Xu Ruoguang was a little disappointed after taking down ROX lightly.

To be honest, this ROX has already been used in BP.

Does BP matter?


When the strength gap between the two teams is not particularly large, BP is the winner.

Of course, if the strength gap between the two sides is too large, it cannot be controlled by BP.

Just like a team playing relegation, you give him a world-class coach and the best BP, can he beat K1?

Impossible, he will play in the playoffs at most.

After this ROX was routinely used by K1 on BP, there was some gap in hard power, so naturally it couldn't be played at all.

There is one most basic rule that everyone needs to be clear about.

The more top teams, the smaller the gap between them.

For example, in terms of scoring, assuming that K1 is a perfect score, then ROX is 95 and above.

SKT is similar.

But what about the other eight or even the top sixteen teams?

About 80 points.

The higher the level, the smaller the gap.

BP also affects more.

This MVP was undoubtedly awarded to Xu Ruoguang.

Luxurious record, horrific output, none other than him.

Back in the lounge, kkoma was already waiting at the door.

Unlike other coaches, kkoma is sometimes very tender.

For example, it is basically impossible for other coaches to wait for players at the door, but kkoma will.

This may also be the reason why he has been able to stand at the top of the coaching world.

A good coach not only needs to be able to handle the pressure but also to check for gaps and make up for vacancies.

It is even more important for the players to understand that we are in the same group.

"It's a good fight."

kkoma kindly patted each player on the shoulder and told them that you played very well.

Scout and Peanut exchanged glances and smiled.

"Actually, it's mainly because Brother Guang played well."

Xu Ruoguang was not affected by their rainbow farts, and was still rational.

"This ROX is still a bit relaxed. After the BP is over, it will be messed up. The next game will be a tough battle."

Xu Ruoguang said after deliberation.

There was a flash of light in kkoma's eyes, and he nodded in approval.

"Your opinion is similar to mine!"

"Come on, let's discuss the next one."

Everyone walked into the lounge, and kkoma wrote a word on the touch screen in the lounge.



Ah Shui muttered suspiciously.

"Yes, smeb."

kkoma nodded,

"I have watched all ROX games in the summer split, and I have watched almost the group stage of the World Championship."

"Among so many samples, in all the games that ROX won, it was basically the same way."

"If smeb plays comfortably, ROX can easily win."

"He is the absolute core of ROX!"

"You are our absolute core."

In the ROX lounge, Coach ROX looked at Smeb with a serious face.

"smeb, I need you to be more aggressive, we'll fight around you."

"In the past, you failed to fight Emperor many times, but do you still remember what I told you?"

"Never be afraid to fail."

"This one, I don't blame you."

"However, I need your next attack to show momentum and blood."

"We need your early advantage, can you do it?"

Coach ROX's eyes are bright.

There was really nothing he could do.

In the World Championship version of S6, ADC is one of the most important positions.

But the problem is that K1's bot lane team is not so effective.

Rat King Gagrila is okay, but Ah Shui and Hirano Aya are ruthless people who have made it to the World Championship in the monster-like LPL bottom lane environment.

Ueno from LCK, AD from LPL, and Fawang from North America.

This is the era.

Shu Wang is another ADC who tends to play in groups, and his laning pressure is not comparable to that of bang.

Coach ROX has too few cards.

No matter how he fights, he can only play in the wild.


Smeb was not discouraged, but the coach's trust undoubtedly put him under a lot of pressure.

"You will be targeted, but we will also do our best to protect you."

Coach ROX looked at smeb with bright eyes.

At the same time, the K1 lounge.

"So our goal is to target smeb and make him unable to play the game, just like the first one?"

"If that's the case, then I'm confident."

Little Peanut spoke.

It has been nearly a year since I came to LPL. From the former Najin Xiaohua, to now the undisputed K1 wild king.

Little Peanut has experienced too much and grown too much.

Such things as self-confidence depend on typing.

And with K1's current record, Peanut is undoubtedly confident.

"No, on the contrary, I want you to target kuro and pray."

Unexpectedly, kkoma shook his head and gave him a completely opposite answer.


Little Peanut was a little puzzled.

Kkoma looked calm, "Learn to empathize, it's very prosperous."

"If you were ROX, what would you do after crashing in the first top lane and getting crushed?"

"Stay on the road?"

Little Peanut said tentatively.

"It's a solution, but the core of ROX is top lane. Not being able to top lane is a natural disadvantage for them."

kkoma nodded in approval first, and then explained.

"So they, with a high probability, will choose to play around the top lane with all members."

Ah Shui suddenly made a sound, his eyes brightened.

Kkoma glanced at him approvingly and nodded.

"That's my guess."

"So, we have two solutions."

"One is to fight against them in the middle field, and the other is to start targeting their weaker double C."

"We can't get the blue side, they can grab it on the BP."

"So if you fight hard for the middle field, you will have some disadvantages in BP."

"So I want you to target middle and lower."

"Of course, what you do in the end is up to you."

After kkoma finished speaking, he fell silent.

Give the team time to think.

Xu Ruoguang had been sitting comfortably on the sofa, but suddenly straightened up at this moment.

"why not?"

There was a warlike light in his eyes.

"ROX wants to hit the middle field?"

"Then fight them!"

"They can fight as much as they want, until they are completely victorious!"

"Isn't our K1 playing the upper middle field system? They are playing big swords in front of Guan Gong."

"It's just head-to-head. What I mean is very simple, let them come."

Xu Ruoguang rubbed his wrist and said lightly.

"They were the ones who beat them."

kkoma smiled and chuckled softly.

"Sure enough, it's what you would say."

Yes, with Xu Ruoguang's temperament, how could he be afraid?

What about smebs?

ROX, so what?

If you want to fight, then fight!

Hit him upside down, hit him tit for tat, hit him with a sword to open the gate of heaven!

"What's your opinion?"

Brick kkoma looked at the other players.

Little Peanut lost his trust in Xu Ruoguang in his eyes, and nodded seriously.

"I'm OK!"

Scout loosened his wrist and nodded as well.

"me too."

Hirano Ling and Ah Shui looked at each other, and nodded in the same way.

"Okay, then the strategy of the general direction has been established. Since you all have decided to head-to-head, let's head-to-head."

kkoma clapped his hands.

"Sit closer, let me tell you what to pay attention to next."

After five minutes, the break ends.

Looking at the players coming to the stage one by one, kkoma's eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

"It's time to compete for the strength of the system."

"Winning this one shows that ROX is not to be feared."

"If you lose, you have to target the Ueno on the opposite side."

Already won a hand, K1 already has the capital of trial and error.

kkoma is confident that he can handle ROX, so he dares to listen to the wishes of the players.

At some point, he trusted the players very much.

Somewhere in the base, an unexpected visitor came today.

He walked quietly to the living room and looked at the remaining players.

"How does it feel?"

A young man turned his head unexpectedly, showing a somewhat astonished expression.


The person known as the boss nodded casually and sat beside the player.

"How do you feel? ROX is playing K1 today, who will win?"

The boss himself is a dog, and the relationship with the players is very harmonious, and he doesn't have any airs.

"K1! Today's K1 is in very good condition, I'm afraid ROX won't be able to handle it."

The young man didn't think much about it, and said directly.


The boss' eyes flickered.

"Then what do you think?"

"If you want to buy it."

"Which players are the best to buy?"

The young man froze for a moment, "Boss, why do you ask that?"

"Just ask."

"Well...then it must be the top order first!"

The young man smiled,

"Xu Ruoguang's dominance is still the same, and now it seems that Smeb is still some distance away from him, and now he is truly the best in the world."

"Secondly, the bot lane team performed very well."

"Is that so? I see."

The boss nodded calmly, and the young man didn't know what he was thinking.

There seemed to be silence in the club again.

But the young man knew that when the boss asked this question, it was definitely not a random question.

"Could it be that……"

A bold idea suddenly popped into his mind, and then he felt that it was impossible.

Should be unlikely.

In fact, there are not just one or two club owners staring at K1 at the moment.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that no matter what the final results of K1 this year, there is no suspense about K1's disbandment.

Since K1 is doomed to be disbanded, K1's current group of outstanding players will naturally have to find their next home.

Other clubs have long coveted them.

The young age means that the peak period is still very long.

This is really what you buy is what you earn.

Who wouldn't want to have a Xu Ruoguang?

Even though K1 hasn't disbanded yet, in the eyes of the club owner, they have already disbanded.

Like a vulture chasing death.

Wandering around the dying person, waiting for the last moment.

Xu Ruoguang's mood became more and more calm.

The bigger the competition, the more stable his mentality.

Unlike other happy children in childhood, Xu Ruoguang has always been a relatively unlucky child.

Therefore, his endurance and psychological quality have always been very strong.

Many shrimp rice always had a not-so-good childhood, but Xu Ruoguang felt that suffering was not enough to knock people down, nor was it an excuse to commit crimes.

Just like him now.

Optimistic, sunny, elegant and easy-going.

His goal has never changed, only the Summoner Trophy.

"Let us once again welcome the teams from both sides to the stage."

"K1's second round against ROX, start now!"

This is the voice of the host.

Xu Ruoguang brushed aside his cluttered thoughts, raised his head and stood upright to meet a new round of challenges.

dad, mom.

Today, I set foot on the young battlefield again.

Please applaud me proudly no matter where you are.

I, will be the child that makes you proud.

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