Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 249: Celebrating the Fantasy World •

Zarish Engel wakes up.

Blurred view of the curtains gleaming white, then gaze around.

The room looked like a corner room, with lots of sunshine coming down the window. Even though glass is an expensive product, it is also strange that it is used very naturally and as a matter of course.

All furniture with a calm tone has a good hobby and looks sun-dyed and warm. Seeing somewhere with a delicate design, it was probably the woman who decided to place it.

Using a lot of time and refocusing his eyes, he makes a slightly dumb voice.

"... what?

He lost too much blood and blinded himself, but immediately stood up with the futon out of his way. Not only was it a stranger's house, but there was a curious sight beyond that window.

Walk barefoot through the well polished flooring, then touch the windowsill.

I hear this place was upstairs. Outside the window was a coniferous forest that pounded heaven. It also had a vibrant color to wake up to and was amazing to him for a long time living in a desert land.

Press to slightly open the window glass.

From that gap, a dark green scent arrived.

It's like the breath of life is standing in, etc., Zarish thinks.

The flowers that adorn all over the trail, and the flying birds, shine as they have benefited from it.

Often he was overwhelmed by the natural sights that spread to the unnatural.

"Is this paradise (Eden), or...?

I can't help but whine.

Anyway, I feel healed just by breathing. Oxygen passes to the body's mistletoe and becomes clearer to the thought.

There are also sores of ginger wounds, but I don't care as much as I do now. I can't help but worry about this incredible place more than that. Where the hell am I?

Second, I notice Lizardman walking up the trail.

It was a woman with cat-like ears who followed her with a light foothold. I accidentally said, "Casse?" and leaked it because it was very similar to the one who had once been enslaved to Zarish.

But it also became questionable because I had never seen such a bright look.


I was knocked on the door where I was wondering.

Did they think I was still asleep when I opened it without waiting for a reply? No, I saw their faces, and I was convinced they weren't.

Night-colored eyes and hair once plotted desperately to enslave themselves...

Lord Uridora.

"Um, I think I woke up. Maybe it's better to say both physically and mentally to see that face."

I didn't quite understand the meaning of the word, but she laughs with a lot of garlic confidence. Then he spreads his left hand finger.

At the base of the four sneaky fingers was a nostalgic object. It was a ring that I once took from a dark elf and had in my hands. Watching it shine golden in the sun, Zarish slightly distorted his face.

"Let me give you some advice. It's a curse. Better get your hands off me quickly."

"That's not a word I could say because it hurt my eyes. But I think it's good luck for you to be left with just one."

That's what they said, and I accidentally touched a single ring on my pharmacopoeia finger.

I wanted to ask what it meant, but my eyes prompted me to sit down but good and sit down in a wooden chair.

Uridra, dressed in a black dress, also slowly lowers her hips to the front. The assembled thighs were wrapped in an unfamiliar thin fabric, slightly clearing the complexion.

"Hmm, the ring was originally given to me by Dark Elf's daughter. But you abused it for domination. Just like me."

That's what I'm saying, I'm waving it flickering. I don't know what the word means, but I can see traces of hands on a former ring.

To be vigilant, he narrowed the eyes of those still left behind.

"Wait, you're telling me that the ring doesn't have one effect?

"You didn't seem to notice with your greedy eyes. This was originally just a curse. That's not a big deal. My daughter, who fell in love, wants me to turn to a nice man. It's just a product born with all my heart."

Zarish was pompous about the word. Then my cheeks get hot. I haven't seen a woman in my brain in months since the day I confessed my sins. But it seemed more and more overflowing with thoughts from her.

"Yeah, well, it's a cute piece that wants such a face. I think it's a little embarrassing to pass on my thoughts. That's why I said," Good luck. "

He clutches his finger accidentally and takes a deep breath trying to calm down.

I'm not used to this kind of place. Healthy skin that burns well in the day, and my heart rings loud when I remember a smile as bright as the sun. I'm sure he had a look he didn't really want people to see.

"~ ~ ~! So, what kind of person did someone like you want to turn around? That's interesting."

From what I saw, the four rings seemed to activate just one person against the other. He is understandable if he was a former user. If you do that, they'll finally just stand there.

But Uridora smiles in a good mood and laughs.

"If only he were a man in line. I suppose I'll see him again soon. But before you do, there's something you have to do. He must be punished for his treachery and treachery."

"Let's take as much of that as we want. But still, the royals are not convinced. I gave him the duty to fight demons until his life was over."

That said, it shows the leather wrapped around her neck to show off to her. This is a fairly old sorcery used, sensing pressure just by touching my fingers. If you don't suck the life force that knocked down the demon, it's a mechanism that ruptures both the owner and the owner.

But Uridora still laughs the same kind as she did earlier.

"Then there is no easier place to live than this land. There are countless demons in the lower tier. Well, that's all I have to say. If the injury is healed, we should thank the healer now."

Zarish, told by tricks to get out of the room, finally realizes it. From the window I just opened, to the fact that a light investigation was sounding.

It combines percussion and string, and I can tell that you must be happy with your victory the other day.

"Get out of here," he grins again, and he has no choice but to stand up. I always thought that I was the one who wanted to be my husband, but I think it was too much of a bad bet.

I realized my stupidity again, and then when I took my jacket, I left the room behind.

The leftover Uridora grins with a grin.

Then I uttered a pleasant voice, "Well, let's get started," but that didn't reach anyone's ear.

When I went outside, I was amazed by this strange space.

Earlier they said "hierarchy below" and I didn't know what it meant. But they didn't realize it was in the ancient labyrinth because it was incredible.

Clouds flowing through the sky and the sun, at first glance, seem real but not so. I didn't know the principles, the theory, everything, but it's there, so I can't help it.

The trail is decorated with flowers, and crouching smells of nostalgic dirt. It's humid and somewhere limp.

I don't recall seeing such a green spreading sight since I tried to escape from my native country, if I think about it.

I wonder how far the outer circumference extends. I don't know if I can call it a ceiling anymore even though there are no pillars, but I'm amazed at how it doesn't collapse.

When I finally get to the edge, my previous memories also come back.

But when he realized something, he stopped. There is a mural painted in ancient times, which finally reminds me of distant and faded memories.

"No way here...... come on, you gotta be kidding me. You're telling me it's a second tier?

But the only reply is the voice of the little birds. I don't even look at the head wearing zareesh or anything else, but fly away for the newly made fruit.

Little birds are smart because they're small, and they tell their people, "There's a feeding ground." But Zarish had no companions, and no one to tell him the answer again.

Slowly recall the memory of the time.

Was it about six months ago? In the former Second Hierarchy Hall, darkness spread, full of the stench of death, and ruled by those called Reapers. I remember the man was tied to the labyrinth and he was making a sound like he was on and crying.

"No, I've remembered. This is the place. It's just where I overlooked the Death Duel with the boys. No, but that's a lot different."

Leaks such a grumpy voice.

The sight is not the only thing that has changed. I also lost everything again, and it was a complete departure from scratch. I am no longer even forgetting the title "Brave Candidate" etc.

Exhale one, then walk out again. As Uridora said, we must thank those who healed us.

The thick trees of the trunk await as they point their feet in the direction of the music being heard. I look up to see how old the tree is, and I say, "No, it's only six months."

Who created this view?

And what happened to the reaper once?

Normally, you would have fought that boy and decayed him, but it's not refreshing in that end anyway. After death or extinction, I walk worried that it will turn into such a sight, etc.

I rested for a long time and exercised just fine for my lost body.

The road is bumpy, but the scenery keeps changing. Grass trees stretch out into exile, and in well-maintained areas, the foot of the grove is lawned.

If you think you've been surrounded by white flowers, there's a field, and you have a strange view of Lizardman and the others working for you.

And even through the woods, there's a lake on one side of sight... which I can no longer speak of.

If you think the water has rippled fine, the wind arrives and strokes your cheeks. I was relieved because of the view I hadn't seen much of.

- Isn't this really paradise (Eden)?

No, there was something in the book I read when I was a kid that wrote about this kind of land. It's just an old story, different from academic books, etc.

What was written there is an ancient (if not ancient) story of a land loved by God somewhere and prosperous with great blessings.

"Could that have been the beginning of the appearance of God..."

Start reading out passages in your book so that you can carry a string of memories. That's the story my mother read me when I fell asleep. I'm not here anymore. Everything but him, who lives as an abandoned prince, was breathless.

"When God descended into the world, he first fixed the earth. Blessed and created the activity of life…"

The sun rises, and when I look up, I see the birds flying to the other shore. There were many who found themselves enjoying alcohol and meals.

Walk slowly while watching with some dazzling thoughts.

"Blessings were also given to people, and thus the end of the night came for the first time..."

As she shrugged, there was a woman with stiffness.

I guess you thought even rabbits popped up. She opened her eyes in blue sky and was surprised that she had done so, dropping the firewood in her hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What I did was out of my mind."

The strange woman wore herself in a white piece, a wind that didn't really care about dirt or anything. I hand him firewood one at a time in that hand, and he holds most of the rest.

"As an apology for surprise, I'll carry this."

When she blinks with her pussy and big eyes, she moves her lips "thank you". So I finally understood that he was a silent person.

But no matter how peaceful the forest is, it would be dangerous for a woman to walk alone. If you look at it, there's a white lizard on his shoulder, and he's tilting his little neck all the time.

"Ha ha, was that your escort? Then you're reliable. Where are we gonna carry this? Yeah, I was just on my way to the square."

Nodding at her pointing, she lays down and walks out.

The more windy and comfortable this place was just walking was strange.

After a while I hear a laugh like Dark Elf's daughter and Zarish laughs softly. I've been with her for a long time now, and it brings back memories of making me cry so hard, such as when I first met her.

So many things have happened since that day that we shall meet again?

There was another thing I remembered.

That's the phrase "I'm going to have to be punished" thrown earlier by a woman who is Uridora.

Take as much punishment as you want.

Yes, he grinned again, and he kept walking.

No one knows what punishment it is.

But it will probably be a punishment that goes well beyond his expectations.

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