What is a hexagon jungler?

Chapter 764 764: An escape route never imagined

The moment the first blood prompt resounded through the canyon, Wenhe Stadium was filled with cheers from VG supporters!

"Brother Xing's gank is so deadly," Wawa marveled. "IG's bottom lane didn't even expect that Qian Jue would bypass the triangular grass and launch a surprise attack from behind!"

Strictly speaking, Ji Team didn't expect Qian Jue to have this assault route.

But he didn't expect Gu Xing's weird thinking.

You must know that from the beginning of the game, Qian Jue has always shown the enemy a stable and developed appearance: no invasion at the beginning, and then release the Double River Crab after 2 minutes...

It can be said that the word coward is engraved on the face!

IG members will naturally think that Qian Jue intends to make a smooth and safe transition to the jungle, and only then will King Ning formulate a jungle invasion plan.

Who would have thought that Gu Xing would play hard to get.

All the previous signs of weakness were false. After Qian Jue quickly reached level 3, he ran to the bottom lane to launch a surprise attack!

The mask of the kind-hearted sheep spirit was torn open, revealing the true face of the wolf spirit that is extremely ferocious!

For this reason, they even gave up three groups of camps in the entire Ueno area, which really caught IG off guard!

"Although VG handed over many skills, IG suffered heavy losses. Lin Weixiang still couldn't escape death after handing over double summons, and he also gave Brother Xing a passive mark!"

When Lin Weixiang died in battle, the 8 seconds of cooldown for Kind Jue to put on the mark had already passed. Kaisha's soul was absorbed into the longbow by the sheep spirit, which became a boost for her growth.

I remember exclaiming on the commentary table, "Everyone thought that Brother Xing had to wait for team battles to develop in the early stages of the game, but he just chose to go to the front... This time, the blood economy was obtained, which gave Qian Jue a lot of development. Not to mention that there are two groups of stone beetle and F6 camps in the lower jungle area of ​​IG that can be obtained. Strictly speaking, Brother Xing only lost the red BUFF by launching this gank, which is nothing compared to the gains!"

"And we need to pay attention to the situation of the bottom lane. After Lin Weixiang is killed, no one will help deal with the soldiers stuck in front of the next tower of VG. He will lose more than a wave and a half of his troops!" Miller added.

Jack in the soundproof room also knew the extent of Lin Weixiang's losses very well, and he suddenly smiled. While showing the VG team logo in the emoticon wheel to taunt his friends, he drove the bomb monster back to the line to develop.

Bomberman's butt twists and turns, and his walking posture is very magical.

"Oh yo yo, Kasha's death was so tragic," Yu Wenbo said happily, "It's hard for Big Eyebrow to handle this big beg!"

As a top user of bomb monsters, he has a clear understanding of the hero's strong period.

Bomberman's fight against Kai'Sa is only uncomfortable in the early stages. As long as you reach the level and equip it, you can just use Poke at will!

But now he can even take advantage of it in the early stage. When it develops later, Jack can't even imagine how sad the other person's life will be, for fear that he will laugh out loud.

"Rui Xing, you also said that my brothers have no way to follow their father. Look, Lao Gu is here!" Yu Wenbo did not forget to show off to his mid laner.

Kuro had no time to talk to him.

Just because Song Jinghao's cry for help came from the voice.

"Where are my teammates, where are my teammates, help me!"

Smeb is currently struggling in the top lane.

Gu Xing's unconventional arrest made him the outlet for Gao Zhenning's anger.

King Ning was furious when he saw that he was being played. He temporarily put down the enemy monsters and headed to the top lane, hoping to cooperate with TheShy to try to jump over the tower and kill Song Jinghao.

It just so happened that Jiang Chenglu pushed in a wave of artillery troops not long ago, so there was definitely an opportunity to jump over the tower!

That's why Smeb chose to ask his teammates for support.

As Galio, Li Ruixing would naturally not let the enemy launch an offensive against his teammates.

Seeing King Ning's Zhao Xin emerge from the grass behind the upper tower of VG, forming a flanking situation with Shen, he immediately used teleportation to reach the upper tower, intending to protect Song Jinghao!

The moment the teleportation light bloomed, there was a burst of excitement in the IG player bench.

"I can't stop him!" Song Yijin told the truth straightforwardly.

Akali has E Falcon Dance, which can be used before Galio teleports out of the middle, and then triggers the second stage of E to follow Colossus of Justice to the top lane.

But the speed is too slow.

Galio travels through space, and she still has to fly there.

By the time Akali lands, the tower-crossing battle might be over!

Gao Zhenning had no choice but to give up after hearing this.

The Colossus of Justice is full of control, and also has the magical skill of group taunting to prevent tower overruns. If IG Ueno insists on overrunning the tower, Galio will definitely keep them all under the tower!

His plan failed to be implemented successfully, and he was so angry that he couldn't help but spit out the fragrance, "Fuck..."

Half a minute ago, Gao Zhenning was full of confidence, thinking that he could ambush Gu Xing by invading the jungle.

As a result, in just 30 seconds, the situation in the canyon suddenly changed!

Now, instead, IG is stuck in a dilemma where the offensive rhythm has stagnated!

Because King Ning's tower-crossing attack aimed at the Sword Demon this time failed to really pull Galio to the top.

During the 5 seconds of TP guidance, Song Jinghao kept clearing out the minions, using Q [Darkborn Blade] to clear out as many soldier lines as possible.

Once the troop line is cleared, IG's tower-crossing offensive in the upper jungle cannot be organized!

Kuro saw that Song Jinghao could handle the minions under the tower by himself, so he canceled the teleport at the last moment and continued to stay in the middle lane.

This also means that IG cannot even mobilize VG troops to make the opponent lose troops!

How could Gao Zhenning not be angry?

Okay, okay, Gu Xing, you and I are here to play art of war, right?

He wasn't the only one complaining.

Lin Weixiang was also frustrated, "What are you going to do with the horse-riding brother? You don't have martial ethics, right? I've lost money on this army line!"

It doesn't matter if they die in battle, but the jungler is still in the upper half and cannot come to help deal with the army line.

Now watching Jack's bomber block the line and flash his dog tag to taunt him, for him, a shooter who values ​​the line of soldiers more than his life, it is more uncomfortable than being killed again!

"Calm down," Song Yijin told everyone to stay calm, "The game has just begun, where are we now?"

King Ning also forced himself to calm down his anger, tried to focus his energy on the field, and thought about how to fight back against VG next.

In his opinion, Gu Xingben's sudden arrest did not seem to be for the benefits presented on the surface.

The other party should want something else!

King Ning firmly believed in his judgment.

If you ask why, he can't explain.

It can only be put down to intuition.

Just like when they faced KT before, they realized the truth on the spot and figured out the true meaning of "line power serves the jungle". The IG team mainly focuses on talented monsters.

Gao Zhenning followed the logic and moved on.

So what is Gu Xing’s real intention?

King Ning scanned VG's camp in the upper and jungle areas, going through all the battles and tactical choices between the two sides since the start in his mind, and suddenly an idea came to him.


Gu Xing's move of letting go of the Double River Crab at the beginning once made Gao Zhenning think that Qianjue would have to wait until 5 minutes before he could compete for the first layer mark - after all, the wolf spirit would only mark the river crab when it was passive at layer 0, and this group of camps needed 3 minutes to reset.

But he didn't expect that Gu Xing would unexpectedly attack the bottom lane and steal a layer of marks from Lin Weixiang!

Prince Ning guessed that this was probably because Gu Xing wanted to find another way.

As long as the wolf spirit passively leaves the 0th floor, the hunting targets of the wolf spirit will be expanded from simple river crabs to marsh frogs, F6 and swift crabs!

Gu Xing no longer has to wait 5 minutes to compete with him for the mark, thereby speeding up his development!

Gao Zhenning suddenly realized.

So what will be Gu Xing's next goal?

A wild monster with the mark of a wolf spirit!

Now in the lower half of the area where Qian Jue is located, the only place that may have a mark is the IG Sharp Beak Camp!

"Go to F6!" Gao Zhenning thought about the answer and immediately marked the signal for his teammates to go. "Lin Weixiang, you go with the support. Rookie, remember to double-team when the time comes. Qian Jue may go to the middle to find Galio for help!"

Damei had nothing to do, and it was very uncomfortable for his troops to be stuck in the line. If he just walked back to the line to push troops, he might be visited again by Gu Xing.

Gao Zhenning's suggestion was very satisfactory to him, so he simply resurrected and moved directly to F6.

Liu Qingsong also reacted and controlled Leona to quickly leave the bottom lane and set off to arrest Gu Xing.

The game time came to 3 minutes and 07 seconds.

After a short rest, the wolf spirit started hunting again.

The target is IG’s sharp-beaked bird!

If things were normal, the audience and commentators would have to praise Gu Xing's luck for being able to get the wolf spirit to visit the only group of target wild monsters in the lower half.

But watching the event from a God's perspective, they were not happy.

The IG circle is forming!

The broiler stood in the middle to maintain the line, so as not to alert the enemy, while the duo came from two routes to double-team, vowing to kill Gu Xing who wanted to counterattack the sharp-beaked bird!

There are so many VG fans in Wenhe Arena that even if the volume of each person's exclamation is not loud, when they gather together it can become a raging wave!

"It's broken," Gu Pan said nervously, "Isn't Gu Yiquan dead?"

Shen Guanshan had a different understanding, "It's impossible... I don't even know how Qian Jue died!"

Gu Pan glanced at her friend in confusion, and it seemed to her that the lid of Qianjue's coffin was almost closed.

"Oh, there's nothing to talk about with someone like you who doesn't understand Qian Jue." Shen Guanshan crossed his arms and turned to look at the big screen.

All the noise in the audience has nothing to do with the players in the soundproof room.

Gu Xing was immersed in the intense competition. As soon as he started to summon the wolf spirit to shoot the sharp beak bird with flat A and Q, a sunshine girl emerged from the path connecting the IG red zone and Xiaolong Pit!

Leona blocked Gu Xing's retreat from the rear. Knowing that Gu Xing had handed over the Dance of Arrows, he quickly closed the distance, and the E [Zenith Blade] in his hand was ready to move!

Gu Xing was surprised at first when he saw Liu Qingsong coming around and double-teaming him.

After all, the wolf spirit mark had only been officially hung on the cricket's head for two or three seconds, so Liu Qingsong's arrival was a bit too fast.

Unless a bear comes early!

Before Gu Xing had time to think of an escape route, he saw Liu Qingsong swinging the Zenith Blade.

He wanted to twist his waist to dodge, but the six members of the Sharpbill family used the collision volume to trap Qian Jue!

The Zenith Blade successfully hit, leaving Kindred trapped in place and unable to move!

At this time, Lin Weixiang also emerged from the grass next to the Sharpbill camp. He followed up his basic attack with W [Void Search for Enemies] and hit Qian Jue, who was unable to move!

Then add another basic attack, detonating plasma to deal decent burst damage!

Icathia Heavy Rain was not used because there were too many Sharpbills around, and Lin Weixiang did not want to distract the output.

"Gu Gu, don't go to the middle." Seeing Gu Xing trapped in a tight siege, Kuro did not forget to remind him, "Akali is already here!"

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's just that he really has no choice.

Gu Xing is still some distance away from being able to use Dance of Arrows to jump to the wall near the middle, and Leona's ignition effect has been hung above his head. His blood volume is rapidly declining, and he wants to quickly get rid of those who haven't dodged. The IG duo must use Flash + Dance of Arrows together in order to immediately rush to the narrow path between the Sharp Beak Camp and the grass under the middle road!

But when the time comes, Qian Jue without the ability to move will be like a piece of mutton on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered!

At that time, Akali will use the slow speed of Q Hanying and then connect with E Falcon Dance, and a burst of skills will be unleashed, which is designed to instantly kill Kindred, who is already low on health!

Gu Xing also knew that he couldn't go to the middle road.

He was so anxious that he quickly escaped in the opposite direction.

First hand over punishment to kill the sharp-beaked bird with a low total health, restore a certain amount of health, and then use the dance of arrows that has just been transformed to jump down and get close to the wall of the red buff camp. , then handed over the flash and officially arrived in the red zone!

In this way, he handed over two stages of displacement and was still able to leave the IG duo far away!

Lin Weixiang was not going to let Gu Xing go. While going around the wall to pursue Qian Jue, he used the vision provided by the ignition to stay away from the sharp-beaked bird and at the same time shot an Icathian rainstorm at Gu Xing through the wall!

Raindrops poured down, and the full amount of damage was injected into the body of the sheep spirit!

But Gu Xing relied on the punishment just now to regain his health, and he still had nearly 200 health points at the moment!

Gu Xing ran wildly according to the improvised escape path, from the red area to the wall facing the red BUFF.

At this time, Kai'Sa also pursued. Although Lin Weixiang at level 2 does not have E [Extreme Overload] to increase movement speed and attack speed, it seems harmless.

Big Eyebrow made two consecutive basic attacks, still reducing Qian Jue's health to less than one bar!

But Gu Xing parted the clouds and saw the light.

The victory is already guaranteed!

When he clung to the thick wall in front of him, the dance of arrows that had just been cast in the wolf spirit's fanatic field around the Sharpbill camp had completely cooled down after just 4 seconds of CD!

Manipulating Qian Jue to release another dance of arrows...

The sheep spirit actually passed through the thick wall and reached the other end!

The displacement distance is outrageous!

Lin Weixiang raised his thick eyebrows and instinctively realized something was wrong.

There is a location deeper into the hinterland of the IG wild area, only a wall away from the narrow gate of the highlands!

And... there's also an exploding cone that spawns in just one and a half minutes!


Da Mei was extremely anxious and urged his teammates to help catch Gu Xing.

Liu Qingsong was also very anxious.

Just after Qian Jue moved to the red buff camp, he returned the same way, hoping to block the enemy's only way to Xiaolong Pit to prevent Qian Jue from escaping over the wall.

As a result, Gu Xing did not take the usual path and chose another retreat path that he had never imagined!

But where Liu Qingsong is currently, it would be extremely difficult to find Gu Xing and stop him from returning to the city in a short period of time!

Song Yijin, who was in the middle, was also confused.

He originally thought that he could pick up a dead head in vain by being stuck in this position. Now you tell me that Qian Jue went in the opposite direction to fight a way out of IG's house?

At this point, we can only rely on Lin Weixiang!

However, Da Mei had already surrendered all the skills in his body. Without flashing, he could hardly climb over the wall and arrest Gu Xing who was deep into his own jungle area in time with just one pair of legs!

Moreover, after Liu Qingsong’s ignition ended, he also lost Qian Jue’s specific location information!

Lin Weixiang felt a chill in his heart.

Millions of spectators at the scene and in major live broadcast rooms were excited, especially the dog boys, who wanted to open champagne and cheer for IG!

There was a 5-second delay between them and the live action on the field. Only now did they see Gu Xing approaching the thick wall facing the red buff camp, and they concluded that Qian Jue was doomed!

The baby's eyes widened at this, and he felt it was incredible. In his desperation, even his Mandarin became non-standard.

"Brother Li Zai Gan is a god and demon?"

"That's someone else's house!"

Miller was equally puzzled, "You can go down and jump over the wall to the stone beetle camp to delay some time. Why do you have to send it to Kaisha's face to be beaten... eh?!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Qian Jue's incredible Q over the wall!

"Ah this..." Miller couldn't believe his eyes, "Can you jump over this too?"

The sound in Wenhe Stadium soared to the sky!

The wave of shock and cheers spread to every corner of the venue in an instant!

After Qian Jue passed the wall, he moved his position slightly, clicked the fruit, and helped himself to cross another wall. He came to the position close to the narrow gate of IG Highland, and began to safely read the message back to the city!

The sheep spirit made a hunting gesture, stands suddenly erected all around, and countless spectators around it burst into deafening cheers...

The return action of the champion skin Kindred in the canyon is exactly the same as the reaction of the audience in Wenhe Stadium today!

"My old swan!" I remember shouting at the top of my voice with a big mouth, "You won't really let Brother Xing run back, will you?"

The IG duo in the distance are still chasing after them, but they are still far away from Gu Xing!

"It is impossible to pursue them," Miller made a loud judgment. "With the 8-second readout for the return to the city, IG's bot lane will not have enough time to come over!"

The director clearly understood the effects of the show, and despite the uproar from the audience, he zoomed in to give Qian Jue a close-up.

Let the world focus on her!

The masked sheep spirit suddenly jumped into the distance, as if frightened by the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, its body shrank into a ball.

The wolf spirit stood in front of her and roared ferociously towards the stands on all sides!

The sheep spirit, blessed with courage, stood up tremblingly, and shot an arrow with the colorful longbow in his hand, pointing directly at the Summoner's Trophy in the center of the stage!

The trophy fell from the high platform. The wolf spirit circled the venue and threatened the audience. Then it bit the trophy with a squeal and then pushed the sheep spirit's body hard, carrying the two of them up to the circular wormhole high in the sky.

Then a sheep and a wolf appeared in the spring, and the sheep spirit held the summoner's trophy in its arms affectionately and shook it.

"We won, as usual, dear hungry wolf..." The sheep spirit murmured softly.

The wolf spirit let out a howl of contentment, and together with the cheers of the 50,000 spectators at the scene, it shot straight into the sky of Incheon!

Shen Guanshan looked at Yang Ling and couldn't stop laughing, while Gu Pan on the side had a face full of shock, and the hand holding the potato chips froze in mid-air.

Could it be that you had seen this route a long time ago?

Qian Jue’s terminally ill sister is well-deserved!

"He actually ran away!!" Watana let out an angry voice, "Brother Xing not only saved his own life, he also used punishment to remove the second layer of marks!"

"This rebellion can be called a desperate act," I remember with a cheerful face, "but as the saying goes, wealth can only be found in danger!"

Miller was heartbroken, "After this wave of encirclement and suppression, Lin Weixiang is really at a loss. His bottom lane forward push lane is still stuck in front of the tower by Jack. Kai'Sa currently only has 15 CS, and her development is terrible!"

Although it is a civil war in the LPL, the commentary will inevitably have a bias, but the civil war is not as obvious as the foreign war.

They all hope that VG can win the championship.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than VG's countless hard-fought victories in off-field battles in the past two years, which made the commentators feel proud and emotional at major world events. Of course it will inevitably tilt over.

What's more, these accomplished players are facing an unprecedented three consecutive championships. Needless to say, they are of great value to the LPL division!

This is true for all LPL casters, let alone casters in other regions.

These people recognize strong players. They used to be fans of Faker, but now they are fans of Gu Xing.

As for IG…

Strong returns to strength, but except for Rookie, the others don't have much fame at all internationally!

The English stream commentator Drakos bluntly expressed his inner love for Gu Xing.

"OMG, Virtue was able to escape this way? It's unbelievable!" He spoke very fast and did not hesitate to praise him, "I thought Kindred would try to take the stone beetle's way!"

Partner Vedius was convinced, "I think so too... That road can help Qian Jue temporarily escape the enemy's pursuit. Of course, it is impossible to return to the city safely, but delaying it for a while is not a problem."

"But Virtue is a genius, he actually dares to go deeper into the IG jungle!"

"Also, can Kindred's designer come out and explain why Kindred can pass through such a thick wall?" Vedius's body language was quite exaggerated, and he danced and gestured wildly.

"This is unscientific!"

Drakos was happy, "What impressed me the most was LWX's reaction. Kaisha was only one step away from seeing Kindred returning to the city, but only a small amount of time...the two of them passed each other. And pass!”

As he spoke, he made gestures with his hands that were suspected of insulting men from the cold country. Fortunately, the director did not show the commentary box, otherwise his Twitter would have been washed away tonight.

"But luckily I didn't see it," Drakos grinned to the edge of his face, "I saw Virtue flashed a Teemo thumbs up emoji before returning to the city. If LWX really saw Kindred but could only watch him leave, I guess My mentality is going to explode!”

In the Mouse Channel live broadcast room, millions of viewers gathered here. After watching the whole process of Gu Xing's escape, they couldn't help but talk freely in the chat channel.

In addition to some funny expressions and exclamation words, there are also many words of praise.

[Virtue, the God of League of Legends! 】

[He could come up with such a weird escape route in such a short period of time? How did Virtue's brain grow? 】

[Qian Jue really let him have fun, this escape route is too sexy]

[I got two layers of marks in less than 4 minutes. I don’t know how Qian Jue is going to lose! 】

[Come on and smash IG, so G2 can win the third place! 】

【? ? ? 】

[The relationship is very simple, VG3:1G2, IG3:1KT. As long as VG can beat IG, it proves that G2\u003eKT! 】

[Then I am a die-hard VG fan! Virtue, come on, rush and you're done! 】

Lin Weixiang looked at the empty grass and snorted impatiently from his nose.

Is there any heavenly principle?

League of Legends Designer!

How can Qian Jue be so nimble and nimble?

Lin Weixiang's brows were full of annoyance, but he had no other choice but to return to the bottom lane and try to push off the line of troops.

"Wu Cao, this B can really run..." Broiler couldn't help but cursed in Tibetan words, which was completely opposite to the previous expression that told his teammates to stay calm.

Prince Ning had been watching this wave of encirclement and suppression during the counterattack. He was shocked in his heart, but he could only take on the responsibility of comforting his teammates.

"It's not bad. We're not particularly at a loss. At least my jungle area was defended."

In this way, Gu Xing's previous idea of ​​using a red BUFF camp in exchange for killing Lin Weixiang in the bottom lane came to nothing.

Gao Zhenning counterattacked VG's red zone, and then used punishment to wipe out the enemy sharp-beaked birds. Only then did he eat and drink enough to read the article and return to the city to buy equipment.

But soon, IG faced Gu Xing’s revenge.

In the middle, Song Yijin cleans up the line of soldiers as always. The difference from before is that his line pushing efficiency is much improved now, and Q Hanying keeps licking the health of the minions.

Rookie has saved enough gold coins and wants to return to the city to replenish equipment.

Since he did not carry teleportation but ignition, Song Yijin, who wanted to lose as few troops as possible, had to completely push the troops out, so that the loss back to the city would be minimized.

However, two steps beyond the center line, he saw Qian Jue charging out of the grass above!

Song Yijin didn't take it seriously.

Although I haven't reached level 6, I still have Flash + W and E Falcon Dance. Why can you two kill me?

He handed over the last cold shadow to eat the minions in the back row, turned on the smoke bomb and escaped into the invisible state.

But Galio suddenly gathered his wings, obviously reading W [Duran Shield]!

Song Yijin was stunned for a moment at first.

By the time Akali was hot, Galio's trend had long passed, and he had been reduced to a sewer in the summer's battle for lane dominance, so that he had never played this matchup seriously and did not know the details of the enemy.

Before he could react, Galio cast Durand Shield, causing Akali in the smoke bomb to be ridiculed!

The Stray Thorn was out of control and launched a basic attack at Galio!

Song Yijin took a breath of cold air.

He finally understood the reason why VG let Akali choose Galio.

Taunting can break smoke bombs!

Akali is not invisible during normal attacks, so she is forced to reveal her position!

Galio passively hit hard, followed by E and stepped back with a righteous punch, followed by the control chain and knocked Akali away!

The ensuing war Gangfeng even reduced Akali's blood volume, which had been consumed by him during his backline, to less than 40%!

Qian Jue jumps up and plays E [Fear], supplementing the Challenge Punishment and starting A three rings!

Akali's health bar is shortening rapidly!

Broiler was panicked. After landing, he quickly dodged and caught E Falcon Dance, trying to use double displacement to escape the enemy's pursuit.

However, he was in the state of being close to Galio before and did not completely move away from his position.

Gu Xing continued to pursue, and after the Q [Dance of Arrows] cooled down, he handed it over again, and directly rushed into one of the enemy towers, vowing to kill Akali!

The two arrows ignited the fear, and the killing damage left Rookie with only a trace of blood left.

The challenge that followed soon after punished real damage, which cleared Akali's health bar!

The operation of the thick wall opposite Kindred's red BUFF is in the Easter egg chapter.

PS: There will be updates in the next few days.

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