Welfare Officer

Chapter 38 The Heart of Seeking Tao

Kill the enemy on the battlefield, obtain military exploits, and fight for your life. Those who can survive can accumulate quickly and be promoted quickly. I'm afraid you don't like fighting and killing, and you don't have the courage. Besides, you are the only one like you. Gao, if you want to go, they won't ask you to go.

However, if you don't go to the battlefield and just want to enter those secret realms and obtain the source from them, then you can't just enter the secret realms if you want, and you may not necessarily be able to obtain resources if you go in.

Even if it's just a bubble world, not even the Small Thousand Worlds, it can be absorbed by the Great Nine Continents, but it can't be digested for a long time, and it can still maintain its own certain rules. It's basically a world bubble at the level of blessed land, and the more powerful ones are even Dongtian. level……

Only this kind of thing requires human intervention and breaking from the inside.

But these secret realms are often dangerous and unpredictable. Even the great gods who opened up the kingdom of gods in the Yangshen series have fallen into them.

Even if there are occasionally spiritual realms, most of them will be torn apart by the Jiuzhou barrier when they fall into the Great Nine Continents. Some will be turned into fragments and scattered, forming various small secret realms. Finally, they will gradually dissipate and be completely assimilated. .

The Lord of the Earth talks about the merits of the three talents of heaven, earth and man from the Shinto system, and talks about the merits of the three talents to the world system.

The food in his belly had been emptied out, and Huang Tian was like a sponge absorbing water, trying to squeeze out every last drop.

Although it is just some common sense, it is very important to Huang Tian. For this reason, Huang Tian can even construct a relatively complete world view.

The composition of the worldview is very important to the gods, because the worldview also represents the understanding, understanding, and even authority of the great ways of heaven and earth. This is also the starting point for the future Yang Shen realm and the construction of the Kingdom of God.

What's more, knowing that there is such a vast universe and a huge power system also gave Huang Tian a greater thirst for knowledge. The thirst for knowledge about exploring the world is the so-called heart of seeking Tao, or Tao heart for short. .

In the future, there will be more hearing the Tao, discussing the Tao, proving the Tao, obtaining the Tao, and complying with the Tao. Many changes are caused by the heart of seeking the Tao.

After waiting for the initial structure of the world view and the desire to seek Tao to sprout, Huang Tian began to take the Earth Spirit Pill and refine it in the Earth Temple to increase his strength.

The first time he was reborn, the second time he was familiar with it, and he was much more proficient in refining the earth spirit elixir the second time than before.

A large amount of Kun Yuan Qi was filled. After the earth's divinity was swallowed by Huang Tian, ​​it began to feedback and comprehend. However, these law insights were not enough to split its own divinity again. It only caused the new fourth divinity to grow slightly. origin.

After refining, Huang Tian took the opportunity to refine the inspection order.

After refining, his strength directly expanded to the wandering god realm.

Moreover, Huang Tian also had an extra piece of clothing worn by a servant, which had a certain protective power. However, Huang Tian's body was only about five inches tall and looked like a figure.

Then came the refining of the Ghost Kao Stick, which also became smaller directly. This thing was completely inferior to the three-stranded Ruyi Fork given by Lord Tutu. That small fork was a Shinto magic weapon after all. This thing was just a Ghost Tao magic weapon, and it was still in batches. The kind produced.

And there is also a spell in it, which is stick drink.

Stick shouting is a Buddhist term. It is usually used by Zen sects to receive beginners and give them a head-on blow with a stick or a loud shout, causing them to see the sun from the clouds and suddenly realize... It is a way to fight against the enemy.

However, the name here is borrowed from Shinto, but it is actually a literal meaning. Borrowing the power of the ghost stick to give the enemy a head-on blow will most likely make them stunned and dizzy. If there are other enemies present, it can also cause Shocked.

Therefore, it has a certain effect on people with unstable minds or demons, let alone directly on ghosts.

But Huang Tian didn't know exactly how powerful it was and how long it could keep people stunned.

However, as a patrol official, patrolling at night is to prevent evil spirits from breaking through the village's barrier and causing harm.

At that time, we can naturally test the power of this ghost stick.

Although the patrolman was not an ordinary person and was just a servant, this decree of destiny contained divine power at the level of a wandering god, and it also brought some strength, giving Huang Tian some initial ability to protect himself.

But in fact, the most important thing is the official skin, which is a symbol of one's legitimacy. He can blatantly start planning his own Shinto future without fear of being regarded as a prostitute and a wild god, and suppressed by the liquidation.

After Huang Tian refined a few things, it was already dark, just in time to take up his initial duties.

Okay, hurry up and take office. Land Master urged: Now is not the day when you used to do whatever you wanted.

Huang Tian naturally knew that in the first few days after taking office, Yeyoushen would patrol the roads with his Yin soldiers, inspecting each village and each town to see if the newly appointed inspectors were on duty, and do a check-in, similar to clocking in.

But just in the past few days, after getting familiar with it, Yeyoushen will not come to patrol often. He will only ask the patrol officials to do their own things and cooperate with the land of each village.

If something does happen, the responsibility belongs to the person. Therefore, as a patrol inspection, you can fish, but you cannot be discovered or caught, let alone big problems.

It was Huang Tian's first day at work, so he naturally wanted to make a good impression, so he nodded: Okay, I'll go to that, godfather.

Huang Tian left the Tutu Temple and began to inspect.

However, because Huang Tian is usually not here at night, he has never seen the specific night view of Qingxuan Village clearly. During the inspection at this time, he had a chance to get a better understanding.

It's a pity that a patrol inspector is not equipped with the kind of cloud that can lift one's head three feet high.

Although it was somewhat buoyant, it looked like a ghost could float in the wind, but Huang Tian was an earth spirit, and his feet were off the ground, so his IQ would not occupy the high ground again.

The inspection at this time was actually patrolling outside the village. Naturally, I found something different.

It turned out that the entire Qingxuan Village was shrouded in a light red cover, and this seemed to be a barrier.

This barrier seems to be only useful against external ghosts, and has little effect on monsters.

The red light is Yang Qi, and strong Yang Qi is like a huge flame in the eyes of ghosts.

After Huang Tian's research, he also discovered the principle behind it. It was a Yangzhai Feng Shui array.

The core of this array is the social altar in the center of the village. In the social altar, there is a primitive fire pit, in which the flame does not go out all year round. For some unknown reason, if you put a match in, Can burn all day long.

This is used to worship the God of Society and the God of Ji, and it is also the source of the yang energy that this formation protects the entire village.

Then there are the ancestral halls, the Earth Temple, and the Qingxuan Pond, each serving as a node to support each other.

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