Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 253: Two Times ①

Trouble is, he got mistaken for a lodging tree or something. There was a bird in my arm, and I started rowing my boat in disdain.

No way. This happens to me, and I'm impressed.

I don't know if the birds don't have enough wild taste, because I seem to sleep, or if it's both.

But at times like this, it must be your sexuality as a person who can't move. Make it a cat. Make it a dog, I'm tempted to wake you up from this one.

As I stand still, I begin to feel like I'm blending into the scenery. Only the foot of the bird holding on is left as a sensation, and the ear can hear the sound of a string from nowhere.

Does the moist tone intend to wrap everyone's mind in peace? Or maybe this is how he wanted to quietly welcome the opening of the celebration.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the time when you start to feel the wind at night. If you look at it, the stars blink directly above you, and the air you inhale is somewhere clear. Yeah, like, I totally enjoyed the fun of the fantasy world.

Another good voice that sounds eventually.

The streets along the lake line up with lanterns, where people cross. It was a rare sight for me, something that I somehow enjoyed.

Yes, when I first walked in this hall, I never dreamed it would be this view.

I remember being drawn from Shirley, who called me Reaper, and telling me that it was my favorite place for her, dark or lonely.

If you think about it carefully, it's only about six months since then, so I'm impressed that it's something that's changed a lot.

"No, from the changes we've made so far, maybe Shirley, my husband, wanted it."

Yes, I'll take one.

Just a few more thoughts, being an apprentice to God could have been influenced by the changes in this land as well.

Though they were mixed speculation and had no basis whatsoever, I also had a feeling they were going to hit me somehow.

And when I was thinking about that half asleep, a plate appeared in front of me.

Is this Iso grilled? The mixture of soot and white smoke smells of salt, and the large open shellfish shows the contents. Moving his gaze a little further to the side, there was Marie the half fairy elf tribe, who recommended the chopsticks yes please...... I noticed the little bird's forebearer on the phone.

I blink my pungent, light-purple eyes, and then for some reason I laugh in a way that says, "Sounds like you."

"Hey, that looks delicious. Everything I've been thinking about is going to disappear beautifully."

"Oh, I wonder what you were thinking. It was too blurry to even show signs. If it wasn't for me, I would have missed it."

Don't exaggerate like that, I laugh too. But sitting next to the stump, she said, "You don't believe me, do you?" and he shows his smiley face.

The little butt that was hit with the possum felt just a little cute.

"Please stay still. Yes, uh."

I guess it's a consideration that doesn't wake little birds. Quiet enough to remember the tickle, he talks to me like that. The pleasure of a burning sea sandwiched in chopsticks was sucked into my mouth with my pan.

Aroma of Iso through the nose, and plenty of flavor. It is an ingredient that has long been used as a stock. I'm sure it would be delicious just to bake.

When fever is given, the body tightens up and further strengthens its taste. After spreading the shellfish, the seasoning to be added to it is only a little better. I'll see why soon enough.

As soon as the stock is added, it starts to boil and the aroma of Iso can stand around puffy. This should be all I can do anymore.

Seafood has a strong flavour. When the heat is applied, it tightens and adds more flavor. Add butter or salt if you prefer, and eat puffy of baking as much as you are giving smoke. This is the best.

Because a liquid full of stock flows through your mouth thickly, and if you chew it, it will overflow the taste of the Iso. The point is to give it a little sweetness as an aftertaste?

"Mmm, yummy. Now it would be nice to have alcohol."

"Pfft, you can't. Enjoy waking up from your dreams."

Maybe Marie baked this. He looked so happy that he seemed so happy that he had a more angelic grin on him.

Marie's fantastic air in the dark doesn't change that much. That's bright skin and jewel-like eyes, white hair like tampon cotton hair sure makes you think so.

I noticed her gaze, and when I looked at the other side, the little bird was stretching asleep. You look at little birds who are tired or don't even fly while they're stuck, laughing at each other in a crunch.

"So when the hell are you going to realize that you're sleeping better than usual? If we don't start getting ready, maybe we'll be late for work?

It's probably around 7: 00 now as a physical time.

Usually it's time to head straight to bed and wake up in real life Japan. But sometimes, if you can have such a good time, I think you'll be forgiven for sleeping.

"Rather than that, I took the day off tomorrow. I left it stockpiled, and HR advised me to get it. So sometimes I think we should just relax. What do you think?

When I told her so, the girl's eyes turned round.

She also knows well about the system of rest. Let's hide something, because I was getting Mariabelle the same day I invited her to Japan.

Yeah and the girl leaks her voice low and gives her the look of an idea somehow.

"Oh, does that mean there's only two of us?

Marie asks, looking around for some reason. Of course, nobody's listening, and if there is, it's about this little bird.

"Hmm? Yeah, you will. I might not have had that chance when I thought about it. This is how I've always been busy, and maybe I've been with someone most of the time, including Uridora the Black Cat"

Yeah, and the girl leaks her voice the same way again. The sound sounded more exciting than I could tell earlier, and it seemed to improve Marie's mood again.

When I pinch the other shellfish with chopsticks, they carry it to my mouth like a reward. It's like being fed by an elf tribe, but I don't care because it's delicious.

"In that case, how is it normal to spend time? Look, we're dating, right?

"Hmm, that's a pretty hard question. Look, we're welcoming each other's first lovers. It's the first time we've made it, so why don't we discuss it together?"

The girl nodded.

It looks a lot more fun than it was earlier and it's a bouncing trick. So much so that I worry that if I disappoint you with this, it will be a big deal.

"Then let's hurry before someone finds us. Uridora is the most desirable. He jumps right at something that looks interesting. Like a black cat."

Marie floats her hips off the stump as she shows her fingertip nails all the time.

I laughed at you not to exaggerate... but I remember everything that's happened, and it's possible. I catch my mouth.

Well, it's time for you, bird of the day guest, to get back to your proper lodgings, too. I think you're lucky you didn't have to wake me up because of my skills.

The little bird, who lost so much and opened his eyes, noticed that it was a branch of a tree there, tilting his little neck strangely.

It's protected from the wind by thick leaves, and I'm sure you'll sleep comfortably until morning. Besides, near the branches, it's all over the place, even breadcrumbs.

I felt like I had gained something, and then the little bird decided to close her eyes all of a sudden when she was stretched out again.

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