What kind of job does such a dish play? Go home and raise pigs

Chapter 188 Compromising reality is easy, but chasing dreams is difficult [Part 1]

Put on the K1 team uniform, carefully arrange the neckline and cuffs.

K1's team uniform is very simple, there are no advertisements on the jacket, the whole body is blue and white, embellished with the black K1 logo.

The icon of K1 was designed by LeTV at that time by the most famous calligrapher in China. The silver hook and iron painting are very beautiful.

Putting down the finished cuffs, Xu Ruoguang looked up at himself in the mirror.

The boy's expression was flat, but the determination in his eyes could not be concealed.

Under the slightly messy hair, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

"not bad."

Xu Ruoguang made a comment on his own, then turned to look at Ah Shui who got up a little abnormally early.

"are you ready?"

Ah Shui put on his coat, Jackeylove's ID was shining brightly,

He smiled, "Yeah."


Walking out the door, under the organization of coach kkoma, everyone took a set photo.

godv and scout back to back, looking sideways at the camera.

Ah Shui and Hirano Ling laughed and laughed, standing on one side.

The high-spirited feeling came out all at once.

Little Peanut put his hands on Xu Ruoguang's shoulders, showing a happy smile.

Kkoma smiled and stood aside holding his tactical notebook.

Xu Ruoguang stood in the center with his hands in his pockets and smiled.

S6, K1.


Ready to go!

Jiang Xiaobai, an ordinary LPL fan.

She followed the guidance and stepped into Madison Square Garden step by step.

The moment he entered the venue, Jiang Xiaobai immediately felt the strong atmosphere.

Cheers burst into the sky, and there was a great deal of voice.

The fans with K1 on their faces and the fans with ROX on their faces hate each other, and each divides into its own area.

Finding his own seat, Jiang Xiaobai sat down with anticipation.

Beside him, the K1 fans who were chattering have already started a heated discussion.

"K1 should be fine today!?"

"Trust Brother Guang, Brother Guang will be fine."

"I have reached the semi-finals of the global finals twice in a row. This achievement is already considered outstanding among all League of Legends professional players, but I still hope that Brother Guang can win the championship."

"Sigh, it's a pity that after this year's competition, K1 will be disbanded."


Jiang Xiaobai listened quietly, then suddenly spoke.

"It's actually pretty good, isn't it?"

"As long as they can do their best, parting is nothing more than that."

"It's okay to say so, but I still have a bit of a grudge."

A female fan sighed.

Jiang Xiaobai understood her very well, because she was not reconciled at first.

She only started watching games this year. K1 has experienced too much along the way, which is her original intention for e-sports.

Such a team has given her too much touch and encouragement.

However, there is no way to solve the problem of K1.

There seems to be nothing fans can do but regret.

"Teams like K1... may never exist in the future."

Jiang Xiaobai took a slight breath to get these complicated thoughts out of his mind.

Anyway, enjoy watching the game.

The fans on the bullet screen were obviously more impatient.

"Open the door, damn it, the fighting fish is gone?"

"Come on, come on, come on, brother Guang will kill me hard today!"

"LPL's last hope, my hope!"

"K1 Go Go Go Go!"

Even the anti-bar, which has always been a villain, is also a source of encouragement and encouragement today.

"K1 kill me hard!"

"If there is an LPL team that can win the championship, I can only think of K1!"

"Come on, K1, don't leave any regrets!"

As for those black fans?

Don't dare to stand up.

Today's bar main obstacle kills the Quartet, as long as there is one, it will be ten times.

Backstage, K1 and ROX players had already met.

Xu Ruoguang's eyes and smeb's were separated immediately, and he didn't pay too much attention.

But smeb was a little upset.

What's the matter with his ignoring attitude?

In Smeb's eyes, Xu Ruoguang has always been his most important opponent, from S5 to now, it has always been like this.

He thought that he should also be Xu Ruoguang's more important opponent, but he didn't expect Xu Ruoguang to say nothing at all.

The eyes of the two teams passed each other subtly, and parted.

Standing on the stage, Xu Ruoguang looked up at the pre-match promotional video that had already started playing in the center of the field, with a calm expression.

Brother Guang was so calm, and the emotions of Scout and Ah Shui also calmed down.

This is the core of the example.

In the chaotic streets of New York, ROX's assistant Gerila was the first to appear in the camera.

He raised his eyes to look at the flowing crowd, and the off-screen interview sounded.

"There is no doubt that K1 is strong. MSI defeated SKT and they are the opponents we must face if we want to go to the finals."

"But no matter how strong we are, we still have reasons to go to the final."

"If ROX does not win the championship this year, it will only meet the fate of disbanding."

"We want to break it."

The barrage looked at the translation, and the audience who did not pay attention to the LCK was surprised, what happened?

Why is ROX also disbanded?

Brother Youda began to explain:

"Because ROX's capital chain is also broken, if it can't win the championship, there may be no sponsorship, and the final result is dispersion."

But it's not like that.

From God's perspective, the answer to this question is already obvious.

Because ROX didn't completely disappear until after the 2018 Spring Split.

ROX has money, but not enough to pay the salary of ROX's five-man team in 2016 is the most important thing.

According to smeb Song Kyung-ho after he retired, the reason for the disbandment was vulgar.

"Actually, when the five of us got together, it was because we liked the ROX team, not because of financial reasons. But after playing like this for two years, everyone felt that we still had to make some money."

"This is a problem that each of our players has to face, so in the end we made a joint decision to part ways."

"You ask me what will happen if we play together for another year? I think they should play well, and they may still become a strong contender for the world championship."

Money is a bastard, if you don't have it, you can earn it again.

But the treatment of Korean players is far from as high as that of LPL.

ROX players have been able to persevere. They have been playing for two full years, and they are still persevering even though the club has no money.

It's just that after two years, they still had no choice but to surrender to reality.

How long is a professional gamer's career?

Ordinary professional players who have been less than a year old are so cruel.

If you play badly, go straight to the bench and play in the secondary league for a lifetime.

Excellent professional players are a little bit longer, but they can only last five or six years. After five or six years, every year after five or six years is the desire of professional players for the championship to support them.

Because no one is eighteen years old forever, but there are people who are eighteen years old forever.

You are 25 years old, can you still compete with 18-year-old players?

It's funny.

That's why there are so many people playing Dafei.

His remarks are indeed harsh, but the history books cannot cancel his achievements.

S3 made his debut and won three championships, and S12 can still enter the World Championship.

This achievement definitely shows that his career is successful enough.

Da Fei is no good, but the champion is still a real deal.

Back to the topic, ROX players are also very clear that their professional career is at most six or seven years.

So wasting two years, but the last fight was broken, and it is normal to disband.

Because they can no longer waste time.

"Another K1?"

"Don't be embarrassing, K1 has to disband after winning the championship."

"What if there is a big boss who can afford it?"

"Is it funny? Brother Guang alone can afford to buy two bottom teams."

On the screen, it has switched to Aya Hirano.

Aya Hirano stood on the overpass, holding on to the escalator.

In the voiceover, he said calmly,

"We also entered the World Championship once, and that time we were also the No. 1 seed, but we ended up in the top 16."

"I used to think that my career would probably go downhill from now on, and finally I quietly announced my retirement one afternoon."

"Thank you Brother Guang, thank him for saving me."

"It's also because of Brother Guang. This time, I must win."

"Because I want to be worthy of him."

Backstage, Xu Ruoguang looked at Aya Hirano beside him in surprise.

"I didn't expect that."

"Brother Guang, just tell the truth."

Aya Hirano smiled.

"Okay, thank you for your compliment, now I have to give C."

Xu Ruoguang chuckled and rubbed his wrist.

The camera has cut to pary.

Mouse King, pary.

He leans on the iconic statue of New York and looks squarely into the camera.

"Many people think my mouse is strong, but the skin is imp."

"I will engrave the mouse with my own logo and get back my lost glory."

Ah Shui appeared.

He gestured to the screen with a big smile.

"The final is where I am going, no matter how strong the opponent is, I will win."

"If ROX is the one standing in the way, I'll let them know who's going to be the hero in the end."

Ah Shui in the backstage had already begun to swear, "I really didn't think about the second grade, that director asked me to say that!"

Xu Ruoguang nodded noncommittally, who knows?

Although the director will put forward some opinions, but the contestants are not actors, whether to listen or not is another matter.

According to Xu Ruoguang's understanding of Ah Shui, he is indeed very secondary sometimes.

Damn, Hanbok ID Youcheng 10th generation, you still say you are not a second child?

The old days are crazy.

Next, it is naturally the mid laners on both sides.

Kuro, Han Hu.

Also a solid mid laner.

However, the style of play is stable, and the trash talk session cannot be stable.

"Whether today's opponent is Godv or Scout, it is not a problem for me. I will let them know who is qualified to go to the end."

"A former SKT substitute mid laner, a top 16 mid laner in the World Championship."

"They're trying to beat me? Huh?"

The scout's return fire was very brief.

"I don't know how a mid laner who has no such player in the LCK has such a good air."

The meaning is very simple, without teammates, you are nothing.

Aren't you just a jerk?

Hey, what's the fuss about?

Godv's flirting skills are also good.

"No matter who it is, it won't beat you."

Xu Ruoguang from the backstage commented sharply, "It's pulled, the aggressiveness needs to be improved, and the quality needs to be reduced."

Godv scratched his head, "Isn't that cruel enough?"

"You should imagine your opponent's reverse Q taunting you, Viagra."

Ah Shui made a suggestion, and godv squinted at him.

"How do I feel that you are mocking me now?"

Although it has been so long, Wei Shen has hardly been affected by the reverse Q.

But this didn't stop him from suspecting that Ah Shui was implicating him.

Ah Shui looked upright, "How is that possible? I have always been Wei."


"Isn't it?"

"Hehe, it still exposed that you are a Wei Hei, trying to hack your Viagra in different ways."

Godv sneered, he didn't believe it.

Return i Wei, almost got it.

Next, it's time for ROX's jungle crash performance.

As a player who replaced the original Peanut, he performed very well in the summer split.

The two are very similar in style.

"If you asked me who Peanut was a year ago, I might not know, but now, I can at least remember his name."

"Although I can't survive in the LCK, I can still make a name for myself in the LPL."

"Of course, it's definitely not comparable to me."

Crash is crazy, which is also the general opinion of LCK audiences.

Peanut is fierce?

It's just that he hasn't met a really powerful LCK jungler.

It turns out that Peanut is unknown in the LCK, doesn't that mean he can't keep up with the strength of the LCK?

Now it's just a rookie going to a rookie competition area, and then it's set off by those better rookie LPL junglers.

Little Peanut still had a shy smile on his face.

"You play better than the LPL jungler."

Little Peanut is a person who cares about his feelings very much. Even though he has only played in LPL for a year, there are many LPL players who have a good relationship with him.

Now that he is fighting for the LPL, it is naturally impossible for Little Peanut to watch him humiliate his friends.

Little Peanut even planned to introduce his friends to the LCK audience after the World Championship.

The name is "Little Peanut and His Friends".

Then introduce them one by one.

Cheese Minkai.

Cheese casserole.

Brother Cheese.

"Brother Guang, don't you think it's cool? I think it's so cool, it fits my imagination of friends."

"Shut up, Peanut."

Xu Ruoguang helped his forehead helplessly.

Little Peanut is occasionally funny.

In the end, it was naturally the top laners on both sides.

Smeb took the lead.

"Emperor, some people say that he is the top five top laners in Korea. I admit that I have never won against him in the past, but it is definitely not today."

"In LPL, his strength has regressed, and his dominance is no longer what it used to be."

"Beating the current him is too easy."

The camera cuts to Xu Ruoguang,

"I don't know where Smeb's confidence comes from. Maybe it's because he hasn't been beaten for too long."

"It's okay, I will let him recall the past."

Simple and clear, as always Xu Ruoguang style.

I'm in love with the barrage, Brother Guang's flirtatious talk is always okay.

"He's so crazy, I like it so much."

"Wu~ This is Brother Guang!"

"Damn it, all iguang gather for me!"

"Brother Guang, slap me hard in the face!"

"Bright light light light light light light!"

The promotional video is over, and it's time for the protagonist to play.

Tonight, who is the protagonist?

Xu Ruoguang's eyes were light, he shook off the dust that didn't exist on his jacket, and was the first to walk onto the stage.

Suddenly, crazy cheers sounded.

The spotlight came over, and under the white light, the young man was like jade.

At this moment, the world focuses on him!

[The character Jiang Xiaobai in this chapter is the second leader Jiang Baibai cameo, not the heroine]

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