter to him.

It's the same as long as Q plays three rings.

However, is it really that simple?

Xu Ruoguang dared to use the wind wall to block his third blow, so he had the confidence to avoid Gnar Q.

E landed on Gnar, Yasuo didn't try to flatten A, and walked directly behind Gnar.

But when smeb threw the boomerang, Yasuo moved strangely and avoided it!

This is the case with many skills, and it is easier to hide when you are close to the body.

Gnar's Q trajectory is not wide, which also gave Xu Ruoguang a chance.

Dodge Q, turn around and send AQ!

Xu Ruoguang poked very accurately because his knife was very steady.

A whirling wind lingers on Yasuo, which is the effect of the Q skill after the third layer.

Smeb's eyes were cold, he didn't release his E skill, and tied A to hit the third ring.

Being hidden Q? It doesn't matter.

Gnar's hand length advantage is only now showing up!

Xu Ruoguang was not greedy at all when he played AQ, and immediately retreated again with the help of small soldiers.

How could smeb let him go like this?

Gnar has a total of three rings, but Yasuo has an EAQ. This kind of exchange is not a loss, but it shouldn't be.

Although Yasuo's damage is not as high as Gnar, there is one thing to remember, heroes like Gnar can't accept being consumed.

There is no difference in essence with Lambo.

Why can't the current Gnar beat Comet Sword Demon? It was because the blood volume of Little Gnar was too low, and it took only one or two waves to enter the sword demon's killing line.

However, Xu Ruoguang's Yasuo proficiency is too high.

When he came to consume, he had already thought about how to run.

The little soldiers left behind were prepared for this moment.

Seeing that smeb can only get an A, I am a bit unwilling.

The E skill jumps forward, trying to chase A.

It's a pity that his boomerang was not picked up, which led to it being included in the CD.

Xu Ruoguang smiled.


Yasuo turned back again, this time he was ready to fight to the end.

The biggest advantage of Yasuo Dannar is that even if it is consumed, the initiative is always on Yasuo.

It is impossible for Gnar's damage in the early stage to consume Yasuo, and Yasuo can fight and leave as he wants.

Now that Gnar has handed in all the Es, it is impossible for Xu Ruoguang not to fight him.

Seeing the loach-like Yasuo turn back again, Smeb felt amused.

You have already beaten me, and I am not standing in the army, how could you touch me?

Come come come come come come come!

From the partition wall, a white wave of light shoots out!

Smeb was taken aback.

At this moment, Yasuo flashed to his face, and rolled up Gnar with a Q skill!

"blind monk!"

Smeb was shaking and cold.

The second stage of Q was activated, Yasuo followed the damage, and with the current blood volume of Jr. Gnar directly dropped to more than 100 points.

QQA added Yasuo's QA, and Gnar, who didn't have enough blood to pretend to go home, took another EAQ from Yasuo.

This loss of blood is normal.

The moment he landed, Gnar handed over his flash!

Little Peanut touched his eyes, the distance was a little short.

But it doesn't matter.

The moment the E skill slapped the floor, it flashed and handed it over.

E flash A!

Take Gnar's head.

"It's the rhythm of K1's Ueno opening again! Very neat kill!"

"Smeb has been stable for so long, and finally it can't be stabilized!"

Miller shook his fist excitedly.

"Unfortunately, I didn't give you the head."

Little Peanut was a little dissatisfied.

Xu Ruoguang didn't care,

"Go into his upper field and put pressure on the opponent's jungler."

"I know, Brother Guang."

Little Peanut smiled confidently.

The reason why he didn't come to the first three levels was very simple.

At that time, Gnar's vigilance was absolutely full.

Professional players have a very keen sense of when the jungler often comes.

At such a sensitive time, it is impossible for smeb to actively hand over E as it is now.

So Peanut played against logic.

After clearing the first half, regardless of the crabs that are about to be refreshed, they will not go to the lower half, and abnormally come to gank at this time.

good results!

Your crash will play a wrong rhythm, can't I, Little Peanut, not?

Carsh directly clicked on the lower half of Peanut, indicating that he wanted to invade.

He had to enter this wave, otherwise the Ueno area would be lost in the second round.

As for protecting your own Ueno area?

There are many people on the opposite side, and the crash is not stupid.

Crash has a good plan, but how could K1 allow him to change wilds so easily?

Bottom laner K1, who held the line right, took the initiative to go to him and force crash to retreat.

Crash is not a headache, even if the heart is bleeding.

"Not giving me a wild area?"

K1 defense was too timely.

ROX's policewoman Karma, why can't she beat the ice female gun and win the line right?

Crash is a bit puzzled.

This is unreasonable!

"My blood volume is too weak."

Pray said helplessly.

Originally played well in the lane, but A Shui cooperated with Hirano Aya and suddenly became fierce. Hirano Aya's second-stage Q bounced on the policewoman.

This wave was stuck after Kalma handed in E, and the female policeman ate this female gun Q, it was so painful.

The female gun's Q, understands everything.

Because the blood volume is too low, the battle is somewhat timid.

The line right was naturally given out.

crash nodded, ok.

Your reasons convinced me.

Six minutes into the game, Crash launched a surprise attack on Xu Ruoguang.

This wave, he came very fast.

Xu Ruoguang still took the initiative to exchange blood, so he would naturally seize the opportunity.

But unfortunately, Little Peanut is also there.

"Go fuck off and brush the jungle area, Xiba!"

Carsh saw that the blind monk who was still pretending to be going out appeared behind Xu Ruoguang, even if he had a good temper like him, he still wanted to curse.

You are a post bar jungler, are you the top dog?

Little Peanut, hehe, didn't you come to catch my brother Guang too, you are amazing, you are lofty!

Fortunately, the spider's early outbreak was still strong, and Xu Ruoguang was still killed.

But the price is that the blind monk won the double kill.

Three heads!

This blind monk is going to get up instead?

This is something ROX never thought of.

Little Peanut looked at the line of soldiers and prepared to leave without the slightest hesitation.


Xu Ruoguang said decisively.

This wave line does not need to be pushed, it can be sent in naturally.

Little peanuts have very clean hands, so don't push them.

But Xu Ruoguang was not happy.

If you can push it or not, then push it.

"Um, not too good, Brother Guang."

Little Peanut's face is a little red, can I eat this thread?

"What's the relationship between us, Wanghu, you are being polite to your mother, eat!"

Xu Ruoguang said bluntly.

So, Little Peanut reluctantly ate this wave of lines.

Crash's eyes are red, what kind of B treatment is the opposite jungler?

"Brother Guang, I'll be right back."

Little Peanut is not free, so he immediately expressed his opinion.

"Oh, come if you can, and don't force yourself if you can't, you know?"

Xu Ruoguang said hypocritically.

"That can't, you have to come!"

Ueno, full of fun.

Xu Ruoguang knows how to win games.

You see, although it's a tactical slant, the jungler has worked hard, shouldn't he give a point as a top laner?

If you have a good relationship with the jungler, are you afraid that he won't help you catch it?

On the order, what is played is the worldly way.

Xu Ruoguang has figured out the top laner, smeb, you are about to lose.

Sometimes you don't need to scold if you want to call a jungler, it's a very simple sentence.

"Come on, help me push the thread, and give you food."

Which jungler can stand up to this, it must come.

Have you learned it yet?

On the way down, Ah Shui rolled his eyes, this pair of dogs are in the wild!

But he also understands tactical issues, as long as he can win.

What's more, their bot lane is an advantage.

Nine minutes into the game, Little Peanut arrived as scheduled.

He keeps his word.

Cannibalism is short-handed.

In this wave, ROX had an early warning, because kuro in the middle took the risk to go to the wild area to make a vision.

"Nishihachi, it's not over yet! Kuro, come on, let's fuck him!"

Crash was so ruthless that he couldn't help but say something.

Kuro has everything he needs, his cards are ready.

Just as scout was about to move, Xu Ruoguang stopped him immediately.

"You don't have to come, you won't fight on the opposite side when you come."

"Then I eat?"


The current blind monk has three heads, as long as he handles it well, he can play two against three on the road.

Xu Ruoguang had this confidence, so he told scout not to come.

Still choose to come from the line, Ming Kai taught Xiao Peanut the ability to block line vision.

Ming Kai is not good at anything else, the card's vision is really good-looking.

"Can I sell it?"

Smeb looked at his own Nakano who was getting ready, and couldn't help asking.

How does he feel that he will be seconded?

Probably, no way.

"Yes! The blind monk didn't flash either!"

Crash is very sure.

What else can smeb say?

Don't doubt, believe first!

He started pretending.

Speaking of acting, Smeb is also confident.

Yingying's light wave hit, it was the blind monk's sky sound wave!

Smeb didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped back.

The second-stage Q was triggered, and Little Peanut flew over.

After the second stage of Q is completely on the ground, I touch the eye of R.

Because Gnar's E has a double jump.

At this time, the fate of the card's ultimate move is opened, and Kuro chooses the position!

Stuck in the retreat position of the blind monk!

A spider emerges from the river!

ROX, got it!

The South Korean commentator was ecstatic.

"That's it, kuro! The savior of the LCK!"

"Damn peanut, die to me!"

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the words.

No way, in fact, each competition area is similar.

LCK also hates players who go to LPL to play professionally.

Especially Peanut's performance is so good, K1's early rhythm is perfect.

Bringing in the disgust of doinb in Korea, you can know that Peanut is not popular in the LCK at this time.

However, Little Peanut didn't panic at all, how many minutes is it now?

He already has a warrior with a wild knife and a gavel.

Needless to say, how much gold this equipment has in nine minutes.

Kick Gnar!

Xu Ruoguang picked up the big move almost instantly!

It hurts!

Smeb felt at ease, this amount of blood would not be lost in seconds.

Crash saw the wind lingering on Xu Ruoguang's body.

"Yasuo has blown hair!"

Look no further, flash E!

Xu Ruoguang smiled,

"You're not the first to fight against me."

Landing, the limit time swings out the wind wall!

A Q shot continued to knock Gnar into the air!

The blind monk came back and sent out the E skill again.

Yasuo chopped off Gnar with a single knife!

The card fixed Yasuo, and the spider set hit Yasuo, who had no magic resistance, and it was painful.

Xu Ruoguang's blood volume dropped to less than 200 points almost instantly.

However, he did not give up.

His eyes lit up slightly, and the E skill used the spider's displacement to walk towards the pawn line.

The reason why the card is not displaced to the rear is to fight back!

The cards output Xu Ruoguang one after another. Because of the passive effect of W, A's is quite painful.

However, little peanuts are not for dry rice.

Although the skill was still cooling down, he immediately put a red penalty on the card, and hit the card with flat aces one after another.

Kuro didn't pay attention at first, but after eating it twice, he felt something was wrong.

"Why is his damage so high!?"

Xu Ruoguang dragged on for too long!

Card is not reconciled to go straight away.

The result is that after the blind monk's skills are ready, the cards are also collected directly.

Two for one!

It's still two against three!

ROX, what a loss.

In the final analysis, the development of the blind monk is too exaggerated.

Three heads, no, now four heads!

This development, combined with the attribute of the blind monk who is biased towards early heroes, makes it almost impossible to lose in this period of time.


Crash hammered the table and lost his composure.

"Sorry, I didn't expect him to hurt so much."

Yasuo didn't do much damage, but the blind monk's damage was so exaggerated that Crash really didn't expect it.

Because Gnar was about to grow big at the time.

The result is hard to change.

It is true that the middle way collapses before the transformation is halfway.

Ryze in the middle touched the middle tower one after another.

Every time Scout touched it, Crash felt like his heart was bleeding.

The amount of defensive towers!

Originally planned to help Smeb up, but Peanut is always so timely.

Crash can't figure out why.

How did he know how much Xu Ruoguang was trusted by Peanut?

After this wave, ROX's upper middle field has been defeated across the board.

Little Peanut can already pull four in the crash wild area and ask crash to borrow paper.

Crash was not reconciled, and chose to arrest Xu Ruoguang.

Xu Ruoguang knew that he had been forced to go on a hunger strike.

Anxiety is normal now.

Looking at the spider behind the tower, Xu Ruoguang knew it was difficult to escape.

The tp of the card falls.

ROX has gone mad!

This is K1's classic three guarantees one!

But Xu Ruoguang felt that it might not be possible to operate.

Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean surviving under the tower.

The hard damage on the opposite side can kill Xu Ruoguang.

However, Xu Ruoguang might be able to delay for a long time.

How about... try?

I really like what Yasuo said.

Want to kill me?

You can try!

Little Peanut didn't go to save him, it wasn't that he didn't love Brother Guang, it's just that the middle tower was exposed, there was no reason not to push him.

Xu Ruoguang looked at the spider behind the tower and smiled.

Over my tower, right?

Grandpa doesn't serve me anymore.

With the help of the incoming pawn line, Yasuo slid forward directly.

Now the game time has been thirteen minutes, and Yasuo has reached level 10.

E's CD is already very short.

In full view, Yasuo slid towards the outside of the tower.

Crash froze for a moment, "He wants to run back!"

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