Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Going out with Shirley ②

I feel that the atmosphere is different.

The first person sitting in the passenger seat of the car is not Mr. Elf...... but Shirley with honey-colored hair, from whom she asks, "What is it?" The eyes pointed at are blue sky, not purple crystal (amethyst) color.

I'm sorry, it's nothing. I just thought the air was different from usual.

Now plug in the key wondering what the difference is. When I turn my gaze, will her eyes look this way to greet me and show me the grin that made me blush?

Or maybe if I stare at you for a while, you'll shake your body with a cane and show me how to wait for my words.

I feel like some familiar little bird-like woman.

There are signs that you might even allow me to stroke your brightly colored hair, and I guess in that sense the distance is somewhere close.

The glossy lips seem to have been lightly makeup by the Magic Dragon just now. I felt like my slightly knitted hair and neat eyebrows like dolls were different from her I usually see somewhere.

"Well, you're not tall enough. I'm lower in the dream world, and I'm not even floating because I'm alive right now. So I guess I feel like I'm younger."

Yes. When I give my answer, Shirley still tips his neck strangely.

The blue sky eyes look over his head to think for a while, then blink like a point of convergence.

I didn't know how you understood, but the woman in the back seat told me why.

"There's no way I can forget. When I first saw Kitase over here, I fell in love with her. Whimpering, that Kazhiho looks like an adult! I guess I thought it was stupid, etc."

To that word, step aside! and Shirley's body rocks.

As for the expression, "Shit!," and lips repeat the opening and closing when they are puffed up so that no excuses emerge.

What a hasty former hierarchical master who twirls his expression. But just looking at the trick, somehow this one feels delightful. I'm sure the Magic Dragon also makes that interesting and deliberately makes tea.

But seeing this one, were you surprised?

Hmm, apparently I'm being seen more or less as an adult.

But if you represent it by age, you can't compare it to Shirley, and Uridora in the back seat is old - rude to say - a big senior in life.

And, peeking over the back mirror, she was dropping her eyes in the novel in glasses. Apparently, he started having a reading hobby about things since he went to the library.

She herself, I don't think she's old enough to keep living from ancient times.

From his obsidian smudged eyes, he glanced up.

"I know you've forgotten, but you're way younger than Mariabelle."

"also, of course I remember...... sometimes I forget"

I lose to my still suspicious eyes and accidentally leak the truth.

I can't wait for this story to stop! engine all the time and play the music CD that was left in.

Tempo music, chic female vocals, and clouds of sheep swarmed in the blue sky.

If it was such a holiday-like air, nature and conversation would flow - and so on - and the car slowly set off from the parking lot, laughing happily from the two of them.

No, it's tough being younger. I'll never get through it.

As Shirley slightly opens the window, a pleasant autumnal breeze pours in. Apparently I'm getting used to buttoning as well.

Would the sweet fragrance that pours in be a kinmoxey to enjoy just this time of year? I smell you with a well-shaped nose, and follow the flowers or the blue sky eyes flow backwards.

"It's Kinmoxey now. Shirley seems to like the plants of this world."

When she talks that way, she moves her lips and repeats the word "kinmoxey".

He apparently remembers his interest in seeing blinking eyes. Then I need to pull my hand off as an adult and satisfy your curiosity. Well, at this point, let's forget about your real age.

"Those are the most iconic flowers of autumn, and they're counted among Japan's three biggest incense trees. It smells so good, but I can only enjoy it for a week."

So you're very lucky.

Don't put it into words. Tell him that with a grin, and the Shirley's surroundings will shine.

Speaking of which, I didn't know one thing about the rarity of being a goddess candidate. But just to see how things are going, you're a little convinced. Thanks. I feel like I can even clean up the ambient air.

Well, I guess I don't get it. There's a future goddess sitting in the passenger seat.

I stopped by the convenience store earlier, and each of them holds a drink.

Shaking her hair in the wind, Shirley was enjoying the rustic banana milk flavor.

"How about after I was born? Is it different than usual to taste it with your tongue?

I ask with a little curiosity, my big eyes turn this way and snort.

Apparently that was a big change for her. I know that because I saw a way to spread my hands and tell them enthusiastically.

Speaking of which, were you enjoying yourself in the yakitori shop the other day with such a happy face that you were about to ascend? Of course, I don't have the experience to haunt you, but I can't make you understand.

Ulidra, who apparently enjoyed relaxing mode at some point, appreciates a cushion on her back and monopolizes the back seat with her long legs.

I'll have her pick out Mr. Elf's birthday present today, too, so let's not worry about choosing a slightly more expensive Uji Matcha latte.

Her lips open as she turns the pages of the book.

"Look, I used to possess your body. It would be great to enjoy the taste directly with that tongue, not indirectly. Perhaps much more than that, there's something I'm enjoying with my life."

Shirley, who was sent such a meaningful stream, looked over her head for a while and worried, then said, "Ah! face." And Uridora crushed like a chase to the appearance of blushing her cheeks.

"Look, there it is. When I hugged him from my back. I won't miss the fact that I turned bright red and shy and nibbled after that. Bruised bruises, really bruised -"

Whoa, whoa. Her expression completely turned to screaming stuff.

Even if I reach out and stop, but I get caught up in my seat belt properly...... it looks kind of hard since I was born. If I wasn't driving, I could help the goddess. No, can't we just save it from the Epic Magic Dragon?

That night, though, I wouldn't pinch her mouth much, even for me, who felt her own temperature and swelling. I can't see Shirley trying to get this look.

Instead, let's say we come up with a different topic as a help boat.

"Speaking of which, is it possession? Can't you do that anymore?

"Hmm, I don't know what to do. That's what Shirley wanted, even though he got his life. You can't be a spiritual body without training, but if you want to be one, you can."

Hmm, so it depends on Shirley's mood?

The Magic Dragon once said long ago that "Shirley is a whimsical being". But as far as I'm concerned, I feel like an adorable woman, and I didn't think it was very whimsical.

But if you can choose between living or spiritual bodies depending on your mood, you can also snort at Uridora's assessment.

And, you're finally back in peace, and next to you, I saw you taking a deep breath with Suhar. Those blue sky eyes are pointing this way. But I wonder why you have a slightly anxious look.

I've spent so much time with you, and I've found out more or less about Shirley. I can't tell you that in words. I mean, it's easy to hide emotions. Like he was wearing that mask decorated with a sickle.

I remember a long time ago, I was left alone, and I thought I was lonely. Then it showed me calm as the same party and as I spent time as a traveling companion.

So although it's not an earlier help boat, this one feels right and wants to help you. Not the goddess, but herself.

He pulled over with a red light and spoke in a voice that was as secure as possible.

"In both looks, I think Shirley is adorable. Whether it's haunting or looking like people. So you just stay where you want to be."

When I tell her so, one thing she blinks. If you look nearby, it's still a big eye, and the color is still that of the blue sky. The gradient is beautiful.

Maybe she had a preconceived notion that haunting was something scary, something horrible. Long ago, I guess it was seen that way by the people around me.

That's why she was afraid.

If you become a spiritual body, you will be distanced.

Of course we laugh with our noses at such preconceptions. If you want to pay for her anxiety, shrug your shoulders so you can get out of the way and tell her this.

"It may be a shame for Shirley, but there's no one at our party who's scared of haunts. On the contrary, I lost my curiosity and at the end of the day I said I wanted to play with you. I'm worried I'll get a shoulder watermark as a leader."

"Therefore, I was truly frightened in Grimland. Shirley, if you come next to me, I'll show you a special photo of that time. Embrace Dark Elf's daughter and have a nice screaming look."

Our grin, cloudy, might have overflowed with tea. Pure goddess is such a good duck, and not a single one.

Pfft! and we laugh delightfully again at the way it blows up, holding our stomachs down bitterly.

Besides, today is quite a season and a holiday I don't love.

A gorgeous shopping mall awaits you at the end of the road depicting a sleek curve. There's also a water bus from Tokyo Bay there, and I'm sure you'll have some fun soon.

What an uneasy look you just gave me to show you the adorable gutsy pose.

Yeah, I thought I'd get a selection of a lot of presents at that rate, etc.

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